The Bristol Nine - January / February 2017

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A free community magazine delivered each month through over 12,000 letterboxes across Coombe Dingle, Sneyd Park, Henleaze, Sea Mills, Westbury on Trym and Stoke Bishop




The Editor’s Small Piece Hello there and a belated all the best for 2017. I hope that this issue finds you happy, healthy and warm I’m certainly pleased to be inside, looking out at 7am at the first (and quite possibly the last) settled snow of the winter - set off by a stunning full moon. Like many people I know I’m just shaking off the remnants of the cold that I went down with at new year. The pessimist in me would say “what a rubbish start to the year”, but for once I’m only hearing the quietly spoken optimist in my head saying “great, that’s got this years cold out of the way nice and early, now crack on”.

So crack on I will. This issue, which is an intentionally late January / February joint issue, brings you the usual mix of bits and pieces, together with what I think is a thought-provoking piece by local resident Alan Furlong inviting adults to take time out in their busy lives, a lengthy but really interesting catch up on some of the historical articles brought to you over the last couple of years by Julian Lea-Jones (also a BS9 resident), and a suggestion for a trip out this month to witness a staggering wonder of nature (the front cover gives you a clue). Fingers crossed that whets your appetite and that you enjoy this issue. The next one will be out on 1st March by which time the crocuses will be out, the holidays will be booked and I’ll have had two more bouts of man-flu! Best wishes, Andy the Editor 8 Sandyleaze, WoT, BS9 3PY / 0117 259 1964 / 07845 986650 Deadline for the March issue - 15th February



Films with Chris Worthington In the film the two Jesuit priests arrive by boat from Macau accompanied by, an alcoholic Silence is based on the acclaimed novel by Shusake fisherman who had fled from the persecution and was haunted by the memory of witnessing the Endo about the persecution of Christians in 17th execution of his family. He escaped execution by century Japan. The story is told through the renouncing his faith. They arrive at a desperately journey of two Portuguese Jesuit missionaries, poor and rundown village and make contact with Sebastiao Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) and Francisco Garupe (Adam Driver). Their mission is local Christians. Kichijuro desperately needs to get to find Cristovao Ferreira (Liam Neeson), the only absolution for his sins from a priest as do the other remaining Jesuit priest in Japan who was rumoured villagers. The two priests set on their quest to find to have committed apostasy. The film was shot in Ferreira in constant danger of being betrayed by informers and found by the Samurai. spectacular scenery in Taiwan.

Silence - directed by Martin Scorsese

The testing of religious faith is a key theme of the film. Rodrigues is betrayed by Kichijuro and imprisoned by the Samurai. He is forced to watch the death of Garupe and the torture of Christians who will not repent their faith. He cries out to God to help him but no answer comes. During his captivity he is interrogated by the Samurai leader who calls into question the value of the catholic faith in Japan. This eventually undermines his own beliefs and threatened with torture, he recants his faith. He is taken to meet Ferreira in a Buddhist Temple. After being in Japan for fifteen years Although the novel is fictional the story is based Ferreira has come to conclusion that Christianity is on the reality of the suppression on Christianity in a lost cause in Japan describing it as a swamp but Japan at the time. Jesuit missionaries first arrived in also stating that human beings find their original Japan with Portuguese traders in 1549 followed by nature in Japan. “Mountains and rivers can be missionaries and traders from Spain, Holland and moved, but man’s nature cannot be moved”. Italy. By 1579 there were about 200,000 Christian converts in Japan and the Jesuits were involved Christianity continued to be banned in Japan until with substantial trading activities in silk, gold, and 1873 when exiles were allowed to return and a military supplies. cathedral was built. It later emerged that thousands of Christians had survived in the The situation changed when Japan become a prefecture of Nagasaki. Pope John Paul ll visited unified country towards the end of the sixteenth Nagasaki in 1981. century. Under the new ruler Christianity and trade with European countries was perceived to be a threat. The “closed country" isolationist policy was implemented under which Japanese people were not allowed to travel abroad, return from overseas, or build ocean-going vessels. The only Europeans allowed on Japanese soil were the Dutch, who were granted a single trading post on the island of Dejima. Christians were rounded up by Samurai warriors and were deported or tortured and executed. However Christian worship continued Chris Worthington without priests and in secret in private homes.



Vacancy for Part Time Housekeeper / Home Help Cheerful, conscientious and thorough help around our home required (part time) for professional lovely family in Sneyd park. Duties would include: cleaning, dusting, caring for antique and fine furniture, laundry inc. delicates; feeding/walking two medium sized dogs; providing occasional babysitting (4 nights per month), candidate must be good with children, some cooking skills, variably also driving the children to and from school and events, shopping. Hours/days of work will vary depending on whether it is term time or not. 2-3 days/week from September, or if earlier start then 4-5 days per week until August. Hourly rate to be agreed.

If you are interested and would like to find out more please contact Andreas on 07855 310 956





The Downs Observer - Richard Bland A history of the Downs in 10 objects - No. 9 the Northern Stormwater Interceptor 1965 The River Frome starts on the Cotswold escarpment in Dodington Park at a height of 600 feet, and it drains a huge area of South Gloucestershire from as far north as Wickwar. It originally joined the Avon in Bristol, and indeed formed a large loop around the bluff that was the Anglo Saxon site of the city, and it was notorious for flooding, as a very large volume of water is constricted by a narrow gorge at Stapleton. In the seventeenth century the power the Frome provided led to a massive industrialisation of the northern edge of the city around what is now Easton and Minas Park, with many mills and slum housing, all on the flood plain. There were floods in 1800, 1809, 1875 and then major floods in October 1882 and March 1889, which led to a proposal to create a diversionary flood channel which would have involved a tunnel taking surplus water out under the Downs and into the tidal Avon. By this date there was already a railway tunnel under the Downs, and indeed under the River Severn itself, so the technology existed. However, what with the First World War, the Great Depression and the Second World War, nothing was done about it until new floods in 1947 stimulated action that began in 1951. The tunnel is five metres in diameter, and five kilometres long, and runs straight from the weir on the Frome at Junction 1 of the M32 in Stapleton to the Avon at the bottom of the Gully. It was opened by the Dr Charles Hill MP, Minister of Local Government, on April 4th 1962. It was designed by the city engineers Peter Steele and Bernard Smission, who invented the Energy Dissipating Vortex Drop Pipe System to even out flows. A small building at the foot of the Gully gives access to the tunnel, and there are four large control valves in front of it.

The Tunnel runs deep under the Portway and the outlet is at high tide level where eight massive tidal gates control the flow. When the tide is in the flood water is held back by the gates until the pressure of the flood water is greater than that of the tide, and at low tide all eight gates can release millions of tons of water into the Avon. The concrete spillway ensures that the stream joins the river smoothly, and there has been no bank erosion on either side. The whole system is entirely self-regulating, and is the reason why Bristol has only had one major flooding event since it opened. That event came on July 10th,1968, when a cloudburst over Mendip and Dundry led to floods that destroyed every bridge between Bristol and the Mendips, and flooded Bedminster to a depth of six feet, and this led to more culverting of the streams on the south side of the city. The Downs are for people, and the management of a vast number of competing interests is sophisticated and subtle. If you enjoy the Downs, or use if for your sport, why not become a Friend? Membership is just ÂŁ10. Contact Robin Haward at or call 0117 974 3385 Next issue - object no. 10 - links in to parking on the Downs



Aunt Tilly’s Ten Top Eco Cleaning Tips Don’t waste money on nasty chemicals that cost a fortune and harm the environment - clean the old fashioned way! 1.

Use diluted white vinegar to clean mirrors, stainless steel and windows.


Sprinkle bicarbonate of soda onto a wet cloth and use it to clean out your fridge.


Smelly sink? Pour some bicarbonate of soda down the plughole, then some neat white vinegar. They combine to make a satisfying ‘volcano’ effect of bubbles and foam. Follow through with some boiling water.


Don’t throw away a squeezed lemon half. Place it where limescale deposits have built up (E.g. at the base of a stainless steel tap), leave for 30 minutes, then wipe.


To clean a microwave, squeeze some lemon juice into a cup of water, place in the micro wave and heat to boiling point. The steam will soften splatters and make them easy to wipe away. Nasty niffs will be neutralised.


Use a rubber glove to wipe away animal hair from upholstery.


A pinch of salt dissolved in a cup of vegetable oil makes simple and cheap furniture polish.


To clean a shower head soak it in white vinegar overnight, then rinse in hot water.


Manky stained mugs? Dip a damp cloth in bicarbonate of soda and rub the stain away. Rinse with hot water before use.


Don’t throw away old tooth brushes. They are marvellous for cleaning hard to get at places such as grouting and around taps. More top tips from Aunt Tilly next month



Henbury golfer racks up a big total while remaining under par Every now and again in the process of putting The Ladies Pairs trophy shows, (winners as recently as Bristol Nine together I come across a story that puts a 2010), and shows little sign of asking her caddy to smile on my face, or get to meet a person who slow down. makes me realise that life really is for the living. Last month I chanced upon both, a local lady who is clearly of the view “You’re only here once so better make the most of it and have fun”. I daresay Marie Pilling has had a lot of fun in her life - not only does she seem to approach things with a mischievous twinkle in her eye (she tells me with a grin that she is a founder member of the “Sunday Girls”) but she’s also had quite a lot of life to have fun during. I met Marie up at Henbury Golf Course after an email from Ladies Captain Jane Madden asking if I’d like to do a little article about one of the lady members who has been raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. “Of course”, I said - especially when I found out that the lady concerned had started as a Macmillan fundraiser in 1978, when she was a mere 52 years old. Now aged four score years and ten (or eighteen over on a normal golf course), Marie Pilling has just hosted her latest fundraiser - a ladies golfing tea, nine holes followed by afternoon refreshments and a charity raffle. The event raised (another) £520 for Macmillan which, on top of the money over the previous thirty eight years, gives a total of …. well, Marie hasn’t been keeping count but her golfing friends guess it must be in the tens of thousands of pounds. A perfect example of “you’re only as old as you feel” Marie still plays competitive golf, gets the clubs out three times a week, and then doubtless regales fellow members with a lifetime of stories in the clubhouse that has become her second home.

Marie told me how pleased she was last year when she got a discount off her annual membership fees for reaching 90 in 2016, and I suspect she may have her eye on a further reduction in 2026. But playing that amount of golf can be tiring for any player, so Marie says she is selective in terms of the holes she plays having walked Henbury Golf Course I don’t blame her one little bit. And she keeps her game in tip-top shape by regularly investing in new equipment, whether it is in the form of the latest driver or sporting new cataracts (relating to which is a story that I’d best keep to myself).

