The Bristol Six Magazine - October 2016

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A free community magazine delivered each month to 9,000 homes and businesses across Kingsdown, Westbury Park, Redland and Cotham

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The Editor’s Small Piece Hello again, I hope you are enjoying life in our lovely corner of Bristol as the sun shines and the lawns continue to grow apace. Yesterday I mowed ours using a newly acquired mower that I inadvertently set on the lowest rather than the highest setting. We now have less grass on it than a fifth day Lords pitch at the height of summer. Thankfully as ever it will recover especially with a mix of yesterdays sunshine followed by todays downpour. Each month when I start to assemble the magazine I think to myself how good it would be to have a regular feature on local sport going on in this area. My football team is just starting its second season in the Premier League and, having spent almost 40 years supporting them through thin and thinner, I can’t say I am enjoying it as much as I had hoped I would. For starters it is almost impossible, as an exiled fan, to get a home ticket due to the small ground capacity and hugely inflated demand that the Premier League brings. Also the cup competitions have ceased to be of much excitement as we aren’t going to draw a club that is any bigger than those we now play on a regular basis. So it is somewhat surprising to find myself thinking that I now miss the 170 mile round trip to Dean Court on a Tuesday or Saturday to watch us play the likes of - yes - Bristol Rovers or Bristol City. Maybe I need to ‘adopt’ a local team, or indeed another sport to get enthusiastic about. So if you are involved with a local club playing any team sport and would like some free coverage - and possibly a new fan - do please get in touch. And if you are a young aspiring writer who would like to write an occasional sporting article for the magazine please drop me a line. Cheers, Andy T. 0117 259 1964 / 07845 986650 E,. W.

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Talking Pets with the Animal Health Centre Is it dangerous to vaccinate my pet?


Vaccines have hit the headlines again recently with fears that the newer vaccine for leptospirosis (Weil’s disease in people) may have dangerous side effects. With vets on one side recommending you vaccinate your pet and newspapers on the other side saying they can cause serious medical side effects, how do you know whether to go for that yearly booster?

The potential adverse effects of vaccines can be serious, however a very low percentage of animals suffer these serious adverse effects. The most common effects after vaccines can be that pets will be a little quieter than normal and sometimes a small lump will develop at the vaccine site, this lump usually self-resolves in a few days to weeks. Most of the time, vets will recommend vaccinations if your pet is healthy. Around Bristol and Bath there were many dogs suffering with leptospirosis last year, the new vaccine was brought in as the disease itself can cause serious kidney damage and can be life threatening. Young animals are very susceptible to disease as the antibodies from their mother decline; for example parvovirus in puppies can be fatal and so on balance it is usually considered more dangerous not to vaccinate.

The first thing to say is that most vets will consider your pet as an individual when making the decision about whether or not to vaccinate. If your pet is very unwell, vaccinations will be delayed. If your pet has previously reacted badly to a vaccine, other options will be looked into. It is possible to test whether your dog has antibodies against some of the diseases we vaccinate against if they have previously had a full vaccine and so we can decide if a booster vaccine is

If you would like to discuss whether vaccines are suitable for your pet, you can call us at Animal Health Centre on 0117 924 7832. Sophie McGill Veterinary Surgeon

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Julian Lea-Jones History Notes no. 107 - Signs of confusion In common with many other places Bristol has its fair share of signs that confuse rather than clarify. Last April in article 92 I mentioned some of these including a historical sign on the frontage of a house in Clifton that proclaimed ‘Pickled Tongues’. At first I was worried that it was near the BBC in Whiteladies Road. Fortunately it was not a warning of the proximity of the Tower of Babel but merely a hangover from when the house was signed as family butchers shop. Family butchers – Lizzie Borden? I hope not! Still on the subject of food, a delivery lorry was emblazoned with the reassuring words, Co-Operative Food. I asked the driver if cannibals ate unco-operative food. Sainsbury’s in Clifton Down has an aisle sign; ‘Adult Cereals’ I asked if this meant one couldn’t eat breakfast before the 9pm threshold. What? “No it means they’re not for children.” Still none the wiser I gave up. One to deter burglars was seen on a contractor’s van in Horfield; ‘No chocolate or tools left in this van overnight’. Further away in Small Street once the site of Bristol’s Head Post Office was a pre-war sign designed to terrify the paranoiac – it read, ‘BEWARE OF MOTORS.’ As a teenager it engendered in me a new respect for my Meccano motor, until that is I overwound it and the spring broke. Still downtown the industrial chemical works on Temple back displayed the following sign at the site entrance, ‘Strangers not admitted’. Succinct, but did that mean employees relatives were free to come and go? Last summer Timpson’s in Henleaze had a billboard proclaiming photos for ‘International Passports’ – as distinct from…? (The sign has been removed).

‘Permitted Bin Sticker’ other than the City coat of arms, nothing else! A similar example of corporate thinking (outside the box – presumably away from the mad frogs), Temple Meads Platform 9, Computer screen to display train times broke down, leaving only the words ‘Information Screen.’ When questioned the platform staff said ‘yes it ‘s an information screen.’ But it’s not displaying any information. “Yes it is, I told you look it says it’s an information screen” At this point I resisted the temptation to hurl myself onto the tracks. Sometimes announcements are equally worrying. Returning on a Delta Airlines flight from America, the cabin staff cheerily announced, “We will be landing momentarily.” My query, “Will I have time to get off?” was met with a confused look, which reminded me of the saying; ‘Two countries separated by a common language’. Still on the subject of air travel, this command outside the Create Centre, would have tested even Captain Over’s Airplane skills as it instructs him to ‘Under-Fly Over.’ Would have been a real challenge as the Cumberland basin bridge has a lot less headroom than Clifton Suspension Bridge. However for an example of incomprehension this next yellow door sign at Lloyds Bank in Westbury on Trym takes some beating. ‘No dogs allowed except guide dogs or assisted dogs’. I asked if it was a typographical mistake and they meant assistance dogs, “No, it means what it says.” I then asked could I bring my elderly dog in, as it is arthritic and has difficulty in walking and needs help getting through doors. “No, not unless it is an assisted dog.” I gave up.

