BMPC Annual Report 2011

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telling the





in review Dear Members and Friends, As I write these words of greeting and introduction to our Annual Report, I am aware that this should be the last one I will compose. The Pastor Nominating Committee (search committee) is moving with efficiency, grace and resolve. The end is not too many months away, I suppose. Soon you will have new leadership in your called Pastor/Head of Staff. I welcome that day for the sake of us all and salute you and the congregational leadership for your patience over a near-three year interim. What have we achieved and how have we changed? This report will give some clues as you read on, though I’ll offer here a few summary thoughts and a charge for the future. Three years ago we had some healing to do. Much of that has been accomplished, even among those with the deepest hurts and darkest expectations for the future. Pastoral leadership transitions take a toll on all of us and our last one was discomforting for many. We have learned how to forgive one another and documented ways in which we can be more accountable to one another. We have reviewed and changed some administrative procedures for the church and we have strengthened our staff where needed. We have cut some programs that had outlived their usefulness and we have added others that speak clearly to contemporary interests and needs in the congregation. We have continued to provide worship and music that represent our Reformed tradition and our education programs for children and adults flourish. We continue to serve our church community with energy and our mission in West

Philadelphia and beyond with increased dedication in spite of belt tightening on the budgets. If you look beyond this report at our website and the white pages in each weekly bulletin, you begin to grasp the sweep of mission and program that define this community of faith. I’ve never seen a less smug congregation of people. You are always looking for ways to grow, to pursue your intellectual curiosity, and to be a helping and telling presence in this community. You are sustained by past good practice that has carried you through the occasional rough patch to the place you are now: on the threshold of a new era in the life of BMPC. Our buildings may look old and in need of repair, yes, but our spirits are made ever new and our faith is ever fresh. We are far from the moments of discouragement we may once have known. We stand on the tip toe of expectation. From the Forward in Faith campaign to repair our aging buildings, to the grace with which I know you will embrace new leadership, BMPC is one exciting and vibrant congregational presence in the Philadelphia Presbytery. No wonder our search committee has found people across the country eager to be considered for our senior pastor position. This is a healthy church and a great church in the very ways Jesus defined greatness: “To be great you must be servant of all. As I serve the Father so you shall serve me.” See you in church.

James L. Carter Interim Pastor

personnel updates In 2011, we welcomed:

• The Reverend Kellen A. Smith, Associate Pastor for Youth, Their Families and College Ministries • The Reverend Jacqui Van Vliet, Pastoral Associate for Congregational Life and Family Ministries • Jessica Rupell, Communications Assistant • Sue Gibbons, Shared Ministries Coordinator • Ketti Muschler, Director of BMPC Choir School • Keenan Boswell, Organ Scholar • Kerri Williams, Director of Young-in-Arts • Marie-Claire Higgins, Parish Nurse

And we said goodbye to:

• The Reverend Susan Rice, Associate Pastor for Congregational Life and Family Ministries • The Reverend Elizabeth Lovell, Pastoral Resident • Kathy Kreider, Parish Nurse • Rebecca Alleva, Acting Youth Activities Director • Lydia Haas, Communications Coordinator • Jim Batt, Associate Director of Fine Arts Ministries • Jana Fitzgerald, Administrative Assistant • Sandy Martin, Young-in-Arts Director and Fine Arts Music Assistant • Marie-Claire Higgins, Parish Nurse








pastor nominating committee The 12-member Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) was convened in March 2011. After getting to know each other and their task (calling a new Head of Staff), they spent a considerable amount of time learning about BMPC, discussing the church self-study, talking with pastoral staff, and reflecting long and hard on the experience, skills and traits our church wanted in the person they call. This was synthesized into a Church Information Form (CIF) that the committee believes captures the needs and sense of BMPC. Approved by Session and the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry, the CIF is posted on the PNC website.


They also spent time educating themselves. They heard from Louis Weeks, a retired seminary president, on possible directions of the Christian church in the 21st century, and Sally Brown, a professor of homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary, on how to listen to sermons. Following her advice, as a full committee, they listened to and discussed sermons by pastors from our own and other churches, developing their ear for different sermons styles. In summer 2011, the search began in earnest, reviewing resumes of self-referred pastors and over a 100 Pastor Information Forms (or PIFs) from the PC-USA database. Three rounds of networking calls followed to seminary presidents and homiletics professors, past BMPC and other tall-steeple pastors for a total of 140 conversations about candidates that others in our denomination believe fit BMPC’s needs and desires. From those, they made a first round list of more than 120 candidates recommended by one to ten networkers. In November, they began researching candidates and, in December, identified those having the preaching skills, administrative experience, and pastoral insight that best fit our perceived needs. Though the committee saw great progress in 2011, they know their task is not yet complete and look forward to continuing their pursuit in 2012.