I’ve been in two minds about dusting off my clubs and taking up golf again - it feels as if I have just reached the right stage in life, and if I can take inspiration from Marie Pilling then I might just have another forty years ahead of me to perfect the game. I Looking at the awards board in the clubhouse gives an wonder if she’d be happy to cast an eye over my inkling that she is still competitive, as the photo of swing, and tell me more about those “Sunday Girls”? Marie and Jane next to the honours board for the



Do you want more energy and to feel better? Do you have IBS? Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and /or constipation? Often there are ways of alleviating symptoms or even achieving relief altogether. IBS may be due to food intolerance, such as gluten, or due to an inability to manage foods high in salicylates, sweeteners or particular types of fibre, or IBS may be triggered by high FODMAPs foods. Eliminating certain foods can appear restrictive and complicated at first, but with a little professional help it doesn’t have to be. For every person who has tummy problems associated with gluten, 8 people will manifest extra-intestinal symptoms ranging from inflammation in the joints to fatigue to low mood, depression, anxiety and much more. And yes you can be addicted to gluten! When you eat gluten containing foods, gluteomorophins are produced which are opioid like substances, that can effect the brain. If you feel you can’t manage without bread, you need to think about what is going on!

Another area to consider is your gut bacteria. Good gut bacteria is critical to health and having too many unfriendly flora or yeast in the GI tract can be a factor in IBS symptoms. With professional support you may be able to work out what is at the root cause of your symptoms by looking at your diet and medical history. Making dietary changes and using supplements to support your gut and your digestion can make a big difference to how you feel and to how much energy you have!

For more information go to To book a free 15 minute consultation to see if nutritional therapy is for you contact Lucy on 07941 458 993.





Prize Wordsearch Last month I added in a little extra difficulty to the wordsearch puzzle. I suspect this got some extra grey cells buzzing - but it also led to a twothirds reduction in the number of correct entries received. So back to the normal format - at least for this month. Your theme this month is 1980’s music and you are looking for bands that graced that era - some leaving a greater legacy than others! Listed are the names of twenty one bands with hits in the eighties. Twenty of the bands names are also hidden in the wordsearch grid - you can find them hiding forwards, backwards, upwards, downwards or on a diagonal. Discover the band that has not made it intro the puzzle, let me know who it is and if you are correct your entry will go into a draw. First name out of the hat will win a £25 gift voucher to either Colston Hall or St Georges to treat yourself to some live music.

Here are the bands to look for Ultravox China Crisis OMD The Clash The Smiths Talk Talk The Human League New Order ZZ Top Yazoo Haysi Fantayzee

Big Country Culture Club ABC Cocteau Twins Blancmange Depeche Mode Altered Images Simple Minds Talking Heads Go West

Entries please by post to 8 Sandyleaze, WoT, BS9 3PY, email, text 07845 986650, phone 0117 259 1964 or tweet to @BS9Andy - closing date 20th February. Best of luck and have fun.



What does it take to invalidate a Will? More than Saddam Hussein and space invaders‌

Delusions and dementia

Unsurprisingly, Sian challenged the validity of Doris's last Will and felt confident in her There have been some surprising results in a success given that Doris had been suffering from confusion, forgetfulness, acts of number of recent cases examined by the aggression and strange delusions for a long courts regarding Wills made by people whose mental capacity is diminishing due to time before she made her last Will. A notable incident for Sian was when Doris dementia or otherwise. informed her in December 2003 that aliens Doris' story had invaded the farm and that Saddam The most recent case (Lloyd v Jones) Hussein had broken in to her home. involved Doris Harris who made her last Will According to Sian, Doris's delusions were in February 2005 with the help of her niece, well known to the family members and were Hedydd Parry Jones, who was also her GP. openly discussed. Doris did not see a solicitor before she decided to gift ÂŁ10,000 to her only daughter, Sian Lloyd, leaving the rest of her substantial estate, in the region of ÂŁ600,000, to her only son John and his wife Kathy.

At court, the Judge recognised that there was doubt over Doris' mental capacity and concluded, based upon the medical opinion evidence obtained for the trial, that Doris had indeed been suffering from dementia and delusions on-and-off from a time well There had been some unrest in the family ranks when daughter Sian had previously left before she had made her last Will. the family home in Wales to marry an However, the Judge was still able to find on Englishman. Doris did not approve. the evidence that that this did not

John, by contrast, had stayed close to home and following the death of his father had helped his mother run the family farming business, with his wife's help.

necessarily mean that Doris had suffered a complete loss of understanding regarding her last Will.


Peculiar as this may sound, the Judge placed great importance on the fact that Doris had told a number of witnesses that she wanted to leave the farm to her son John. Accordingly, when weighing all the legal arguments in the balance, the Judge ruled that Sian's claim should be dismissed and the Will was declared valid. The lessons to be learnt

This decision and other recent decisions like it have all held that a loss of some degree of mental capacity is not necessarily sufficient to invalidate a Will. These cases all point to the courts taking a more robust approach towards challenges founded upon a person's loss of mental function when preparing their last Will. Clearly, the evidence and facts will

be different in each case and a very important factor in this case was the independent witness evidence stating that Doris had often said that she wanted John to benefit from the farm. Expert advice on this complex subject is very important. If you think that a Will should be challenged or is subject to challenge, speak to Michelle Rose on 0117 314 5246.


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Prize Wordsearch Birds are fascinating little things aren’t they? Like humans in many ways. Study them closely and you’ll realise how territorial they can be, how aggressive or tolerant towards others they are, whether the same species or different, and how localised their communities are. Despite our best efforts over the years we have never seen a sparrow in our garden. Our neighbours opposite get plenty - we can hear their joyous chirruping but they never cross the road to visit our garden. We however get goldfinches feeding by the charm-load, which our friends don’t, and long tailed tits on a daily basis, and the arrival of a heron, blackcap or thrush, whilst still a pleasure, is no longer a cause for excitement. I know it is usually determined by habitat and foodstuffs, and birds either like it or they don’t. Bit like humans really. Another real rarity for us though is a little baffling, because the ubiquitous, iridescent and cheeky starling, a gregarious, confident, and resilient chap, almost never feeds at our well-stocked garden restaurant, indeed fails even to pop in and look at the menu.

the reeds in front of us like a foghorn warning ships off a rocky headland. The whole reserve is a joy - plenty of parking (free to RSPB members), flat, accessible and well maintained pathways with plenty of seating, so suitable for those in buggies, wheelchairs and with mobility issues, and plenty of hides to allow you to get up close and personal. There are more than three miles of marked trails with identification boards, and volunteers on hand to answer those birding questions that might arise.

Our visit though was primarily to witness the starling murmuration, a true wonder of the natural world when enormous flocks of them return home after feeding to roost in the reed beds. Our first visit was back in March, a still and overcast day with dusk settling and an expectant crowd of people looking up to a giant empty sky. Then they started to arrive, coming in across the reserve high overhead in multiple flocks that seemed to merge, over the chosen roosting site, into one seething mass of dancing black

However a couple of weeks ago we made up for our starling starvation in a big way, a truly epic way. It required a 45 minute drive, so as usual they weren’t flocking to us at no. 8, but it was well worth the journey. I’m talking of course about witnessing a starling murmuration, the congregation of hundreds of thousands of them at dusk to roost overnight. Ham Wall is an RSPB reserve on the Avalon Marshes just outside Glastonbury, a wetland sanctuary that provides a safe home for many rare species and a brilliant opportunity for us to spot a wide range of wildlife including otters, voles, kingfishers, a wide range of wetland-loving birds including herons and egrets, marsh harriers and the highly elusive bittern. And it’s not just the sales blurb that says that - we’ve been twice now and have seen plenty and, although we couldn’t see it, the unmistakeable sound of a bittern boomed out from

shapes that twisted and turned, contorting as one giant flock into ever-changing shapes. Then, like kamikaze pilots, they pointed groundward and plummeted en-masse to settle in the reeds - and in seconds they were gone. From a distance of about a mile away the experience was ethereal, captivating and silent. Our recent visit afforded a very different murmuration experience because although we watched again from the same viewing point - just a 5 minute flat walk from the carpark - this time the starlings were roosting elsewhere. Right by the path. We saw flocks coming in from the south again but not seemingly in the same numbers, and we saw little in the way of the morphing midge-like clouds of birds


we’d seen previously, but turns out they were right above us, shielded largely from view directly above by the tree canopy lining the path. But then they dropped - a huge mass of birds falling from the sky and swarming into the reeds next to us like a plague of locusts of biblical proportions. Hundreds of thousands of starlings chattering away to each other from their newly-occupied perches 3 feet off the ground and 100 feet from the path. We stood and watched them, the early winter chill seeping into us as the sun set, for a good twenty minutes as more and more birds arrived and the roost grew in size in the reed-beds alongside the footpath, a seething mass of

avian excitement. The spectacle of watching the starling murmuration is truly stunning - it is easy to forget that what you are watching are actually individual birds, just coming to sleep after a busy day. I can’t recommend the experience highly enough. Practicalities.

Starlings numbers at Ham Wall are at their greatest in December and January as many birds are migratory, but significant numbers still arrive daily from October until early March - so you’ve still plenty of time to see them this winter. Still bright days are better - the starlings seem to prefer doing fair weather aerobatics and the reserve itself can get very busy at weekends so bear that in mind. To double check that there are worthwhile numbers of birds roosting, and specifically where, try calling the murmuration hotline, updated daily, on 07866 554142. Arrive an hour before dusk and you will be in good time to see the show, and do dress up warmly as it can get very, very cold at this outdoor event. And one final piece of advice, do check for details on how to find Ham Wall and the Avalon marshes as it is a bit tricky. We headed off at junction 23 of the M5 for Glastonbury, through Bawdrip and when we got to the village of Ashcott we asked!




Music with Duncan Haskell Album of the Month Hamburg Demonstrations by Peter Doherty (BMG/ Cloud Hills) Many of you, perhaps rightly, will have long stopped considering Pete (r) Doherty as anything other than a tabloid-fronting disaster waiting to happen. Considering the debacle that was his performance at the O2 last May, and his subsequent refusal to tour his latest record in these parts, we probably have all the ammunition needed to disregard his latest offering without a second thought. But to do so would be foolish as, despite the usual issues, there is much to enjoy about Hamburg Demonstrations. Let’s get the criticisms out of the way early in order to focus on the many highlights. If you love music to be lush with production values, fully-developed ideas and pitch perfect vocals then this second solo offering from the Libertines / Babyshambles frontman won’t do much for you. As with his 2009 effort, Grace/ Wastelands there’s the distinct feel of a demo about the record. However, if you’re willing to accept Doherty in all his scrappy charm, plenty of treats await.

Next Step L.A. Turnaround by Bert Jansch (Charisma) Doherty’s love of Bert Jansch, the genius guitarist and founding member of Pentangle, is well-documented and you can hear the influence on some of Hamburg Demonstrations’ more pastoral moments.

