BMPC Annual Report 2010

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O ur Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name... 2010 annual report BRYN MAWR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of BRYN MAWR , PENNSYLVANIA

Dear Members and Friends of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church,


ver the last 10 to 12 months we have been engaged in efforts to “get our house in order” at the church. These initiatives have included activities that you have participated in with enthusiasm, I have noted, such as a Congregational Survey, Listening Groups, gatherings of current leaders in the congregation, a Service of Reconciliation and Healing, and a “Town Hall Meeting.”

“Over the last 10 to 12 months we have been engaged in efforts to ‘get our house in order’ at the church.” We also have been active within the office and the boards and committees, sorting through administrative procedures and governance issues. We have begun conversations among the Session, Trustees, Foundation and Deacons with the goal of clarifying the function of each board within the life of the congregation. These are governance issues that some of you are familiar with in other organizations. Clarity is needed if the organization - in our case, the church - is to function efficiently and with an eye to streamlining. It is neither easy nor painless to do this in a large and multi-layered organization like BMPC. But I want to report to you that we have made great strides along this path.


A few of the highlights along our way during these past 12 months include careful monitoring of our expenses and the elimination of a large budget deficit by the end of 2010. We have further streamlined professional and support staff which is cost-effective but nevertheless painful. We have created multiple Task Forces and Action Groups and new Committees while eliminating others. These groups concern themselves with such diverse areas as financial projections and strategies, implementing the suggestions that have come out of the recent Self-Study project, program dreams, and even the election of a Pastor Nominating Committee.

dedicated members and staff.” And that, dear hearts, is as fine a beginning point as you will find for defining the church of Jesus Christ. We are a collection of dedicated disciples with one objective: the proclamation of the love of God for the world through Jesus Christ. It takes many people and many gifts and tremendous effort and long days to make that possible. We are, after all, just “agents of reconciliation,” God’s reconciliation with the world. But what a joy it is to be in this effort with all of you! Thank you for past productive months and the promise of many more to come.

Sincerely, I realize that all of this administrative James L. Carter, review and reform hasn’t a lot to do with Interim Pastor worship and music and preaching and pastoral care and Christian education for children and adults, but it is part of the background structure that makes all of that, and more, possible. This has really been, in a word, a watershed year for us at BMPC. It has been a wonderful 17 months for me and my family. We have never been associated with a congregation of such talented members and staff nor one with such energy and vision for the tasks before it. As I look back over the last year I am amazed at how much we have accomplished together. I won’t take space to list those areas of our unified life that have been affected by the efforts of your leaders, but it includes nearly all of them.


As you read the Annual Report prior to the Congregational Meeting in early May, you will have before you an outline of the mission and its impact on lives of members and friends of BMPC. People say to me, “There surely is a lot going on in and beyond that church! How do you ever keep up with it?” The answer is, “Only with a lot of help from

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2010 - A Year of Discernment Listening, Learning, Envisioning

MPC undertook a Self-Study project this year to reflect on our past, consider our present, and direct our future as a congregation. Coordinated by a Listening Self-Study Team of church members and guided by the Alban Institute’s Senior Consultant Susan Beaumont, we worked together to discern answers to three fundamental questions:

Who are we? (congregational identity) Who is our neighbor? (our context) What is God calling us to do or become? (our purpose) Our Self-Study included the following: • A congregational survey (Pastoral Search Inventory from the Hartford Institute) which was completed by 729 members (September, 2010). • “Listening Circles” which drew 335 participants who engaged in dialogue about characteristics of our past and hopes and dreams for our future (October, 2010). • Analysis of data and trends: membership, attendance, stewardship and giving, program participation, and budget/finances (November, 2010). • Analysis of relevant external demographics and interviews with community leaders (November, 2010). • Summarization of all collected material (November, 2010). • Leadership Retreat attended by 90+ church officers and members to review all collected material, identify core values and strengths to preserve, and develop strategic priorities (December 3-4, 2010). The conclusions drawn from the Self-Study were summarized in a Self-Study Report and submitted to Session for approval. (As of this 1 writing in early 2011, the Self-Study report and supporting materials have been submitted to Presbytery and approved by the Committee on Ministry as the first step toward forming a Pastor Nominating Committee and beginning a search for a new Pastor/Head of Staff.)

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Captions: 1) Leadership Retreat, Dec. 2010 2) Identifying our strengths at the Leadership Retreat. 3) Survey distribution 4) Susan Beaumont BMPC ANNUAL REPORT


2010 inReview

Our Homecoming Sunday on September 12 was a wonderful start of the new program year.

We worship ... we sing ... we study and learn ... we grow in faith ...

1) Our 2010-2011 Residents 2) Our 2009-2010 Residents

3) Rebecca Alleva


4) The Rev. Dr. Charles Grant

We welcomed to our staff two new residents - (1)Joanne Fong and Louisa Watkins Umphres joined Elizabeth Lovell (on left), and said farewell to (2) Susan Sytsma Bratt and Graham Ford. (3) Rebecca Alleva became our Acting Youth Ministries Director. (4)The Rev. Dr. Charles Grant was installed as our Associate Pastor for Senior Adults and Pastoral Care. (5)The Rev. Joyce Krajian is now Director of the Middleton Center.

5) The Rev. Joyce Krajian

Who Are We?


rom the Self-Study, we learned that outreach and mission and the church’s music programs topped the list of BMPC essential Core Characteristics. Pastoral leadership, strong youth ministry, and congregational unity were mentioned most often as hopes and dreams for the future.

