on being
My passion is history Myself and many people love talking and learning about the past, whether it is movies, books or podcasts, people are interested in the past. Which made me think why do we seem to have such a problem talking about the future like how we talk about the past?
Fifth Street north from Race, Cincinnati circa 1907
Why do we ta has happene instead of th futu
lk about what ed in the past he inevitable ure?
What does ta death
By talking about death it brings peo realize we should not take life for tod
alking about h do ?
ople closer together and makes you granted thus celebrating your life day
Research When talking about death people feel anxiety, fear, awkwardness, sad and pretend like it is not going to happen. Questions to ask: What are their wishes for the after their death - funeral, organ donor, material items? How do they want us to process and deal with the loss?
Americ As a so or re
Hinduism - no heave/ no h
day they celebrate with swe
Islam - paradise and hell.
modern world) after washin
Talking about death at the end of the day ensure others that there values are known and respected when the unthinkable happens
Buddhism - no heave no he
to the body anymore. hold
Judaism - one’s body goe
share st
Christianity - Heave and h
some Christians don’t beli
ca’s Death Denying Culture ociety we do not think about it eally want to think about it. Religious views :
hell - cremation. after death the soul is still connected to the body in “wondering” state for 9ish days. on the 13th
eets followed monthly celebration on the date of passing for a year then just performed yearly. Ashes are spread. They believe in reincarnation.
. after death the body is washed then “profession of faith” -(there is difference between modern world and pre-
ng the body is wrapped in 3 pieces of white cloth then buried. Funeral and then remembrance of anniversary but no rituals.
ell. reincarnation - levels on enlightenment and rebirth. Cremation (4days) after death but believe there is nothing
ds a ceremony for a positive and pure rebirth where people bring offerings this ceremony can be held at any time first the first one again.
es back to god and the soul goes on. For seven days after a person passes family stays home and people come
tories and food. no “pleasurable” actives (can last 30 days) letting people “feel what they feel”
hell - “grief” response like Jesus’ death. after death there is a funeral and people speak about passed one’s life.
ieve in cremation. after funeral everyone goes to the gravesite and pray then followed by getting together to eat and talk about loved one “community to grieve”
The value of t passing away family ten maximum wis
talking about y is to minimize nsion while sh of loved ones.
Groups that found the value in talking about death ...
Death Over
Death Over Dinner e L
and talk about Dea
The Death Cafe
Dinner people talk a
to die - represent t
Death Café is a pop up restaurant spot
and costly conve
where people drink tea, eat cake and
isn’t having. “trans
discuss death.
diffcult conversatio
Their objective is to increase awareness of
engagement, insight
death with a view to helping people make
Why would I have this co
the most of their “ffnite” lives
The dinner table is the m
difficult conversation. The
creates warmth and con
touch with ou
ver Dinner
r Let’s have Dinner
th. At a Death Over
about how they want
the most important
Death Salon
ersation America
Death Salon encourage conversations on
sforms a seemingly
mortality and mourning and the effiects on
on into one of deep
culture and history. “We are out to change
and empowerment.”
the way society looks at death by helping
onversation over dinner?
people engage with the phenomenon in
most forgiving place for
meaningful ways.”
e ritual of breaking bread
nnection, and puts us in
ur humanity.
Site Spring Grove
Norman Chapel
Spring Grove and arboretum is the third largest cemetery in the United States, it sits on 733 acres and 450 acres is landscaped in the middle of Cincinnati, OH. People can take tours of the grounds with different events or individually since the cemetery is open daily. Spring Grove Cemetery has the perfect composition of the beauty of life with the beauty of dying. I fell in love with this place because of the nature, it is a cemetery first and that mausoleums and headstones are at the foreground but encompassing it all is life and the beauty of the trees and flowers.
How do yo space that pe comfortable e an open conve dea
ou create a eople will feel nough to have ersation about ath?
Design s
With the idea of how during the Victorian Era each room of the evening is dictated
Each room host a funct you host for yoursel
People can rent this space to host their o prompt questions and examples of things to conversation in th
people would host parties at their home and d a different conversation or activity.
tion towards the event lf, family and friends
own “Death Dinner”. Each room will have talk about with your guests to help drive the he right direction.
Floor plan
Cat Parlor Library
Design concept
Wanting to break down spaces into three parts: the past, the present, and the future. Each space holds a dedicated atmosphere to help people direct their emotions towards a feeling.
Parlor This is the first space and is where the conversation is dedicated to past. Reflecting and remembering on old stories and parts of the past. This the first event space and where cocktail are enjoyed.
Is the museum like space, full of photos, artifacts, and objects all from local history or from the past lives of the permanent residents of the cemetery.
Dark tones with antiqued or aged touches that remind people of the past. Standing space for cocktail hour.
Past Reminiscent
Library Second space, the main event space of the evening. This is where the conversation about death is happening. Remembering to stay in the moment, this has hospitality feel to help people be comfortable. The vibe is light but serious. People should feel however they would like, but this isn’t to make you sad it is to be enlighten and help you be open to letting in a spark something inside while enjoying a meal. Warm, airy, and lively. Light to medium tones and vibe but with plants to show life. Dining seating with a small sitting area if someone needs a pause in the conversation.
Present Engaged
Final space, this is where people move into to decompress the conversations of the evening. Either for post dinner drinks or even dessert. A little more serious this is where people communicate with each other on what they want for their future and understand. During the day this is whereby appointment people can meet with Spring Grove to plan on paper what they would like. Very bright and light. Couches for more of an intimate and relax conversation.
Future Hopeful
I encourage everyone to go home and talk about death with loved ones!