It’s probably unfair to compare Doherty to a musician of Jansch’s quality, but there’s an innate Englishness about them both. As a dominant figure in the English folk scene, Jansch’s music is truly exquisite and this, his ninth album, is a clear example of just why he has continued to influence artists from Graham Coxon to Fleet Foxes. Recorded in 1974, L.A. Turnaround enveloped the listener in immersive acoustic guitar and Jansch’s soothing voice. Songs such as Fresh as a Sweet Sunday Morning, Travelling Man and There Comes a Time stand amongst his finest. Of course it was also the album which contained Needle Of Death, the most famous song in his extensive canon. A gentle ballad which belied its subject matter, the song found Jansch singing of “one grain of pure white snow / dissolved in blood spread quickly to your brain.” Perhaps he had more in common with Doherty after all!

Kolly Kibber is a wistful introduction to his softer side, and a showcase for his unique way with words, a literary lyricism fed through a world-weary hopper. Gig Of The Month Birdcage, a duet with Suzi Martin, cloaks a memorable Strange Face @ St George’s (Thursday 2nd tune with its haphazard edges. Hell to Pay at the February), Gates of Heaven espouses the virtues of the J-45 Not so much a gig this month (John Lennon’s acoustic guitar of choice) over AKas a one-man show in which 47s. writer and performer Michael Burdett discusses a lost Nick It’s an album that grows on you with every listen as Drake recording that he found subtle delights slowly reveal themselves. A Spy in the in a skip in the 1970s, and the House of Love is a slouchy and bluesy delight which subsequent journey that the leads into the wonderfully meandering Oily Boker, a track led him on. Without highlight reel of Doherty’s favourite tricks that is wishing to spoil the thrust of amongst his best songs yet. By the time She Is Far the evening, it promises to be brings the album to a gentle close, it’s hard not to be an enthralling night for any fans of the legendary impressed. Taken on merit alone, Hamburg singer-songwriter, one which has already garnered Demonstrations is a commendable and enjoyable high praise at the Edinburgh Festival. piece of artist. Duncan Haskell - January 2017


Probate – not as simple as it seems! The death of a loved one is one of life’s most stressful events. Dealing with the grief and arranging the funeral are only the start. Unfortunately like most of modern life there is a large amount of paperwork that needs to be dealt with.

Usually, a grant of probate will be needed when the person who has died left: - more than £5000; - stocks or shares; - a house or land; or - certain insurance policies.

Executors and administrators (the personal representatives) are personally liable for making sure that the estate is administered correctly. If there is a will, the personal representative must make sure that the wishes of the person who has If the person who has died left a will, it should name one or more people to act as the executors died, as set out in their will, are followed. If there is no will, they must follow the rules of intestacy of the will. (set out in the Administration of Estates Act 1925). If you are named as an executor of a will you may need to apply for a grant of probate. Executors and administrators are also responsible for finding out if inheritance tax is A grant of probate is an official document which the executors may need to administer the estate. due as a result of a person's death. If it is, they It is issued by a section of the court known as the have to make sure that it is paid. Probate Registry. Whether inheritance tax needs to be paid can depend on: If there is no will (known as dying intestate) the process is more complicated. An application for a - how much the property and belongings of the grant of letters of administration (an official deceased were worth when they died; document, issued by the court, which allows administrators to administer the estate) will need - the value of any gifts that they made before they died, and to whom the gifts were made; to be made. - the value of certain trusts from which the deceased benefited; or The person to whom letters of administration is - which people benefit under the will or under the granted is known as the administrator. The rules of intestacy (the beneficiaries). administrator is the person who has the legal right to deal with the affairs of the person who Charges can vary and depend on what is has died, and is determined by a set order of involved in administering the estate. It is often priority. not possible to know immediately what may be The administrator will usually be a close relative involved and how much advice and help is of the person who has died, if there is one. There needed. may be more than one person who has an equal However, cost should not be the only right to do this. Your solicitor will be able to consideration. It is equally important to find a provide you with information on the set order of solicitor who is approachable and sympathetic, priority. and whose advice you understand. When a grant is needed The Probate Team at AMD Solicitors has A grant is not always needed, for example, if the extensive experience of all aspects of probate and intestacy whilst providing a personal and person who died: supportive service to all those involved. - has left less than £5,000 in total; or For advice on administration of estates and all owned everything jointly with someone else. other private client issues please contact Brenda - However, some financial organisations may require a grant before giving you access even to Smyth or another member of our team on 0117 962 1205, email or a small amount of money. call into one of our four Bristol offices. 100 Henleaze Road, Henleaze BS9 4JZ 15 The Mall, Clifton BS8 4DS 139 Whiteladies Road, Clifton BS8 2PL 2 Station Road, Shirehampton BS11 9TT



Top tips for boosting your mood

Take deep breaths We don’t often concentrate on our breathing because it’s a natural function, but consciously focusing on your breathing and taking deep breaths can relieve stress and increase relaxation. Simply place one hand on the abdomen and one hand on the lower ribs and take a breath In this instalment, I will be sharing some tips to help that starts in your abdomen and works its way up your body. Control your breathing by breathing in boost your mood. It is very important, especially for 3 to 5 seconds, hold for the same amount of with winter lurking, to keep an upbeat state of time and exhale the air out through your mouth mind in order to lead a positive lifestyle. Eating slowly. Do this for 3 minutes and you will feel the healthy foods and exercising are obvious ways to stress melt away. remain fit and healthy, but there are also many other adjustments we can make to improve our Some of these simple tips is all that is needed to mental health and state of mind. help us feel better about ourselves. To make a suggestion for a future topic, please write to me at Here are a few mood boosting tips or by post to Home Instead Senior Care, 13 Harbury Rd, Laugh As adults we often forget to just enjoy Henleaze, BS9 4PN or just give me a ring on 0117 ourselves and laugh more. Laughing releases endorphins into our body which increase serotonin 989 8210 ! levels in our brain, causing us to instantly feel happier. Life doesn’t need to always be taken too seriously! Welcome to the latest edition of Senior Snippets: the monthly advisory column with the older members of our community in mind, brought to you by John Moore of Home Instead Senior Care in Bristol North.

Practice gratitude It’s important to recognise what we’re grateful for, acknowledge it, and appreciate it. When you wake up in the morning, try and think of a few things that you are grateful for and notice the difference it makes to your mood. Talk to someone Whether it’s a friend, relative or even a neighbour, knowing you have someone you can turn to, can help to put your mind at ease. Don’t forget to be there for someone else too, as this can brighten your mood just as much as you have the satisfaction of knowing you have helped someone else.

Surround yourself with positive scents and sounds Sometimes when we feel our mood dipping it is good surround yourself with scents which can uplift your mood. Lavender can be seen as relaxing, whereas peppermint can help to soothe your overactive mind. This can work just as well with your favourite perfume. Listen to your favourite music and light a candle; you may find yourself feeling great afterwards!




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Stoke Lodge update : Town & Village Green status was awarded. Cotham School are considering an appeal. Cotham School have submitted a planning application to erect a high fence around the playing fields. Many local residents have written to object. The Mayor's freeze on spending is affecting a number of local projects and the future of the Neighbourhood Partnership is under serious threat of closure. Team Love wish to hold another concert at the Sea Walls in September. The Downs Committee are expected to give it the go ahead soon. Make your views known. Residents are still waiting for the amendments to the Downs/Sneyd Park parking scheme to be actioned. This delay is causing real frustration; your councillors are pressing the Council "to get on with it". The large number of student cars is a major problem. Your councillors are in discussions with Bristol University.


History Notes no. 110 with Julian Lea-Jones - answers to articles from our readers Over the years I have probably written over three hundred local history articles for papers, magazines and journals, over 100 for this magazine alone, and I am often asked from where do I get the inspiration. Sometimes they arise from my own areas of research interest but quite often this research is enhanced by subsequent correspondence from our readers and from places far, far away from the normal distribution area of Andy’s magazine. Therefore this month is a compilation of articles that have resulted in new discoveries and is also a thank both yourselves and to Andy for providing me with the platform providing such interesting and at times amazingly unexpected follow-ons. Prepared to be surprised! #50 – In September 2011 I wrote; ‘When Friday meant Fish’.

1917 and John had secured a 48 hour pass to come to Bristol to get married. The very brief honeymoon and breakfast took place in there. We published a picture of the happy couple asking if anyone recognised them or knew why they chose the Rialto Hotel for their very brief honeymoon’.

#73 – August 2013 – ‘Coincidence or not?’ “No further news until it was pointed out to me that the St Peter’s hospice charity shop next door to 157 “Nowadays, when fish can be more expensive than Whiteladies road had a photograph of their premises steak, and fishmongers are a vanishing breed, I when it had been ‘C Allen and Son, motor agent and noticed a large painted sign for ‘The Redland Fish dealers’ with a line-up of six cars outside. Thanks to Supply Co. Ltd’ on the wall above 102 Whiteladies one of our readers and friend, Roger Tucker he Road? Searching through old street directories identified the cars as all being 1930s Armstrong revealed that the sign is a last reminder of the Lloyd Siddeley, possibly ‘12HP, 6 Cylinder Long 15s or 20s. family firm that once had seven retail shops in Was Ethel related to C Allen? Given the limited leave northwest Bristol.” that John Witchell had if Ethel was related to it would have been natural for him to have recommended the As a result of the interest shown in that article I spoke hotel next door.” to Paul Semple and Mike Lloyd who run our local greengrocer for his dad Robert Lloyd. It was his Lastly a possible explanation came from Diane, my grandfather David who told me that in the late 1960s wife. Her genealogical research using BMDE, 1891 when fish supplies declined they decided to diversify Census and showed that a Ethel G into green grocers and florists. Here in Henleaze until Allen, born 1887 in Uphill, W-S-M married William J last year we still had Sally Lloyd our very popular Witchell Dec, in 1917 and registered in Axbridge. If it florist’s shop, but the Lloyd family enterprise is still was the same William John who was born June 1891 the oldest continuously owned business in Henleaze. he would be 26 in the honeymoon photo. There was also a William Witchell grocer living at 59 Oxford #57 - April 2012 article - ‘New kid on the block - Street W-S-M. (his father?) which could explain why not really’. the marriage was registered in Axbridge, (being the registration area for W-S-M). William J enlisted in “Outside the Redland Park Congregational Church 1915 into the RAMC survived the war and died in and next to it is this splendid pair of neo Palladian 1972 in W-S-M. This all came about just because I villas. Designed by William Bruce Gingell in 1856, asked why there was a ‘new’ name on a building. I number 157 is now occupied by a Malvern Kitchen wonder if their possible descendants even know of and Furniture company” the existence of this century old honeymoon picture. It would be nice to pass on to the family. Can you When I called to ask about the new name I was told help? that the shop’s owners had decided to reinstate the builder’s original 1856 name ‘The Rialto’ which had #65 - December 2012 - An unexpected bookshop been a hotel until 1940. On a subsequent visit the find with a mystery. manager showed me a thank-you letter, bill and photograph sent by newlyweds, John Witchell and How many of our readers remember the ‘Larky Lot’ Ethel Allen dating from when it was a hotel. It was second hand bookshop that used to be at 89 Lower


Redland Road? In April 1994 I bought a number of Bristol Books and a delightfully prosey letter fell out of one. Written ninety-three years ago that month, it was from friends in Dolê in France to Harry Cottrell, presumably here in Bristol on the 7th January 1919, and as well as good wishes to their friends it extolled the virtue and price of Gruyere cheese in Dolê. There was no obvious link between the book and the letter within. Intrigued by the unusual content and wording I included a transcript to share with our readers. #69 - An equally unexpected response to article #65 also shed a light on a forgotten aspect of Bristol’s WW1 history.

affection and will realise I am referring to Bristol Zoo’s Elephant. I say with affection, because she used to give rides, up to ten at a time. Rosie’s walk began from the Aquarium and Bear Pit end of the main path and went almost to the main gate before returning to the starting point. I asked if any of our readers were one of the children in this photo? We’d love to know.

