Annual Report 2012

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In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. —Matthew 5:16



The Annual Report considers our blessings by looking in two directions. We look back giving thanks for people who have come and gone: new members, children baptized, youth confirmed, and beloved friends and family who have taken their places among the Communion of Saints. We celebrate the gifts of staff who have blessed us for a season and moved on, and those who have arrived bringing new energy and vision. Looking back in gratitude for partners past and looking forward with new friends in Christ, we realize the richest blessing of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is the people whom God has called together for worship, Christian nurture, service and mission. We also look back celebrating the gifts of time, talent and financial resources that have been generously poured into the ministry of this church, knowing each measurable gift represents an immeasurable well of faith, love and devotion to the work of Christ. And we look forward with hope to realize our potential and assess the challenges we face as a congregation. During long interim years, the membership numbers have declined calling for renewed efforts in evangelism. The total number of pledges has decreased suggesting there is stewardship work to be done. Fewer ordained clergy on staff opens up new avenues for empowering lay leadership. An honest reckoning of where we have been provides wonderful opportunity for renewal and growth – also a blessing of future hope and promise!


Blessings themselves, it seems, always look back in gratitude and look forward in hope because they are ever expanding. Long ago when God called Abraham and Sarah to get up and go to a place where God would take them, that call was bound up in promises of blessing. “I will bless you,” God said, “so that you will be a blessing… and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” We are not only heirs of God’s ancient blessing; we are instruments of its future expansion! As you read this Annual Report, I encourage you to consider how you are both blessed by and encouraged to be a blessing in this your church home. Since no one person can be everywhere involved, we compile these highlights to celebrate where we have been and to guide our journey forward. Perhaps this broad picture of the church’s ministries will inspire you to new heights of engagement in a current area of involvement or to discover some new way to live your faith through the life of this congregation. Looking back and looking forward, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is blessed indeed… blessed by a long legacy of faithfulness, blessed by your generous commitment over this past year, and blessed by the vision of a new day dawning upon great potential for future growth and renewal as we journey forward on the promises of God. The Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet Pastor/Head of Staff (Elected December 16, 2012)

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Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is a Christian community of more than 2,500 members of all ages who come from diverse backgrounds and a wide geographic area in greater Philadelphia and its suburbs. While some are lifelong Presbyterians, many find us from other faith backgrounds. Our five full-time pastors and other dedicated staff members provide accessible points of contact as we express our Christian faith through caring and transforming ministries.

Volunteers enjoying fellowship as they wash and dry communion glasses.

We offer many opportunities to connect with God’s word, whether in Sunday worship services, Sunday school or adult education classes, youth activities, confirmation class, fine arts or music, interest groups, or our many community service and outreach activities. We also offer unique experiences with other religious communities to share and broaden our understanding of faith. Our campus is a place to gather, learn, and serve God. All are welcome to join us here as we grow in faith and compassion for the world and affirm the inclusive love of God made known in Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement We are a community of faith, challenged, strengthened and transformed by the God who is revealed to us in Christ. We... welcome all who would follow Christ; prefer truth to complacency; strive to connect faith and life; serve and leaven the church, community, and wider world through compassionate and empowering ministries.

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Grateful Thanks to our Interim Pastor, the Rev. Dr. James L. Carter


After serving the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church congregation for more than three years as Interim Pastor, the Rev. Dr. James Leighton Carter departed BMPC in November 2012 after word came that our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) had found a new Pastor/Head of Staff. First coming to our church in August 2009, the Rev. Dr. Carter led our congregation during the transition after an installed pastor departed and helped us prepare to welcome the leadership of a newly-installed pastor. Because he understood the dynamics of a congregation in transition, he helped our Session provide continuity of essential programs and assess the need for changes in the ministries and organization of our church. Though a transitional time can be difficult, Dr. Carter served with grace and ease. As a congregation, we were truly blessed to have him with us. We remain grateful for his collegial spirit and gentle leadership as a fellow servant of Christ.

On their last Sunday with us (November 18, 2012), the Rev. Dr. James L. Carter and his wife, Marty, were honored at a farewell reception following worship.

Pastoral Search Completed: The Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet Elected as Pastor/Head of Staff Beginning in March 2011 and continuing through the fall of 2012, our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) worked tirelessly, meeting weekly to discern God’s will for BMPC and to identify a candidate for our new Pastor/Head of Staff. After much discussion, reflection, deliberation and prayer, the PNC unanimously agreed to nominate the Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet, Pastor/Head of Staff at Shandon Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC. After hearing her candidating sermon on December 16, 2012, the congregation enthusiastically extended the call to her. Paul Burgmayer, chair of the PNC, said that “at the end of a long and thorough process in which we reviewed hundreds of candidates, we were surprised to discover that our choice was obvious and easy to make once we met, interviewed, checked references, worshiped with, laughed, and shared fellowship with this pastor.” We are grateful for the devoted efforts of this committee, which included Steve Mygatt, Kep Kephart, Eric Swanson, Brad Baturka, Paul Burgmayer, Sam McKeel, Peggy Gregg, Susan Bravo, Sue Gibbons, Caroline Gerrish, Judy Ehrman, and Jen Bowers.

The Rev. Dr. Agnes Norfleet (right) with Pastor Emeritus, the Rev. Dr. David B. Watermulder, who served BMPC from 1962-1986.

