Annual Report 2015

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in the


Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2015

...a joyful journey of being the church together.

Year in Review

Every time matters of faith have surfaced in the news recently, the reports have seemed to revolve around how the religious culture is changing. Mainline denominations are in decline, they say, and more people claim to be spiritual but not religious. According to many surveys and much statistical analysis, we live in challenging times as a fairly traditional congregation. And yet, BMPC enjoys so much vitality! Shifting cultural trends do challenge us to consider new ways of being and doing church, and yet we seem also to hold onto the historic core values of this congregation: excellence in worship, deep commitments to mission and outreach, serious engagement in Christian formation for all ages, and pastoral care for the whole church. A careful reading of this annual report testifies to our maintaining essential traditions of the church and God calling us to be a new creation. New pastoral staff have brought new energy, creativity and ideas. New members have brought new callings and commitments. An upswing in stewardship and finances brings new opportunities to grow in mission and outreach. In this era of religious life in our country we can no longer assume people who come into our church have a deeply formed Christian background, much less a Presbyterian one. New classes and programs and Bible studies and fellowship and service opportunities are leading us into a joyful journey of being the church together. We are not just in the business of filling the church on Sunday, but of helping our members be people of faith in the workplace, in the community, in school, at home, and wherever we are. To that end, in the coming months we will be fulfilling the recommendations of the Session’s Staff Design Team through the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee’s search for an Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and an Associate Pastor for Congregational Life and Stewardship, as well as hiring a new full time Communications and Public Relations Manager. The session’s decision to expand our staff is a Spirit-led and joyful move toward growth and deepened commitment. I hope this Annual Report will further flesh out the fullness of our life together as a congregation, and that by reading it you may discover an area of ministry where you might engage your faith and commitment to Christ in new ways. Grace and Peace,

Agnes W. Norfleet Pastor

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2015 Official Boards Session Steve Udicious, Clerk Elder Class of 2016 Brad Baturka Jen Bowers + Susan Bravo + Bob Guthrie + Amy Hughart Susan Joseph + Gavin McKendrick (Y) Natalie Stevens (Y) Eric Swanson Elder Class of 2017 Bill Adelhelm John Frazier+ Janet Haas Morris Kay Mary Beth Pratt + Steve Udicious + Susie Valerio

(Y) Indicates a youth serving a one-year term as Elder or Deacon.

Elder Class of 2018 Bill Black+ Becky Brinks Bonnie Callahan Gene Chang Karen Dunkman + Krista Vaughan + Janet White + Board of Deacons Gretchen Steck, Moderator Deacon Class of 2016 Emily Cieri Kyleen Considine (Y) Bryan Hauptfuhrer Craig Johnson Laurie Koziol Chris Libson + Jane Mackie Bill Matthai + Diana Rossi + Janney Ryan + Andrew Schmid (Y) Holly Stafford Gretchen Steck +

Deacon Class of 2017 Tim Bickhart Darryl Brown+ Anne Chamberlin Mary Beth Cheloha Marian Chitester Kirstin Engelman+ Linda Griska+ Tod Guernsey Mary Hodgkinson+ Julia Koeppe Kay Miller+ Didi Rieger Cindy Stewart+ Deacon Class of 2018 Bart Bastian Dave Hastings + Debbie Kay + Sally Nelson Sherri Shields Jeff Swarr Nancy Taylor Flo Zeller +

Board of Trustees Rick Ware, President Trustee Class of 2016 Mark Dawejko Tom Gadsden + Peggy Hermann Meg Holdsworth + Kevin Nicholson Nancy Page Trustee Class of 2017 Bill Bosch+ Judy Ehrman Jean Hunt Jonathan Liggett Carol Pyle + Rick Ware + Trustee Class of 2018 Martin Bond + Mark Cahill Louise Hill Lisa Kimbro Mark Stafford Brian Walsh +

+ Indicates a person serving his/her second three-year term.

