3 minute read
and Dean of Students
Dear Members of the Class of 2021:
You have thrived in one of the most difficult senior years I have seen in my time in higher education. You have been resilient and as I said you have thrived. You didn’t let this pandemic stop your education. And for those of you unable to be on campus in person, you also told the pandemic that it would not stop you and your education. You took classes in the middle of the night and kept up with the community by attending on-line events. I am so proud of all of you. Resiliency is the word that describes for me your class. It was awe inspiring to watch you work through all of this – to test weekly, to go into quarantine when needed, to wear masks in and out of class, to stay in small groups, and to keep student events going virtually. You embedded the real meaning of community at Bryant.
That experience and approach are gifts you will have in the rest of your lives and the gift you have given all of us who remain on campus for the next students to come. You are resilient, strong, and innovative and as the class of 2021 will always be known for those qualities. I hope for you, that you take those qualities and build and discover a life of hope without fear; of love; and of grace.
I also want to take this opportunity to personally thank the class of 2021. During some long COVID days and nights, your encouragement and support for me and the entire Student Affairs team has meant everything to us. You encouraged us not to give up with your spirit of continuation no matter the obstacles. It is an honor to watch you graduate.
When life has hard moments as it is currently displaying and will as you go forward, remember the resiliency, strength, and innovation you displayed and let that give you hope.
Congratulations Bryant Class of 2021. I will remember you always for helping us all get through this very challenging year. You did it!!!! Always hold on to that and be proud!!! Sincerely, Inge
Dr. Inge-Lise Ameer Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students

On behalf of the Office of the Provost and the Academic Affairs division, congratulations to the Class of 2021! What a year you have shared and it is truly wonderful to be together today in person to celebrate your success.
You have successfully completed a rigorous program of study. It has been a pleasure to watch you mature professionally and personally and develop over the past four years. The Class of 2021 is an exceptional class, the epitome of “grit”, and one that has enjoyed tremendous academic success.
During your time matriculating at Bryant, you experienced a campus life that inspires personal growth in a culture that excites intellectual curiosity and embraces academic excellence. You are now Bryant ambassadors in the communities where you live and work and are ideal representatives of our university’s commitment to academic quality. You are unique, professional, collaborative thinkers impacting the world in ways unimaginable. Never settle for mediocrity; continue to embrace greatness. I wish you all much happiness and success in your future endeavors!
Go Books. Go Bulldogs.
Glenn M. Sulmasy Provost and Chief Academic Officer