The following reply from David Skuse reminded Diane and I of another aspect of the Elephant rides.

“I loved your article on Rosie at the zoo. It brought to mind happy memories of the excitement at looking forward to the ride. It certainly was the highlight of the day. The thing I also remember was the ritual of A couple of days after publication of the December holding a hand with an old penny out to Rosie. She 2012 article much to my surprise I was contacted by a would take the penny with her trunk and give to the friend Marian Liebmann who told me that, because of keeper. We had the sensation of the touch of the the language of the letter, and the use of ‘thee’ and trunk and also had a wet hand.” Diane said until I ‘thou’, Marian guessed that Harry Cottrell might be a read out your letter she had completely forgotten member of ‘The Society of Friends’ (Quakers). Marian about 'the penny offering' and the strange sensation put me in contact with Roger Sturge also a member of of the wet trunk, but it brought back happy the community. His reply solved one mystery, but memories. She thought Rosie passed the penny to the there is more! Roger said, “Harry Cottrell was indeed keeper in exchange for a bun? A few months later I a Quaker and a friend of my parents. He was the was talking to a neighbour when she said “your article father of Jeanne Southam and Jo Martin, grandfather about the Zoo elephant. I was the little girl in your of Ruth Pedder of Frenchay Meeting. They lived at postcard picture stood behind Rosie peering through Abbott's Leigh.” her legs at the photographer. I remember it well as my parents brought me from Wales for the Zoo visit as a Thanks to Roger, I was able to contact Ruth, who special treat.” confirmed that her grandfather was indeed the recipient of the letter and provided us with a potted #96 – September 2015 More ‘Signs of the times’ biography of Harry as well as a fascinating and totally unexpected explanation for the letter. “Like most The discovery of odd and bizarre signs such as faint people his work was interrupted by the First World lettering on the outside of a house in Oakfield Grove War. As a practising Quaker opposed to warfare in proclaiming ‘Pickled tongues’ (Mentioned in article 1914 he registered as a conscientious objector but 92) prompted me to look for more. Sometimes old volunteered for the ‘Quaker War Victims Relief signs come to light when a shop frontage is being Service’ which leads on to the second part of our replaced and the original sign is momentarily revealed. unravelled mystery. His training for the service took A much more enigmatic painted but very large and place in London, before posting to Dole in Southern faded sign is high on the Worrall Road side wall of France where, throughout the war years, his job was Whiteladies Road. The faintly visible letters appear to making wooden buildings for refugees. During his have been overwritten but may read, (from top to time there the family and friends liking for Gruyere bottom): APPLETONS, BICYCLES, WASHING cheeses became something of a family joke, hence the MACHINES AND IRONMONGERS. Again any cheesy allusions in the letter which is written in information about this will be welcomed. lighthearted imitation of earlier Quaker language.” The moral of this story is you never know what you Our thanks to Anthony Richards writing to me with may find in old books, and where it may lead with the the answer. added pleasure of reuniting the letter with the family after a lapse of ninety three years. “The painted sign is indeed interesting. There is a very good image of it on Flickr, which I note has #85 – September 2014 - Remembering Rosie attracted the attention of 'ghost sign' enthusiasts. The first sign was posted by William Morten Appleton Those of us who were children living in Bristol during who had the shop from 1888-1890 and reads: the 1940s will probably remember Rosie with (continued overleaf)



even an appeal on BBC Radio Bristol sadly all drew a blank. I then decided to write up this account and years ago put it on my website can you help. No response until Autumn 2016 when out of the blue I received an email from Joseph’s Great granddaughter who now lives in Chester. Helene had recently inherited her grandfather’s family papers but had no success in tracing her great grandfather’s time in England until she came across my website appeal. Helene told me that during the He had started as an ironmonger in Regent Street in war, Joseph worked in Bristol for the Redcliffe Clifton before moving to what was then number 2 Aircraft Company, (remember this was the age when Worrall Road. He was a member of the Bristol Bicycle aircraft were mainly, wood, wire and fabric, so skilled & Tricycle Club (in the days of ‘penny farthings’); he woodworkers were in great demand). That was until won many prizes and in 1887 set its mile tricycle 8th February 1919 when the company’s government record. He was an early motor car owner and in the contract finished along with his employment. 1890’s he became sole proprietor of the Bristol Motor This account and Helene’s letter is what makes history Company. W.M. Appleton’s advertisement is evidently research so rewarding and another example of how the first of two. The second advertises the business refugees have enriched our city. having been taken over by Frank Atkinson (1891-2). --------------------------This reads: “Dear Julian, FRANK ATKINSON LATE W.M. APPLETON CYCLE MAKER AGENT AND REPAIRER MACHINES LENT ON HIRE

I have spent most of my evening looking through the many letters. With our conversation in mind, I just came across a letter from M. Tarr which must be addressed to my great grandad. I have attached the original and include the full text below...such a find! I have spoken to my mum who confirmed my great grandad was a 'meester-meubelmaker' which may translate to 'Master Cabinet Maker'.” ---------------------Below is a circle with some indecipherable designs. Following Helene’s discovery of our website and my There is no street listing for 1893-6 but in 1897, 1898 article about the table and with the help of Jennie &1899 it was given as Alway and Bellamy ‘cycle Smith at BBC Radio Bristol and Graham Torrington dealers’. In 1900 & 1901 it also lists 'West Bristol on the BBC’s Birmingham network we had a little Cycle and Engineering Works', which had previously ceremony in the Whiteladies Road Studio when we been listed at 2 Wellington Park, just down the hill. reunited Helene with her great grandfather’s After that date, no further mention is made of cycles.” autographed table - surely a family heirloom with a difference. The table is now back with her family in #106 – Talbot House – Toc H – First World War Belgium – surely a most surprising Christmas present. Belgian refugees and a remarkable reunion. Then in January I had the following letter from Helene that shows how the readership circulation of This account is about one refugee, Joseph Bleyens Andy’s magazine is not affected by fears of Brexit! from Antwerp and his family. About twenty years ago a close friend and neighbour of mine Bert Tarr gave “It was also great to have the little table at our home me a small table with an interesting tale. Bert’s family to celebrate Christmas! My nieces (who will be was one of the many who gave a home to the Belgian Joseph’s 'great-great grandchildren') had mentioned refugees and Joseph, a cabinet maker, stayed with the story in their school and they came to have a look them at their home in Brislington. After the war was at it too (picture attached). A local magazine also over Joseph returned to Belgium, but before leaving, showed interest so a separate article is in development as a thank you for the hospitality he made this which I’ll share with you. I have also obtained paper delightful little inlaid table from scraps of available copies of the original article in the Belgian newspaper; wood and signed his name, town and date in pencil [SCHILDE - Na 100 jaar komt het handgemaakte underneath it. I thought it would be nice to try and tafeltje van Joseph Bleyens weer thuis. De Antwerpse trace Joseph’s family and return the table. In spite of oorlogsvluchteling maakte het meubel voor zijn appeals in the newspaper, enquiries in Antwerp, and gastgezin in Bristol. Het verhaal haalde zelfs de BBC-


radio. Want er was zowel een gelukkig toeval mee gemoeid, als de inspanning van achterkleindochter Hélène.] which I will send to you in the post. I gave copies of the magazine you gave me to my dad, sister and one of my uncles who were all very pleased to hear about the history adventure we went on!” Lastly if anyone has any knowledge or information about the remaining mystery – The elusive Redcliffe Aircraft Company we will still be delighted to hear from you. #109 – December 2016 – ‘From a post box near you.’

In that article I wrote about the development of our local postal service and the vicissitudes the postmen and postwomen had to endure - one of whom was Hannah Brewer of Bitton. Her daily route was eleven miles up and down the Somerset hills around Bitton and by the age of 72 having walked a quarter of a million miles in all weathers she felt it was time to retire.

included a mention of a family in Stoke Bishop where the position was passed down the family. We would love to know more about this. The Post Office at 67 Stoke Hill was run for many years by the Giersons before it was taken over on their deaths by their son David until it was closed. You must be referring to another family though? We know the original Stoke Bishop Post Office which stood near to Taggarts Fountain, was run by a Miss Pinker. It then moved to the redbrick house, 46 Stoke Hill, which still stands opposite the Village Hall. Our puzzle is that this house became a men's club in 1920 as a memorial to the local dead of WWI. We also know that in the 1930s the Post Office was at 67 Stoke Hill in the newly built parade of shops .But do you know where it was sited in the 1930s? Hope you can help.” Jenny Weeks, Stoke Bishop Local History Group. To end this long selection of your very welcome contributions I will end with this heart-warming story which is yet another example of our magazines unexpected outreach.

In an article about the decorative glass, circa 1920s, windows in Henleaze and Redland. I mentioned one I had seen in Golden Hill, a large very colourful landing window a landscape scene. Unlike most others; usually ships, flowers or art deco abstract designs, this “Hannah was born at Uphill, near Weston-superwindow depicted what appeared to be an alpine scene, Mare, in 1825. The postal service was already in her as it featured a typical Swiss style church and genes as her mother, Ann Brewer, was a letter receiver meadows. The current owner had no idea or as long ago as 1851 and later became the postmistress information about the scene. Some months later I in Bitton. Her father James was a coal miner and was told that a copy of the magazine had been Methodist lay preacher in Bitton and he took over as forwarded to a family member somewhere in the postmaster when his wife died aged 92 in 1889. home counties who sent back this reply about the Hannah went out in all weathers and was the first people who had lived there before them. postwoman to be issued with an official waterproof cloak. She finally retired at the age of 72 and was The couple who awarded a pension of £16.13s 6d per annum. She was lived there in the well liked in the neighbourhood, bringing local news 1920s when the as well as letters to the inhabitants on her round and house was new was given a marble clock and a purse of money on the went to the Tyrol occasion of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Her and as a memento uncle, James Skinner, has a tenuous connection to of their happy stay, Bristol. As an orphan aged 11, he was sent to work the husband for a doctor in the little village of North Tawton in commissioned the Devon (where Ann Brewer nee Skinner was born). superb window as a The doctor, Samuel Budd, was the father of William reminder depicting Budd who has a plaque on Jamie Oliver’s restaurant the place where in Park Street to commemorate his work on they honeymooned. convincing the authorities that providing clean drinking water would prevent the terrible outbreaks of I hope that this demonstrates the value of your cholera which visited the city regularly.” correspondence and of the sometimes amazing and totally unexpected outcomes. Please keep them A few days later I also received a letter from Jenny coming. Weeks who had read the December article. “You © Julian Lea-Jones FRAeS, 2017 Imagine my surprise when I received this account from a Henleaze neighbour Patricia Dury the greatgreat niece of Hannah Brewer.