Pastoral Staff Agnes W. Norfleet, Pastor Richard Wohlschlaeger, Interim Associate Pastor for Senior Adults & Pastoral Care Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Associate Pastor for Adult Education and Mission Kellen A. Smith, Associate Pastor for Youth, Their Families and College Ministries Rachel Pedersen, Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry

Not pictured: Nicole Duran, Supply Pastor for Adult Education, Outreach, Worldwide Ministries, 6/2013 - 5/2015

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Membership Report Membership as of 12/31/14........................................................2,618 Received by Certificate of Transfer................................................. 13 Received, 17 & under.......................................................................36 Received, 18 & over.........................................................................18 Deaths..............................................................................................32 Removed from Active Roll............................................................. 85 Transferred to Other Churches....................................................... 17 Active Membership as of 12/31/15............................................. 2,551 Adult Baptisms................................................................................. 0 Infant Baptisms...............................................................................31 Marriages...........................................................................................5

Property Report • Beginning in the summer of 2015, extensive work began to restore many of the stained glass windows in the Chapel. • The large Rose Window and others on the south side and narthex were removed, restored and re-installed. • Old protective glazing was removed from all exterior windows. New protective glass was installed on the Tiffany windows. • This project, to be concluded in mid-April of 2016, was made possible by a grant from the Pew Charitable Foundation. Page 3

Glorifying God

Whether we fill our Sanctuary for Sunday morning services; share communion at 8:00 a.m. in the intimacy of the Chapel; rehearse with our choirs in the Fine Arts Center; quietly walk the labyrinth in prayer; sing along with the youth band in the Gym; light a candle in the Children’s Worship Center in the Education Building; or share a meal with other members in Congregational Hall, we come to church to acknowledge and praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

• “Holy Leisure” gatherings on Friday evenings and a “Breaking Bread” retreat for Presbyterian Women

In 2015 we gathered in God’s Holy Name for:

• A Progressive Worship Walk from BMPC to Arch Street Presbyterian with components of worship at churches along the way

• A new children’s “Wednesdays Together” choir program led by the Rev. Rachel Pedersen and Edward Landin that incorporates Bible lessons and activities with musical segments Page 4

• “Restorative Justice” classes and programs during Lent, highlighted by two performances of “To Be Certain of the Dawn,” a collaboration between BMPC, The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, and Main Line Reform Temple • An “Inhabiting Eden” environmental series to explore ways we can care for God’s creation

• Time set aside for sharing fun and faith at Vacation Bible Camp and Camp Kirkwood

• Receptions to say farewell to the Rev. Nicole Duran and welcome to the Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick • Dedication of new Glory to God hymnals • Duruflé’s “Requiem” on All Saints Sunday and Bach’s “Cantata no. 13” with the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia during Advent • September’s “Rally Day” and June’s “Sundae Sunday” celebrations on the front lawn • Thanksgiving Day and Palm Sunday breakfasts; weekly Wednesday night dinners; and brunch/ lunch programs with guest speakers sponsored by Senior Adults • A “Longest Night” service offering light in the darkness of the winter solstice

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Growing in Faith

Christian education is an important part of our life together, and our church offers faith enrichment for all ages and stages of life. Whether we come together in groups large or small; led by lay people, our own pastors, or renowned guests, we are drawn closer to God as we delve into God’s word and study the teachings of Jesus Christ. In 2015 we offered: • New programs and opportunities for our youngest members and their families in the Education Building, including a re-opened infant childcare room and a new Friday Morning Out program • A new Sunday School curriculum designed to help children age 2-grade 5 know and understand the key stories of our faith Page 6

• The launch of the “Disciple Project” for our eighth grade Confirmation class, which included a month-long spiritual practice, journal writing, mentor interviews, and sermon reviews • Sunday morning youth gatherings in the gym with relevant messages for adolescents • Adult Education classes and a retreat for Presbyterian Women with a theme of “Breaking Bread” • Community Forums with Tim Wise (antiracism author and educator) and David Gregory (“How’s Your Faith?”) • A Middleton Center “Spiritual Practices” series that included two programs led by the Rev. Dr. Steven Shussett that focused on prayer