The Pastor Nominating Committee includes Brad Baturka, Jennifer Bowers, Susan Bravo, Paul Burgmayer, Judy Ehrman, Carolyn Gerrish, Sue Gibbons, Peggy Gregg, Kep Kephart, Sam McKeel, Steve Mygatt, and Eric Swanson. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP CENTER


bryn mawr presbyterian church

2011-2012 official boards



Session Paul Bergsteinsson, Clerk

Board of Deacons Jim Bennett, Moderator

Board of Trustees Nancy Wolcott, President

Elder Class of 2012 Steve Bowen + Carol Cobb-Nettleton + Laura Getty Sue Gibbons + Carol Haldy Dave Heaton Bob Holmes + Casey Michaelis (Y) Lauren Scutt (Y) Bill Smith Suzanne VanderVeer

Deacons Class of 2012 Jim Bennett + Becky Brinks + Barbara Bugbee Marlene Edmonds Karen Hires Janet Martin + Victoria Messerschmidt (Y) Charles Mueller (Y) Peter Parkinson Donna Richards-Bank Elaine Robertson Brant Rudisill Kathy Wynn+

Trustees Class of 2012 Brad Baturka Keith Brinks Fred Fletcher Kevin Roller Bill Thorkelson + Nancy Wolcott

Elder Class of 2013 Jen Bowers Susan Bravo Dave Callans + Pam Fernley Bob Guthrie Anita Iyengar + Susan Joseph Bob Overhiser + Klaus Volpert Elder Class of 2014 Mary Bassett + Barry Bollinger John Frazier Bill Hanna + Scott Jenkins + Lindsay Johnson + Steve Udicious


Deacons Class of 2013 Sharon Burgmayer Ann Capers + James Carter John Heard + Andrew Hoffner Jean Lehner Christian Libson William Matthai, Jr. Diana Rossi Janney Ryan Gretchen Steck Pam Walsh + Deacons Class of 2014 Margaret Burton + Darryl Brown Kirstin Engelman Linda Griska Mary Hodgkinson Kep Kephart + Liz Lynch Bruce McMurtrie, Sr. + Colby Madden + Kay Miller Cindy Pierce + Cindy Stewart

Trustees Class of 2013 Tom Gadsden George Henisee, Jr. Margaret Holdsworth John MacMurray John Schneider + Jeff Snyder + Trustees Class of 2014 Bill Bosch Barbara Carter + Ron Gregg + Scott Michaelis Carol Pyle Rick Ware (Y): Youth serving a one-year term +: serving a second term

2011 in


BMPC enjoyed an operating surplus and improved liquidity position for 2011: • • • •

• • •

Despite a revenue shortfall in 2011, reduced Personnel Expenses due to staffing interruptions contributed to an operating surplus in excess of $150,000. Savings in Office Expenses also contributed to our surplus as BMPC delayed the development of our new website until 2012. For 2011, 857 pledges totaling $2,225,191 were made in support of BMPC’s Stewardship Campaign. We achieved 97% of our original pledge goal of $2,300,000. While the average pledge of $2,596 was slightly below last year’s average, the total number of participants increased by 2%. Total giving to Stewardship, including donations from people who do not pledge, was $2,327,399. Total giving to Mission and Outreach by BMPC was $1,108,250.00. This number reflects not only the mission and outreach support provided through the annual operating budget, but also support provided from specific fundraising for Hunger, the Advent Gift Market, and gifts from restricted funds in the BMPC Foundation. The BMPC Foundation provided 30% of the Operating Income required to support the Operating Budget. New gifts to the Foundation exceeded $2 million, which helped the Foundation reach a year-end balance of almost $30 million. The sale of the manse at 129 Fishers Road resulted in net proceeds of approximately $570,000. $350,000 of the proceeds was used to reduce the balance of a note BMPC has with the Foundation. The remainder was used for repairs and renovations to the remaining manses. Pursuant to work on our heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, BMPC entered into a $6 million loan with Bryn Mawr Trust Company. At year end, borrowings were $3.2 million. The source of repayment will be proceeds from the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign.