BMPC Core Values emerged from the collective discernment of more than 90 participants at the leadership retreat. These core values are unique, highly valued, deeply felt characteristics of this church that define the perspective we have on our faith, our church, and our purpose as a faith community. These core values are summarized as follows: • We strive to be faithful followers of Christ and grow spiritually by providing members with meaningful worship, educational, and service opportunities. • We give glory to God through inspirational worship offering carefully prepared and delivered sermons, music, liturgy and sacrament. • We foster loving, caring, and engaging relationships among members within the congregation. • We support and provide spiritually affirming and intellectually stimulating Christian education for people of all ages, especially children and youth. • We are committed to extending the love and care of Jesus Christ to local, regional, national, and international communities through financial support, service and prayers. • We welcome diverse individuals and diverse perspectives into our community of faith.

What Is God Calling Us To Do Or Become? In addition to our Core Values, we have identified three Strengths to Preserve. We see these as central to our BMPC heritage and important to develop and enhance in order to keep them vibrant into the future. • Worship Excellence: quality worship experience grounded in strong preaching and inspiring music. Worship is central to all that we do. • Education and Music: Christian education for children, youth, adults. Music training, musical contributions to worship, and sacred concerts. • Mission, Outreach, and Service to others: scope of mission is local, urban, regional, and international; provide financial resources, build empowering relationships, and serve others through hands-on involvement. Strategic Initiatives have been identified as those areas of ministry in which we need to invest or begin to develop for the next chapter of our church’s life. A vision of the church after working on each initiative is described below: • Spiritual Foundations: We envision a church whose members are more spiritually alive and informed, able to articulate and live by God’s abiding presence in their lives. • Organizational Fitness: We envision a church with effective congregational structures and processes, vibrant ministries, and synergy between mission and resources. • Depth to our Doing: We envision BMPC as a church that calls forth spiritual depth, engagement and participation from its members in its myriad activities and that provides fruitful opportunities for personal development, community and spiritual interaction. BMPC ANNUAL REPORT


2010 inReview

Financial challenges and the church’s corrective measures are reflected in the 2010 income statement, balance sheet, and report of assets of the BMPC Foundation: • BMPC ended 2010 with a modest surplus of $21,000 after covering the 2009 operating deficit of $197,000.


Legacy Builders Gifts to the Foundation

June Adelhelm

Mrs. George C. McFarland

• In 2010, 841 pledges were made in support of BMPC’s 2011 ministry. This represents a 2.3% increase from 2009. The average pledge of $2,681 was the same as last year. We achieved 98% of our stewardship goal and anticipate meeting 100% of our stewardship goal of $2.3 million by the conclusion of our current stewardship campaign.

James and Sally Affleck

Michael and Elizabeth Merin

Dr. Eugene Bay

Ada Mutch

Paul and Joan Bergsteinsson

Arthur and Nancy Rainey

Peter and Kelly Cordray

Scott and Barbara Renninger

• BMPC continued to make expense cuts in 2010. Dollars available from the annual operating budget for mission/outreach expenditures were reduced in 2010 to enable recovery of the 2009 deficit. Expense reductions also were achieved in personnel.

Eric and Lindsay Johnson

Estate of Ruth Anchors

Mrs. Richard W. Ledwith

Estate of LeRoy Lewis

Robert and Deborah Maggs

Orus and Suzanne Matthews Memorial Fund

• BMPC’s total giving to mission/outreach in 2010 was $1,047,000. This number reflects not only the mission/outreach financial support provided through the annual operating budget but also support provided from specific fundraising for hunger, the Alternative Gift Market, and gifts from restricted funds in the BMPC Foundation. • The cost of maintaining our buildings and campus continued to rise in 2010 and will pressure future budgets. • The BMPC Foundation provides essential income support to the operating budget as well as restricted support for designated programs and mission/outreach initiatives. Preservation of Foundation assets through growth and a financially sound withdrawal policy is a priority. Within the Foundation, new funds were established totaling $260,200 and gifts were made to existing funds totaling $90,000. • In response to financial challenges BMPC will strive to match operating expenses to revenues each year, increase stewardship income, and reduce dependence on BMPC Foundation income. Strengthening the balance sheet and the BMPC Foundation will ensure a stong legacy for generations to come.

membership records for 2010 Membership as of Dec. 31, 2009


Received by Certificate of Transfer


Received by Profession of Faith


Received by Reaffirmation of Faith




Removed from active roll Transferred to Other Churches

627 19

Active Membership as of Dec. 31, 2010 2,685


Adult Baptisms


Infant Baptisms




Ms. Susan E. Maxfield Kevin McDowell and Suzanne DuPlantis

Estate of Elizabeth Mershon LL Wilson Trust

George Conrad and Elizabeth McFarland

During 2010 contributions were made in memory of: Craig Alexander Ruth Anchors William and Ruth Berlinger Richard and Sarah Furniss Richard Knecht E. James Kohl Elizabeth Z. Lewis

James Paxton Roberts, Jr. Roger Rossi Rufus Rudisill Philip Selim Thomas Stewart Malin VanAntwerp Joyce Wallace

Updating BMPC’s Membership Rolls We experienced a significant gap in BMPC’s practice of “cleaning” the church rolls. Our Constitution (Book of Order) for the PC(USA) states that “The Session shall review the roll of members at least annually.” Taking time to “clean” the rolls is an important task for an interim period between senior pastors and allows us to reallocate financial resources as well as depict a true picture of the size and life of the church. Our Membership Director, Donna Barrickman, identified members who, for at least two years, have lived out of our area or at an unknown address and have not attended, participated or contributed to BMPC. Also identified were local members between the ages of 28-70 with no evidence of attendance, participation, or contribution for four consecutive years. Following staff and Session review of these names and a letter encouraging re-engagement, more than 500 individuals were changed from active to inactive membership status. Our goal is to encourage discipleship and active participation in church life so it is our hope to reconnect with those who no longer attend. Inactive members are always welcomed back, but if they do not return, they may be removed from the church rolls after a period of at least one year.