Library News

Henleaze Library (0117 903 8541) Opening Hours Monday 11-5 Tuesday 11-5 Wednesday 1-7 Thursday 11-5 Friday 1-7 Saturday 10-5

Sea Mills Library (0117 903 8555) Opening Hours Monday 10-2 Tuesday 10-2 Wednesday 1-5 Thursday 1-5 Friday 1-5 Saturday 11-5

Westbury Library (0117 903 8552) Opening Hours Monday 2-7 Tuesday 11-4 Wednesday 11-4 Thursday 11-4 Friday 11-4 Saturday 11-4

Chatterbooks Book Club for children, bringing Bristol University into your community. Sarah, an English Literature undergraduate runs the Chatterbooks Book Club at Henleaze Library on the second Saturday of every month from 10.30 – 11.30 am, so the next meeting is on Saturday 11th February. ‘A club for children to discuss books, make new friends and have some fun.'

Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs - 12 week course Next start date Thursday 30th March 2017 7.45 to 9.00pm Please contact Sara-Jo for more details, early booking advised. Further list of classes at: /yoga Ring / Text 07547 921 898

Disposal of old hymn books Holy Trinity Church in Westbury on Trym now has a wonderful new set of Hymns Ancient & Modern: Melody and Words. Large Print copies are available. The “old” green hymn books which have bookplates/dedications in them are available for collection to those who have a vested interest in them… The old books will be disposed of in accordance with diocesan procedure, although the dedication pages on those not collected will be kept. Please contact the Parish Office or instruct us how to proceed if you think you or your family had a dedication page.


Do you fancy a pamper? Do you fancy a treat? Come and relax, put up your tired feet. Let me paint your nails for you, Whatever you choose. Red, pink or blue, There's nothing to lose. Silky smooth legs As you walk down the street. Like a goddess in flight, Envied by all that you meet. Have an all-natural facial, To make your face gleam. So that after the treatment You're a joy to be seen! Charlotte offers a variety of natural beauty treatments, as well as a range of massage therapies and reflexology.

Please take a look at our website for more information, or give reception a call on 0117 962 0008. And if you’d like to know more about what we do, the latest info on complementary therapy and self-help tips? Then check out our Facebook page ‘Chiron Centre for Natural Health’ We look forward to seeing you soon!


Bruce Fellows’ Good Reads Chat show, radio, Eurovision and now a novel, is there no end to Graham Norton’s talents? Holding is the title but it could be ’Gripping’ because it is from page one. It’s also lyrical and funny. Part mystery, part love story, it concerns some bones that turn up on a hillside in Ireland (where else?) The overweight Sergeant PJ Collins has to deal with them. There are three sisters and a man missing for many years, a couple with an ailing marriage, PJ’s elderly housekeeper and an out of town big shot cop: a mixture that bubbles and boils nicely to a surprising end.

others about his work and his family that are more enlightening and moving. It seems he’s a normal guy who just happens to be a cult hero with his face on T-shirts all around the world.

Vivien, a large ungainly but intelligent young woman, only in love with her horse Greystokes, goes up to London to propose to an employee of her father. It’s 1922. She has money, he has none. Post World War One she knows it’s her only route to a husband. Fay Weldon’s astonishing novel Before the War goes on from there. Who is the father of the twins? They don’t Crooked Heart is Lissa Evans’ know. We think we know but do we? entertaining new novel. Mattie is losing There are eccentric characters, wit and her marbles, sad for an ex-hungerwisdom on every page, a trip to Bavaria striking suffragette, and worrying for and entertaining interjections from the her ten year-old jug-eared ward Noel. author. You’ll gallop through this When the War starts, their world book, like Vivien on Greystokes. crumbles. Noel is evacuated to St Albans and, needing the ten shillings a In His Bloody Project, Graeme week, Vee takes him in. This is a heart Macrae Burnet gives us the story of the breaking but very funny tale told with brutal murder of three members of a vigour and pace. It demonstrates that Highland crofting family by their while the British could take it, they seventeen year-old neighbour, Roderick didn’t half moan in the process. Macrae. Afterwards, Roderick walks Although normal human vices continue into another neighbour’s house and to flourish under the bombs, Noel’s confesses his crime, so the novel is not sense of right and wrong drives the so much a whodunit as a why-did-hestory to a touching conclusion. do-it. Central to the story is Roderick’s own confession, which describes the Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston’s events of his life leading up to the excellent autobiography is, as the title climactic day. In this brilliant historical suggests, A Life in Parts. After a tour de force the grandeur and beauty tough childhood, the acting bug bit and of the Highlands contrasts tragically he became a working actor with with the unceasingly hard lives of constant other jobs on the side. And crofters and Roderick becomes a work is the key to his story. Don’t aim surprising and movingly sympathetic for a home run, hit a single, move on a hero. base. It worked for him. Show biz stories are out-numbered by lots of Bruce Fellows - January 2017




Local Success in The Home Care Worker Awards South West Regional winner of The Home Care Worker Award in the national Great British Care Awards was Home Care Worker, Milla Owen of Shirehampton from Bristol homecare company, Premier Homecare. Premier Homecare, based in Westbury-On-Trym and Stoke Bishop, provide care and support to people wishing to remain as long as possible in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes The Great British Care Awards celebrate excellence across the care sector, promote best practice within both home care and care homes sectors and pay tribute to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding excellence within their field of work. Over 300 people attended the awards, representing Care Homes and Homecare Companies throughout the Southwest. Milla was one of 6 finalists from the South West Region and was absolutely delighted to have been chosen as the winner of the South West award.

never look back. Milla’s clients describe her as having a genuinely tireless passion and enthusiasm in consistently supporting them to feel motivated, of worth and content in their own homes. Premier Homecare as a Company also achieved the accolade of South West Regional Finalist in the category of ‘Care Employer’; an award which acknowledges and celebrate employers’ commitment to care and how this is contributing to achieving success in delivering an excellent service. Judith Swindells, Registered Manager Premier Homecare expressed how extremely proud she and Co-owner, Simon Swindells are of Milla and the entire Premier Homecare Team; “We established Premier Homecare with express aim of improving service delivery standards and employment working practices in the homecare sector. Along with the hugely valuable input of the varied skills possessed by all within our team we draw on our nursing and business backgrounds in developing the Premier Homecare Team of 2 to the committed and highly professional team of 106 today.

Milla will be attending the Great British Care Award national finals in Birmingham in March 2017; all at Premier Homecare wish Milla well and congratulate her The loss of a close friend was the inspiration behind Milla again on her achievement and success in contributing to becoming a Home Care Worker with Premier Homecare raising the standard of care in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. in June 2014, a profession from which she says she will




No-Prize General Knowledge Quiz (answers on page 90) 1.

What is the collective noun for a) foxes, b) camels, and c) beavers?


How old are a) Ainsley Harriet, b) Delia Smith, and c) Jamie Oliver?


The ‘average’ Briton drinks how many cups of tea in a year? (correct if within 50)


Name the British monarchs missing in this sequence - George III, George IV, ______, _____, Edward VII.


Name the (permanent, not acting) Labour Party leaders missing from this sequence - Harold Wilson, ______, ______, ______, ______, Tony Blair.


Which football teams play at a) Goodison Park, b) Prenton Park, and c) Rodney Parade?


What are the currencies of a) Austria, b) Lithuania, and c) the Czech Republic?


Who released the following debut albums - a) The Kick Inside, b) Surfin’ Safari, 11. and c) In The City?



Which products were promoted using the following slogans - a) ‘A drink’s too wet without one’, b) ‘Watch out, watch out, there’s a Humphrey about’, and c) ‘It’s frothy man’?

Place these English towns and cities from a) south to north, and also b) east to west - Peterborough, Coventry, Cambridge, Ipswich


What road name would you find in the address of the following landmark buildings - a) the Bank of England (UK), b) the White House (USA), and c) The Kremlin (Russia)?


Chinese New Year, which begins on 28th January, will be the year of the which animal?


Name these creatures -

Name these city skylines -


We opened our doors in January 2012 and have since established ourselves as one of the best places to eat in Westbury village by serving wholesome meals created in house, with produce sourced via our neighbour in Carlton Court Sarah C Fruit & Veg and meats from Easter Compton farm shop, and also serving up Fair Trade beverages supplied by local coffee roasters Brian Wogan complimented by our homemade cakes. We would like to use this opportunity to thank all of our customers old and new, frequent and occasional, who we've got to know over the last five years! Your support and friendship has enabled us to grow as both a cafe and as individuals and long may it continue! For those who don't know us we provide a variety of meals and cater for all sorts of diets! Well known for our great breakfasts - Traditional English, Vegetarian, Dieters or Gluten-free we also provide British classics, salads and traditional cafe fayre. We also provide outside catering and space rental for events.

We wish you a happy new year & all the best for 2017! Laura, Dan, Esme & Lucy! Open Monday - Saturday 8.30 to late afternoon, last food orders at 3pm Tel. 0117 908 0120, Email and find us on Facebook 7 Carlton Court, Westbury on Trym, BS9 3DF







The Veg Growers Diary - Reg Patch Whilst January and February can bring dark cold days, with little pleasure spent outside for too long, make the most of this time by spending it in the shed and greenhouse, preparing for the forthcoming growing season. It can be very satisfying to have a good tidy around and sweep up, and reorganise pots, seed trays, and composts. Time spent now will get you a head start on the growing season. Start buying, if you've not already, your seed selection, and make a list of the correct order of sowing. If you plan to grow potatoes then January/ February sees potato days being held all over the West Country, where you'll be able to select from a huge range. There will usually also be seeds, onion sets, garlic, fruit trees and soft fruit plants on offer. Take a look at for lots of information on venues and dates. Soil needs to be consistently above 7 degrees for early crops such as broad beans and lettuce to germinate outside. It's amazing the difference covering an area of your plot makes, in keeping the soil dryer, warming and raising the temperature. Covering the open ground with something as simple as a sheet of black plastic can make a huge difference as too can a cloche. Invest in a soil thermometer to accurately measure the rise in temperature, it is fascinating to see the difference between covered and bare soil.

For early courgettes in May, sow a few seeds now in a heated greenhouse. ‘Parthenon’ is a good variety to choose as it's self-fertile and doesn't rely on insects to pollinate it. As the plants grow they can be potted on into one per 15-litre container. Try within reason to draught proof your greenhouse, as heating it can be a costly business, or section off a small area at the far end and just heat that, saves money that can be spent on the garden elsewhere!