With 25 years of ministry experience, Dr. Norfleet is a recognized preacher who also serves as a Trustee of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. Her family includes her husband, Larry Arney, and two sons. We look forward to a new chapter in vibrant ministry under her leadership! page 4



At Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, we come together as a community of faith to worship, when we put all else aside to glorify God. Our beautiful Sanctuary is filled with glorious stained glass windows, a magnificent pipe organ, the music of choirs, and the Word of God, while our Chapel offers a more intimate worship experience. Grounded in worship and inspired to serve, we offer reassurance and hope in a continually changing world through our sermons, hymns, and prayers. As we worship together, we are inspired to work toward the wholeness of life envisioned and promised by Jesus. During 2012, 17 people preached from the BMPC pulpit. In addition to our pastoral staff, this included: •

Former Lilly Resident Steve Jungkeit, Mission Partner Spiwo Xapile, Candidate for the Ministry Judith Brackett, Advent Guest Preacher J. Barrie Shepherd, Pastor-Elect Agnes W. Norfleet, and five youth on Youth Sunday (Ian Callahan, Dan Petrovitch, Grace Heard, Jennie Wilber, and Virginia Small).

We worship on Sundays at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel with weekly communion and at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary with Senior Choir.

2012 Worship Attendance Average Sunday Worship Attendance • 574 worshippers Lent (Ash Wednesday & Holy Week) Worship Attendance • 659 worshippers (5 services) Easter Sunday Worship Attendance • 1,888 worshippers (4 services) Christmas Eve worship with candlelight.

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Christmas Eve Worship Attendance • 2,191 worshippers (3 services)

Pastor/Head of Staff The responsibilities of the Pastor/Head of Staff are to lead worship and preach; to moderate the church’s governing body, the Session; and to serve as the Head of Staff.



In 2012, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church was led by Interim Pastor, the Rev. Dr. James Leighton Carter, until his departure in November. The Rev. Dr. R. Charles Grant, Associate Pastor, served as Head of Staff for the remainder of the year. On December 16, the Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet was elected as BMPC’s new Pastor/Head of Staff, with plans to officially begin her ministry and lead our church into a new chapter in ministry in February 2013.

Associate Pastors In addition to our Pastor/Head of Staff, three associate pastors and one pastoral associate provided pastoral leadership and care in 2012, all of whom helped to make our campus a place to grow in faith and serve God. These individuals included: •

The Rev. R. Charles Grant, D.Min., Associate Pastor for Senior Adults and Pastoral Care

The Rev. Sherri Hausser, M.Div., Associate Pastor for Adult Education, Outreach and Worldwide Ministries

The Rev. Kellen Smith, M.Div., Associate Pastor for Youth, Their Families, and College Ministries

The Rev. Jacqui Van Vliet, M.Div., Pastoral Associate for Congregational Life and Family Ministries

Pastoral Residents Since 2001, BMPC has been part of the Lilly Transition into Ministry Pastoral Residency Program aimed at assisting new pastors in making the critical transition from seminary student to full-time pastor. Our 2010-2012 residents, the Revs. Joanne Fong and Louisa Watkins-Umphres, finished their residency at BMPC in summer 2012. Joanne moved into the role of Pastoral Care Resident at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals in Philadelphia and Louisa was called to be Associate Pastor at Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Lakeside Park, Kentucky. With BMPC’s Lilly Program grant cycle ending in 2012, our pastoral residency program was put on hold for 2013.

TOP: The Rev. Dr. James L. Carter on his final Sunday with us. MIDDLE: The Rev. Dr. Agnes W. Norfleet on her candidacy Sunday. BOTTOM (L-R top row): The Rev. Kellen Smith, the Rev. Louisa Watkins-Umphres, the Rev. Joanne Fong, the Rev. Jacqui Van Vliet (L-R bottom row): The Rev. Sherri Hausser, the Rev. Dr. R. Charles Grant

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The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 2012-2013 Official Boards Session

Board of Deacons

Board of Trustees

Elder Class of 2013 Jen Bowers Susan Bravo Ian Callahan (Y) Dave Callans + Pam Fernley Bob Guthrie Grace Heard (Y) Anita Iyengar + Susan Joseph Bob Overhiser + Klaus Volpert

Deacon Class of 2013 Sharon Burgmayer Ann Capers + James Carter John Heard + Andrew Hoffner Jean Lehner Christian Libson William Matthai, Jr. Daniel Petrovich (Y) Diana Rossi Janney Ryan Gretchen Steck Pam Walsh + Jennie Wilber (Y)

Trustee Class of 2013 Tom Gadsden George Henisee Margaret Holdsworth John Schneider + Jeff Snyder +

Paul Bergsteinsson, clerk

Elder Class of 2014 Mary Bassett + Barry Bollinger John Frazier Bill Hanna + Scott Jenkins + Lindsay Johnson + Steve Udicious Elder Class of 2015 Bill Black Karen Dunkman Laura Getty + Dave Heaton + Suzanne VanderVeer + KristaVaughan Janet White Clergy James L. Carter Charles Grant Sherri Hausser Kellen Smith Jacqui Van Vliet

Kep Kephart, chair

Deacon Class of 2014 Margaret Burton + Darryl Brown Kirstin Engelman Linda Griska Mary Hodgkinson Kep Kephart + Liz Lynch Bruce McMurtrie, Sr. + Colby Madden + Kay Miller Cindy Pierce + Cindy Stewart Deacon Class of 2015 Linda Callans Dave Hastings Jen Huth Debbie Kay Donna Richards-Bank + Elaine Robertson + Kathy Wynn + Flo Zeller

(Y) Indicates a youth serving a one-year term as Elder or Deacon. + Indicates a person is serving their second three-year term.

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Nancy Wolcott, chair

Trustee Class of 2014 Bill Bosch Barbara Carter + Ron Gregg + Scott Michaelis Carol Pyle Rick Ware Trustee Class of 2015 Keith Brinks + Fred Fletcher + Bill McCormack Kevin Roller + Brian Walsh Nancy Wolcott +

Church officers, old and new, take part in the ancient tradition of ordination to church office.