• Discussion groups on Sundays at 8:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. as well as bi-monthly and monthly gatherings during the week • Coffee Cup Bible study, Horizons Bible study, Couples Bible Study, and Bible for Beginners • Lectures and a Sunday sermon focusing on the Gospel of Mark by BMPC’s 2015 Theologian-inResidence, the Rev. Dr. Brian K. Blount • The first of two programs with guest speakers sponsored by our Peacemaking Committee to help us understand economic inequality • Wednesday evening Advent classes and other Sunday classes for adults focused on “loving our neighbor”

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Sharing God 's Love

Because God first loved us, we are called to share God’s love with neighbors near and far. As we support our members through Congregational Care, serve our community through Outreach programs, and partner with missions across the globe through Worldwide Ministries, we offer our prayers, resources, and hands-on assistance as an expression of faith. Our efforts to share with others in 2015 included: • Monthly casserole blitzes that produced 1600+ casseroles for local food agencies • Our Tutoring Program, celebrating 50 years of pairing local high school students with grade school children from North Philadelphia • Youth ministry summer mission trips to the Dominican Republic and New York City Page 8

• Three Congregation-wide Service Days and a “Stop Hunger Now” event • A Mission Summit featuring the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson from the PC(USA) office of Public Witness in Washington • Another successful Upward Basketball winter season and summer mini-camp for youth with special needs • Mission partner programs by Broad Street Ministry (Philadelphia) and ConeXión Mosaico (Mexico), and visits from Hand’s Along the Nile (Egypt), the Emmanuel Hospital Association (India) and the Rev. Cathy Chang (Philippines 2016) • “Doing Good Together” activities for children on Rosh Hashanah, a school holiday

We offered financial support through: Outreach Grants • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Arch Street Pre-school Broad Street Ministries Build-it-Bus Camp Kirkwood Central Presbyterian Church of Norristown Chester Eastside Christian Association at U of P Habitat Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network theVillage Turning Points United Community Clinic Urban Tree Connection WePAC West Kensington Ministries

Eugene C. Bay Fund Grants • • • •

ArtWell The Mission Lab at Beacon The Common Place The Center for Returning Citizens

Worldwide Ministries Grants

• A trip to learn about the community work of the Fortaleza program in Mexico City • Hundreds of hours of counseling and support offered by our Care Manager, Lorie Benovic; Parish Nurse, Ann Fossum; the Middleton Center staff; and our pastors, including Temporary Associate for Pastoral Care and Senior Adults, the Rev. Richard Wohlschlaeger • Thousands of volunteer hours teaching Sunday School, working at the reception desk, offering “Helping Hands,” assisting at Wednesday dinners, knitting prayer shawls, supporting the Advent Gift Market, arranging flowers, offering rides, making casseroles, ushering, serving on a committee or council, washing communion glasses, recording worship, singing or playing an instrument, and so much more that makes our ministries possible!

• • • • • •

Beyond Borders, Haiti Emmanuel Hospital, India Faith in Practice, Guatemala Friends of Forman College, Pakistan Hands Along the Nile, Egypt Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel, Israel • Nepal Foundation • Presbyterian World Mission, Peru • SEGA Girls School, Tanzania

Shaull Awards

• Enterprise Development and Governance Facility • Interfaith Center of Philadelphia • Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary

Hunger Committee

• 19 local shelters, soup kitchens, and hunger organizations

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By the Numbers Church Income Statement



PLEDGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Congregational Giving & Plate Cash Current Year Pledges Prior Year Pledges Total Pledges and Contributions SPECIAL INCOME Special Donations & Grants Charitable Trust Donation Foundation Income Allocation Total Special Income OTHER INCOME Total REVENUES


PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Presbytery Allocation Mortgage Interest and Principal Other Administrative Expenses Total Administrative Expense OFFICE AND TECH EXPENSE PROPERTY EXPENSE Maintenance & Utilities Deferred Maintenance Total Property Expense BENEVOLENCE Worldwide Ministries Outreach Council Senior Adult Benevolence Total Benevolence COUNCILS Adult Education Children & Family Ministry Childcare Personnel Congregational Life Deacons - Congregational Care Fine Arts Program Membership Senior Adult Council Session Stewardship Worship Committee Youth Ministry Total Councils Total EXPENDITURES NET CASH from Operating Budget Pension Termination NET CASH



