Workaholics intensive workers
what is my research
struggle to mentally disconnect from working
how it started...
Do you sometimes skip your lunch break as you feel guilty not working ? I do!
Do you feel bad if you donot finish the to-do list before the end of day and then keep thinking about it ? I do!
Then you might want to keep reading!
often misunderstood with long-hour workers and engaged workers ...
work . aholics
struggle disconnect from working to feel busy workhard
due to intrusive thoughts engaged workers
long-hour workers
intensive industries
factory continuity high demand
demanding industries with heavy workload such as healthcare, or architecture
industries that level of continuity assembling line
which industries potentially have many workaholics ?
factory continuity requires high continuity such as line factory
computer-based fixed settings
industries that has fixed work settings (computer-based) such as software engineer
we care about this issue ?
54% prioritize work before personal life
50% work on vacations
45% skip the lunch break at work
current design solutions
design trends for resting break room
Why these solutions are not there yet ?
heavy workload
too busy that they cannot find time for the break room
how have designers been dealing with it ? solutions
biophilic work-space nature in space
lingering thoughts about work make them feel guilty if not working, so they cannot fully enjoy the presence of greenery around them
fixed work settings
physically sticking to their work settings, these workers constantly on working mode or engage in their work and most likely not acknowledge the surround
untapped moment
might be the only moment these intensive workers physically disconnect from working
it is also the space that people just want to quickly go in and out...
my interventions what attracts
1 . Haptic Str ings
2 . Distorted Lig ht
attracts people for brief a moment ?
3 . Multise ns ory
To find out what attracts people in brief moment, I conducted 3 spatial interventions within DAAP which is one of the building within University of Cincinnati campus that have many students studying intensively, with many time fixed settings
haptic strings
level of attraction
after installation
3mm furry wool
fun, bold patterned wool in medium thickness to attract people’s attention while blending into the space
why exit stair ?
Exit stair in DAAP and the restroom share similarity in which they are both spaces that people have to use but do not want to spend much time there
level of
tracing paper
why transitional space ?
This transitional space and the restroom share similarity in which they are both spaces are quiet and through which space people transit fast.
2mm thick colored wool
bold colored wool strings soaked in essential oils to attract people in a multisensorial approach
why using odor ?
Odor (68.2%) is second one of the most highly concerned aspects of the public restroom (after cleanliness77.3%)
results from interventions
attract people quickly
All of these will be addressed later in my project
“ organic, soft & fun patterns that
what have I found ?
in restroom
size of space
lighting qualilty
gender identity
my project
this topic ?
have to want to
exclusive by gender inclusive
my site
my target users
increasing cases
virus exposure stress
long hours of work
healthcare staffs & why now ?
ED Staff
12 hours
long hours with night-shift
high stress level
emergency cases
30 mins
short break
disconnect from work recharge energy take a break
why is current layout not working ?
restroom by gender
amenities only 1 shower (in staff locker) offices restroom
The current layout restricts Emergency Dept. staffs to seek resting due to the pressure of transition between spaces and its lack of comfort for relaxation.
key legend
staff resting space
staff working space
public space proposed location
proposed site condition
(lounge/lockers/quiet) restroom
all-gender restroom
added amenities
natural light
what are the advantages of my new site ? proposed
This new site has more advantages than the previous one as it sits close to Public Restroom (which will benefit the plumbing line), the door (marked in red) will separate the Staff zone and Public zone, and it more convenient for transit between spaces
key legend
staff resting space
staff working space
public space
proposed location
project goals
what are the goals
the REST aspect back into the room
goals combined from my research, these are the goals I believe would benefit the staffs working at ED of CCH
foster restoration
foster the feeling of relaxing right at the moment the staffs enter the space
* ED = Emergency Department
* CCH = Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
that my project targeting ?
ease of maintenance
relieve the stress of cleaning, maintenance for the cleaning workers
inclusive to everyone
everyone should have access to resting
design themes
what design languages
the REST aspect back into the room
design themes
what does it mean ?
soft & organic soft texture & organic pattern
languages will I implement in my project ?
automatic & intuitive
simple patterned materials & Intuitive design
semi-transparent different levels of privacy & focus on acoustics
floor plan hallway
how am I space planning ?
scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”
(2) entrances
symmetrical layout
symmetrical layout with (2) entrances to give users equal opportunity to access any amenities no matter which entrance they enter
levels of privacy
public toward front flexible enclosure
different privacy levels with public spaces to be open with no doors; semi-private to have smart doors; private to have solid doors with signages
intuitive design
spaces follow color scheme
system of imaginery signage
using colors and imaginary signage to foster intuitive movement through the spaces
what are my modes of experience ?
rest pods nap pods
grooming resting sinks stalls showers
mother’s wellness rooms
semi-private private
enlarged plan
overall plan
double sided sinks
automatic faucet/napkin
frameless mirror
integrated lockers
semi private 5-10 mins
overall plan
enlarged plan
smart glass door
floor-to-ceiling partition
writable surface
acoustical gypsum
key components
enlarged plan
overall plan
next to wellness’s room
solid door with signage
cloth hangers
rest pods
semi private 10+ mins
overall plan
enlarged plan
soft palette
tinted glass window
smart glass door
acoustical sheer drapery
key components
nap pods
enlarged plan
overall plan
muted-teal palette
upholstered wall panels
solid door with signage
underneath storage
key components
20+ mins
enlarged plan
overall plan
tinted glass window
upholstered wall panels
solid door with signage
comfortable lounge chair
key components
overall plan
“ toward resting as people make a turn!