2011 membership


Membership as of Dec. 31, 2010 2685 Received by Certificate of Transfer 22 Received by Profession of Faith 31 Received by Reaffirmation of Faith 19 Received by Reinstatement 2 Deaths 27 Removed from Active Roll 41 Transferred to Other Churches 35 Active Membership as of Dec. 31, 2011 2656 Adult Baptisms 3 Infant Baptisms 20 Marriages 10


2011 operating expenses

budget and




170,000.00 2,300,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 2,525,000.00

149,969.49 2,160,913.93 16,515.58 19,073.50 2,346,472.50

182,173.32 2,362,295.13 19,131.26 39,191.00 2,602,790.71

45,000.00 1,130,266.20 1,175,266.20

170,736.02 1,130,266.09 1,301,002.11

47,828.66 1,222,203.00 1,270,031.66







2,097,564.24 238,073.96 219,000.00 622,350.00 312,000.00

1,950,547.71 240,316.80 199,146.22 589,401.30 332,425.72

1,954,324.34 238,455.07 212,021.67 729,175.35 311,999.15

16,000.00 7,000.00 61,100.oo 2,500.00 78,578.00 14,800.00 1,300.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 16,000.00 211,278.00

11,420.95 6,992.83 61,366.79 2,458.14 68,105.70 15,114.02 1,723.15 10,152.56 3,829.33 2,037.49 0.00 15,635.45 198,836.41

7,787.54 6,999.97 66,697.62 3,041.86 81,593.31 13,008.80 2,261.76 10,077.50 1,544.09 4,053.08 113.14 18,250.47 215,429.14








PLEDGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Congregational Giving Current Year Pledges Plate Offering - Cash Prior Year Pledges Total Pledges and Contributions

SPECIAL INCOME Donations/Grants/Income Foundation Income Allocation Total Special Income OTHER INCOME

Total REVENUES EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL EXPENSE ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE OFFICE EXPENSE PROPERTY EXPENSE BENEVOLENCE COUNCILS Congregational Life Adult Education Children and Family Ministries Deacons - Congregational Care Fine Arts Membership Senior Adult Council Session Stewardship Worship Committee Young Adults Youth Ministries Total Councils Total EXPENDITURES


*The financial statements have been audited by ParenteBeard LLC and are available to any member of the church upon request.



Balance Sheet (December 31, 2011)



Fine Arts






Family Ministries

ASSETS (MARKET VALUE) Income and Principal Cash Fixed Income Securities: Intermediate Term Notes - Market Rate (1) Notes - Below Market Rate (2) Total Fixed Income Equities: U.S. All Cap International Equity Fund Limited Partnership (3) Total Equities Pledged: Cash Equivalents (Money Market) Treasury Inflation Protected GNMA Fund Admiral Shares Intermediate Term Total Pledged TOTAL ASSETS

427,889.73 4,047,651.38 475,235.60 555,092.04 5,077,979.02 13,358,611.82 4,336,089.82 10,197.00 17,704,898.64 65,263.51 3,097,515.96 2,451,437.50 845,504.10 6,459,721.07 $29,670,488.46

Cash: Unrestricted Funds Permanent Endowment Birthday Fund

6,228,342.66 1,083,544.78 8,383.89

Memorials: Catherine C. Miller Fund Debbie Craig Fund Foerderer Memorial Isabel Sherrerd Memorial Miller Memorial Elizabeth M. Bates Fund

7,051.34 123,241.23 7,019,985.22 13,976.78 199,105.87 5,866.68

Mission: Christian Mission Outreach Elsie and Blair Daniels Eugene C. Bay Fund Richard Shaull Fund Skip Hollingshead Fund Catastrophic Relief Fund Ruth Anchors Estate Otto Haas Charitable Trust

104,479.18 242,188.06 1,916,134.33 1,136,286.40 26,659.19 12,216.63 288,762.93 146,442.05

Building: Ada Howard Donaghy Fund Building Endowment Building Preservation Stained Glass Fund

1,500,798.84 261,200.19 3,290,747.33 242,348.46

Fine Arts: Chapel Organ Fund Sherrerd/Fine Arts for Children Richard W. Ledwith Music Fund McFarland Music Fund Phoebe W. Haas Organ Trust Senior Choir Fund Silver Anniversary Fund William Dick Music Fund Fine Arts for Children and Youth