BMPC continues to bring people together to grow in faith, hope, and love. Our dedicated staff responds to the needs of more than 2,500 members who are kept informed about our programs through a pro-active communication effort that increasingly focuses on the web and email. This year marked our 140th year of ministry, and we look forward to vibrant Christian ministry in the decades to come.

Communications & Technology Growth •

Our website,, was completely redesigned and developed by Art270 of Doylestown and launched in August 2012 with a fresh new look, updated content, a revised site plan, and added technical capacity. Features include a section for newcomers, a site search to help users find what they need, a member resources section, event registration, and online giving.

We established an active social media presence to update our “fans” and “followers” about BMPC via Facebook and Twitter postings.

To help BMPC “go green,” we encouraged opting-in to receive The Messenger electronically, resulting in almost 700 email-only subscribers.

Personnel Updates In 2012, we welcomed: • Kim Black, Director of the Weekday School • Monica Devane, Administrative Assistant to Office Operations • Ann Fossum, Parish Nurse • Joe Larson, Facilities Crew Chief • Katherine Mealor, Administrative Assistant to Congregational Life & Stewardship and Development, and Accounts Receivable Clerk • Maureen Murphy, Director of Stewardship and Development • Graham Robinson, Director of the Pre-Med Hospice Program and Pastoral Visitor And we said goodbye to: • Patsy Cole, Director of the Weekday School • Lou Fiorentino, Facilities Crew Chief • Joanne Solarz, Executive Director of Operations

Maureen Murphy In April 2012, Maureen Murphy joined the BMPC staff as Director of Stewardship and Development. Maureen has more than 20 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, and she says fundraising for Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church is the most rewarding position of her career. The three main areas Maureen details are: the Capital Campaign, The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Foundation, and the annual Stewardship Campaign. Throughout 2012, she enjoyed getting to know the members of the Church, as it is her responsibility to ensure that they feel their gifts to the Church are well stewarded.

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Maureen Murphy



Our campus is busy seven days a week as a place to enjoy community and find perspective. Here we are encouraged to ask questions as we learn and think about the Christian faith, and we are given space to open the Bible and discover greater meaning in our daily lives. On Sundays and throughout the week, we find support and enrichment, enjoy fellowship, strengthen existing relationships and build new ones, and find hands-on ways to help others.

A highlight of the fall season is our “Block Party” in the Ministries Center, where our children eagerly line up for face painting and balloon art.

Congregational Life Although our Congregational Life Council was disbanded by Session in Spring 2012, other committees have assumed this council’s role in developing programs or events that nurture the congregation of BMPC as a whole. Notable in 2012: •

Another well-attended Fall “Block Party” event to kick-off the program year featured face painters, balloon art, lunch, and fellowship for all ages.

While our Wednesday Night Dinners had been popular, attendance fell off sharply in 2012 and the weekly dinners were put on hiatus in the spring. Our Membership Council is looking at new ways to enjoy meals together and share fellowship and community in an intergenerational format.

The coordination and implementation of BMPC’s Child and Youth Protection Policy (to ensure training of staff and volunteers working with children and youth) continued under the responsibility of the Pastoral Associate for Children and Family Ministry.

Membership Report 2012 Membership as of 12/31/11: 2,656 Received by Certificate of Transfer: 8 Received by Profession of Faith: 49 Received by Reaffirmation of Faith: 29 Received by Reinstatement: 6 Deaths: 48 Removed from Active Roll: 62 Transferred to Other Churches: 23 Active Membership as of 12/31/12: 2,615 Adult Baptisms: 0 Infant Baptisms: 29 Marriages: 9

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LEFT: During Vacation Bible Camp 2012, “Journey to Babylon,” participants learned about Daniel’s courage in captivity through a hands-on marketplace, music, stories, and recreation. BELOW: Children are led to the Education Building for Sunday School after the Children’s Moment in worship.

Children and Family Ministry Children and Family Ministry is dedicated to nurturing the faith formation of children and encouraging their families as we grow together in community as disciples of Jesus Christ. In the Sunday School program staffed by caring, volunteer teachers, children have the opportunity to connect with Bible stories through dynamic weekly lessons, activities, and music. Some ministry highlights for the year were: •

The presentation of Bibles to 1st and 3rd grade children and their joy in discovering the word of God as they began to read biblical stories on their own or with their parents.

Vacation Bible Camp, which served more than 100 children (preschool through 5th grade) during the last week of June, engaging them through story, song, special activities, and service projects.

The many opportunities for families to get to know each other and enjoy time together at special gatherings such as Family Fun Friday movie nights, Christmas caroling at Rosemont Presbyterian Village, Y-Group activities, intergenerational Days of Service and the Advent craft fair and dinner. These remain especially important avenues of connection for the many families with young children who are joining the church as new members.

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Youth Ministry In 2012, the numbers doubled in Sunday School for youth in grades 6-12. Students meet for grade-specific teaching and small group conversation after an opening gathering in the gym.

BMPC Youth Ministry exists to share Christ’s love with youth and their families. To do this we enable them to build relationships with each other, empower them to grow in their faith, encourage them to serve in a ministry, and help them to enjoy God throughout their lives. In 2012, BMPC offered a great space for our youth in grades 6-12 to escape the pressures of daily life, make new friends, and grow in faith. Besides Sunday School and Confirmation Class, the youth participated in numerous special events, summer camp, mission trips, and gatherings. A few highlights from 2012 included: • Sunday morning youth attendance in Fall 2012 that was more than double the number of youth in Fall 2011. • A vibrant summer including a High School Mission Trip to the Adirondacks, the creation of our Middle School Urban Plunge trip into Philadelphia, and an inspiring Camp Kirkwood in the Poconos. • The beginning of our Upward Basketball special needs ministry that served nearly 30 athletes and included youth as coaches, referees, and announcers.