The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 2010 Official Boards paul bergsteinsson, clerk of session session class of 2011 Mary Bassett Judith Ehrman Dianne K. Giombetti William M. Hanna, Jr. Scott M. Jenkins Lindsay C. F. Johnson Marjorie Kennedy Oliver Lee (2010-2011 Youth) Nancy J. Page Courtenay Lynn Willcox (2010-2011 Youth) Thomas O. Willcox, Jr. session class of 2012 Stephen J. Bowen Carol Cobb-Nettleton Laura N. Getty Susan C. Gibbons Carol M. Haldy David L. Heaton Robert H. Holmes William G. Smith Suzanne VanderVeer


session class of 2013 Jennifer A. Bowers Susan J. Bravo David J. Callans Pamela Fernley Robert E. Guthrie Anita Iyengar Susan R. Joseph G. Robert Overhiser Klaus E. Volpert deacons class of 2011 Margaret Burton Patricia W. Cordray Lucinda M. Hamilton Andrew R. Helber (2010 – 2011 Youth) Edwin W. Kemmerer H. L. “Kep” Kephart E. Colby Madden Bruce E. McMurtrie, Sr. Elizabeth L. M. Miller Patricia P. Murphy Cynthia W. Pierce Cynthia Rugart Kathryn A. Steck (2010 – 2011 Youth) Catherine W. Whiteside

deacons class of 2012 James A. Bennett Rebecca F. Brinks Barbara Z. Bugbee Marlene Edmonds Janet M. Martin Jill M. Miller Peter R. Parkinson Donna G. Richards-Bank Brantly Rudisill Susan J. Ward Kathryn Wynn deacons class of 2013 Sharon J. Burgmayer Ann B. Capers James Carter Sara P. Griffin John R. Heard Drew P. Hoffner Jean S. Lehner Christian A. Libson William H. Matthai, Jr. Janet W. Ryan Gretchen F. Steck Pamela H. Walsh

trustees class of 2011 Anne A. Buchanan Linda S. Butz Barbara A. Carter Ronald I. Gregg Scott D. Renninger Donald W. Street trustees class of 2012 W. Bradley Baturka Keith A. Brinks Frederick B, Fletcher Kevin N. Roller William L. Thorkelson Nancy B. Wolcott trustees class of 2013 Thomas P. Gadsden L. George Henisee, Jr. Margaret T. Holdsworth John W. MacMurray John K. Schneider Jeffrey A. Snyder

n earth as it is in heaven.

2011 Church Officer Elections officers elected for a 1st term (at the january 30, 2011 congregational meeting) session class of 2014 Barry G. Bollinger John W. Frazier Casey Michaelis (2011-2012 Youth) Sandra “Lauren” Scutt (2011-2012 Youth) Steven J. Udicious deacons class of 2014 Darryl Brown Kirsten F. Engelman Linda B. Griska Karen R. Hires Mary M. Hodgkinson Elizabeth S. Lynch BMPC ANNUAL REPORT

deacons class of 2014 (cont.) Kay Miller Victoria Messerschmidt (2011-2012 Youth) Charles Mueller (2011-2012 Youth) Elaine Robertson Cynthia S. Stewart trustees class of 2014 H. William Bosch Scott L. Michaelis Carol M. Pyle Richard S. Ware

officer names to be placed in nomination for a 2nd term (at the annual meeting, may 1, 2011) session class of 2014 Mary Bassett William M. Hanna, Jr. Scott Jenkins Lindsay C. F. Johnson deacons class of 2014 Margaret Burton H. L. “Kep” Kephart E. Colby Madden Bruce E. McMurtrie, Sr. Cynthia W. Pierce

at-large members of the 2011-2013 nominating committee (elected at the january 30, 2011 congregational meeting) Valerie W. Craig Ann H. Fossum Bryan D. Hauptfuhrer * Nancy A. Hoerner Sheryl L. Parente * to be placed in nomination at the May 1 meeting

trustees class of 2014 Barbara A. Carter Ronald I. Gregg 6

2010 inReview 2




Captions: 1) Vacation Bible Camp in June 2) The Rev. Dr. James Carter teaches an Evening Lenten Series class. 3) Confirmands’ WHIF Expo 4) PW Coffee Cup Bible Study 5) Worship at 10:00 a.m. 6) Senior Adult Club Lunch 7) Weekly Wednesday Dinners 8) Children’s Moment with the Rev. Charles Grant during 10:00 a.m. worship. 9) Adult Education Class 10) Café in the Court at 11:00 a.m.