This tongue in cheek article is just to draw your attention to some of the absurdities that surround us but my favourite of all time is the However for confusing signs, Bristol City one I spotted beside highway by the Intercoastal Council excels, I wonder if they have a special Waterway in Florida. A beautifully crafted oak department? I have already in another article heraldic shield on a three foot high post mentioned Laddies Mile and Dorian Road, but in proclaimed; ‘This site is reserved for a future times of straitened finances, who on earth, what historic event.’ Town planning at its most and why were these bin labels designed and put proactive? on wheely waste bins in Park Grove. Reads © Julian Lea-Jones September 2016

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The Downs Recorder - Richard Bland romantic. This Pembroke Road shaft was used as access for drilling the tunnel, which used a revolutionary new compressed air diamond drilling machine to drill holes into which dynamite charges were put. The air The Clifton Down Railway was opened in compressor was on the surface. Water to 1874 in order to link Avonmouth to the national railway network. The voyage up the cool the drill bits was also pumped down, narrow and twisting river Avon began to limit and spoil brought up through the shaft. At the shipping able to use Bristol City Docks in the northern end a horizontal tunnel was drilled to remove spoil out and it was the 1860s and a lock gate and dock was built at Avonmouth, in 1873. The only link to probably used as track foundation as the line north cut across tidal marshland at the city was the Port and Pier Railway build Sneed Park and Sea Mills. along the edge of the River Avon and opened in 1865. This line terminated at a The line was a both crucial passenger link to station under the Suspension Bridge, and the rapidly developing Avonmouth Docks, was standard gauge, and did not connect and for a time a key freight line linking in to with any part of the broad gauge system. The new line took over much of the Port and the main South Wales Line after the Severn Tunnel was opened in 1886. It is difficult Pier railways track. The engineering of the today to understand how completely line from Temple Meads was difficult, as dependent on the railway system Avonmouth there was a thee hundred foot to climb was until the Portway was built in 1922. The through St Werburghs and the complex line just survived the Beeching cuts in the Narroways Junction into a tunnel before 1960s, and for a time was crucial to the Montpelier and then a steady climb though survival of Clifton Zoo, hordes of visitors Redland to Clifton Down. The mile-long walking from Clifton Down station, but tunnel under the downs starts just north of that station, and runs steadily downhill to its demand dwindled in the 1980s as car travel exit in the Avon Gorge just below Sea Walls. came to dominate society. In more recent years it has increasingly become used as a There are two ventilation shafts, one at the commuter route, and there are vigorous supporters of the Henbury loop which has gone out of use, but still exists as a link to Filton and the new Parkway station. In theory the line under the Downs could become a key outer circle route, linking park and ride sites in the outer suburbs to the city centre. Our predecessors 150 years ago seem to have had a far more vigorous and forward looking approach to travel and transport problems than we have today.

The History of the Downs in ten objects No. 6. The Clifton Down Railway ventilator shaft.

The Downs are for people, and the management of a vast number of competing interests is sophisticated and subtle. If you enjoy the Downs, or use if for your sport, why top of Pembroke Road, and the other, shown not become a Friend? Membership is just ÂŁ10. Contact Robin Haward on 0117 974 3385 or at above) in the Gully, both built of rather rugged limestone blocks and originally featured castellated tops to make them look

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No Prize Quiz - answers on page 60 1.

How many books are there in a) the Old testament and b) the New Testament?


What are the main ingredients of a) a White Russian, b) a Bloody Mary and c) a Moscow Mule


Name the chat show host, the boxer and the two actors who feature on the famous album cover of ‘Band on the Run’ by Paul McCartney & Wings.


Name the capital cities of a) Namibia, b) Ethiopia and c) Kenya.


Name the three actors who played the ‘Three Amigos in 1986, and the three actresses who starred in ‘Nine to Five’ in 1980.


What sport took place at Walthamstow until 1951, White City until 1978 and Wembley until 1971?


Name the three “singer-songwriters” behind the 1996 football anthem ‘Three Lions’


If you travel to London by train from these towns which mainline stations will you arrive at - a) Harwich, b) Wellingborough, and c) Arundel?


Name these newsreaders, and in which decades did they first read the BBC early evening news?


Place these five stratospheric layers in order starting with the closest to the earth - thermosphere, troposphere, exosphere, mesosphere and stratosphere.


Put these French cities in order from north to south - Nantes, Toulouse, Montpellier, Paris, Dijon.


Put these US cities in order from east to west - Phoenix, New York, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Nashville.


In which decades did the following events take place - a) the death of Buddy Holly, b) the construction of the Berlin Wall, c) the publication of Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species’, d) the Battle of Naseby, and e) Mallard set a new world of 126mph for a steam locomotive?


In what year did tram operations cease in Bristol?

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This Cotham Life - Duncan Haskell This month’s column takes me into my third year of writing about the goings on in our neighbourhood, and the wider context of life in Bristol. As much as this city is a fertile source of creativity, there are occasions when I struggle to find inspiration and it’s in these situations that I turn to my heroes for a little assistance. In order to defeat this month’s looming deadline I turned to the wellthumbed pages of my copy of Generation of Swine, a collection of newspaper columns by the legendary gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, in the hope that some of his chaotic genius may lead me to waters previously uncharted.

tattoo just so that I’d have something to write about. The fact that we only live a short work from the parlours on Gloucester Road and she’d be treated to a dinner of her choice (within reason) straight afterwards apparently weren’t ample recompense. My next option was to try to run a book on whether or not Bristol will end up with a metro mayor or not, but without my own trustworthy source inside City Hall it seemed a risk too far to start offering odds.

One lesson that I have learnt from Hunter is that when you’re in need of good quotes it’s worth turning to The Book of Revelation, and these words were waiting for me, “Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things My first call was to the editor of this which are, and the things which shall be publication to see if he was prepared to hereafter.” With that in mind I remembered finance my stay at a local hotel, where armed that there have been all sorts of things only with typewriter and liquor I could get in happening this month; new students have touch with the muse. With that request swiftly arrived, Labour councillors have been rebutted, and my own dwindling alcohol suspended, the football season has begun stocks proving disappointing, the next step and the cycle of city life goes on. was to turn to the pages themselves to see what other assistance Hunter could give me. Unfortunately I’ve completely run out of time Unfortunately failure met me at everyone turn. to write about any of it. First up was Mrs Haskell’s refusal to get a Duncan Haskell

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and we’d like you to help us celebrate with...

any NEW* treatment. Simply give the centre a call on 0117 962 0008 or email us on *NEW is classed as any therapy that you have not had before with that particular therapist. Appointment must be booked in Oct. but can take place later in the year. Applies to first appointment only. Therapies with David Wilcox and Louise Collens are not included in the offer.

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In the Garden with Hilary Barber 1. Start to rake up leaves. You can put small quantities in a compost bin and mix them in well, but it is better to compost leaves on their own, to make leaf mould, a great soil improver and mulch.