A week of faith and fun at summer camp in the Poconos is always a Youth Ministry highlight.

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Adult Education Our Adult Education programs serve as opportunities to strengthen our understanding of worship, scripture, theology, our faith tradition, and Presbyterian heritage; to challenge our understanding of God’s world and our place in it and urge us to see life from different perspectives; and to heal and transform our hearts and minds so that we may serve God and others with greater conviction and effectiveness. In 2012: •

BMPC Pastors and Residents explored the Biblical stories of Lent in a Wednesday night Lenten Series.

The Rev. Dr. William Arnold helped us to explore “Story as an Entry into the Sacred” as our Theologian in Residence for a weekend in April.

Sunday morning classes included book discussions of The Wisdom of Jesus and American Nations; the spiritual practice of Lectio Divina; the spiritual life of Rembrandt; and programs by mission partners from Guatemala, South Africa, and Peru. We also offered Old and New Testament studies and classes taught by visiting scholars and religious leaders from Princeton University, The Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia, Main Line Reform Temple, and Saudi Arabia on topics ranging from Islam to the environment. A special series on living into the second half of life was a held in the fall and a spiritual writing class was offered in December.

Special events included a lecture and visit to the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit and a presentation by BMPC members who traveled to Israel.

New monthly hymn sings were held in the Chapel, where we not only sang old favorites but learned about their historical background, theology, and liturgical significance.

Weekday classes included the Preacher’s Brown Bag Bible Study, the Women’s Coffee Cup Bible Study, Horizons Bible Study, and Torah Study at Main Line Reform Temple. Our Converse House Library and Book Center continued to provide a place for our congregation to grow spiritually through the borrowing or purchasing of books of all types.

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TOP: Dr. Jon Pahl from The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia taught a class about peacemakers in American history. BOTTOM: Kat MacMurray (left) serves as our librarian and manages our Book Center; the Rev. Paul MacMurray (right) teaches a popular Sunday morning book discussion group at 8:30 a.m.

Presbyterian Women (PW) BMPC’s Presbyterian Women remains, through all its phases and interest groups, an inclusive, caring community of women that witnesses to life lived in joyful response and service to the grace of God revealed in Jesus Christ. As PW considers it future structure, most of the interest groups that fall under its umbrella (including Coffee Cup Bible Study, Dimensions in Literature, Holy Leisure, Horizons Bible Study, Perspectives in Music, and Y-Group) continued to thrive in 2012. Mission is a high priority within PW’s vision and yearly financial gifts were again offered to selected organizations.

The Rev. Jacqui Van Vliet led our Women’s Coffee Cup Bible Study on Wednesday mornings in Gloucester Room.

Highlights of the past 12 months include: •

A well-attended Winter Retreat, “Their Story, Our Story,” based on the Biblical text and narrative of the Hebrew midwives, Shiprah and Puah, in the book of Exodus.

The distribution of more than $13,000 to local benevolences

Hospitality support for numerous events including the 2012 Theologianin-Residence program with the Rev. Dr. William Arnold and the week-long labyrinth program with Gernot Candolini hosted by The Middleton Center.

Men’s Groups In 2012, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church offered two ongoing groups for the men of our congregation, including: •

A weekly Saturday Morning Men’s Group that ran from September through May and invited all ages to join for fellowship and lively discussions “beyond the water cooler” on topics of interest to men.

A Senior Men’s Discussion Group that met every other Wednesday morning and discussed theology and religious texts.

Senior Men’s Discussion Group in Converse House Parlor

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At a Seniors Lunch Club in May, author Frank Partel (center) led a lively discussion about his latest book, “The Chess Players.”

Senior Adults Ministry

BMPC offers a place of caring community with a variety of opportunities to nurture and enrich the lives of seniors. Our Senior Adults Ministry is organized around the wisdom, gifts and needs of approximately 1,000 church members who are 65 years of age and older, whose leadership and support is vital to the entire congregation and community. In 2012, we: •

Observed the passing of BMPC’s beloved Ada Mutch, a week shy of her 107th birthday.

Co-hosted the Rev. Dr. William Arnold as BMPC’s Theologian-in-Residence for a weekend of programs about “Story as an Entry into the Sacred.”

Offered a week-long “iPad Camp” for adults led by Sarah Smith.

Hosted AARP President Rob Romasco for a community-wide event in our Sanctuary for a presentation on “Medicare and Social Security: Issues of Presidential Proportions.”

Offered a Sunday morning series “Living into the Second Half of Life” led by the Rev. Dr. R. Charles Grant.

Sponsored “An Evening with Anne Lamott,” which brought Lamott fans from far and wide to fill our Sanctuary and hear the New York Times best-selling author speak about her latest book.

Congregational Care Ministry We care about our members and their loved ones and provide support and assistance so that lives can be lived more fully. A focus of our caregiving efforts is counsel at times of critical life transitions. When health, aging, or life circumstances are a concern, we offer pastoral care, professional care, visitation by trained members of the congregation, prayer, spiritual nurture and caring support. Through our team approach, we:

Summer 2012 iPad Camp in Gloucester Room

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Provided care and counsel to our members through the ministries of our Parish Nurse, Care Manager, and Pastors

Launched a new Member Care Ministries team of members offering compassionate care and visitation

Contacted more than 1,400 members by telephone through a Deacons’ congregational calling campaign

Anne Lamott, author of New York Times bestsellers about her faith journey, talked to a packed Sanctuary about her latest book, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, at a program sponsored by Senior Adults Ministry in November.