33,649.34 27,832.98 79,416.79 327,873.27 85,260.02 0.00 85,770.52 658,078.52 219,732.11

Youth: Lola M. Tryon Memorial Joseph and Ethel VanderVeer

23,691.87 29,436.53

Family Ministries: Middleton Church School Fund


Other: Middleton Pastoral Care/Counseling Theologian-in-Residence Fund Whiteman Peacemaking Camp Scholarship Fund Community Forums Stephen Ministry Fund Care of the Congregation J. Mahlon Buck, Jr. & Elia D. Buck Fund TOTAL FUND BALANCES

1,869,541.11 55,855.59 10,267.62 26,504.50 179,514.77 66,173.46 77,886.34 1,899,189.93



ministry With the help of our volunteer Shared Ministries Coordinator Sue Gibbons, more than 800 people of all ages and ability levels shared in carrying out the ministries of BMPC in 2011. Members served in nearly 70 different capacities carrying the love of Christ to our congregation and to the world beyond. Although church officers, councils and committees are an obvious and important form of discipleship, there are numerous other ways that people contributed time to carry out our church’s mission. From parking cars, stuffing bulletins, helping with the Advent Gift Market and Café in the Court, teaching Church School, participating in mission trips, helping with youth camp, and offering support on congregation-wide service days, members of the BMPC congregation were willing and excited to help in whatever way they could.


special gifts Legacy Builders Gifts to the Foundation: Estate of Ruth Anchors Estate of J. Mahlon Buck, Jr. Otto Haas Charitable Trust Orus and Suzanne Matthews Memorial Fund June Adelhelm James and Sally Affleck George Conrad and Elizabeth McFarland Mrs. George C. McFarland Mrs. Richard W. Ledwith Arthur and Nancy Rainey Gordon and Joan Webster

During 2011, Gifts were made in Memory of:


Samuel Acker Lawrence R. Brown, Jr. Mary Ethel Desjardins Rev. William J. Doorly Margery Guenthoer John C. Haas Richard Knecht Virginia (“Sis”) Magoun Esther Ann McFarland Clifton McLaughlin Gordon Moyer Pauline Price Nathan Stauffer Bradley Strange Mary Lou Wilkerson

pledged for 2012

Jill Acker Jane T. Acton Donna M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John H. Adee June Adelhelm Bill and Paula Adelhelm Dr. and Mrs. N. Scott Adzick James and Sally Affleck Mrs. John H. Africa John and Rosemary Ake Betty P. Alexander Leslie B. Alexander Susan E. Alexander Anita Allen Jane L. Allison Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson Mrs. Ellen Anderson Robert and Judith Anderson Mrs. Charles L. Andes Mrs. Faith Ando Dolores H. Andrews Jean Marshall Arfield Annette (Bonnie) Atwood Mr. & Mrs. L. Kent Babcock III John P. Badalamenti Candace and Jonathan Balch Elinor and John Ball John and Bobbie Ball Winston C. Banford Drs. James and Agnes Barksdale Frances F. Barnard Margaret Eakins Barnes Dave and Donna Barrickman Mary Lou Barry Ann R. Baruch Charlotte A. Bassett Mary and Marshall Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Bart Bastian William Bates, Jr. Charles S. Battersby Scott A. Battersby W. Bradley and Angela S. Baturka Gene and Jean Bay Suzanne and Thomas Beach Louis and Margaret Bechtle Christine S. and Leif C. Beck Jim and Carolyn Beitmann Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bennett Anita Bentley Joan and Paul Bergsteinsson Barbara Best