8. Divide your herbaceous perennials and rhubarb crowns and have a plant swap with friends!

9. Some perennials can be cut back, but I prefer to leave flowerheads and seeds for the 2. Don’t compost any leaves with leaf spot birds and then tidy in spring (unless frosted e.g. roses, as the fungal infection will transfer and then it is best to tidy up blackened stems through compost or soil. Dispose of in your and leaves). green bin, or burn. 10. Once your borders are clear and some of 3. Plant the earth exposed, start mulching them with spring well rotted manure, compost, leaf mould or bulbs such mushroom compost. as daffodils, 11. Give evergreen hedges a final trim before crocus, winter. alliums (r), snowdrops 12. For some lovely spring colour, plant out and try to finish planting by the end of the spring bedding such as wallflowers, Bellis month, with the exception of tulips. Tulips are perennis, Primulas and winter pansies best planted later, in November, to reduce the chance of tulip blight which breeds in warmer soils. 4. Prune shrub roses by one third to prevent wind rock and breaking of the branches during the winter. Also prune climbing and rambling roses this month and tie in the stems before autumn winds cause any damage. 5. Plant hardy trees, shrubs and climbers (especially clematis and wisteria) while the soil is still warm and moist. Give them a good mulch (see 10). 6. Complete scarifying, aerating and top dressing to your lawn and apply autumn lawn feed before the end of the month. October is also a good time to lay turf. This may also be the last month for mowing. 7. Finish planting of autumn onion sets and plant garlic. Sow overwintering broad beans such as ‘Aquadulce’, overwintering peas such as 'Kelvedon Wonder’, and sow some perpetual spinach to overwinter.

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Music with Duncan Haskell Album of the Month October Cartwheels by Ward Thomas (Sony Music / WTW Music) It’s testament to the genre’s meteoric rise that the presence of a UK country group at the top of the album chart hasn’t come as a giant surprise. The success of the ABC show Nashville, festivals such as Country To Country and the crossover appeal of artists like Taylor Swift has meant such an achievement had become something of a formality but that doesn’t mean it’s undeserved. Sisters Catherine and Lizzy Ward Thomas clearly have the talent and songs required to capture this moment.

Next Step Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton If Ward Thomas are your entry point into the world of country and Americana then a varied river of treasures awaits. From the outlaws and traditionalists to modern heroes of the genre its riches run on and on. For now, and for this month’s next step, we’re turning to The Queen of Country herself, who is still riding the waves of her triumphant 2014 Glastonbury performance.

In 1971 Dolly was still best known for her partnership with Porter Wagoner, but Coat of Many Colors was the album which launched her as a bona fide star in her own right. The three tracks which began the album, the The opening pair of tracks, Carry You Home and title track, Traveling Man and My Blue Tears, Almost Easy, establish the formula for the album proved just how effective Parton could be as a - emotional but upbeat ballads that highlight the writer and performer. These seemingly simple sibling’s incredible harmonies, coupled with songs were imbued with her personality and polished production. This might not be the distinctive warble and presented memorable country of Loretta Lynn but it is immediate and moments that fans could sing along to. incredibly catchy. Guilty Flowers continues the trend of borrowing a little from The Lumineers This thread was present throughout the album. Ho Hey, but it’s impossible not to join in. By the time A Better Place To Live brought it to a Boomerang is a footstompingly rousing tale of close, with its memorable chorus, a template someone unable to leave behind a doomed (one which had already been hinted at with relationship. Jolene) was set that Parton would follow going forward. Ward Thomas fans will surely Hints of the pair’s more traditional origins appreciate Dolly’s mixture of pop and country. remain. The layers of production are stripped away on Proof and what remains is a simple Gig of the month guitar track and sumptuous vocals, a reminder Ward Thomas @ The Fleece, Tuesday 18th Oct. that the raw talent hasn’t been fully smoothed For the second month in a row our featured artist away. The title track presents the best balance just so happens to be performing in Bristol. of the two worlds, it swells in places and the Those vocals harmonies, so impressive on lyrics would fit a Katy Perry song but there’s also record, are even more mesmerising in the flesh a clear country heart to the song. and the intimate setting of The Fleece is the perfect place for the sisters to leave an In some ways it’s slightly contradictory that an audience with a night’s worth of hair-sticking-upalbum which will be remembered as a trailblazer on-the-back-of-the-neck moments. Catherine for its genre is also something of a dilution of and Lizzy refer to their voices as a ‘French horn that very style. By appealing to the many, whilst and a trumpet’, each one a finely-tuned not completely forgetting its maker’s origins, instrument ready to dazzle you with their Cartwheels has rightly grabbed considerable immense talent. attention and deserves to be heard. Duncan Haskell

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be printed out, unless the tenant consents to it being sent to him/her by email. The landlord also needs to be aware that retaliatory eviction is no longer an option. Up until now there have been occasions where a tenant has complained about the condition of the property to which the landlord’s response has been to serve a Notice Seeking Possession. It will be comforting for tenants to know that if they make a written complaint about the condition of the property the NEW RULES FOR LANDLORDS landlords will be unable to serve their John Todd of AMD Solicitors looks at Assured Shorthold Tenancies in the wake (Section 21) Notice within six months after service on the landlord of one of three of the Deregulation Act 2015 specified Local Authority notices, the most important of which is an improvement notice. Just when landlords thought their position could not be more restrictive or complex, the Clearly this means that the Local Authority will have to support the tenant’s complaint, Deregulation Act has imposed further but if the Notice is served after the complaint, restrictions. Although the Deregulation Act came into force in April 2015, it only applies it will be invalid if the complaint is subsequently upheld by the Local Authority. to new or replacement tenancies after 1 October 2015. The principal changes are:As stated above, the new provisions only apply to new or replacement tenancies after A new version of the Notice seeking 1 October 2015 but landlords will need to Possession. take care when considering service of a Notice Seeking Possession of the property 1. The Notice can no longer be served in the first four months of the tenancy. where the tenancy began before 1 October 2015 or after it. Landlords would be strongly advised to obtain specialist advice on their 2. The landlord must now, at the position before serving the required Notice. commencement of the tenancy, Equally, tenants who are served with a provide:Notice would be strongly advised to seek specialist advice as to whether the Notice is a) A gas safety certificate and valid or not. b) c)

An energy performance certificate.

Just one more cautionary note, which is that when seeking possession of a house in Service of the Government’s “ multiple occupation (HMO), there are How to Rent” booklet, which is additional conditions – following the Housing Act 2004 – and on which specialist advice only available in electronic form online and so will need to should be sought. AMD are pleased to advise in these situations and contact can be made with Chris Brown at our office at 2 Station Road, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9TT ( 0117 923 5562) or John Todd at our office at 100 Henleaze Road, Bristol BS9 4JZ (0117 962 1205).

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Prize Wordsearch On the day the Labour Party votes to decide who won’t become the next Prime Minister it seems sensible to have a parliamentary themed wordsearch for you this month. So here it is. Listed below are the twenty UK Prime Ministers who have held office since the First World War. All bar one of the names are also hidden in the wordsearch grid listed forwards, backwards, up, down or on a diagonal. All you need to do is discover which PM has gone missing then get in touch and let me know. Entries please by 31st October posted to 8 Sandyleaze, WoT, BS9 3PY, texted to 07845 986650, rung in to 0117 259 1964, tweeted to @BS9Andy or emailed to . The first two correct entries selected at random after that date will each win a DVD copy of the Henleaze / Bristol based comedy film Golden Years, starring Bernard Hill, Virginia McKenna, Una Stubbs and Simon Callow.