The mission of the Fine Arts program is to glorify God and to enrich and share our Christian faith through artistic and educational programs of high quality and diversity. We do this through musical expression in worship, as well as by presenting a series of public performances and visual arts exhibits each year. The Fine Arts program oversees vocal and handbell choirs for all ages, early childhood music classes (Young-in-Arts), visual arts exhibits, and a public concert series featuring a variety of instrumental and vocal performances.

Our Senior Choir, directed by Jeffrey Brillhart (at the organ), glorifies God with beautiful music during 10:00 a.m. worship.

Highlights from 2012 include: •

A concert celebrating the Civil Rights movement featuring Gwen Appling, star of the Academy Award winning film, Mighty Times: The Children’s March.

An eight-week artist-in-residence program with Philadelphia artists Maria Anasazi and George Apotsos featuring workshops that involved the BMPC congregation in creating a large-scale sculpture representing a “wall of prayers,” which was ultimately displayed on the front lawn of the church.

A unique Earth Day performance of the powerful work, Missa Gaia: Earth Mass, featuring the BMPC children, youth, and adult choirs with a visual slideshow created by BMPC members and the special blessing of live animals from The Philadelphia Zoo.

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“Wall of Prayers” on BMPC’s Front Lawn, Spring 2012

As a community of Christian faith, we strive to care for God’s creation and love our neighbors as ourselves, whether in our congregation, in greater Philadelphia, or around the world. Over the past year, at least 700 volunteers shared their time and talents by participating in occasional, monthly, weekly, or Sunday-only opportunities, on our campus, in our city, or afar.



IN OUR CONGREGATION We value our many volunteers who share their time and talents as an expression of their Christian faith. In 2012, there were at least 77 different opportunities for members to serve and connect with others at BMPC, and nearly 700 people were involved in a concrete way. Examples of our congregants’ commitments in 2012 include: •

Full-time (M-F, 9-5) volunteer coverage of our reception desk for the first time ever. These dedicated individuals (whom we call “Ministers of First Impressions”) signed up for 2-4 hour slots each week and answered phones, directed visitors, and answered questions.

The collection of $20,428 for 17 different agencies/projects served in our annual Advent Gift Market, which provided an opportunity for members and friends to choose unique and special gifts that reflect the true spirit of Christmas.

Ongoing efforts of dedicated volunteers who are vital to our ministry: - 79 people served as officers of the church - 97 people served on Councils - 90 people ushered and assisted by greeting, seating, and assuring the safety of our worshippers - 55 people nurtured children, teens or adults in their life of faith through teaching opportunities - 42 different groups provided hospitality for our Sunday fellowship, Café in the Court

TOP: Volunteers prepare a mailing for Presbyterian Children’s Village as a component of a congregation-wide Day of Service. BOTTOM: Our Advent Gift Market offers gifts that reflect the true spirit of Christmas by providing support for 17 different agencies and projects.

“Volunteering at BMPC is more than serving God, alone. My experience has been a series of personal rewards providing me with significantly more than I give. It is a wonderful time to work with outstanding people who have positive energy and special talents. What we do as volunteers enables our church to effectively do God’s work, and volunteers feel fortunate to have such a wonderful opportunity.”

—Bill Hanna

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Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church 2012 Volunteer Activities In 2012, 77 different opportunities for members to serve and connect with others at BMPC included the following: Adult Education Council Advent Gift Market Team Art Show Volunteers Audit Committee Book Center/Library Volunteers Bulletin Helpers Café in the Court Hosts Youth Leaders Carillon Players Caring and Crafts Knitters Caring in Action Volunteers Casserole Makers Children and Family Ministry Council Sunday School Teachers Children and Youth Choir Choir Parents Communications Committee Communion Preparation Team Congregational Care Council Coordinating Team Day of Service Partipiants Deacons Desk Receptionists Drivers Elders Environmental Justice Committee

Fine Arts Council Fine Arts Volunteers Flower Arrangers Flower Committee Forward in Faith Committee Foundation Board Foundation Development Committee Foundation Investment Committee Gene Bay Fund Committee Greeters Handbell Choir Helping Hands Holy Leisure Partipants Hosts for Hospitals Hunger Committee Interfaith Hospitality Network Volunteers Joint Budget Management Committee Labyrinth Guides Lilly Residents Committee Membership Council Memorial Reception Team Middleton Center Board Mission Trip Participants Nominating Committee

Outreach Council Parking Helpers Pastor Nominating Committee Peacemaking Task Force Pension and Benefits Committee Personnel Committee Presbyterian Women Property Committee Saturday Morning Men’s Group Senior Adult Council Senior Choir Session Session Priorities Committee Singing for Life Sound System Volunteers Stewardship Committee Supper Clubs Thursday Prayer Group Trustees Tutoring Program Volunteers Ushers Vacation Bible Camp Helpers Worldwide Ministries Council Worship Committee Y-Group Youth Ministry Council Youth Leadership Team

“Volunteering at BMPC is enlightening, educational and enriching to my life. It allows me to work and learn in a variety of ways with a delightful group of like minded, yet diverse folks. BMPC has often been a founder and early supporter of many wonderful organizations that make our world a better place for everyone. It is always exciting to be in on the ground floor, so to speak.”

—Scott Jenkins (L-R) Barbara Clarke, Sue Gibbons and Ginny Smith enjoy lunch at a volunteer receptionist recognition luncheon in April 2012.