Dwight L. and Barbara Beucler Katie and Steve Beyer Tim and Jeannie Bickhart Eugene and Joann Bissell William H. and Kimberly Black Christopher Blair Eve and John Bogle Betty W. Bohlen Barry and Dotti Bollinger Mary and Martin Bond Peggy Borkland Colby Madden and Bill Bosch Brian and Jody Boughton Walter Bowen Steve and Marnie Bowen Barbara and Stan Bowers III Stan and Jennifer Bowers Mrs. Marjorie L. Boyer Roy and Ruth Brader Mrs. Marion Brandon Susan and Dave Bravo Mr. Robert P. Breading Scott Brehman Jo Harris Brenner Mildred A. Brill Jeffrey Brillhart Keith and Becky Brinks Allen and Pam Brown Carol V. Brown Donald and Gwendolyn Brown Janet W. Brown Patti Brown Tony and DeDe Brown Cornelia H. Bryans Teresa Bryce Bazemore Anne A. Buchanan Franzella W. Buchanan, Ed.D. William J. Buchanan Mrs. Elia Buck Mr. James L. Bucklin Barbara Bugbee Mr. and Mrs. John H. Burd James H. Burdick Mrs. Patricia Burgess Mr. & Mrs. William T. Burgin Paul and Sharon Burgmayer Wayne and Linda Butz Lois and Erin Byrne Al and Martha Caesar Mark and Terry Cahill Linda and David Callans


Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Campbell John and Ann Capers Judith Cappello Mrs. Terry Carrigan Jim and Barbara Carter Jim and Marty Carter Peter and Anna May Charrington Alice Chase Don and Kim Chase Randall and Mary Beth Cheloha Elizabeth Chesick Kristin and Michael Chettle Cieri Family DeAnn P. Clancy Mrs. Barbara Clarke Bruce Cole Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Collings, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Conger Robert and Seena Copeland Peter and Kelly Cordray Patricia Richards Cosgrave Jennifer C. Cox Valerie and Peter Craig John and Marlene Crosby Florence and Frank Cross C. Elizabeth Crown Crowther Family Pam and James Crutchfield Alice and Craig Cullen Karen and John Cunningham Winnifred Cutler, Ph.D. and Thomas E. Quay Patricia M. Danzon Daniela and Gary Davis Margaret F. Davis Joseph Corbit Davis III Mark and Susan Dawejko Lee de Rham Eleanor Deaver John and Nancy Decker Scott and Marcy DelOrefice Ann W. Dennen Helen Dennis Bob and Ginny DeYoung Ann Diebold Susan and Richard Dillon Beth and Skip Dittman Barbara M. Donald Eleanor Carson Donato Elba S. Doorly Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Mull


those who

BMPC offers meaningful services, excellent sermons, and delightful, caring people.



At BMPC, I found inspiration and strength to uphold me all through my life.

DAY OF SERVICE H. Graham Dripps Kevin Duffy and Georgette McAuley Jennifer Dunigan Karen and Bruce Dunkman Jean Dykstra Cary Eberly Brian and Marlene Edmonds Jonathan and Ella Edwards Ms. Judith Ehrman Richard and Maria Ellis Kirstin Engelman Deb and Carl Erdman Mrs. Frederick Etherington William and Barbara Evans Herbert and Jeanette Evert Mrs. Margaret G. Ewing Nancy and Roy Fairman Edward L. Fenimore Mr. & Mrs. A. Carter Fergusson Pam and Taylor Fernley Sarah Bouchard Fesnak Dr. R. Bruce Filmer Dave and Betty Fish Patricia N. Fish Emily Fletcher Fred B. Fletcher Anne and Edward Flood Elizabeth Forrest Greg and Ann Fossum William K. Foster Fox Family Ellen and David Freeman Mary French Theodore Friend Thomas P. and Elizabeth S. Gadsen Karen Gagnier Carl Gakeler, Jr. Jennie and Adam Galaburda Sam and Grace Galib Emile and Janet Galib Dan and Claudia Gallagher Jacquelyn Sebolka Gallagher Gallia Family Linda Gamble James Gately William L. and Wendy H. Gaunt George L. Gerton Laura and Doug Getty Kenneth L. Gibb Lynn and Michael Gibbons Sue Gibbons Mrs. Mary Gibson Carl and Dianne Giombetti Barbara Gord Susan Wyche Gove Page Talbott and Jim Gould