Right, here are your Prime Ministers - happy hunting May Brown Major Callaghan Heath Macmillan Churchill Chamberlain Macdonald Lloyd George

Cameron Blair Thatcher Wilson Douglas-Home Eden Attlee Baldwin Bonar Law Asquith

Best of luck and do enter if you have a go at the puzzle. For those who do - here are the latest winners The July competition answer was Lawrence and the August issue was Finland. Congratulations to Anne Duffield and Frances Ransom - I’ll be in touch about your prizes. Ands thanks to everyone who sent their entries in.

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I get by with a little help from my friends‌ appointing an Attorney A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) enables someone to authorise a person of their choosing, (their Attorney) to make decisions on his or her behalf. Many people have heard of Lasting Powers of Attorney but how do they work in practice, and what are the different types of LPA that you can choose? Two types of LPA Of the two types available, you can opt to have just one, or both. Health and Welfare LPAs concern decisions relating to medical matters, living arrangements, day-to-day care and the wider social well-being of the person (known as the donor) who has appointed an Attorney. Most of us would want to be cared for by people we trust at times of vulnerability in our lives. This type of LPA allows an Attorney to make such decisions to the extent that the donor is not able to make them. This is important to note as, wherever possible, an Attorney must, by law, enable and assist the donor to make

their own decisions insofar as they can manage to. It is only at the point where the donor cannot manage to decide for themselves, that the Attorney will step in to act. Property and Financial LPAs give an Attorney authority to decide and act in property dealings, bank account withdrawals or transfers, completing income and tax returns, claiming benefits and pensions, as well as on wider financial matters. Managing financial affairs can be a complex business, and this LPA is used to protect the financial interests of the donor. With both types of LPA, any decision made by an Attorney must be made in the best interests of the donor. Will I be giving too much control away? LPAs are important tools in protecting the interests of a vulnerable person, who may need to have decisions made on their behalf now or in the future. A donor can often be more reluctant to appoint a Health and Welfare Attorney than a Property and Financial Affairs Attorney, because welfare decisions can include deciding about the donor's medical care,

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and weighty issues such as whether the donor should go into residential care. If any concerns are raised about an Attorney's actions, the Court of Protection can intervene and investigate. Ultimately, the Court can remove the Attorney from post if it considers this to be necessary. In practice, any such concerns should be alleviated by the donor's choice of Attorney. A donor is advised to appoint an Attorney whom they know and trust, such as a close relative or friend. With the right arrangements in place, LPAs can provide great peace of mind by ensuring that the donor has help when needed. If no Attorneys are appointed and a person loses capacity, the alternative

process of applying to Court to have a Deputy appointed is a much more expensive and restrictive. Having no option but to go to the Court of Protection is something that can be avoided by taking timely and appropriate advice on the appointment of an Attorney and, importantly, the types of restrictions that should be put in place to give you peace of mind. If you would like further advice or information about how to appoint an Attorney, please contact Mary McCrorie on 0117 314 5368 or at

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Slide comes to Bristol Hello! Spending too long waiting at bus stops? Why not Slide to work with the new shared ride to work service in Bristol?

Slide is a personalised service to bring you to and from work in a convenient and comfortable way, with routes optimised in real time to cope with the demand. It is fast, efficient and guarantees you a seat in one of our smart new vehicles.

Use the code BS6 to save 20% off your weekly commute with Slide Bristol and try a better ride to work! According to the Guardian, a key factor that impacts our happiness levels is our commute. Bristolian traffic is unavoidable and running to a bus stop that is half a mile away is not the morning you hope for as you start your trip to work.

Step inside to experience air conditioning and free Wi-Fi to ensure that your day starts on the right foot.

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Slide operates Monday to Friday from 7 to 10 am in the morning and 4 to 7:30pm in the evening to transport you to and from work in one of our comfy new vehicles. After all, who doesn’t want to arrive at work relaxed?

but now I’ll certainly be using the Slide service in future. The driver was prompt and very friendly too!” Find out more at

Slide is here to make your commute easier and has so far been a hit with our passengers, ensuring that they arrive at the office stress-free. Sophie Anne Wells, a Bristol local who was one of the first users of ‘Slide Bristol’ in July said; “I had my first ride with Slide last week. I used to pay up to £20-25 for a one -way taxi ride into the city centre

Find out more at

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Films with Chris Worthington David Brent : Life on the Road Written and Directed by Ricky Gervais At the start of the film David Brent is back in The Office but this time round it is at Lavichem, a sanitary products supplier. The characters are familiar but they have been moved around a bit. Brent has been demoted to a sales job and the character replacing his soul mate Chris Finch from The Office is Jezza (Andre Brooke) who is on the next desk. Their sexist jokes attract the unwelcome attention of the politically correct female manager and the office bully also fails to appreciate their silly attempts to lighten the mood.

that attracted some leading stars willing to play an exaggerated version of themselves. Gervais went on to further success as a controversial host of the Golden Globe Awards and to write and direct “Derek”, a 2012 channel 4 sitcom set in a nursing home where he played a helper at the home. It attracted mixed reviews. Gervais capacity for close observation and pathos is evident in Life on the Road. The audiences for the pub gigs are clearly discomfited by a song that attempts to praise the courage of people with disabilities, and he endlessly patronises the black singer in the band. As the tour starts to fall apart he decides to arrange an evening drink but the band will only turn up if they get free drinks and are paid for their time. The evening is predictably awful. Brent is eventually rescued from complete humiliation by the road manager who arranges a snow storm for the Christmas song at the last gig.

The prevailing theme of most of the TV programmes and films produced by Ricky Gervais has been satire. Gervais worked in Brent dreams of escaping from it all and is an office for seven years and has been set on making a new start in a rock band. He quoted as saying “real life is by far the duly cashes in his pension, maxes out his biggest influence and it should be. I mean credit card and sets off on tour with the everything that you do is semi – Foregone Conclusion, a competent group of autobiographical.” He has also claimed to musicians who not surprisingly are only in it be a romantic but while there is an element for the money. In return they have to perform of romance in The Office it is most clearly Brent’s excruciatingly bad songs in a seen in “Cemetery Junction”, an excellent succession of appalling pub venues around working class coming of age film set in the M25. Reading, the town where he grew up. Ricky Gervais’s early career was in the music business. When he was at University College studying philosophy in the 1980s he formed Seona Dancing, a synth - pop act and later managed Suede, the successful rock group. His first break into television was in 2000 with a comedy chat show on Channel 4 followed by The Office in 2001. Extras came next, a satire on the entertainment industry broadcast in 2005