The joy of growing Winter veg is that it generally stays in good condition outdoors for a long time before you need it. That said it does eventually go past it's best so keep a regular eye on your plot. Nothing worse than having to compost something that could have been cooked, eaten and enjoyed! February is a good time to sow veg in modular trays in the greenhouse. Onions, broad beans, brassicas, such as calabrese and Summer cabbage all benefit from this early start.

Both Mrs P and myself like nothing more than watching the birds on our garden feeders. In a cold winter natural food sources can run short for birds, and we often see more unusual visitors frequent our feeders. It's a good idea to provide Top Tip - Don’t walk on the grass high energy foods, such as peanuts, and fat balls. On frosty mornings I'm sometimes a tad less hardy, and want the quickest route to the shed I've put out all sorts of bird seed over the years but what I've found is loved by all birds is or greenhouse, so I skip the path and walk sunflower hearts, they can be a tad costly so I try ‘route one’ across the lawn. My antics drive Mrs P bonkers, as treading on frosty turf leaves to use squirrel proof feeders with semi success. Fallen bird seed can attract rodents so be careful blackened footprints, plus risks damaging the to clear it up, and wash feeders out regularly emerging new shoots from bulbs planted with hot soapy water to deter disease. (bulbs I’ve planted!) in the Autumn. I'm resolving to kick this habit for harmonies sake!


Lots of ground feeding birds such as blackbirds and fieldfares (seen overleaf) love apples, so I've now extended my apple storage, so as to provide them with a daily treat. I cut cooking apples in half and throw out onto the lawn, and from the warmth of my armchair watch the birds swoop down. A cup of tea in hand and a slice of homemade Dundee adds to the enjoyment. Bird baths freeze quickly in cold weather so try and defrost with a kettle of hot water on a daily basis. A record for us recently was 33 goldfinches all fighting for a stop on the bird feeder perch, a sight to see and hear as their chirping is charming, and warms even the frostiest of days. Book of the Month Vegetable, Fruit and Herb Growing in Small Spaces- John Harrison ÂŁ7.99 A well illustrated book, giving helpful information on how to grow fresh fruit and vegetables regardless of the size of your plot. Whether it's a tiny patio, window box, raised

bed, or allotment Johns advice can help us grow delicious fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, runner beans and much more. Discover which are the easiest vegetables to grow in your particular situation, how to maximise the use of containers and growbags, and find out about the best dwarf varieties worthy of growing. So have a go at growing your own, and enjoy the taste of chemical free produce month after month, with the benefits of Johns practical experience and nononsense advice. Wrap up warm and happy gardening ‌.



▪ It was good to join the congregation for the launch of the 1300 years

celebration, and the completion of the east/west project at Westbury Parish Church. Congratulations to all involved. ▪ Please sign up for out of hours access at Westbury library. ▪ The next Henleaze Forum is on 2 February at 7pm at Henleaze library and gives a chance to raise local issues with all your councillors. ▪ The next Westbury Forum is on 8th February at 7pm (phone or email for the venue).


Coaching with Anne Miller done? Whenever we make unrealistic resolutions we set ourselves up for failure and we add to any If New Year resolutions work well for you, that’s previously accumulated evidence that justifies great. Noticing what works well and doing more our lack of self-belief - not a good approach at of it is a sound principle. And if your resolutions any time of the year! for 2017 are on track, brilliant! Take a moment For many of my small business clients the desire to acknowledge that and check your course to spend more time with their families or have going forward. more time for themselves is a common issue. Who wouldn’t want that?! But, of course, it is not a choice taken in isolation; it is bound up in a complexity of other choices which need to be understood and prioritised too.


Resolutions at any time of the year, need to be more than ‘shoulds’: they need to be well considered within the context of all that is important in your life. They need to be planned and they need to be owned by you: they need to really matter. If previous resolutions have not worked well for you, instead of beating yourself up why not revisit and if they are still appropriate, consider:

What will the benefit be to you of sticking with this resolution? How does it support who you are and what’s important to you? These simple questions require detailed answers and getting these really clear provides the highest motivation. For resolutions to work we need to set our sights within the context of who and where we are, and what’s important to us. Then, with a realistic If you get fed up with all the talk about New plan, we have a good chance of keeping to it, Year Resolutions; if you’ve tried them and not been successful or if you’ve never felt inclined to achieving the benefits we desire and building the make them, you’re not alone. At the start of the evidence that feeds our self-belief. year the media love to focus on all the new activities and behaviours, you could be forgiven Visit for more information, and to book a free for thinking, everybody else is embarking on. consultation please telephone But the reality is that the vast majority of 07722 110228 resolutions do not last very long! That might not sound very positive coming from a coach! But let’s be real: what’s the point in making unsustainable or insufficiently planned resolutions? More than this, what damage is


G G Travel Executive Coach Travel


To Book: Contact Merryn Gillam on 01275 543721 / 07966 486 251, email or by post to Flat 7 Averill Court, 37a Hill Road, Clevedon, BS21 7NE Pick up points - Clevedon Six Ways, Portishead / Clarence House bus stop / opposite Iceland, Water Tower on the Downs, Henleaze Road layby by The Eastfield Inn, Westbury village opposite Co-op Canford Lane. Cheques payable to G G Travel. Booking forms and full holiday details available on request. Names taken for Highgrove Garden Tours (dates released Spring 2017). Leaflets available from W H Mogfords in Westbury village.



This Year Try a New Years Revolution, Not a New Years Resolution Learn the life changing process of taking a Gap Year for Grown Ups If you want to make real changes to your life this New Year, then resolution making is like moving the deck chairs on the Titanic. Real change sometimes requires a radical act, and taking a Gap Year for Grown Ups is a science-based approach to lifelong change. If the idea of another year ahead feels you with a sense of impending doom, then this article will breathe a sense of hope into that future scenario. I’m going to share why taking time out is so important if we’re looking to build a happier life and a few tips on how and what to do when you’re in the process of taking that time out.

It also explains why many of us, on vacation, when the stress and the busyness fall away, start to dream of and create new possibilities for our lives. Yet, within a week of returning to work SLAM! Our field of vision closes down again and we’re back to defaulting to the easiest decision of continuing with our unfulfilling existence.

But then…. (And this is a big BUT) But then, one day, for some of us, we say enough is enough. We leave our unhappy job or career, we leave our unhappy relationship, or we come to a major transition point in our lives and this is the perfect time for a Gap Year For Grown Ups. The question then becomes, how do I take time out and what do I do with it, once I am immersed in it?

One of the reasons so many of us keep doing jobs we hate, stay in careers that no longer fulfil us and allow the practical to out-punch our ideal life, is because we’re so busy all of the time. Barbara Frederickson’s work on positive emotions has shown us that experiencing positive emotions literally expands our horizons, we see more opportunity, we are more creative. It is part of, what she calls, her broaden and build theory, that positive emotions were historically critical as part of the building blocks of creating our more successful societal future.

On the flip side, negative emotions like stress, fear and anger, literally reduce our vision to a pinhead. We can only see what’s in front of our nose and we reduce our decision making to the easiest and the immediate. Tal Ben Shahar, the founder of one of Harvard’s most popular courses (the Science of Happiness), also found that when people are extremely busy and feel constantly ‘under the pump’ they default to the easiest decision even if that means continuing with something (like a career) that exacerbates their unhappiness. This explains why so many of us, tired, worn-out, stressed and unfulfilled continue doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different result. We simply can’t see a more attractive alternative.

Here are 7 Tips for a Successful Gap Year for Grown Ups Tip 1: Change Your Environment Completely The principle of retreat, of taking time out is centuries old. From the science of change and the science of habit formation we now know that change really is tough but there are ways to make it easier and changing your daily environment is one of these ‘change hacks’. Science now knows that our environment has a profound effect on our behaviour and our behaviours reinforce our view of ourselves, either positively or negatively. Changing your environment gives you a leg-up in changing yourself. 62% of our day is driven by habits and the moment you change your environment, we have the opportunity to create new and more positive daily habits. No longer are you getting up, grabbing a coffee and heading to work in a busy city. Now we’re getting up, having a healthy breakfast and working in an organic farm (you’ll see what I mean further on in this article).


Tip 2: Stop If we’ve been busy, stressed and a bit burned out we literally need to stop, rest and digitally detox to be able to see the wood for the trees. It is only when we stop that we realize just how frenetic we have been. I personally remember arriving in rural France and in the first two weeks constantly looking for a phone to look at, or a laptop to play with and yet being unable to hold a paragraph in my head of a book I attempted to read. It took about three or four weeks for me to really feel a sense of peace and calmness. It may take more time for you, or less but give your self the space to simply stop. Tip 3: Have a Process, Not Simply a Void If you’ve made a new years resolution in the few days holiday you’ve just had, the chances are it is a surface change that makes no material impact on you or your life. So to make that level of profound change needs a time of quiet and reflection and a clear process to follow to look deeply inside oneself. It is too easy to let the time slip by and for nothing to have really changed when you take time out. One of the values of the Gap Year for Grown Ups community is that we’re encouraging people not to run away from life, but to run towards the life they were meant to live. This takes time, takes effort and takes a little courage. A great process to try is Tal Ben Shahar’s Meaning, Pleasure, Strength’s exercise in his book Happier. That is a terrific starting point for creating the kind of life you really want version 2.0.

So that’s the big picture, macro handled. How do we take that new way of doing life and bring it down to the practical, day-to-day, micro level? Firstly….. Tip 4: Physically Move John Ratey’s book, “Spark”, has changed my whole perspective on exercise. It charts the astonishing findings over the last 10 years or so of how physical movement affects the brain. It is such a powerful force that I would say that not exercising, not moving, ensures that we are working in a ‘depressed’ state all of the time. I use the term ‘depressed’ to mean we’re working at 75% of capability and it impacts our thinking, our sense of positivity, our creativity and so on. So, once you’re rested it is time to move. At least four times a week get the heart rate over 80% of maximum to stimulate the production of BDNF, the neurochemical that is the trigger for new cell growth in the brain. A whole bunch of other factors (chemicals if you will) are also produced that strengthen the bonds between neurons, creating a healthier more vibrant brain. I know now from personal experience that it is impossible to envision a bright future, to think deeply and re-create your life, without first getting our brains topped up neurochemically. So do Salsa, get out on your bike, learn Kung Fu… whatever you love, just put it in the diary not for your bodies health, but your brain’s health.