Workaholics intensive workers
what is my research
struggle to mentally disconnect from working
how it started...
Do you sometimes skip your lunch break as you feel guilty not working ? I do!
Do you feel bad if you donot finish the to-do list before end of day and then keep thinking about it ? I do!
long-hour workers and engaged workers
struggle disconnect from working to feel busy workhard worklong
due to intrusive thoughts engaged workers
intensive industries
factory continuity high demand healthcare
demanding industries with heavy workload such as healthcare, or architecture
industries that level of continuity assembling line
which industries potentially have many workaholics ?
factory continuity requires high continuity such as line factory
computer-based fixed settings
industries that has fixed work settings (computer-based) such as software enginner
we care about this issue ?
54% prioritize work before personal life
50% work on vacations
45% skip the lunch break at work
current design solutions
design trends for resting break room
Why these solutions are not there yet ?
heavy workload too busy that they cannot find time for the break room
how have designers been dealing with it ?
biophilic work-space nature in space
intrusive thoughts
lingering thoughts about work make them feel guilty if not working, so they cannot fully enjoy the presence of greenery around them
fixed work settings
physically sticking to their work settings, these workers constantly on working mode or engage in their work and most likely not acknowledge the surround
might be the only moment these intensive workers physically disconnect from working
it is also the space that people just want to quickly go in and out...
1 . Haptic Str ings
2 . Distorted Lig ht
attracts people for brief a moment ?
. Multise ns ory
To find out what attracts people in brief moment, I conducted 3 spatial interventions within DAAP which is one of the building within University of Cincinnati campus that have many students studying intensively, with many time fixed settings
haptic strings
3mm furry wool
fun, bold patterned wool in medium thickness to attract people’s attention while blending into the space
why exit stair ?
Exit stair in DAAP and the restroom share similarity in which they are both spaces that people have to use but do not want to spend much time there
tracing paper
why transitional space ?
This transitional space and the restroom share similarity in which they are both spaces are quiet and through which space people transit fast.
2mm thick colored wool
bold colored wool strings soaked in essential oils to attract people in a multisensorial approach
why using odor ?
Odor (68.2%) is second one of the most highly concerned aspects of the public restroom (after cleanliness77.3%)
results from interventions
attract people quickly
All of these will be addressed later in my project
“ organic, soft & fun patterns that
concerns in restroom
size of space
lighting qualilty
my target users
93% anxiety 86% burnout 76% why healthcare
virus exposure stress COVID-19
healthcare staffs & why now ?
12 hours
long hours with night-shift
emergency cases high stress level
disconnect from work
30 mins
short break
recharge energy take a break
why is current layout not working ?
restroom by gender
scattered amenities only 1 shower (in staff locker)
The current layout restricts Emergency Dept. staffs to seek resting due to the pressure of transition between spaces and its lack of comfort for relaxation.
offices restroom
key legend
staff resting space
staff working space
public space
proposed location
(lounge/lockers/quiet) restroom
all-gender restroom
added amenities
natural light
what are the advantages of my new site ? proposed
This new site has more advantages than the previous one as it sits close to Public Restroom (which will benefit the plumbing line), the door (marked in red) will separate the Staff zone and Public zone, and it more convenient for transit between spaces
key legend
staff resting space
staff working space
public space
proposed location
project goals
what are the goals
re-introduce the REST aspect back into the room
goals combined from my research, these are the goals I believe would benefit the staffs working at ED of CCH
foster restoration
foster the feeling of relaxing right at the moment the staffs enter the space
* ED = Emergency Department
* CCH = Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
that my project targeting ?
ease of maintenance
relieve the stress of cleaning, maintenance for the cleaning workers
inclusive to everyone
everyone should have access to resting
the REST aspect back into the room
design themes
what does it mean ?
soft & organic soft texture & organic pattern
languages will I implement in my project ?
automatic & intuitive
simple patterned materials & Intuitive design
semi-transparent different levels of privacy & focus on acoustics
floor plan hallway
how am I space planning
scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”
(2) entrances
symmetrical layout
symmetrical layout with (2) entrances to give users equal opportunity to access any amenities no matter which entrance they enter
levels of privacy
public toward front flexible enclosure
different privacy levels with public spaces to be open with no doors; semi-private to have smart doors; private to have solid doors with signages
intuitive design
spaces follow color scheme
system of imaginery signage
using colors and imaginery signage to foster intuitive movement through the spaces
what are my modes of experience
rest pods nap pods
grooming resting sinks stalls showers
mother’s wellness rooms
semi-private private
overall plan
enlarged plan
double sided sinks
automatic faucet/napkin
frameless mirror
integrated lockers
key components
enlarged plan
overall plan
smart glass door
floor-to-ceiling partition
writable surface
acoustical gypsum
key components
enlarged plan
overall plan
next to wellness’s room
solid door with signage
cloth hangers
key components
overall plan
enlarged plan
soft palette
tinted glass window
smart glass door
acoustical sheer drapery
key components
enlarged plan
overall plan
muted-teal palette
upholstered wall panels
solid door with signage
underneath storage
key components
enlarged plan
overall plan
tinted glass window
upholstered wall panels
solid door with signage
comfortable lounge chair
key components
toward grooming
as people enter the REST . room
“ toward resting as people make a turn!