5 6


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Consolidated Statement of Church Revenues and Expenses and Change in Net Assets modifed cash basis

the financial statements have been excerpted from the audited report. a copy of the audited report is available to any member of the church upon request. 2010 actual income Pledges and Contributions $ 2,605,170 Distribution from Foundation $ 1,222,203 Youth, Plate Collection $ 19,131 Special Appeals $ 174,339 Temporarily Restricted Income $ 383,636 Tuition $ 192,462 Investment Income $ 817 Other Income $ 6,753 total income $ 4,604,511

2009 actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2008 actual

2,295,955 1,263,395 20,822 180,134 377,249 240,933 34,265 21,910 4,434,663

expenses Benevolences $ 880,480 $ 827,153 Councils and Committees $ 292,759 $ 214,270 Other Programs $ 482,207 $ 774,155 Personnel and Benefits $ 1,954,324 $ 2,383,984 Operations-Office and Maintenance $ 1,079,294 $ 954,296 Capitalized Items $ 0 total expenses $ 4,689,064 $ 5,153,858 changes in net assets $ -84,553 $ -719,195 total receipts and incomes 2010 $ $ $ $

2,605,170 1,222,203 193,470 383,636

57% 27% 4% 8%






4,604,511 100%

his day our daily bread,


2,535,880 1,211,262 46,360 180,336 612,981 253,597 72,144 23,801 4,936,361

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

943,546 270,816 884,921 2,459,362 1,042,184 -279,941 5,320,888 -384,527

expenses by program area 2010

Pledges and contributions Distribution from Foundation Benevolences and Plate Temporarily Restricted Investment, Tuitions and Other Income


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Worship, Pastoral Care and Mentoring Mission and Outreach New Members, Fund Raising and Communications Programs Administration and Maintenance total

$ $

797,141 609,578

17% 13%

$ $ $

609,578 1,172,266 1,500,501

13% 25% 32%

$ 4,689,064 100%

Church Balance Sheet (all funds) assets

december 31, 2010

december 31, 2009

Cash and Equivalents Notes Receivable Investments Real Estate, improvements and equipment Assets of Pooled Income Plans Notes Receivable-Church total assets

$ $ $

$ $ $

770,290 172,000 675,582

581,062 167,520 445,045

$ $ $ $

20,294,837 323,918 2,257 21,814,639

$ $ $ $

20,246,221 355,619 28,903 22,248,615

liabilities Accrued Expenses Deferred Tuition Custodial Funds Notes Payable-Foundation Discount for future interest-pooled income plans total liabilities

$ $ $ $

63,296 19,185 82,415 868,460

$ $ $ $

51,793 3,375 43,628 1,252,282

$ $

205,689 1,239,045

$ $

227,605 1,578,683

Fund Balances Temporarily Restricted Undesignated Total Fund Balances

$ $ $

1,064,352 19,511,242 20,575,594

$ $ $

1,425,954 19,243,978 20,669,932

total liabilities and fund balances






Worship and Music

1 3 2


7 6


Captions: 1) Missa Gaia (Earth Mass) Performance 2) Jeffrey Brillhart directs our Senior Choir. 3) Lifetime member of BMPC, Ada Mutch, is visited by Christmas carolers. 4) Fundraising for choir’s “Southern Tour” 5) Sandy Martin leads Carol Choir 6) Jeffrey Brillhart directs our summer volunteer choir. 7) West Philadelphia Childrens Choir 8) Saint Andrew Boy Choir




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BMPC Foundation

balance sheet ( december 31, 2010) many of the funds in the foundation are subject to restrictions by the donor, grantor or other outside party for specific operating expenses of the church. according to parente beard company llc, our auditors, these restrictions have been met in 2010.

assets ( market value )

fund balances

Income and Principal Cash


Net Payable from BMPC

$ 16,208

Fixed Income Securities: Intermediate Term Treasury Inflation Protected Notes - Market Rate Notes - Below Market Rate Total Fixed Income

$ 6,276,154 $ 2,698,778 $ 941,638 $ 655,000 $ 10,571,570

Equities: U.S. All Cap International Equity Fund Limited Partnership Total Equities

$ 13,015,684 $ 4,481,763 $ 10,197 $ 17,507,644

total assets

$ 28,438,117

Vanguard Funds

$ 38,341

total assets


$ 28,476,458

Cash: Income Cash Unrestricted Funds Permanent Endowment Birthday Fund

$ 16,208 $ 6,482,651 $ 1,124,129 $ 8,453

Memorials: Catherine C. Miller Fund $ 8,702 Debbie Craig Fund $ 121,401 Ethel B. Foerderer $ 7,282,919 Isabel Sherrerd Memorial $ 13,768 William Hamilton Miller $ 198,537 Elizabeth M. Bates Fund $ 16,175 Mission: Christian Mission Outreach $ 108,392 Elsie and Blair Daniels $ 251,242 Eugene C. Bay Fund $ 1,892,982 Richard Shaull Fund $ 1,119,319 Skip Hollingshead Fund $ 26,261 Catastrophic Relief Fund $ 12,034 Ruth Anchors Estate $ 274,884 Building: Ada Howard Donaghy Fund Building Endowment Fund Building Preservation Stained Glass Fund

$ 1,556,907 $ 270,965 $ 3,403,297 $ 238,730

Fine Arts: Chapel Organ Fund $ 33,407 Sherrerd/Fine Arts for Children and Youth $ 28,873 Ledwith Music Fund $ 71,203 McFarland Music Fund $ 328,322 Phoebe W. Haas Organ Trust $ 84,272 Senior Choir Fund $ 8,462 Silver Anniversary Fund $ 89,298 William Dick Music Fund $ 682,584 Fine Arts for Children and Youth $ 220,991 Youth: Lola M. Tryon Fund for Youth $ 24,578 Joseph and Ethel VanderVeer $ 30,537 Family Ministries: Middleton Church School Fund $ 56,199