Chris Worthington

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BRISTOL KICKBOXERS WIN THREE GOLD MEDALS Williams (12) in the -37kgs 10-12yrs and Cory AT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN DUBLIN. Cook (14) in the -47kgs 13-15yrs. The Bronze medal was achieved by Ishana Moores (17) in the Last month a Team of Kickboxers from Bristol -50kgs 16-18yrs. travelled to Dublin for the Junior WAKO World Championships. The team consisted of eight youngsters, all aged between 10-17 years old who all train in the GB Fit gym in Horfield and here in BS6 at the Powersports gym in Redland alongside WAKO GB coaches Sharon Gill and Sean Veira. With the competition being at its top level, there were over 45 countries taking part with every country having their finest competitors to represent them. After a tough week of competition, the team came home with an outstanding 3 Gold medals and 1 Bronze, which from one small city amongst the world is an amazing achievement. Gold medals were achieved from Isobelle Whitmore (13) in the -50kgs 13-15yrs, Rio

Back row, left to right - Sean Veira GB Coach, Lauren Howie (17), Ishana Moores (17), Cory Cook (14), Isobelle Whitmore (13), Rio Williams (12), Sharon Gill (GB Coach). Front row, left to right - Grace Chandler (12), Liam Holden (11), Emily Rowland (10).

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Coaching with Anne Miller With the situation considered from various perspectives the options became clear and steps were identified to move forward and What do you do with your moral dilemmas? Do you ruminate, turning them over and over solve this moral dilemma. in your mind or do you share them with Just as it is vital for us as individuals for us to someone you trust? know our core values so it is for us in business. Arguably this may not make it any If you’re ruminating you will be aware of the easier for us to avoid moral dilemmas but it discomfort and the time and attention it is taking from you and are probably frustrated will make it easier to deal with them. It’s by it. Maybe you notice it impacting on your something that has come up for my business clients and in my mastermind groups and confidence and your effectiveness. the confidential environment provides the space to consider the situation from multiple What about moral dilemmas in business? perspectives. Only when these are laid out, questioned, challenged and fully understood Maybe they’re slightly different can the options be weighed and decisions made. What initially seems like a complex but they will be maze with no way out, opens up to give an heavily overview of options and consequences that influenced by inform our choices based on our values. your own personal sense I’ve noticed with clients sometimes that fears of morality. of having to behave out of their comfort zone The sharp (and many would argue immoral) tests their confidence that they will be able to stay true to their values and still achieve practices of some large businesses might tempt us to dismiss the concept of business the growth they want. In order to grow personally and professionally we must step morality but certainly for owner lead out of comfort zone but this does not mean businesses moral dilemmas are just as compromising our values. On the contrary I present in business as they are in general would assert that it is essential we stay true life. to our values if we are to grow and enjoy running a successful business. What is At one of my recent mastermind group for small business owners a member brought a success if it is not being happy? And how can we be happy if we are not honouring our moral dilemma. Our meetings are values? confidential and details can be discussed openly without fear of judgement or any Visit for details going beyond the room.

Moral Dilemmas

more information and to book a free

What the member started with was a consultation Tel: 07722110228 complex tangle of information, thoughts and feelings. The group provided the environment where these could be opened out to reveal the different elements. Amongst them were potential conflicts of interest, potential for legal ramifications and very clear core values of responsibility and a sense of wanting to do the right thing by their clients.

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What’s On & Community News Listings for community events, not-for-profit clubs and charitable activities are free of charge. If you have something of this nature that you would like listed please get in touch by calling 0117 259 1964 or 07845 986650, email, or post details in to 8 Sandyleaze, WoT, BS9 3PY. Details shown are accurate to the best of my knowledge, but dates, times & locations may change without notification. So if you are unsure, and to avoid disappointment, please contact the organiser listed to double check. Theatre, Concerts & Music Sat 15th October 3.30-4.30 pm. Tea Time Organ Recital at St Alban’s Church, Bayswater Avenue, Westbury Park, with Matthew Davies. Tickets available on the door at £5 (£3 for under 18’s) includes afternoon tea and cake. It's Your Ceili! All dances called and live music provided by the Highly Strung Band. Friday 4th November. 7.30pm to 10.30pm. St. Alban's Hall, Westbury Park, BS6 7NU. All profit to St. Peter's Hospice. Licensed cash bar. Tickets £10 in advance e ticket: Enquiries to Jill Elliot - 01275 847 909 - 07515 904 707 - ‘Babbers’ Radio Show every Monday from midday to 2pm on Ujima Radio - 98FM. The show is organised and presented by older people for older people with the aim of helping to reduce loneliness and social isolation, however the topics we cover are interesting and relevant to all. Tune in, let us know what you think Castaway’s Choice with Dame Josephine Barstow . Dame Josephine’s international career makes her a very familiar name to all opera goers. On Wednesday 19th October Join her on a desert island, talking about her distinguished career and her music choices in conversation with Andrew Borkowski with Friends of WNO at Redmaids High School at 7.15pm Tickets £5 and £7. Sat 5th November 7.30 pm at St Alban’s Church, Bayswater Avenue, Westbury Park - Master and Apprentice. The Palestrina Singers (Cardiff) directed by Will Stevens with Benjamin Teague

(Organ) present an evening of choral music by Palestrina, Victoria, Howells and Britten including Palestrina’s Stabat Mater, Howells’ Take Him Earth for Cherishing and Britten’s Five Flower Songs Tickets available on the door at £10 (£6 for under 18’s) interval drinks will be served. The Elgar Society is dedicated to promoting the works of Sir Edward Elgar, our greatest English composer. Our next meeting is on Saturday 29 October at 2.15 at the Bristol Music Club, 76 St Paul’s Road, BS8 1LP. Limited free parking is available at 1 Pembroke Road. Admission for visitors costs £3.00 including refreshments. Our Chairman Christopher Redwood will introduce us to the music of Stanford, the British composer who lived just before Elgar and who taught most of the composers of the following generation. He will also have signed copies available of his recent book on William Hurlstone, Stanford’s favourite student and one of the great ‘might-have-beens’ of British musical history if he had not died at the age of 30. Fitness, Sport, Walking & Dancing Free Flu Jabs for carers! If you are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill, you qualify for a free flu jab. This service is open to all unpaid carers including those who receive carers allowance. Flu jabs are now available at many community pharmacies as well as through your doctor’s surgery. For information about other support services for carers contact Carers Support Centre. CarersLine: 0117 965 2299 or visit Kingsdown Ladies Badminton Club in Henleaze are looking to expand, and are aiming to recruit improvers/club standard players. We currently have two teams playing in the Bristol league, and have plans to enter a third team. Come along and have some badminton fun. We play Sunday evenings 6-8pm at St. Ursulas EACT Academy, Brecon Road, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4DT. For further information contact Pauline 07929 340 952 Morris Dancing - Bristol Morris Men welcome anyone who wants to try morris dancing. We practise on Thursday evenings in the Sports Hall at (QEH) Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital (School) at Berkeley Place, Clifton from 20:00 to 22:00 (ish). For more information please visit or call Grant on (0117) 9442165 .