Mr. & Mrs. Bayard H. Graf Bayard M. and Ruthann Graf Mr. & Mrs. William A. Graham IV Phee and John Grandbois R. Charles and Ruthie Grant Gregg Family Peggy and Ron Gregg Mrs. Sara P. Griffin Joel and Linda Griska Tod and Jeanne Guernsey Sarah Guerry Rob and Laurie Gunther Russell Gunther Robert E. and Jane D. Guthrie Janet and John Haas Joyce K. Hackman John and Anna Haeberlen Steve and Meg Haist Peter and Carol Haldy Clay and Lynn Hamlin Joanne and Bill Hanna Elizabeth M. Hannan Louisa J. Hannay Betty Harding Anne S. Harkins Edna M. Harris M. Charlotte Harris Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Hart David and Christine Hartzell Mrs. Frank (Molly) Hartzell Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hastings Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Hauptfuhrer Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Hauptfuhrer Sherri A. Hausser Thomas D. Hays III Dianne L. and John R. Heard David and Barbara Heaton Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hebard, Jr. Benjamin and Nancy Heckscher Evie Hekking George R. Henderson Mrs. Hannah Henderson Kristen L. Henderson Lauren A. Henderson Linda S. Henderson Christine and George Henisee Mrs. William G. Henke Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Herd Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Herman Hermann-McGuirl Family Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Hill III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Hill Cecelia Hinds Karen Hires Deborah and Jonathan Hirtle Martha M. Hitchins

THANKSGIVING PANCAKE BREAKFAST John Hodge Nancy A. Hoerner Whitney and Ted Hoffman Meg Holdsworth George and Roberta Hollingshead Craig and Karen Holm Robert H. Holmes Mrs. Cynthia Holstad Mr. Stephen R. Holstad, Jr. Mrs. Harry W. Homeier (Marietta) Mrs. Joan M. Honig Mote and Susan Howard Rob Howard Mr. John B. Huffaker Mr. & Mrs. Brad Hughart Mr. Ronald E. Hugo Miss Margaret E. Huish Mrs. Jean E. Hunt Rees Hunt Margaret Isherwood Vail Jacoby Averill Jarvis Larry and Marlyn Jeffers Mr. & Mrs. John Jenchura Mrs. R. Stuart Jenkins Yardly and Scott Jenkins Helen Jensen Roy A. Johanson Craig S. and Meg D. Johnson Lindsay and Eric Johnson Heidi Hayes and Richard Johnson Mimi Barclay Johnson Denise Jones Susan Rittenhouse Joseph Jacquelyn M. Steck Kafes Frieda S. Kaniuka Morris and Debbie Kay Caroline K. and Edwin W. Kemmerer Marjorie Epps Kennedy Nabil Khouri and Nadine Champagne Richard and Alberta Kindt Ken and Elaine Kirby Mrs. Jean Kirk Shirley and Carl Kleckner Gilbert and Marybelle Klein M. Suzanne Knecht Richard and Andrea Koban Payne Julia Koeppe Mildred G. Kossman Ted and Laurie Koziol Kathy and Jerry Kreider Robert L. Kress N. Wayne Kressley Susan and Chris Kuebler Mike Kullen and Kathy Fisher Kristin and Andy Kuntz

Dr. & Mrs. Edgar R. Kunz Eric Lacktman Michelle LaFarge Bill and Suzanne Landen David and Deborah Lander Miss Elizabeth Lauer Ebbing and Gillian Lautenbach Nancy and Alan Lawley Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine Bill and Jeanne LeBuhn Mary Tryon Ledwith Anne and Chris Lee Patricia E. Lee William and Margaret Lee Jean Swihart Lehner Disty Lengel Mr. & Mrs. Dana T. Lerch Christine D. L. Levin Jeffrey and Christian Libson J. Thomas and Nancy H. Ligget Mrs. Betty S. Light Carol Littleton Ellen A. Lloyd Barbara A. Lockwood Thomas R. and Susan M. Lodge Joseph Long and Susan Mease Mrs. Marilyn S. Loos James and Carolyn Losty Anne and Richard Lucas Karen Lucas Dr. & Mrs. Eric Luce Marion G. Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. J. Kirk Luntey Ben and Katie Lusch Marilyn and Paul Lusch Elizabeth S. Lynch Jennifer and Duncan MacGilvray Judy MacGregor Scott and Tricia Mackay Jim and Clare Mackie Donna K. MacKinley Marjorie W. Mackinney Donald and Janet MacLaren John and Joy MacMurray Scott MacMurray Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Madara, Jr. Len and Gail Magargee Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Maggs, Jr. Christina Maloney Joyce and Fred Malott Patricia and Robert Mandel Holly Gibb Manuppelli Elizabeth Manus Chris and Tracey Marino Mr. & Mrs. Alvan Markle III Dolores G. Martell