Other: Middleton Pastoral Care/ Counseling Theologian-in-Residence Fund Whiteman Peacemaking Scholarship Camp Scholarship Fund Middleton Community Forum Stephen Ministry Fund Care of the Congregation

$ 10,652 $ 27,134 $ 177,115 $ 65,185 $ 76,587

total fund balances Pooled Income Fund total fund balances

$ 28,438,117 $ 38,341 $ 28,476,458

$ 1,936,815 $ 57,948


Volunteers and Outreach



A nd lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Captions:

1) Book sorting on a Day of Service 2) “Blitzes” produced more than 1400 casseroles to help feed the hungry 3) Baby Shower for Turning Points in West Philadelphia 4) Church school projects helped feed the hungry 5) Helping Hands on Sunday Mornings 6) Volunteers help with a church mailing 7) PW Christmas Angels’ gift project 8) “The Other Carpenter” home repairs on a Day of Service 9) Youth participated in the CROP Hunger Walk 10) A “Minister of First Impressions,” Ginny Smith, volunteering at our Receptionist Desk 11) Worldwide Ministries’ BorderLinks mission trip 12) PW supports Presbyterian Childrens Village












Those Who Pledged in 2010 Jill Acker Jane T. Acton Donna M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John H. Adee June L. Adelhelm Paula and Bill Adelhelm Dr. and Mrs. N. Scott Adzick Mr. and Mrs. James R. Affleck, Jr. Mrs. John H. Africa Ohenewaa Ahima Betty P. Alexander Leslie B. Alexander Susan Alexander Rebecca C. Alleva Richard and Suzanne Allman David W. Anderson and family Ellen Anderson Robert and Judith Anderson Mrs. Dorothea Andes Faith Ando Mrs. Philip M. Andress Doug and Lisa Anstadt Jean S. Marshall Arfield Bonnie Atwood Nancy Furniss Azzam Mr. and Mrs. L. Kent Babcock III Richard and Emily Babiash Ceda Jane Bacon Candace and Jonathan Balch John and Bobbie Ball Elinor and John Ball Richard C. Bannon Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Barber Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy W. Barclay Drs. James and Agnes Barksdale Frances F. Barnard Dave and Donna Barrickman Mary Lou Barry Searle J. Barry Todd Barton and Maryl Kreider Ann R. Baruch Charlotte Bassett Mary and Marshall Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bartlett Bastian William Bates, Jr. Joseph and Rebecca Battavio Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Battersby W. Bradley and Angela S. Baturka Gene and Jean Bay Thomas and Suzanne Beach Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Bechtle William and Marcia Beckwith Jim and Carolyn Beitmann Jeb and Ellen Bell James and Margo Bennett Bob and Carol Bergen Joan and Paul Bergsteinsson Richard and Mindyjane Berman Barbara Best Dwight and Barbara Beucler Jeannie and Tim Bickhart Gene and Joann Bissell Gwen Biswas William and Kimberly Black Don and Katherine Blenko Eve and John Bogle Edward and Kathy Bogosian Betty W. Bohlen

Dotti and Barry Bollinger Mary and Martin Bond Margaret M. Borkland Colby Madden and Bill Bosch Walter M. Bowen, Jr. Ruth Bowen Stephen and Marnie Bowen Mr. and Mrs. E. Stanley Bowers III Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bowers IV Marjorie L. Boyer Geoff and Barbara Braden Roy and Ruth Brader Robert and Christie Bradway Marion W. Brandon Dave and Susan Bravo Robert P. Breading Jo Harris Brenner Mildred A. Brill Jeffrey Brillhart Keith and Becky Brinks Dale and Renate Brookins Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Brown Janet W. Brown Patti Brown Cornelia Bryans Anne A. Buchanan Franzella W. Buchanan, Ed.D. Steven Buchanan William J. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. J. Mahlon Buck, Jr. James L. Bucklin Judy Buehler-Garber Mrs. Louis H. Buek, Jr. Barbara Bugbee James H. Burdick Patricia J. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. William Burgin Paul and Sharon Burgmayer Lucy B. Burns Michael and Margaret Burton McBee and Anne Butcher Lois and Erin Byrne Al and Martha Caesar Terry and Mark Cahill Barbara Reynolds Caldwell Bonnie Callahan Ian Callahan Linda and David Callans Frederick M. Campbell II Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Campbell John and Ann Capers Judith Cappello Alison Carabasi Mrs. Terry Carrigan Mary and David Carroll Jim and Marty Carter Mr. and Mrs. James Carter M. Carolyn Carter Anita L. Allen Sally Castle Anne Chamberlin Gene Chang Peter and Anna May Charrington Don and Kim Chase Alice Chase Randall and Mary Beth Cheloha Elizabeth Chesick