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What’s On & Community News Hydrotherapy Exercise Sessions - group exercise in lovely warm water at Southmead Hospital's purpose built pool. Benefits include relaxation, relief of pain & swelling, improved movement, balance & fitness. All ages & abilities welcome. We are a friendly local team of Chartered Physiotherapists with expertise in a variety of disabilities & medical conditions. We have a regular group of local members but new people are always welcome. For more details please contact Chris & Ali Cowley on 07971 086 628, email or visit Westbury Park Tennis Club is a small, friendly tennis club with floodlights for year round play. We welcome members from 8 -80. Adult open evenings on Tuesdays. Call Greg on 0117 9425168 for more information. Henleaze Tennis Club has vacancies for players of all standards and ages. Whether you are an established player looking for a club, someone who is rusty or a student come along and try us out. FFI please visit or contact the secretary Philip Price Tel: 07787 566246 E-mail: Volunteering & Charities Cards for Good Causes is the UK’s largest charity Christmas card organisation, selling cards on behalf of over 250 charities across the UK. As usual we rely on volunteers who give their time to support the work of the organisation. If you are able to help us staff our festive pop-up shop on Whiteladies Rd this season by volunteering for a minimum of 9 hours please contact CFGC on 01264 361555, or visit Friendship, Social and Support Groups The Discussion Group. Do you want something enjoyable to do on Monday mornings? If so why not join us? We are a small, mixed, convivial group who meet locally to discuss wide-ranging topics of mutual interest. We are currently looking for new members. If you are interested the please call Bob Broomfield on 0117 962 1061 or Alan Routledge on 0117 968 2246 for further information.

divorce. Our next 8-week self-help course starts on Monday 26th September in Cotham, Bristol. The course is facilitated by a group of trained men and women who have all experienced broken relationships or divorce. If you would like to know more call Gill on 07807 058479, email or visit Westbury Park WI has changed its meeting day to the first Wednesday in the month. Guests are welcome, it costs £4 per session and it is possible to be a guest 3 times in a year without having to become a member. We meet at Westmoreland Hall, Westmoreland Road, Redland from 7.30pm. Soroptomists International Bristol are part of a global organisation founded in Bristol for women from a wide range of professional and business backgrounds who have joined together to give Service, Friendship and have Fun. We meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at Long Ashton Golf Club where we enjoy a two course meal with a speaker. For more details please contact our membership officer on 0117 9739894 or email for more details. Clifton Rotary Club welcomes new members willing to give their time, are interested in making new friends, building business contacts and using their skills to help others. We meet Wednesday lunchtimes at The Redland Green Club (Redland Lawn Tennis and Squash Club). For more details please visit or email Bristol Grandparents Support Group gives support to grandparents who are estranged from their grandchildren due to family breakdown. Family breakdown can be as a result of separation/ divorce, alcohol/drug dependency, domestic violence within the home, bereavement or family feud. We give support over the phone, via email, Skype and at our regular meetings held at 9, Park Grove, Bristol. BS6 7XB. Tel 07773 258270 more information or visit

Laugh, Live and Learn with Bristol U3A. If you have retired from full-time work, and want to take part in enjoyable learning with friendship and fun, we have a wide range of groups with over 100 different activities, including art, computing, languages, music, walking, and science. Come to Do you, or does someone you know, need support one of our social groups - either at the Eastfield following a relationship breakdown?Over the past Inn, Henleaze, 10.30am on the second Thursday 20 years Aquila has helped many people learn to and third Monday in every month, phone Barbara cope and rebuild their lives following separation or 0117 9629331. Or at Browns Restaurant, by the

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West Bristol Arts Trail - 15th & 16th October ‘Artists open homes and studios for 9th annual West Bristol Arts Trail’. The West Bristol Arts Trail showcases over 100 artists living and working in Clifton, Clifton Wood, Redland and Hotwells. During the weekend of 15th and 16th of October 2016, over 50 homes, studios and public spaces will be open to the public. The Trail will be officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Bristol on Friday 14th October at 5.30pm, at the Bristol School of Art. This is a public event all welcome, no invitation needed.

Anna Duckworth - artist

For more information:

Taking part in the Trail this Facebook: /WestBristolArts year are fine Twitter: @WestBristolArts artists, photographers, potters, ceramicists, Karen Lilley - glass maker printmakers and sculptors. Each venue is completely different; you may be viewing finished paintings, works in progress or watching artists give demonstrations about their creative process. The Trail offers the public a unique opportunity to meet artists in their studios, talk to them about their work or buy directly from them. Visiting the West Bristol Arts Trail is free. Maps of the Trail are now available in many outlets across the city. Or plan your visit through the West Bristol Arts Trail website, which hosts biographies and a selection of images for each participating artist. Look out for the green balloons across the area which mark each venue.

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What’s On & Community News

your own images with guidance from the tutor. The day will conclude with an informal, friendly Museum, at 10.15am on the third Wednesday and discussion of your selected images and a chance fourth Thursday in every month, phone Jenny to ask questions. Anyone wishing to improve their 0117 9043697. Please visit digital outdoor photography should benefit from this day. An understanding of the basics of Interest Groups photography would be an advantage. You will need to know the basic functions of your The National Trust Bristol Centre Talks Programme camera. 12 places available. Cost £45.00. For 2016-2017 returns on Saturday 29th October with more details visit“Around the World in Eighty Plays” presented by garden, or tel 0117 331 4906. Brian Freeland. His talk is based upon the people, places and adventures he encountered North West Bristol Camera Club, are an during eight tours of the Indian sub-continent and enthusiastic group of amateur photographers who two circumnavigations of the globe. Copies of his meet each Wednesday at 7:45pm at Westbury book Around the World in Eighty Plays will be Fields. New members of any level of ability are available for sale following his talk. The talk will most welcome. For details contact Pete on 07870 take place at 2.15 in the Hall at St Monica Trust, 589555. Cote Lane, WoT. A charge of £3 is made to both members and visitors to help cover the costs Got a speech to make? Bristol Speakers offers a associated with the talks programme. This charge relaxed environment to practise your public includes the provision of tea and biscuits at the speaking. Learn how to construct and present a end of each talk speech, gain knowledge from experienced speakers, conquer your public speaking anxiety. The Bristol Branch of the English Speaking Union Most of all, practise in a stress-free environment meets in the Apostle Room of Clifton Cathedral at where members give helpful feedback. It’s a well 7.15 for a 7.45 talk which ends by 9 pm. Entrance structured evening, fun and relaxed with a nice is £5. The aim of the ESU is to encourage mix of people. Meeting 7.30pm alternate Mondays friendship and global understanding through @ BAWA Southmead Rd. Contact English. On Thursday 13th October - “Round the World with Team GB”. Clair Chapman was a member of the crew, all amateurs apart from a The Bristol Astronomical Society host a series of professional skipper, who sailed round the world talks each week and we regularly get experts to (there were several crews not all from GB) calling talk about historical and topical aspects of in at various ports, took part in the Sydney-Hobart astronomy, as well running hands-on Race, witnessed the loss of two members of other demonstrations, activities, free Saturday observing crews, and returned on July 31 to the Port of sessions at our Observatory in Failand (weather London. Then on Tuesday 8th November permitting), and often stage "Star Parties" around “Shakespeare- alive and well ?”. His 400th Bristol and at Tyntesfield. All details are on our anniversary will be discussed by Andrew Hilton, website All welcome, Director of Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory held at Bristol Photographic Society, Montpelier, with a couple of fellow actors. BS6 5EE. The Bristol Philatelic Society meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month in the meeting room of the United Reform Church at the bottom of Blackboy Hill (Whiteladies Road) starting at 7.30 p.m. Contact 0117 956 7853.