Bob and Janet Martin Bill Matthai Mrs. Virginia S. Mattison Harold E. and Cathy Maude Catharine E. Maxey Susan E. Maxfield John and Jane McCombs Doug and Dawn McCone Gail H. McConnell Margaret W. McConnell Stephen and Mandy McConnell William and Genevieve McCormack Dan and Mindy McCullough Suzanne DuPlantis and Kevin McDowell George C. McFarland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dan McGill Mrs. John B. McGowan Peter and Janet McGuigan Margaret and Sam McKeel Marian McMullan Susan and Frank Mechura Nell and Paul Mecray Sallie Mentzer Katie Merin Mike and Betsy Merin Bob and Barbara Merin Shirley Messina Lauren and Craig Meyer Casey Michaelis Mr. & Mrs. Scott Michaelis Carol S. Miller Elizabeth L.M. Miller George and Louise Miller Kay E. Miller Gretchen L. Mitchell Judith Mitchell Gladys Monier Betty Ann Montgomery Jane R. Montgomery Deborah C. Moore Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Moore Mrs. John H. Moore (Jane) Martha J. Moore Stuart Moore Ralph and Joyce Moriarty Mr. & Mrs. William B. Morlok Mr. & Mrs. Kimball H. Morsman Mr. & Mrs. V. Lee Moses Nancy and Maurice Webster Peter and Edith Munger Mr. & Mrs. Britton H. Murdoch Patricia Murphy Marjorie A. Musil Mrs. Eun Joo Musser Miss Ada Mutch Robert Mygatt


BMPC offers our family so much -good community, volunteer opportunities, and choir school.

Steve and Louisa Mygatt Deran and Nancy Nahikian Richard and Emma Nashner Jim Nettleton and Carol Cobb-Nettleton Nicholson Family David T. Noble Suzanne Noble Linda Oberly Dorothy and William O’Donnell Ruth Oehrle Brenda J. Oliphant Marian Ormont G. John Overhiser Bob and Sharyl Overhiser Sarah Overhiser Doug and Nancy Page David L. Painter Pancoast family Joseph and Sharyl Parente Emily S. Parkin Peter and Sharon Parkinson Mr. & Mrs. John B. Pearson, Jr. Dave and Cindy Pelton Carol M. Pendergrass George M. Peters Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Peterson Charles and Susan Peterson S. Scott Pierce Kathrin Platt Alice Potter Frances L. Powell Lois P. Powell Jim and Mary Beth Pratt Press Family Lynn and Luke Preston Tracy Pulos Carol M. Pyle Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley Margaret and Joseph Rafter Nancy and Art Rainey Margaret Walton Ralph Helen Lucille Rankine Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Rapp Andrew and Courtney Rau May Belle and Ted Rauch Mary R. W. Reardon David and Kathy Reed Barbara and Scott Renninger Joseph and Kathleen Reuben Dr. & Mrs. Carl R. Reynolds Muriel M. Ricker Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Rieger, Jr. Lynda Ries Dr. Baird S. Ritter Joan Robinette Caroline B. Rogers



What I hold most dear about BMPC is the caring and sharing commitments of the congregation, the dedication and leadership of our ministries, and the joy the music programs provide.

Henry and Shelia Rohrer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin N. Roller Robert and Audrey Romasco Patricia and John Roshelli E. William Ross, Sr. Patricia Ross and Jamal Ross Diana S. Rossi Eric and Sheryl Rothman Brantly Rudisill Dr. Karl F. Rugart, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Rugart Pamela B. Russell Stephen and Janet Ryan Jack Ryder Sandra Salveter W.E. Sanders Frances Tenney Sands Margaret C. Satell Lawana R. Scales Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schlarbaum Anne and Ted Schmid Maria and John Schneider Mrs. Elizabeth Schogol Rich Schonwald Lauren Scutt Ms. Terri Sebree Joanne and Heatly Sebring Harriet Selfridge Lesley Kent Selim Barbara G. Shafer George and Louise Shafer William Shearer Phoebe Sheftel Kathleen Shields Sherri J. Shields Lois Moore Shiley William Shinn Glenn and Debbie Shively Don and JoAnn Shotwell Janice S. Silcox Dr. and Mrs. Zachary W. Simpson Susan S. Sitarchuk Barbara and Julian Smetana Amos B. Smith III and Janet D. Smith Jody and Don Smith Ginny Smith James W. Smith Kellen and Sarah Smith Robert and Nancy Smith Andrew and Gaby Snyder Jeffrey and Ellen Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Peter Snyder Mrs. Joseph V. Somers (Elizabeth) Rebecca Drury Sorlien Mary E. Swift Spence Chris and Elizabeth Springer