150,00 2,239,140 20,000 2,409,140

141,833 2,300,583 9,670 2,452,086

206,492 2,209,147 22,626 2,438,535

25,000 250,000 1,230,082 1,505,082 3,600 3,917,822

51,074 250,000 1,231,048 1,532,122 9,621 3,993,829

131,994 250,000 1,185,534 1,567,529 10,326 4,016,390




65,525 57,000 105,550 228,075 226,000

66,233 56,910 91,463 214,606 223,102

65,114 56,910 96,249 218,273 204,510

586,000 125,000 711,000

587,619 125,000 712,619

571,055 125,000 696,055

107,000 213,000 32,000 352,000

106,164 215,094 32,206 353,464

97,000 213,980 28,936 339,916

12,200 38,000 34,000 14,000 3,500 105,000 17,000 4,400 7,500 5,000 3,000 37,000 280,600 3,929,675 -11,853

10,274 34,806 32,657 13,021 1,202 94,962 15,884 909 7,260 1,320 2,066 36,659 251,021 3,693,437 300,392



7,981 14,431 27,291 10,367 1,336 96,690 15,504 2,933 9,150 1,984 3,335 24,588 215,591 3,695,507 320,883 -414,784 -93,901

* The financial statements have been audited by Baker Tilly LLC, and are available to any member of the church upon request.

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Church Balance Sheet


Total Cash and Equivalents Total Fixed Assets Other Assets Investments Notes Receivable Pooled Income Fund/Market Value Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS

DEC. 31, 2015

DEC. 31, 2014

1,915,291 29,443,111

903,884 29,210,803

1,208,365 67,520 5,662 1,281,547 32,639,950

623,475 67,754 107,614 798,843 30,913,530

13,232 19,602 500,000 -1,743,334 688,100 355,155 873,328 514,424 133,193 1,353,699

13,880 25,570 0 -1,603,291 0 388,119 909,212 454,595 104,861 292,947

1,665,000 2,550 626 1,668,176 3,021,875

1,665,000 2,914 19,325 1,687,239 1,980,186

28,011,011 1,273,708 333,356 29,618,075 32,639,950

27,778,703 1,217,623 -62,981 28,933,345 30,913,530

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses Custodial Accounts Capital Campaign Reserve (new) Forward in Faith Reserve Due to Foundation Note to Foundation Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Reserves Weekday School Reserves Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Line of Credit - BMT Amortization Pooled Income/Future Liability Total Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Plant Unrestricted Net Assets/Undesignated Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY

Stewardship Report - Looking Ahead “Our Stewardship Journey” for 2016 resulted in: • 741 pledges totaling $2,464,695 • An increase of $125,600 over the 2015 Stewardship Campaign • A pledging goal that was exceeded by $66,250 Page 11

BMPC Foundation Balance Sheet (December 31, 2015)



Fine Arts




Family Ministries



ASSETS (Market Value) Cash Equivalents Fixed Income Securities Intermediate Term Notes - Market Rate Notes - Below Market Rate Treasury Inflation Protected Total Fixed Income Equities U.S. All Cap U.S. Equity International Equity Fund Total Equities Pledged Cash Equivalents (Money Market) Treasury Inflation Protected Short Term Bond Market Index Fund Total Pledged TOTAL ASSETS

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225,795 5,329,992 355,155 555,121 74,415 6,314,682 15,113,589 1,730,039 7,502,625 24,346,253 13,118 1,890,779 2,350,238 4,245,295 35,140,864

Undesignated: Unrestricted Endowment Permanent Endowment

7,298,342 1,267,469

Memorials: Catherine C. Miller Debbie Craig Foerderer Memorial Isabel Sherrerd Memorial Miller Memorial