Kristin and Michael Chettle Fred and Emily Cieri DeAnn P. Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Clarke Barbara R. Cobb Bruce Cole Gail and Todd Colfelt Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Collings, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Combs Mary-Scott Comly Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradley Conger John T. and Marjory D. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Copeland Patricia W. Cordray Peter and Kelly Cordray Patricia Cosgrave Mrs. Audrey Cousart Jennifer C. Cox Ruth Miller Cox Valerie and Peter Craig Peter and Nancy D. Crawford John and Marlene Crosby C. Elizabeth Crown John and Steffie Crowther Pam and James Crutchfield Alice and Craig Cullen Karen and John Cunningham Winnifred Cutler and Thomas Quay Martha and Bill Cyphers Carol L. Dahl Michael and Jocelyn Dalkin Patricia M. Danzon Greg and Dulce Davis Virginia Davis Margaret Davis Mark and Susan Dawejko Webster Dawley Ms. Lee de Rham Eleanor Deaver John and Nancy Decker Scott and Marcy DelOrefice Ann W. Dennen Helen B. Dennis Anne C. Dillon Richard and Susan Dillon Skip and Beth Dittman Cynthia Doan Eleanor K. Doerr Edwin C. Donaghy, Jr. Barbara M. Donald Ms. Eleanor Carson Donato Elba Doorly Susanne Drescher Mr. H. Graham Dripps Kevin Duffy and Georgette McAuley Jennifer Dunigan Karen and Bruce Dunkman Betsy Dusak Jean L. Dykstra Thomas D. and Judith A. East Whitney and Christopher Ebmeyer Anne Peters Eckert Brian and Marlene Edmonds Jon and Ella Edwards Judith Ehrman Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ellis Mrs. Margaret Endriss Kirstin and Jeff Engelman

Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Erdman Mrs. Frances Etherington Herbert and Jeanette Evert Nancy and Roy Fairman Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter Fergusson Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Taylor Fernley Dave and Betty Fish Emily Fletcher Fred B. Fletcher Anne and Edward Flood Kay Ford Elizabeth Hardie Forrest Greg and Ann Fossum William K. Foster and Lisa C. Whitney Kathy and Mark Fox Mr. and Mrs. John W. Frazier IV Ellen and David Freeman Mary French Theodore Friend Martha S. Funk Thomas P. and Elizabeth S. Gadsden Karen Gagnier Jennifer and Adam Galaburda Emile H. and Janet B. Galib Sam and Grace Galib Claudia and Dan Gallagher Jacquelyn Gallagher Linda Gamble Geoffrey and Karen Gardner Chris and Leanne Gasink James H. Gately Adeline Gay George L. Gerton Doug and Laura Getty Kenneth L. Gibb Sue Gibbons Mrs. Mary Gibson Tom and Sophie Gibson Dianne and Carl Giombetti Barbara Gord James E. Gould and Page Talbott Susan W. Gove Bayard H. Graf Ruthann and Bayard Graf Mr. and Mrs. William A. Graham IV Phee and John Grandbois R. Charles and Ruth E. Grant Ann and Bill Gregg Peggy and Ron Gregg Sara Griffin Drs. Joel and Linda Griska Tod and Jeanne Guernsey Sarah and DuPont Guerry Robert and Laurene Gunther Robert E. and Jane D. Guthrie Frederick C. Haab Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haas John Otto and Janet Haas Joyce Hackman John and Anna Haeberlen Steve and Meg Haist Peter and Carol Haldy Richard and Lucinda Hamilton William M. and Joanne M. Hanna Elizabeth Hannan Louisa Hannay Elizabeth Harding Anne S. Harkins


Those Who Pledged in 2010 cont. Edna M. Harris M. Charlotte Harris Mr. and Mrs. William F. Harrity, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hart David and Christine Hartzell Molly and Frank Hartzell David C. Hastings Bryan Hauptfuhrer Barbara and Bob Hauptfuhrer Rev. Sherri Hausser Thomas D. Hays III Dianne and John Heard Barbara and David Heaton Mr. and Mrs. George Hebard, Sr. Ben and Nancy Heckscher Donna Heckscher William Heinsohn Evie Hekking George R. Henderson Hannah L. Henderson George and Christine Henisee Jane E. Henry J. Robert Herd Robert Herman Margaret Hermann and Matthew McGuirl Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hill Harry E. Hill IV Dr. Linda Himmelberger Cecilia Hinds Deborah and Jonathan Hirtle Martha M. Hitchins Nancy Ameen and Toby Hoden John H. Hodge Elizabeth W. Hodges Mary M. Hodgkinson Nancy A. Hoerner Daniel Hoffman Whitney and Ted Hoffman Bob and Jean Holdsworth Meg Holdsworth Margaret Holley and Peter Sparks George and Roberta Hollingshead Robert H. Holmes, M.D. Steve R. Holstad, Jr. Cynthia B. Holstad Marietta A. Homeier Mrs. Joan M. Honig Susan and Mote Howard Rob Howard John B. Huffaker Amy and Brad Hughart Ronald Hugo Dr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Huh Margaret E. Huish Mr. E. Rees Hunt Jean Hunt Audrey E. Ingram


Chung Wha Iyengar Averill R. Jarvis Marylyn and Larry Jeffers John and Grace Jenchura Mrs. R. Stuart Jenkins Yardly and Scott Jenkins Helen H. Jensen Roy A. Johanson Craig and Meg Johnson Elizabeth F. Johnson Eric and Lindsay Johnson Mimi Barclay Johnson Mrs. Nancy R. Johnson Heidi Hayes and Richard Johnson Denise Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Jones Susan Rittenhouse Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Kay Susan L. Kendall Marjorie Epps Kennedy Horace L. Kephart Susan Kersch John Kessock, Jr. Nabil Khouri and Nadine Champagne Richard and Alberta Kindt Ken and Elaine Kirby Mr. Jean Kirk Elizabeth Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kitchel III Carl and Shirley Kleckner Mary Jane Kleckner Gilbert W. Klein M. Suzanne Knecht Richard and Andrea Koban Payne Mildred G. Kossman Laurie and Ted Koziol Kathy and Jerry Kreider Robert L. Kress Michael Kullen and Kathleen Fisher Kristin and Andy Kuntz Dr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Kunz Eric Lacktman Bill and Suzanne Landen David and Deborah Lander Jan Lawrence Lange Lautenbach Family Alan and Nancy Lawley Mr. and Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine Bill and Jeanne LeBuhn Rick and Lisa Ledwith Mary Tryon Ledwith Patricia E. Lee William and Margaret Lee Jean Swihart Lehner Mr. and Mrs. Dana T. Lerch Blair and Linda LeRoy Jeff and Chris Libson