Mark and Holly Stafford Tim Starn and Carolyn Gerrish Jane A. Stauffer Barbara and Lester Stauts Judith H. Steck Paul and Gretchen Steck Mrs. John W. Stelwagon (Barbara) John J. and Mary Anne M. Stetzer John T. and Nancy Stevens Margaret R. Stevenson Mrs. Cynthia Stewart Susan Stewarta Jesse and Becky Stewart Elvin and MaryAlice Stoltzfus Elizabeth Stone Judi G. Storrer John and Sandra Stouffer Mrs. Juliana Stowe Don and Lisa Street Marilyn G. Stringer Margot Sullivan Thomas Sutch William K. Swalm Eric and Susan Swanson Claire and Jeff Swarr Frank and Paula Szabo Mary W. Talbot Jean E. Taylor Nancy J. Taylor Mrs. Roberta Taylor Barbara Nagy and Larry Teti Dr. and Mrs. Weston Tew, Jr. John and Barbara Thomas Susan and William Thorkelson Virginia C. Tobin William G. Toole III May Toren Rob and Priscilla Trumbull Anne Tucker Robert B. Tucker W. Scott Tuttle Steven H. and Lynn W. Tyre Udicious Family Timothy and Hope Ulrich Will and Louisa Umphres Nancy VanDusen John and Janet Van Roden Jacqui Van Vliet Dr. and Mrs. Joe VanderVeer Suzanne VanderVeer Tom Vartanian and Kelly Gracey John and Ann Vaughan Michael and Krista Vaughan Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Vaughters Dick and Carolyn Veith Charles Vogel

HVAC PROJECT’S NEW BOILERS Sarah and William Vogel Klaus Volpert and Heewon Chang Miriam Vosburgh Brice and Mary Wachterhauser Lillian M. Wall Brian and Pamela Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John A. Walsh Robert and Charme Walter Linda Walters Katherine Walton Michael and Elizabeth Walton Mrs. Frank M. Ware (Eileen) Debbie and Rick Ware Mrs. Silas L. Warner Rev. Dr. David and Ruth Watermulder Helen S. Weary Gordon W. Webster Joan E. Webster Maurice Webster William and Anne Wendel Vinny and Howard West Bill Westhafer and Ellie Stratton Don White Janet and Kim White Rev. Paul and Betty White Robert J. White Elizabeth M. Whitehead Scott and Cathy Whiteside Jeffrey and Jane Wilber Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wilkins Tom and Courtenay Willcox Janice L. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Willoughby James H. Wilson Dr. Melanie Wilson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wilson Greg and Nancy Wolcott Jean K. Wolf Lisa Wollan Mrs. J. Edwin Wood (Ann) Elizabeth V. Wood Joan and Palmer Woodcock Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Woodcock Gary and Betty Wu Cassie and Guy Wuollet Kathy and Dick Wynn Lynn and Paul Yeakel Mary Lee Young Robert H. Young Florence and Steve Zeller Liz and Scott Zelov Luanne Zimmerman Frank and Kathryn Zirnkilton James W. and Debora C. Zug Anonymous (82)

moving forward Although 2011 saw the beginnings of wonderful initiatives at BMPC, certain projects started this past year will continue to take shape in the next year. Please note some of these important initiatives: •

A small working group has been busy implementing key initiatives approved by Session in 2011 based on recommendations of the 2010 Self Study. All councils, committees, and boards have been charged with emphasizing (1) how we engage, involve, and retain our members and (2) how we encourage growth in faith and strengthen our spiritual foundations. Additionally, projects (e.g. property, communications, operations, leadership training) are underway to strengthen how our church functions and prepare us for the future.

A capital campaign for facilities renovations began with the HVAC project that replaced our heating and air conditioning systems in the summer and fall of 2011. Following a ‘quiet phase’ of fundraising in the fall of 2011, solicitation of all church members will begin in the first quarter of 2012.

The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), formed in March 2011, completed its preparatory work in 2011 and will actively consider candidates next year, with a goal to complete its work in 2012.

Stay tuned in 2012 for news on each of these initiatives that keep us ‘moving forward.’


Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 625 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010 610-525-2821 ||

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