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IN OUR COMMUNITY Our church’s outreach to our extended community is offered in response to God’s grace and in an effort to partner with, learn from, and support people in need in Philadelphia. In 2012, through our Outreach Council, BMPC provided both grants and hands-on involvement with organizations in West Philadelphia and Philadelphia Presbytery-related ministries. Highlights of our community outreach in the past year include the following: •

Hosting three Congregation-wide Service Days, where volunteers participated in casserole preparation for homeless shelters, gardening in West Philadelphia, bagging food at the SHARE Food Program, serving lunch at Broad Street Ministries, and preparing mailings for partner organizations. More than 50 people of all ages volunteered in each of these opportunities to extend care for others.

Supporting projects in West Philadelphia at United Community Clinic, Habitat for Humanity, The Other Carpenter, Turning Points, and the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia, and supporting Presbytery projects at Camp Kirkwood, Chester Eastside, John Gloucester House, Central Presbyterian Church of Norristown, and Broad Street Ministries.

For the 45th consecutive year, supporting the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Tutoring Program, which pairs suburban teens with elementary school children from North Philadelphia for weekly one-on-one help with reading and writing skills.

Serving the needs of older adults and their families at the Main Line Adult Day Center (located adjacent to the BMPC campus), which offers members and their caregivers a more intimate, personalized alternative to larger, more institutionalized day centers.

ABOVE: Casserole Blitzes in our kitchen produced more than 1600 casseroles for donation to soup kitchens. BELOW: Volunteers helped repair homes in West Philadelphia through “The Other Carpenter” ministry.

“The reason I love to volunteer for the monthly BMPC casserole blitzes (casserole making for Philadelphia Food cupboards) is that my family gets to have ‘hands on’ experience making casseroles with an incredible group of caring and dedicated people of multi generations working together for the common goal of ‘supporting the weak and helping the suffering’ to serve the Lord.”

—Sandie Nicholson

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Parish Nurse & Care Manager Our Parish Nurse and Care Manager, often with the help of the deacons and volunteers, maintained connections with ill, homebound, and bereaved members and their families in the following ways in 2012: •

Made visits and phone calls, sent greeting and sympathy cards, arranged medical transportation, provided nutritious meals, and delivered flowers weekly and on holidays.

Provided assistive devices for borrowing as needed.

Revived the Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Created a nutrition program to help promote health and wellness in our faith community.

The Middleton Center

ABOVE: Our Prayer Shawl Ministry was revived in 2012. RIGHT: The Weekday School holds an Annual Christmas Pageant in the Sanctuary.

The Middleton Center is a specialized ministry at BMPC that welcomes people from all backgrounds, beliefs and faiths who desire to enhance the connections between body, mind and spirit. During 2012, The Middleton Center: •

Impacted more than 3,000 lives through direct services (psychotherapy, spiritual direction, addictions counseling, bereavement support, groups), as well as through educational events and special programs.

Developed and implemented the 10-day residency of Gernot Candolini, Austrian author, photographer and designer of labyrinths, who used the common ground of the labyrinth in eight different events, bringing together more than 540 individuals of all ages (62% of which were from beyond BMPC).

In collaboration with Main Line Reform Temple, presented a second year of “Parenting on the Main Line” and produced “Finding Meaning in and Enriching our Middle Years,” a new series designed to address the particular needs of midlife.

Completed a strategic planning process and adopted a new mission statement and strategic plan which builds on The Middleton Center’s unique capabilities.

The Weekday School The Weekday School was founded in 1963 to provide high-quality early childhood education for the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church congregation and surrounding community. The program consists of a variety of activities designed to help pre-school aged children grow in a happy, nurturing environment. In 2012, the Weekday School: •

Welcomed Kim Black as its new Director.

Started a Home and School Board to provide an avenue for parents to be more involved at school.

Planned an outreach project for the children at Christmas time. The project, led by the Home and School Board, was a book drive to benefit Arch Street Presbyterian Preschool’s library that included a festive tree-lighting ceremony when the books were presented.

Received a generous donation to fund an iPad lab, allowing the school to utilize five iPads to enrich the studies of the children.

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Almost 100 youth and parents gathered on our front lawn in March to map out a labyrinth. They “followed the leader� as the labyrinth was mowed into shape by Gernot Candolini, a wellknown labyrinth designer from Austria who led workshops as a guest of The Middleton Center.

IN THE WORLD BMPC supports mission partners and ministries of compassion, justice, and transformation around the world through our Worldwide Ministries Council budget and the Shaull Award. Our efforts to build bridges, cherish, and share the love of God in 2012 included: •

A trip to Israel/Palestine with members of Main Line Reform Temple and The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill.

A visit from Spiwo Xapile, pastor of the J.L. Zwane congregation in South Africa, and a presentation by Jed Koball, our mission co-worker in Lima, Peru.

Grants to partners serving around the world including: Mission Relief Services (U.S.), Border Links (Mexico), Cedepca (Guatemala), Emmanuel Hospital Association (India), Faith in Practice (U.S.), Hands Along the Nile Development Services (Egypt), Friends of Forman Christian College (Pakistan), Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary (U.S.), Matanzas Central Presbyterian Church (Cuba), Evangelical Seminary of Theology (India), Medical Benevolence Foundation (U.S.), Near East School of Theology (Lebanon), Nepal Foundation (Nepal), Pastoral Centre Pre-School and Creche (South Africa), Kinnaird Academy (Pakistan), Mission CoWorker Jed Koball (Peru), Re-Member on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (U.S.), Latin America Biblica University (Costa Rica), Beyond Borders (Haiti), J.L. Zwane (South Africa).

TOP: The Rev. Spiwo Xapile (left) returned to BMPC to preach and talk about the work of his church in South Africa.

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ABOVE: Members of BMPC traveled to Israel with members of Main Line Reform Temple.