7,839 153,063 8,229,893 17,365 249,103

Mission : Christian Mission Outreach Elsie and Blair Daniels Eugene C. Bay Fund Richard Shaull Fund Skip Hollingshead Fund Catastrophic Relief Fund Ruth Anchors Estate Otto Haas Charitable Trust Tutoring Fund

122,214 283,301 2,167,976 1,300,314 29,762 14,507 367,529 218,096 115,727

Building: Ada Howard Donaghy Building Endowment Building Preservation Shepherd & Sheep Statuary Repair & Maintenance Fine Arts: Chapel Organ Fund Sherrerd/Fine Arts for Children Richard W. Ledwith McFarland Music Phoebe Haas Organ Fund Silver Anniversary Fund William Dick Music Fine Arts for Children and Youth Haas Charitable Trust for Senior Choir Youth: Lola M. Tryon Memorial Joseph and Ethel VanderVeer Family Ministries: Middleton Church School Fund Other: Middleton Pastoral Care & Counseling David & Ruth Watermulder Theologian in Residence Peacemaking Camp Scholarship Fund Community Forums Care of the Congregation J. Mahlon Buck, Jr. & Elia D. Buck Fund Judith Ehrman Fund TOTAL FUND BALANCES

1,755,567 305,540 624,643 4,885

39,562 32,552 118,412 385,402 75,503 97,936 796,226 269,596 1,749,041 27,714 34,434 68,491 2,191,024 63,792 12,011 31,147 229,815 190,894 3,909,994 283,184 35,140,864

Special Gifts In 2015, our church was blessed by many generous donations, and we are grateful for each gift received. Most of these applied to our annual Stewardship Campaign, although some were allocated to more specific uses. Some of these special gifts are highlighted below.

Special Gifts to Ministries of the Church: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Gifts in Honor of David & Donna Barrickman’s anniversary, for the Operating Budget Gifts in Honor of John & Joy MacMurray, for the Operating Budget Gifts in Honor of Paul & Kat MacMurray, for the Operating Budget Gifts in Honor of Ted & Linda Madara, for Fine Arts Ministry Gifts in Honor of Agnes W. Norfleet, for the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund Gifts in Memory of Margaret “Jean” Africa, for Fine Arts Ministry Gifts in Memory of Janet Rennix Allan, for Senior Adult Ministry Gifts in Memory of Joy Bryant, for Senior Adult Benevolence Gifts in Memory of Elizabeth S. Harding, for the Hunger Committee Gifts in Memory of John M. Moon, for the Moon Hymnal Fund Gift from the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth S. Harding , for the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign Stained Glass Gift from the Estate of M. Charlotte Harris, for the Care Manager Ministry Gift from the Estate of Robert P. Hauptfuhrer, for the 1967 Dowd Harpsichord The George & Grace Andressohn Fund, for the Operating Budget The James H. Burdick pooled income fund of the Presbyterian Foundation, at the discretion of the Session of BMPC The Katharine Hoyler Charitable Trust, for the Operating Budget The Martha Greene Lewis Charitable Trust, for the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign The PA Lumberman’s Mutual matching gift, for the Operating Budget The Pew Charitable Trust, for the stained glass restoration of the Pew Chapel The Philadelphia Foundation, for the Operating Budget The William Penn Foundation, for the Operating Budget

Special Gifts to the BMPC Foundation: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Gifts in Honor of James C. Pratt’s birthday Gifts in Memory of Joy Bryant Gifts in Memory of William J. Buchanan Gifts in Memory of James H. Burdick, for the Bay Fund Gifts in Memory of Bayard & Ruthann Graf Gifts in Memory of Robert P. Hauptfuhrer Gifts in Memory of Richard W. Knecht Gifts in Memory of Susan E. Maxfield Gifts in Memory of James C. Pratt Gifts in Memory of Glen A. Shively Gifts in Memory of Sara Vogel Gifts in Memory of David B. Watermulder Gifts in Memory of Carl H. Zipf Jr. The John M. Moon pooled income fund, for the Building Preservation Fund

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Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church | 625 Montgomery Avenue | Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 | 610.525.2821

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