The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society's next lecture is on Monday 31st October at 7.45 pm in the Apostle Room of Clifton Cathedral in Pembroke Road, when Professor Peter Malpass will give a talk - 'The Growth of Victorian Clifton'. He will explain how most of Saturday 22 October 10am-4pm How to shoot Clifton was built in the Victorian period, on land autumn pictures: photography workshop with belonging to four main owners, and look at the Graham Parish. A not to be missed opportunity for different ways these landowners responded to the a small group interested in plant and garden opportunities presented by rising demand from photography to spend a day working with a the burgeoning middle class and in the process professional photographer. Join Graham for a created a residential suburb quite unlike anything guided walk around the Botanic Garden to identify previously seen in Bristol. He will outline the nature autumn highlights and an opportunity to capture of the development process and identify some of

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Free Valuation Day Jewellery, Watches, Silver & Gold

Wednesday 26th October 10am - 4pm

Stoke Lodge Shirehampton Road, BS9 1BN

Our experienced Valuers, Gemmologist John Kelly and watch specialist Marc Burridge will be at Stoke Lodge on the above date appraising jewellery, watches, silver & gold, providing free verbal sale estimates, without obligation, for possible consignment to the pre-Christmas Quarterly Specialist Sale on the 17th November. There is ample free parking and we will be serving tea and coffee to customers throughout the day. No appointment is necessary. For more information contact Toby Pinn at the Salerooms on 01934 830111.

We look forward to seeing you Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers The Auction Centre, Kenn Road, Kenn, Clevedon, Bristol, BS21 6TT Tel: 0117 325 6789

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What’s On & Community News the builders involved, as well as show how house designs changed over time, from the predominance of terraces to very large semidetached and then smaller semi-detached as the market for really big houses moved further out of town. The Bristol Humanists is a local group for those who make sense of the world using reason & shared human values; who seek to live ethical lives on the basis of reason, humanity and respect for others; and find meaning, beauty, and joy in the one life we have, without the need for an afterlife. We meet every month on the third Monday at 7.30pm in Kingsdown. For more information contact Margaret Dearnaley on 07986 555817 (evenings and weekends only) or email Philosophy Discussion Group. We are a friendly and welcoming group who enjoy taking a turn to bring topic to share. We meet at 7 – 9pm every fourth Thursday evening of the month at Eastfield Inn, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4NQ, and 10 - 12 noon every second Friday morning of the month, also at Eastfield Inn, Henleaze. If you would like to be involved please contact Lorna Tarr on 0770 245 3827.

the ongoing improvements to your Village Hall. For more info please contact Christmas Card Craft Event - on Saturday 29 October come along to Westbury-on-Trym Methodist Church and make your own Christmas cards. 2 card making sessions (£5.00 each) 10.30 - 12.30 or 1.30 - 3.30 with lunch (£5.00) 12.30 - 1.30. All materials and instructions provided suitable for age 5 upwards. Proceeds to Methodist Church Building Project. Tickets and further information available from Brenda (9500685) or Alison (9629715). Decorating your life and home with beautiful, vibrant items that talk to you should be one of life’s little pleasures. Welcome to We Make Bristol. Our regular pop-up events showcase some of the amazing hidden talents of the Bristol area. Full of décor, art, textiles, jewellery, artisan crafts and more, you won’t be disappointed and won’t leave empty-handed. Meet the designers and learn the story behind each hand-crafted, bespoke craft. Our next pop-up events will again be held at Westbury on Trym Methodist Church Hall, Westbury Hill on Sat 1st October, Sat 5th November and Sat 3rd December. For more details visit

Craft Exhibition- Thurs 13th-Sat 15th October Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet BA4 6QN. Huge range of craft supplies plus As a part of Healthy City Week 2016 The Equality demonstrations, workshops and more Trust are screening free viewings of “The Divide”, £8.00 adult / £7.00 concessions/Children under 16 a powerful film by Katharine Round which tells the free. story of seven individuals striving for a better life in Ticket Line: 0345 3040222 the USA and UK, where the top 0.1 per cent owns as much wealth as the bottom 90 per cent. The The annual Cards for Good Causes pop-up shop film highlights the toxic effects on divided opens for business on 19 October in Tyndale communities, where both the rich and poor Baptist Church on Whiteladies Road and runs until struggle to live happy fulfilled lives. This viewing, 14 December. The shops will be selling a huge which will be followed by a discussion of the selection of charity Christmas cards, including issues raised in the film, takes place at the cards from local Bristol charities BRACE and Avonmouth Community Centre on Saturday 15th Great Western Air Ambulance, some of which October at 6.00pm. For more details please feature Bristol winter scenes, as well as a lovely contact Mary Rivers at Equality Bristol, 07879 range of Christmas goods including wrapping, 636663, or email merivers@hotmail com. stocking fillers and small gifts. Cards for Good Causes is the UK’s largest charity Christmas card Stoke Bishop Village Hall will be holding their organisation, selling cards on behalf of over 250 annual Christmas Fair on Saturday 12 November charities across the UK. As usual we rely on 2016 from 2 until 5pm. As usual there will be a volunteers who give their time to support the work wide variety of stalls. Why not come along and of the organisation. If you are able to help us this sort out your present shopping, or, even better, season by volunteering for a minimum of 9 hours treat yourself. Admission is only 50p, with children please contact CFGC on 01264 361555, or visit free, and of course there will be the usual free refreshments with all proceeds going towards -launches-charity-cards-2016/ Exhibitions, Meetings, Fairs & Markets

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What’s On & Community News Disclaimer The Bristol Nine is published by Bristol Community Magazines Ltd (Co. No. 08448649, registered at 8 Sandyleaze, Westbury on Trym, Bristol, BS9 3PY). The views expressed by contributors or advertisers in The Bristol Nine are not necessarily those held by Bristol Community Magazines Ltd. The inclusion of any business or organisation in this magazine does not imply a recommendation of it, its aims or its methods. Bristol Community Magazines Ltd cannot be held responsible for information disclosed by advertisers, all of which are accepted in good faith. Reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this magazine but no liability can be accepted for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of inclusion, error or omission. All content is the copyright of Bristol Community Magazines Ltd and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of Bristol Community Magazines.