Tip 5: Small Actions = Big Change What we’ve learned from science about making I remember one of the big changes we made (and it profound change is as follows: was not an easy decision), was our decision to 1. Focus on one change at a time. Any more move back to the UK to be closer to family after 12 than that and your likely to fail. years in Australia. We would never have arrived at 2. Change takes time. 30 days to change your that decision if we hadn’t thought deeply about life is a myth perpetrated by the selfwhat a truly happy and flourishing family require. improvement industry. New neural I’ve been teaching the science of Human connections are woven over the top of old Flourishing for over five years and I knew that habits and old connections. So to change an relationships, connection, interaction with others is old habit can take longer than 30 days and critical to human wellbeing and therefore living so be at peace with that. far away from close family, even though we lived in 3. Don’t move on to your next change until a beautiful part of the world, was detrimental to the first one is really established. our wellbeing. 4. One step at a time. Radical change does not happen overnight, it is a process of one The depth of thought and the courage to act on action each day, every day. such a decision can only come from time out and a great process that produces clarity of thought and Tip 6: Self Discipline Doesn’t Work action. One of the most interesting findings recently is that


we all have some self-discipline (which is the good news) but it very quickly runs out (which is the not so good news). So if you’ve tried self discipline in the past and by the 4th January you’re back to drinking excessively, eating cream cakes and smoking all at the same time…. Don’t worry. You were relying on the equivalent of a pre-used Duracell battery to power you for a lifetime and it was never going to work.

I could go on. In this extraordinary age, the quality of your life really is dependent on the quality of the questions you ask. So move from “I can’t take a Gap year” to “How can I take a Gap Year?” you’ll be astonished at the resources you’ll find available.

The better approach it turns out is to use rituals to embed new habits of behaviour. For example, if you want to exercise more, remove all the clothes from your bedroom apart from your exercise gear that you place next to your bed every evening. When you get up and put on those clothes, you’re more likely to exercise and so an easy to follow ritual is born. And rituals soon become embedded habits As Charles Duhigg shares in his book ‘The Power of Habits’ “Small wins are exactly what they sound like, and are part of how keystone habits create widespread changes. A huge body of research has shown that small wins have enormous power.” Tip 7: Practical Steps Somewhere near the start of this article, you were probably thinking, I’d love to take a year out, 6 months out or 3 months out but that’s impossible for me.

I have a growing number of stories and case studies of people just like you, who have radically changed their lives after taking time out. Like Rik, a successful advertising agency employee who in his 20’s left his career, moved to Thailand and set up his own business working remotely.

Or Izak, who put his 3 girls in a painted Greyhound bus and travelled around Australia for 3 months. The story is all the more remarkable because one of his daughters needed daily kidney dialysis and not only did he source a portable dialysis machine, he So I just wanted to show you a few ways that you also was trained how to use it to make this all come can make it possible, because people just like you true. One of his greatest memories from that trip have done so. was seeing his teenage daughter swim in the sea 1. Try a mini gap. Take your two week vacation for the first time since she was four. A memory that time, remove yourself from the hustle, follow a he will cherish forever. Izak would say, if he can do process and see where that small step will lead you. it, literally anyone can. You will be astonished at what comes up for you. 2. Want to travel for free? Ok try So, my sincere call to arms this new year is that we a resource to help you need a quiet revolution of people leaving behind accrue air miles to travel for free, stay in hotels for the rut and the unhappiness and creating their own free, or rent cars for free. It takes planning and unique version of a happier and more fulfilled life. effort but it can be done. 3. Want to live in France, the UK, US etc for 3 So ask yourself, is it time for a New Years months for free? Try checking out Resolution, or are your ready to start your very own a website full of pet New Years Revolution to radically transform your owners looking for trustworthy people just like you life? to stay in their homes for weeks, sometimes Alan Furlong is a successful entrepreneur who is trained months, to look after their pets while they go on in and has taught Positive Psychology for over five years. vacation. His own personal Gap year experience with his family 4. Need food and accommodation? What about where you can find organic farms has now formed a movement of like-minded people who have taken time out, or are taking time out. This all around the world that need your help. You get community supports others who want to do the same to out into nature and do a bit of work; they give you create happier and more fulfilled lives. food and lodgings.


In the Garden with Cathy Lewis Ivy is a much maligned plant, unfairly accused of smothering trees and damaging walls. The reality, however, is rather different. Ivy is great for wildlife and provides colour through the seasons – two good reasons why we should value this native evergreen and perhaps even find space for it in our gardens.

water and nutrients and merely uses the short root-like growths on its climbing stems for support. Most trees can cope with ivy growing up them, it is only when a tree starts to decline from natural causes that ivy can grow more densely in the canopy making it prone to wind damage. The same is true of walls – ivy usually only becomes a problem once it matures into a Ivy is a rich source top-heavy mass. of food for insects and birds. Its small Last but not least, ivy looks good. The glossy green flowers leaves of our native plant provide interest appear in autumn throughout the year while decorative cultivars when other plants with variegated or attractive coloured foliage are beginning to help light up dark corners of the garden. There fade and offer are also varieties with eye-catching crinkly or nutrition to insects deep-cut leaves that look wonderful on walls. Mature native ivy on the Downs before they go into For something a little different, you can even hibernation. In fact, one study in Brighton create your own ivy topiary by growing it found that over 80 per cent of pollen and nectar through a wire frame. brought back to a hive by honeybees was collected from ivy. Ivy berries ripen between November and January and have a high fat content, making them a great source of winter energy for birds. Ivy is also a valuable habitat for animals. In trees, the evergreen foliage provides shelter for insects, birds, bats and small mammals, while ivy on the ground protects it from the effect of frost, enabling birds to forage in cold weather. Ivy has two stages of growth and it is the mature stage that is most valuable to wildlife. In its juvenile phase ivy has soft foliage and lobed, pointy leaves that climb towards the light. As it matures the stems become woody, producing dense, bushy branches with flowering shoots and rounded leaves. Generally speaking, ivy doesn’t damage trees. It has its own root system enabling it to absorb

Decorative ivy comes in all shapes and sizes

Cathy Lewis, Dip. PGSD Cathy Lewis Gardens & Design Professional garden design, consultancy & maintenance Tel 07985 008 585




Happy New Year! But Will 2017 Be A Happy Year For Shares? UK Shares There are four main factors which will likely impact UK shares in 2017. Firstly, of course, there is the uncertainty of Brexit and possibility of further political shocks as Article 50 is triggered and negotiations with the EU begin. Secondly, UK company profits are projected to remain muted into 2017 which will have a negative impact on the UK market. Thirdly, the fall in the value of sterling has caused the reappearance of inflation, dampening consumer spending power and further limiting growth for UK PLC. Finally, we have the prospect of decreasing bond prices which may actually mean a shift in favour of, and acting as a stimulus for, the value of UK shares. US Shares The outlook for the US equity market is relatively positive based on President Trump's promises for domestic investment, jobs growth, lower taxes, less regulation, all of which could give rise to inflation and economic growth. However, we must remember that the new President's brash character and aggressive foreign policy could give rise to a wave of political shocks and periods of uncertainty which would hinder growth in US shares. European Shares Expect high levels of volatility as Brexit, along with major elections in Holland, German and France take effect. However the economic outlook for the Eurozone is generally positive with modest, yet respectable, economic growth now being experienced. European banks are becoming ever more stable and their liquidity is vastly improving. These positive factors along with a potential switch in sentiment from the uncertain UK shares market to Europe may all stimulate growth this year in European shares. Asian Shares The economic outlook for Asian equities is generally positive. A combination of greater fiscal spending and infrastructure projects, higher employment and wage growth creating consumer demand and potential stronger demand from the US could all potentially result in a growth in profits for Asian companies. For an individually tailored portfolio review please contact Richard Higgs


You tell us what you want to achieve and we will help you achieve it. Tell us what concerns you and we will find a solution. 76 Macrae Road, Eden Office Park, Ham Green, Bristol, BS20 0DD 01275 373348

Grosvenor Consultancy Ltd. provide a Fee Based, genuinely impartial approach to providing tax efficient Independent Financial Advice for you. Your circumstances and objectives are at the centre of the advice we provide you and we create a bespoke financial plan around this for you, helping you achieve your objectives tax-efficiently, managing your investments and providing you with a real understanding of your financial future.

Where are you in the Game of Life? University


Business Expansion

Life in Retirement


First Car or Job

Start a Family

Increase Family Size

Thinking of Retirement

Becoming Grandparents

Wedding Plans

Start your own Business

Moving House

University Costs for Children

Concerns about Inheritance Tax

Working Overseas

Retirement Planning

Educating Children

Overseas Property

Gifting of Assets

First Home


Concerns over Parent’s Health

Succession Planning of Business

Care Fees Concerns

New Year - a few ideas worth considering at the start of 2017

It is always sensible to check over your financial arrangements to maximise the potential and weed out any items that are having a negative impact. Perhaps as we go into 2017 and the challenges that lie ahead for our economy, it is even more important than usual? It is very easy to carry on as we were,


assuming all is well. However have a look over the following - it might produce some real benefits for you: Your Mortgage: Once again we start the new year expecting an increase to interest rates. Mortgage rates are beginning to creep up, so if you are on a variable rate, fixing now might give you peace of mind and actually reduce your monthly mortgage payment. If you can still afford the higher payment, consider a remortgage to a lower rate and you will pay the mortgage off early. Your Investments: In general 2016 was an excellent 12 months in terms of returns from many investments but this has consequences for 2017 and beyond. In very general terms if you have assets exposed to shares, equities or investment funds, then the value may well have increased significantly. However this means your portfolio may now be higher in risk than you realise, particularly if you are now 12 months closer to when you want access to the capital or start drawing an income. If you take a more cautious approach, then you are likely to have exposure to Government Gilts and the long expected fall in capital values of these has started. Gilts over the longer term are typically lower in risk than shares, however there are always short term anomalies. The return from the average Pension Gilt Fund in the UK was -4% in the last 3 months of 2016*. It might be a good idea to review your investments and get someone to ‘look under the bonnet’ to see what you have, so you are better prepared for 2017. Cash: While I have mentioned interest rates potentially increasing, this does not mean banks and building societies will pass this on to savers any time soon. You are likely to be earning less than 1% on your savings – maybe a lot less. Keeping enough for emergencies is important. However you may have ‘too much’ on deposit and this money could be doing significantly better for you elsewhere.

Tax: Maximising investments and capital is important, but so is keeping an eye on how much tax you are paying. As we head towards the end of another tax year, maybe you need to speak to an adviser about ownership of your assets, utilising your personal allowances, your remuneration strategy if you are a Director, making pension contributions, NISA savings or utilising other tax planning opportunities. Debt: If you have some, then maybe by looking into the other areas above, you can free up some capital to reduce or repay it. Debt has a nasty habit of causing problems when unexpected events occur either on a personal, national or global level. Protection Cover: Do you have any existing personal or corporate ‘life assurance’ or ‘sickness policies’? If so, a review of the cost might be an idea. It’s possible you could get the same or better cover for less than you currently pay. These are just a few ways to improve your financial position. They might create more disposable income each month, they might give greater security, they might enable a positive impact on your future plans. However I would recommend advice is sought because there may be greater priorities for you and it is important to ensure any of the above ideas are appropriate to your specific circumstances.

*Trustnet Financial Express 04/01/17

Phil James Grosvenor Consultancy Ltd. 01275 373348 The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax advice and some forms of offshore investments. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Tax rules can also change and this can impact on someone’s financial position.