With your support, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church accomplishes much more than Sunday worship. A sampling of these activities includes Christian education classes for children, youth and adults; counseling and support at The Middleton Center; and concerts and seminars open to the public. In addition to ministries within our own walls, BMPC supports 15 mission partners around the world; locally, our Outreach Council supports numerous organizations that make a difference in greater Philadelphia.



Benevolences Our goal is to establish partnerships between Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church and our co-workers in the regions and countries where we are privileged to provide financial support. As a church, we want to be more than a funding source; we desire justice for those whom we support and aim to work toward transformative relationships for both BMPC members and our partners. In 2012: •

Through the Outreach Council, the Gene Bay Award provided $90,000 to support of the work of Arch Street Preschool, The Studio at Beacon Presbyterian Church, and Presbyterian Children’s Village.

Through the Worldwide Ministries Council, The Shaull Award gave $41,000 to Nurturing Minds for its work with a girl’s school in Tanzania.

Gene Bay Award recipients, September 2012.

The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Foundation Each year, The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Foundation supports the Church’s operating budget with more than $1 million. In addition, in 2012, there were a number of areas supported by the generosity of The Foundation’s donors, including: • • • • •

Presbyterian’s Children’s Village Broad Street Ministry Arch Street Preschool Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program The Children’s Music Fund

• • • •

“Wall of Prayers” Project Camp Kirkwood Youth Scholarship Fund Organ maintenance Bibles for children

Stewardship Our 2012 Stewardship Campaign, “Stewardship Stories: Why We Give,” gave members and friends the opportunity to express what Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church means to them. Pledging helps our church plan for its yearly budget, and we are always grateful for the generosity of our supporters. During the past year: •

There were 759 pledges for the 2012 Stewardship campaign, totaling $2,110,027.

The total amount received for Stewardship, including donations from those who do not pledge, was $2,219,717.

Other gifts in support of the operating budget included $1,075,418 from The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Foundation and $155,394 from grants, charitable foundations, and charitable trusts. page 24

Capital Campaign Begun in 2011, the Forward in Faith Capital Campaign celebrated the end of its first phase in June 2012. Much was accomplished throughout 2012 through the generous donations of BMPC members, with completed projects including the repair and updating of our entire HVAC system and the removal, restoration, and return of our Pentecost Window in the Sanctuary. Exterior stone pointing, roof slate replacements, and gutter and flashing repairs on the Sanctuary and Chapel buildings were also completed.

ABOVE: Our Pentecost stained glass window in early stages of removal for restoration. BELOW: Roof slates, gutters and downspouts were replaced on the Chapel.

We are grateful for the Forward in Faith committee members who worked so diligently on fundraising efforts during Phase I. Committee members hosted a “Lemonade on the Lawn� to commemorate the occasion and mark a pause in the campaign until the next phase begins. With the Rev. Dr. Agnes Norfleet beginning her ministry at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, the Capital Campaign looks to move forward with the formation of a new committee, whose members will enthusiastically oversee Phase II of the campaign, scheduled to include the Sanctuary tower restoration project.

In 2012, BMPC received just under $2 million in pledge payments for the Forward in Faith Campaign. Our line of credit balance supporting the work done thus far is approximately $3.5 million.

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Special Gifts In 2012, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church was blessed to receive a number of gifts that are not defined by the usual parameters of Stewardship. Those donors are gratefully acknowledged below: Special Gifts to the Church: • 25th Century Foundation for Tutoring • George and Grace Andressohn Fund • Athena Institute for Pre-Med Hospice Volunteer Program • Katharine Hoyler Trust • Estate of Barbara Carvolth for Habitat for Humanity • Otto Haas Charitable Trust for Forward in Faith Capital Campaign • Pennsylvania Lumbermans Mutual Matching Gift • Pew Charitable Trust for the Pew Chapel • The Philadelphia Foundation • Reuben and Mollie Gordon Foundation for Hunger • Gifts in memory of John Adee for Fine Arts • Gifts in memory of Edward Flood for Tutoring • Gifts in memory of Ada Mutch for Forward in Faith Stained Glass Restoration • Gifts in memory of Jon M. Rogers for Forward in Faith Legacy Builders Gifts to the Foundation: • Estate of Phyllis N. Arrison • Estate of William and Ruth Berlinger • Estate of J. Mahlon Buck, Jr. • John C. and Chara C. Haas Charitable Trust for Senior Choir • Orus and Suzanne Matthews Memorial Fund • James and Sally Affleck • John and Joy MacMurray • Gifts in honor of John MacMurray • Arthur and Nancy Rainey • George and Louise Shafer During 2012, Gifts to the Foundation were made in memory of: • Franceline “Mimi” Brown • Nancy MacGregor • Herbert Clarke • Marjorie MacKinney • Chara Haas • John Miller • Richard Knecht • Andrew Musser • Elizabeth Ledwith • Ruth Oehrle • Doris Lotsch • Jane Utz

TOP: The BMPC Tutoring Program pairs 130 elementary school children from North Philadelphia with high school students from the western suburbs for one-on-one help with reading and writing skills. BELOW: Our efforts to fight hunger include the donation of hundreds of casseroles as well as direct financial assistance to 22 local food cupboards and agencies.

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Loving God, whose gentle hand has given us all that we have: Grant us grace that we may thankfully honor you with those gifts and be faithful stewards of your bounty. We are also grateful for the talents shared by so many in our congregation for the greater glory of your name and in service to our sisters and brothers and for our many volunteers who help carry out our mission and our ministries.


PLEDGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Congregational Giving Current Year Pledges Plate Offering-Cash Prior Year Pledges Total Pledges and Contributions SPECIAL INCOME Grants and Estate Gifts Charitable Trust Donation Foundation Income Allocation Total Special Income OTHER INCOME Total REVENUES




170,000 2,300,000 30,000 25,000 2,525,000

167,180 2,030,698 21,838 32,631 2,252,348

149,969 2,160,914 16,516 19,074 2,346,473

0 0 1,088,824 1,088,824 0 $3,613,824

30,394 125,000 1,075,418 1,230,813 7,606 $3,490,767

170,736 1,130,266 1,301,002 14,152 $3,661,627

2012 Actual 2012 Budget

Pledges & Contributions Special Income Other Income

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* The financial statements have been audited by ParenteBeard LLC, and are available to any member of the church upon request.


2012 Actual 2012 Budget

Personnel Expense Administrative Expense Office Expense Property Expense Benevolence Councils

2012 BUDGET PERSONNEL EXPENSE 2,023,836 197,000 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 210,800 OFFICE EXPENSE 592,350 PROPERTY EXPENSE 312,000 BENEVOLENCE COUNCILS 7,000 Adult Education 58,100 Children & Family Ministries 16,000 Congregational Life 2,500 Deacons - Congregational Care 75,378 Fine Arts 14,800 Membership 1,300 Senior Adult Council 10,000 Session 3,000 Stewardship 2,000 Worship Committee 16,000 Youth Ministries 206,078 Total Councils Total EXPENDITURES $3,542,064 $71,760 Net Cash Generated $30,000 Website Re-Design $41,760 NET CASH GENERATED, after Website



1,944,488 204,065 187,545 527,286 303,853

1,950,548 240,317 199,146 589,401 332,426

4,765 48,082 8,013 1,668 61,701 12,627 1,261 6,645 2,383 1,297 16,609 165,050 $3,332,287

6,993 61,367 11,421 2,458 68,106 15,114 1,723 10,153 3,829 2,037 15,635 198,836 $3,510,674

$158,480 $14,475 $144,005


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Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Balance Sheet ASSETS

DEC. 31, 2012

ASSETS Total Current Assets 789,942 Total Fixed Assets 26,508,806 Other Assets Investments 234,764 Notes Receivable 67,520 Notes Receivable - Church 29,903 Pooled Income Fund/Market Value 276,587 Total Other Assets 608,774 TOTAL ASSETS $27,907,522


DEC. 31, 2012

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses 12,373 Custodial Accounts 26,417 Forward in Faith Reserve -3,386,124 Note to Foundation 448,030 Temporarily Restricted 882,702 Unrestricted Reserves 169,860 Weekday School Reserves 142,612 Total Current Liabilities -1,704,131 Long Term Liabilities Line of Credit - BMT 3,490,000 Amortization 3,643 Pooled Income/Future Liability 137,026 Total Long Term Liabilities 3,630,669 Total Liabilities 1,926,538 Equity Plant 25,048,091 Unresticted Net Assets/Undesignated 761,683 Net Income 171,211 Total Equity 25,980,984 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $27,907,522

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DEC. 31, 2011 1,637,203 20,121,383 264,400 117,520 118,133 298,636 798,689 $22,557,275

DEC. 31, 2011

77,872 25,639 -2,162,462 475,236 907,890 174,236 143,939 -357,650 3,228,053 4,007 157,566 3,389,626 3,031,976 18,765,555 386,136 373,608 19,525,299 $22,557,275

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Foundation Balance Sheet Balance Sheet (December 31, 2012)

FUND BALANCES Undesignated: Unrestricted Endowment Permanent Endowment Memorials: Catherine C Miller Debbie Craig Foerderer Memorial Isabel Sherrerd Memorial Miller Memorial Elizabeth M Bates Fund


Fine Arts




Family Ministries



ASSETS (MARKET VALUE) Income and Principal Cash Fixed Income Securities Intermediate Term Notes - Market Rate Notes - Below Market Rate Total Fixed Income Equities U.S. All Cap International Equity Fund Total Equities Pledged for Line of Credit Cash Equivalents (Money Market) Treasury Inflation Protected GNMA Fund Admiral Shares Intermediate Term Total Pledged TOTAL ASSETS

488,257 3,334,591 448,030 655,115 4,437,736 16,262,242 7,153,417 23,415,659 41,994 1,713,314 2,242,779 1,160,253 5,158,340 $33,499,992

6,675,148 1,151,088 7,873 132,461 7,457,581 15,612 214,424 5,422

Mission : Christian Mission Outreach Elsie and Blair Daniels Eugene C. Bay Fund Richard Shaull Fund Skip Hollingshead Fund Catastrophic Relief Fund Ruth Anchors Estate Otto Haas Charitable Trust

110,992 257,287 1,982,927 1,168,136 27,066 13,646 322,568 163,875

Building: Ada Howard Donaghy Building Endowment Building Preservation Stained Glass Fund

1,594,362 277,484 3,496,085 130,069

Fine Arts: Chapel Organ Fund Sherrerd/Fine Arts for Children Richard W. Ledwith McFarland Music Phoebe Haas Organ Fund Silver Anniversary Fund William Dick Music Fine Arts for Children and Youth Haas Charitable Trust for Senior Choir Youth: Lola M. Tryon Memorial Joseph and Ethel VanderVeer Family Ministries: Middleton Church School Fund

34,698 29,568 102,662 348,762 89,963 87,117 699,114 239,460 767,342 25,169 31,272 63,726

Other: 1,989,759 Middleton Pastoral Care & Counseling 61,644 Theologian in Residence 10,908 Peacemaking 28,269 Camp Scholarship Fund 200,517 Community Forums 79,339 Stephen Ministry 87,160 Care of the Congregation 3,319,435 J. Mahlon Buck, Jr. & Elia D. Buck Fund $33,499,992 TOTAL FUND BALANCES

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625 Montgomery Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 610-525-2821 •

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