Get In Touch Do please get in touch, whether

you are interested in advertising, have an item or event that you think would benefit from a free listing, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the magazine - it is always good to receive any feedback. Telephone: 0117 259 1964 / 07845 986650

Post: 8 Sandyleaze, W-o-T, BS9 3PY Email: Web: Twitter: @BS9Andy Quiz Answers from page 18 1. 39 and 27; 2.a) Vodka and coffee liqueur, b) vodka and tomato juice, c) vodka, ginger beer, angostura bitters and lime; 3. Michael Parkinson, John Conteh, James Coburn and Christopher Lee; 4. a) Windhoek, b) Addis Ababa, and c) Nairobi; 5. Chevy Chase, Martin Short and Steve Martin, and Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda; 6. league speedway; 7. Ian Broudie, Frank Skinner and David Baddiel; 8. a) Liverpool Street, b) St Pancras, and c) Victoria; 9, Huw Edwards (nineties - 1999), b) Moira Stuart (eighties - 1989), and Robert Dougall (fifties - 1955); 10. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere; 11. Paris, Dijon, Nantes, Montpellier, Toulouse; 12. New York, Pittsburgh, Nashville, Dallas, Phoenix; 13. a) 1950’s (1959), b) 1960’s (1961), c) 1850’s (1859), d) 1640’s (1645), and e) 1930’s (1938); 14. 1941, following bombing by the Luftwaffe of the tram power supplies.

Redland Church celebrates The exciting redevelopment of Redland Parish Church halls is almost complete. Local builders, Kitto Construction, are due to hand over the keys to the new halls this month and a number of launch events have been planned to celebrate the opening of the halls.

Redland Education Centre, the halls offer versatile, modern facilities for local people and community groups.

Just under three years ago we launched the re:new project for the redevelopment of our halls and thanks to the amazing generosity of the hundreds of local individuals, families, Designed by Redland-based architects, and businesses and grant-giving bodies who O’Leary Goss, the three new interconnecting have donated to the appeal; and to the halls can be opened up to form one larger fundraising efforts of many of our hall seating up to 280. They replace the congregation, we have already raised over dilapidated 1950s hall that stood on the site £1.9 million. We'd like to thank everyone who until just a year ago. As well as the new suite has donated, fundraised or otherwise of halls, there's a new fully equipped kitchen, supported the project and we would love to a comfortable welcome/lounge area and new invite them to our launch celebrations over facilities for Lantern Preschool. the coming weeks. These include a Service of Dedication with Bishop Mike Hill, Bishop of Rev. Lucy Nagel, Curate of Redland Parish Bristol at 10am on Sunday 30 October, a Church said, "We are so excited about the concert by Exultate Singers on Wednesday 9 opening of the new halls at Redland and the November and an Opening Fair on Saturday fantastic facilities they provide for our church 5 November. family and for our community. As well as using them for our own community activities, Full details are on the church website like Lantern Preschool, toddler groups and

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Index of Advertisers Around the Garden Garden Design & Mtce

Hilary Barber


Food and Drink Butchers

Molesworths of Henleaze





Garden Design & Mtce

Chandler's Lands. & Tree Surgery Blossom Gardening





Garden Design & Mtce

Red Oak


Gifts, Arts, Jewellery & Retail

Garden Services Fencing Landscaping Around the House

Declan McManus EC Fencing Oak Urban Landscaping

4 21 20

Retail Outlets Auctions & Sales Trophies & Engraving Photography Workshops

The Mall Clevedon Salerooms KP Badges & Trophies Pocket Money Photography

63 57 4 21

Blinds & Shutters Bathrooms, Wetrooms & Showers Bathrooms, Wetrooms & Showers Stoves & Heating

UK Blinds Direct Paul Whittaker

5 51

Jewellery and Gifts Healthcare Services



Three Sixty Services


Complementary Healthcare

The Chiron Centre



Complementary Healthcare

Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Furniture Window Cleaning Upholstery & Soft Furn

OvenGleam Home Gleamers Bonne Fresh Clean Gareth Jones Furniture Cleaning Windows Nice Things for Nice Homes

51 17 59 11 42 11

Chiropody & Podiatry Home Care Services Home Care Services Schools & Education Schools Property & Accommodation

Celeste Complementary Therapies Kathleen Nicholas St Monica Trust Premier Homecare

Garden Design & Mtce

Toasty Stove

Building Services Building & Construction BS7 Driveways Building & Construction Garcia Building Services Home Energy Efficiency Urbane Eco Plant Hire Mark's Mini Diggers Windows & Doors Crystal Clear Garage Doors Up & Over Doors Property Maintenance Prime Maintenance Design & Project Mgmt Oasys Property Solutions Computing, A/V & IT Computer Repairs FAB IT Rescue Finance, Legal & Business Accountancy William Price Book-keeping Walbrook Bureau Services Coaching HR Services

Anne Miller Coaching Louise Smith HR

Solicitors Solicitors

Corfield Solicitors Veale Wasbrough Vizards

Solicitors AMD Solicitors Fitness, Beauty, Sport & Leisure Tennis Clubs Redland Green Club Beauty Treatments

Grace Emmerson

Sports Centres & Gyms

Clifton College Sports Centre

Redmaids High


4 48 28 32, 33 64

C J Hole Bristol Property Centre Richard Harding Ocean Leese & Nagle Air Prepare Abbeyfield

37 37

Estate & Letting Agents Estate & Letting Agents Estate Agents Estate Agents Estate Agents Letting Agents Sheltered Housing Trades Electrical Services Painting & Decorating Painting & Decorating Painting & Decorating Plastering Plumbing

Lek-Trix Stephen Carter James Fox Sarah's Decorating Services McCall Plastering Bathroom Perfection

43 4 7 48 51 59

50 21

Plumbing & Heating Chimney Sweeps

John Presland Bristle Chimney Sweeping

59 48

Cars & Motoring Garage Services




Garage Services Commuting Services

Arley Garage Slide Bristol


Pet Care and Pet Services

59 42 15 59 13 11 35 48 48

2,3 38, 39

26, 27 43 44 46, 47 6 9 12

7 40, 41


Veterinary Services

Animal Health Centre


Veterinary Services



Pet Care and Pet Services

Friends 4 Paws


Deadline for inclusion in the November issue of The Bristol Six is 15th October. If you choose to use the services of one of the advertisers in The Bristol Six please let them know you saw their advert in the magazine - thank you.


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