J. Thomas and Nancy Ligget Mrs. Betty Light John and Becky Lindeman Carol M. Littleton Ellen Lloyd Barbara Allyn Lockwood Thomas and Susan Lodge Susan Mease and Joe Long Marilyn Sutton Loos Jim and Carolyn Losty Elizabeth Lovell Anne and Richard Lucas Dr. and Mrs. Eric F. Luce Marion Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk Luntey Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Lusch David and Carol MacGregor Judy MacGregor R. Scott and Patricia Mackay Carol MacKenzie James and Clare Mackie Donna K. MacKinley Donald and Janet MacLaren Joy and John MacMurray Kathleen Rais MacMurray Len and Gail Magargee Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maggs, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Maidment Ms. Christina I. Maloney Virginia Wells Maloney Joyce and Fred Malott Holly Gobb Manuppelli Elizabeth Manus Christopher and Tracey Marino Bob and Janet Martin Bill Matthai Charlotte Matthai Mrs. Virginia Mattison Harold and Catherine Maude Catharine E. Maxey Susan E. Maxfield Rev. Robert McClellan John and Jane McCombs Doug and Dawn McCone Margot and Mike McConnel Stephen and Mary McConnell Gail McConnell Bill and Genevieve McCormack Marion McDonald Susan DuPlantis and Kevin McDowell Larry and Anne McDowell George C. McFarland, Jr. Mrs. George C. McFarland Dan M. and Elaine K. McGill John B. McGowan, Jr. Mrs. John B. McGowan, Sr Andrew and Lynn McGregor Sam and Margaret McKeel Mrs. Shirley McKenzie Susan and Frank Mechura Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Mecray III Mike and Betsy Merin Barbara and Bob Merin Shirley Hans Messina Lauren and Craig Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Michaelis Lani Midway

Walt and Sue Milbourne Carol S. Miller David Miller Elizabeth Kay Miller Elizabeth L.M. Miller John A. Miller Kay E. Miller Mrs. Gretchen L. Mitchell Judith A. Mitchell Mrs. Harold Monier Mr. and Mrs. William A. Montgomery Elizabeth Ann Montgomery John M. Moon Jane and John Moore Deborah C. Moore Martha J. Moore Joyce and Ralph Moriarty William B. and Nancy F. Morlok Mr. and Mrs. Kimball H. Morsman V. Lee and Kathryn Moses Carole Latimer and Michael Mulder Virginia Claiborne Mulligan Peter and Edith Munger Mr. and Mrs. Britton H. Murdoch Patty Murphy Marjorie A. Musil Andrew J. Musser Ada Mutch Robert Mygatt Steve and Louisa Mygatt Mr. and Mrs. Deran I. Nahikian James and Carol Nettleton Charles T. and Deborah Nevins Sandie and Kevin Nicholson David T. Noble Suzanne Noble C. Wesley Noon, Jr. Linda Oberly Dorothy and William O’Donnell Brenda J. Oliphant Marian Ormont Ann P. Orr Bob and Sharyl Overhiser John Overhiser Sarah Overhiser Mrs. Doris Owen Doug and Nancy Page David L. Painter Joseph and Sheryl Parente Emily S. Parkin Jeffrey S. Parkin Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Parkinson John T. Paul John B. Pearson, Jr. Dave and Cindy Pelton Carol M. Pendergrass Alexandra and David Pennington Brad and Katherine Perry George M. Peters Charles and Susan Peterson Hermann and Barbara Pfefferkorn Cynthia Pierce S. Scott Pierce Frances L. Powell Mrs. Lois P. Powell James and Mary Beth Pratt Joan W. Pratt

Press Family Mark and Tracy Pulos Carol M. Pyle Robert, Debbie, Andrew and Lola Quigley Meg and Joe Rafter Nancy and Art Rainey Margaret Walton Ralph Sally F. and Philip P. Rapp Andrew and Courtney Rau Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rauch, Jr. Mary R.W. Reardon, M.D. Kathy Reed Barbara and Scott Renninger Joseph and Kathleen Reuben Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Reynolds Reverend Susan Rice Donna Richards-Bank Harry and Diana Rieger Lynda Ries Ian and Margaret Robertson Joan Todd Robinette Henry and Sheila Rohrer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Roller Audrey and Robert Romasco Kristine Rosenberger Patricia and John Roshelli E. William Ross, Sr. Mrs. Roger E. Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Roth Eric and Sheryl Rothman Elizabeth D. Royer Brantly Rudisill Ms. Cynthia D. Rugart Pamela Russell Stephen K. and Janet W. Ryan Jack Ryder Susan and John Salveson Gary and Alicia Samms Frances Tenney Sands Margaret C. Satell Ralph and Bette Saul Lawana R. Scales Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Schlarbaum Anne and Ted Schmid John and Monica Schneider Richard and Margaret Schneider Elizabeth Schogol Richard Schonwald David and Melissa Schroll Willard J. and Phyllis G. Scott John and Daphne Scullin Mark and Terri Sebree Joanne and Heatly Sebring Harriet Selfridge Lesley and Philip Selim George and Louise Shafer Barbara G. Shafer William T. Shearer Phoebe Sheftel Barry Shellington Kathleen Shields Sherri J. Shields Mrs. Lois Shiley Glenn and Deborah Shively Donald and JoAnn Shotwell William and Virginia Sikes Janice Silcox

