Your Associate Pastor Nominating Committee is pleased to present
The Reverend Rebecca Kirkpatrick Candidate for Associate Pastor for Adult Education and Mission
May 2015
Rebecca grew up in Pittsburgh as a member of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church where her faith was shaped at an early age. It was here, where her parents have been active members for over 40 years, Rebecca began to understand the connection between faith and mission and where she first sensed a call to ministry. As a church youth, she traveled to Malawi and learned to value international ministry, especially mission done in partnership. After graduation from college, she entered seminary. She was called to Sunnyside Presbyterian Church in South Bend, Indiana where she served as an associate pastor for ten years. At Sunnyside, one of her responsibilities was for education for all ages. Rebecca recalls how as she grew into her calling as a minister she found a passion for intergenerational learning, a focus that she continues to nurture. During her time as a seminary student, she met her husband, Joshua Yoder, also a theology student. In addition to serving a congregation in Indiana, Joshua holds a doctorate in New Testament studies from The University of Notre Dame. Both Josh and their 10-year-old son, Owen, look forward to becoming part of the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian community. Rebecca, Josh and Owen will travel some distance to Bryn Mawr as they have been serving as mission co-workers with Presbyterian World Mission and The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, Egypt for the past two years. Rebecca relates how she and Josh began to discern a calling to international service and through much prayer, conversation and leaps of faith, came to live, work and study in Egypt. During their time in Egypt, Rebecca has instructed Masters of Divinity students in theological English, overseen the development of online courses, been an interpretation resource for U.S. supporters and congregations, and hosted visiting groups engaging in mission partnerships.
Words from Rebecca
I am both excited and humbled to be called as Associate Pastor of Adult Education and Mission at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. This position combines two of the most essential values and traditions of our Presbyterian heritage – the call to be engaged seriously in the work of study and education and the call to be present and active in service to our community and the world. These two expressions of faith work hand in hand and cannot be fully realized on their own. The call to scripture roots us in the biblical themes of justice and kingdom values, which compel us to ministries of compassion and advocacy. And yet our experiences of mission and service in the world shed a new light on scripture and the traditions of our faith from the perspective of the diverse voices that make up the body of Christ. I am looking forward to working together with you to find faithful and creative ways to live out this call, and grateful for the tradition of mission and education that you have nurtured here at Bryn Mawr for over a century. I especially hope my experience serving and learning from the global church during our time in Egypt will help me bring new ways of connecting with our partners in faith and in mission service around the world.
Curriculum Vitae Positions:
2013-Present: Mission Co-Worker – Presbyterian Church (USA) and The Evangelical Theological Seminary, Cairo, Egypt 2002-2013: Associate Pastor – Sunnyside Presbyterian Church, South Bend, Indiana 2000-2001: Pastoral Intern – Evanshire Presbyterian Church, Skokie, Illinois
Service to the Church:
2014: Council Member, St. Andrews, United Church of Cairo 2012: Vice Moderator, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2012: Committee Assistant, 220 General Assembly, Pittsburgh, PA 2010 – 2012: Member, Visioning Team, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2010: Committee Assistant, 219 General Assembly, Minneapolis, MN 2010-2013: Transitional Care Coordinator, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2009: Moderator, Committee on Ministry, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2008: Vice Moderator, Committee on Ministry, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2007: Stated Clerk Search Committee, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2007: Moderator, Northeast Quadrant COM, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2004-2006: Member, Committee on Ministry, Presbytery of Wabash Valley 2004: Alumni Council Nominating Committee, McCormick Theological Seminary 2003, 07, 08, 09: Leader/Organizer of Wabash Valley Confirmation Retreat 2000: Theological Student Staff, Presbyterian Peacemaking Conference 1993-1994: Deacon, East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh
2002: Master of Divinity – McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois 1998: Bachelor of Arts in History – The George Washington University, Washington, DC
Continuing Education:
2014: International Meeting of the Fellowship of Mid-East Evangelical Churches, Egypt 2010: Washington Island Forum, Washington Island, Wisconsin Council of Churches 2008: PC (USA) Interim Ministry Training, St. Louis, Missouri 2008: PC (USA) Polity Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah 2004, 05: “Reclaiming the Text” Preaching Conference at Montreat 2003: Reimagining Conference, Minneapolis, MN
Soon to be Published:
In September, SPCK Press will release Rebecca’s book, 100 Things For Your Child to Know Before Confirmation: Growing Faith Together. The book focuses on the ways that faith builds and matures in children and youth as they explore what it means have a curious and growing adult faith. Sharing 100 items from the Bible, worship, sacraments, congregational life and family traditions, it helps parents think in creative ways about how to fully participate in their children’s Christian nurture. It then goes beyond these 100 essentials to explore how faith grows and becomes even more curious as youth commit themselves to the church and to Christ through Confirmation and beyond.
Remarks about Rebecca
The Reverend Jamie Miller, Head of Staff, Sunnyside Presbyterian Church, South Bend, Indiana: “Rebecca is highly intelligent and a great preacher. We served together for ten years, as two full time pastors, working very closely together in a wonderful collegial and cooperative relationship. At Sunnyside, she was responsible for children and youth, education from “cradle to grave” and local and global mission, including financial oversight. When teaching, she is always well prepared, interesting and respectful. Among a myriad of accomplishments, she created a “Hot Topic” series for adult education and led a Habitat for Humanity house project. She integrated mission into all of her efforts with youth, children and adults, inspiring participation. She is adaptable and creative with a real knack for understanding ministry.”
Associate Pastor Nominating Committee For Adult Education and Mission Becky Brinks • Valerie Craig • David Hastings Sharna Liggett • Eric Swanson, Chairperson Melanie Wilson • John Vaughan • Agnes W. Norfleet, ex-officio
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 625 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 (610) 525 - 2821 •