Volume 3 Summer 2009
Volume 2 Summer 2009
Notes, Reflections, Pictures from Past and Present By Bryn Jones
- incidentally the Cyrillic alphabet was invented in with writing, specifically the 10th Century AD by with illustrated writing like order of the Bulgarian the monks of old used to King at the time in order to do to doll up the religious make the Bible available to tracts that they had to copy his people. The Bible in per hand before Gutenberg ‘Old Bulgarian’ laid the came along. Or maybe to foundation for the modern give the illiterate peasants cyrillic alphabet used in some idea of what the Bulgaria, Russia and so on. religious writings were all BJ Sofia, Bulgaria about. Whatever, this Summer 2009 volume has to do with my attempts to develop a somewhat modern form of illustrated manuscript writing, using Cyrillic texts
This time it all has do
BJBJVolume 3
Dedicated to my wife Jana Marinova who introduced me to the Bulgarian Treasures.
BJBJVolume 3
Библията Православен
Еклесиаст 3:1 to 3:8 ______________________
The Bible King James Version
Ecclesiastes The Book of Ecclesiastesor, the Preacher Verses 3:1 to 3:8 ___________________________
Die Bibel Lutherbibel 1912
Der Prediger Salomo Kapitel 3, Vers 3,1 - 3,8
BJBJVolume 3 3:1 Всичко си има време, време има за всяка работа под небето: 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven: 3,1 Ein jegliches hat seine Zeit, und alles Vornehem unter dem Himmel hat seine Stunde
BJBJVolume 3 3:2 време да се родиш, и време да умреш; време да садиш, и време да скубеш насаденото 3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3,2 Geboren werden und sterben, pflanzen und ausrotten, was gepflanzt ist,
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BJBJVolume 3 3:3 време да убиваш, и време да лекуваш; време да събаряш, и време да съграждаш;
3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 3,3 würgen und heilen, brechen und bauen,
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BJBJVolume 3 3:4 време да плачеш, и време да се смееш; време да тъгуваш, и време да играеш; 3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 3,4 weinen und lachen, klagen und tanzen,
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BJBJVolume 3 3:5 време да разхвърляш камъни, и време да събираш камъни; време да прегръщаш и време да избягваш прегръдки; 3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 3,5 Stein zerstreuen und Steine sammeln, herzen und ferne sein von Herzen,
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BJBJVolume 3 3:6 време да търсиш, и време да губиш; време да къташ, и време да пилееш; 3:6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 3,6 suchen und verlieren, behalten und wegwerfen,
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BJBJVolume 3 3:7 време да раздираш, и време да съшиваш; време да мълчиш, и време да говориш; 3:7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 3,7 zerreißen und zunähen, schweigen und reden,
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BJBJVolume 3 3:8 време да обичаш, и време да мразиш; време за война, и време за мир. 3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. 3,8 Streit und Friede hat seine Zeit.
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