William J. Simons Susan Sitarchuk Jeannette and Gee Smith Drs. Amos B. Smith III and Janet D. Smith A. Matthew M. Smith IV Jody and Don Smith Eric and Dana Smith James W. Smith Kathryn S. Smith Kenneth Smith Bob and Nancy Smith Ginny Smith Gabriela and Andrew Snyder Jeff and Ellen Snyder Elizabeth and Peter Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soltis Mrs. Joseph V. Somers David Sorensen and Beth Burrell Mary E. Swift Spence Mark and Holly Stafford Carolyn Gerrish and Tim Starn Mrs. Jane A. Stauffer Barbara and Lester J. Stauts, Jr. Milton S. Stearns, Jr. Judith H. Steck Paul and Gretchen Steck John and Mary Anne Stetzer Fay M. Stetzer John T. and Nancy H. Stevens Mrs. Cynthia S. Stewart Jesse and Becky Stewart Susan Stewart Elvin and MaryAlice Stoltzfus Edward and Elizabeth Stone Judi G. Storrer John and Sandra Stouffer David and Lynn Strange Don and Lisa Street Marilyn G. Stringer Ian Donald Stuard William K. Swalm Eric and Susan Swanson Jeff and Claire Swarr Paula and Frank Szabo Mary W. Talbot Jean E. Taylor Nancy J. Taylor Mrs. Roberta B. Taylor Debra Temoyan Lawrence Teti and Barbara Nagy Diane and Weston Tew John and Barbara Thomas William and Susan Thorkelson Mary Tillman William G. Toole III May Toren Elissa Truitt Rob and Priscilla Trumbull Mr. and Mrs. John Lovering Truscott Anne G. Tucker Steve and Lynn Tyre Kara and Steve Udicious Timothy and Hope Ulrich Susie and Chris Valerio Diane and Joe VanderVeer Suzanne VanderVeer Thomas Vartanian and Kelly Gracey

John and Ann Vaughan Krista and Michael Vaughan Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Vaughters Richard and Carolyn Veith David and Kellen Vengels Charles and Virginia Vogel Sara and William Vogel Klaus Volpert and Heewon Chang Miriam Vosburgh Brice R. and Mary VZ Wachterhauser Lillian M. Wall John and Stephanie Walsh Brian and Pamela Walsh Robert and Charme Walter Linda Walters Katherine Walton Michael and Elizabeth Walton Eileen W. Ware Debbie and Rick Ware Jeffrey and Robin Warzel David and Ruth Watermulder James R. Way Helen S. Weary Gordon W. Webster Joan Webster Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Webster Samuel and Ellen Weese Sally Weinstock Ernest Welde, Jr Vinny and Howard West Janet and Kim White Donald E. White Paul and Betty White Robert J. White Elisabeth M. Whitehead Scott and Cathy Whiteside

Thomas Willcox III Tom and Courtenay Willcox Courtenay Lynn Willcox Ann Willcox J. R. Williams, Jr. Alexandra S. Williams Janice Williams Sean Williams and Sarah Hammer Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Willoughby James H. Wilson Dr. Melanie Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wilson Greg and Nancy Wolcott Jean K. Wolf Lisa Wollan Mrs. J. Edwin Wood Palmer and Joan Woodcock Robert and Laura Woodcock Gary and Elizabeth Wu Carolyn Wyeth Kathy and Dick Wynn Lynn Hardy Yeakel Paul M. Yeakel Mary Lee Young Robert H. Young Stephen and Florence Zeller Liz and Scott Zelov Luanne and Bill Zimmerman James W. and Debora C. Zug Anonymous (118)


his Annual Report includes a list of members who, as of early April 2011, agreed to be thanked publicly. The Stewardship Committee thanks ALL who helped make the 2011 campaign a success, including those whose names are not listed. We celebrate our campaign results which included 122 members who did not pledge for 2010 but did so for 2011 and 265 members who increased their pledges. Our 2011 campaign began as Dr. Carter asked us to “Take It Off The Top” and challenged us to provide BMPC with increased financial resources to “make our giving pyramid” top heavy. The results are encouraging even as we continue to work toward those goals. The recent economic trend of declining stewardship dollars and pledging members appears to be turning around for BMPC. On behalf of the Stewardship Committee, I am thankful to all who made the 2011 stewardship campaign a success! ~ Brad Baturka on behalf of the Stewardship Committee


Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 625 Montgomery Avenue Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610-525-2821 Return Service Requested

Moving Forward Now that we have identified the strategic priorities to guide a Pastor Nominating Committee, we are ready to begin the search for a new Pastor and Head of Staff. How fortunate we have been to have the Rev. Dr. James Carter, associate pastors and the pastoral residents leading us through this transitional period! Our Self-Study Report, summarizing our core values, strengths to preserve, and strategic initiatives, will guide our ministry in the years ahead. Session has directed a subgroup to recommend plans for implementation and work will go forward with continued direction from Session and our current Interim Senior Pastor. Our new pastor will have an opportunity to shape the strategic initiatives and guide the enhancement of strengths that we want to preserve.


or thine is the kingdom, The power and the glory.


or ever and ever. Amen

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