Useful Information Emergencies, Support & Information

to go by bus, train, ferry, air, bike, car or foot.

Gas Emergencies 0800 111 999 Electricity Emergencies 0800 365 900 Water Emergencies 0845 600 4 600 (or your gas, water or electricity supplier) Avon & Somerset Police Non-Emergencies 101 (new no.) Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Southmead Hospital 0117 950 5050 BRI / Children’s Hospital 0117 923 0000 NHS non-emergency 111 Council Dog Warden 0117 922 2500 Bristol Blood Donation 0117 988 2040 The Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Alcoholics Anonymous 08457 69 75 55 ChildLine 0800 11 11 National Rail Enquiries 08457 48 49 50 Telephone Preference Service 0845 070 0707 Mailing Preference Service 0845 703 4599 Bristol Care & Repair - home safety checks & handyman 0117 95 4 2222

Local Trains

Postal Services

Westbury on Trym Post Office 9am - 5.30pm Mon to Fri, 9am - 4pm

Trains run from Sea Mills station to Temple Meads (via Clifton Down, Redland, Montpelier, Stapleton Road and Lawrence Hill) regularly throughout the day and at weekends. Cheap, fun, quick and scenic. Visit for more details or pick up a timetable from your local library. Local Churches ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪


Henleaze Post Office 8.30am - 6pm Mon to Sat

Sea Mills Post Office 9am - 5.30pm Mon to Fri, 9am to 12.30pm Sat

Stoke Bishop Post Office (in Spar) 7.00am to 8.00pm Mon to Sat, 7.00am to 5.00pm Sun

Westbury on Trym Parcel Collection 8 - 3 Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, 8 - 8 Wed, 7 - 2 Sat

Late Post - there is a late post box at the main Post Office sorting depot on the A38 at Filton. Currently the late post is at 7pm.

Public Transport Visit the excellent Bristol City Council website www.travelbristolorg to plan out your routes in, around or out of the city - whether you are planning

St Mary Magdalene, Stoke Bishop 0117 968 7449 WoT Methodist Church www.westburyontrymmethodistchurch 0117 962 2930 WoT Baptist Church, Reedley Rd, 0117 962 9990 WoT Holy Trinity Parish Church, 0117 950 8644 Sacred Heart Catholic Church, WoT 0117 983 3926 St Peter’s Church, Henleaze 0117 962 4524 Trinity URC, Henleaze 0117 962 9713 The Community Church, WoT 0117 946 6807 St Edyth’s Church, Sea Mills,, 0117 968 6965

Waste & Recycling The Household Waste and Recycling Centre on Kingsweston Lane, Avonmouth for pretty much everything. The Avonmouth centre is now open Winter hours from 8.00am to 4.15pm, 7 days a week. The Silver Line The Silver Line is the new and only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people - open 24 hours a day every day of the year. Call anytime on 0800 4 70 80 90.



What’s On & Community News Listings for community events, not-for-profit clubs and charitable activities are free of charge. If you have something of this nature that you would like listed please get in touch by calling 0117 259 1964 or 07845 986650, email, or post details in to 8 Sandyleaze, WoT, BS9 3PY. Details shown are accurate to the best of my knowledge, but dates, times & locations may change without notification. So if you are unsure, and to avoid disappointment, please contact the organiser listed to double check.

Theatre, Concerts and Music Saturday 4th February 2017 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Tyndale Baptist Church, Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2Q. Come & Sing Rutter with the Bristol Choral Society. Feel the Spirit – Rutter’s exciting arrangements of spirituals. Tickets £15 (under 18s £7.50) including score hire. Full details at, book online at or by phone on 0117 962 3223. Melody Makers Baby Friendly Choir. We are a daytime ladies choir. Feel free to bring your baby/ toddler too. Escape the real world and spend a fun packed hour singing uplifting popular songs and classic choral favourites. We are open to all levels, so no auditions and no previous experience necessary. No nursery rhymes or backing tracks - strictly a choir full of grown up music. Come along on Tuesday's 10:30-11:30am (term time only) to our new venue at The Eastfield Inn, Skittle Alley, Henleaze Road. Bristol Bach Choir are delighted to be joined on the stage of St. George's Bristol by Canzona, one of this country's leading baroque ensembles. Bach's monumental B Minor Mass was described as “The greatest musical work of art of all times and nations”, and after a rapturously acclaimed performance in 2013, the Bristol Bach Choir is delighted to be returning to this seminal work with a team of wonderful soloists, each heralded as among the very best of the new generation of singers. Saturday 28 January 2017, 7.00pm at St George's, Bristol, BS1 5RR. Ticket prices from £10 to £25 (students and under 18s - £5, subject to availability). Bristol Bach Choir Box Office. Tel: 0117 214 0721. or email:

Director of Music at Clifton College. Come and enjoy real coffee and delicious cake from 10-30. James's recital begins at 11 and as well as listening to the organ, see James playing on the big screen. Suggested donation £5, includes refreshments.

Le Vin Herbe by Welsh National Opera. A talk on this opera by the Director Polly Graham. It is based on Tristan & Isolde and is by Frank Martin, a completely new take on the Wagner opera and is an intoxicating version. Everyone is welcome at Red Maids School on Wednesday February 15th at 7.15pm Tickets at door £5.00 Friends, £7.00 Non-members. Bristol Cabot Choir is delighted to welcome new members for all voice parts. Why not come and sing with us for 2/3 ‘taster’ rehearsals before a simple audition? We meet at Redland URC on Mondays at 7.30 pm. FFI email, visit; or find us on Facebook. ‘Babbers’ Radio Show every Monday from midday to 2pm on Ujima Radio - 98FM. The show is organised and presented by older people for older people with the aim of helping to reduce loneliness and social isolation, however the topics we cover are interesting and relevant to all. Tune in, let us know what you think - Westbury on Trym Methodist Church Orchestra are a group of instrumentalists of all ages who play for morning worship once a month. Our rehearsal time is before the service from 10am. If you play any orchestral instrument, but particularly violin, you are very welcome to join us. Experience of orchestral playing is not essential, but you will need to be able to read music. We’re a friendly and helpful group, who enjoy playing together. Parts are always provided for personal practice. To find out more telephone 9686589. Bristol Male Voice Choir sing to a wide range of audiences, performing not just male voice favourites, but songs from musicals, pop classics, spirituals, and classical favourites. You don’t have to read music to join as a tenor, baritone or bass, but you will enjoy learning our repertoire, (re-)discovering the voice you may have forgotten about, and being welcomed into the choir’s welcoming social atmosphere. We rehearse every Thursday from 7.00pm till 9.15 pm at South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (formerly Filton College ) where the north end of Filton Avenue meets the A38. Come along to a rehearsal, go to our website – - or contact our secretary on 0117 942 4378.

Sat. February 11th Organ Elevenses at Holy Trinity Church, WoT, with James Drinkwater. A welcome return from the young and talented Assistant West Bristol Orchestra play a wide range of classical


Miranda Sykes and Rex Preston The striking combination of the flame headed double bass player & virtuoso mandolin player create music that Folk Roots say is: “A musical partnership made in heaven. Scintillating, sensitive and brilliant!� This is one evening you don't want to miss out on!


What’s On & Community News music arranged for the smaller orchestra, and meet at the United Reformed Church, Muller Road on Thursdays 7.15pm to 9.15pm. Additional string players of Grade5+ standard welcome. Experience of orchestral playing not essential. For more info please contact the Secretary on 968 3998.

commitment as with some choirs. If you would like to find out more, please phone David Vicary on 0797 346 0994.

Henleaze Ladies Choir is a friendly welcoming group which meets in St Peters Church Hall, Henleaze, on Thurs between September and May The Elgar Society is dedicated to promoting the from 1.45 – 3.45 pm (with a short break for tea). We works of Sir Edward Elgar, our greatest English give 2 charity concerts a year in December and May composer. Our next meeting is on Saturday 18 and from time to time we are invited to entertain February at 2.15 at the Bristol Music Club, 76 St community groups around the city. There are also Paul’s Road, BS8 1LP. Limited free parking is occasional social events organised. We are always available at 1 Pembroke Road. Admission for visitors pleased to see new members but would particularly costs £3.00 including refreshments. Our speaker will welcome first sopranos at the moment. Please come be Dr John Harcup whose talk is entitled Elgar's and try a rehearsal without obligation. To find out Japes and Jokes. Elgar was a very serious minded more please contact either Jane English (0117 musician who sometimes seemed to be rather gloomy. 9511430 or 07752 332278) or Jean Wickham (0117 However he had a lighter side and Dr Harcup will be 962 4466). entertaining us with accounts of some of his lighthearted and amusing moments. Stoke Bishop Ladies Choir meet at Stoke Bishop Village Hall, new members welcome and no auditions Henbury Singers welcome new members. We are a are necessary. We are a friendly group that sings for mixed choir and we meet at Stoke Bishop Primary pleasure, and we hold a concert at the end of each School in Cedar Park on Thursday evenings - 7:45 to term to raise money for charity. Please call Maureen 9:15 pm. Fees are currently £40 per term. There is no on 9567894 or Carolyn on 2791409 for more audition. We sing mainly choral music from a classical information. tradition, but we also sing carols, songs from musicals, gospel and folk songs. Contact Maggie Cavanna 0117 Exhibitions, Markets and Meetings 973 4794 or or visit our website at Quiz Night - St Mary's Church Hall, Stoke Bishop, Saturday 18 March, 7 for 7.30pm prompt start. Vocal Harmony - an exciting contemporary choir. Licensed bar and light supper. Tickets £7.50 available Meet new people, learn contemporary songs and have from Kate 0117 4010646. All proceeds going to a lot of fun. You do not need to read music and there Children's Hospice South West. is no audition. We sing modern music by the likes of Adele, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Take That, Bristol Branch Embroiderers Guild Exhibition. Queen, all parts are taught in call and response. We February 17-18th 2017 at Stoke Lodge Adult run three 10 week terms, with a performance at the Education Centre, Shirehampton Road, BS9 1BN end of each term. or Open: Friday 10am to 4.30pm, Saturday10am to visit for more details. 4.00pm. Admission £3. Light refreshments. Sales Table. Wednesday afternoon choir are a friendly group of people who are The Filtones. We sing four part Jumble Sale, Saturday 18th February at 10am to be harmony, but ability to read music, although useful, is held at Westbury-on-Trym Methodist Church Hall, not essential as we supply CDs and MP3 files as Westbury Hill. Proceeds to the World Church. Free teaching aids. For more information please ring Jilly Admission (0117 923 2281) or Shirley (0117 965 4348), email visit Country Market. Every Friday morning from 10.30 or alternatively, just call to 11.30 in Westbury on Trym Methodist Church in at Eden Grove Methodist Church Horfield BS7 Hall. Homemade cakes, arts, crafts, plants, vegetables, 0PQ between 1.30 and 3.45 pm on a Wednesday jams and chutneys. Refreshments are also available in afternoon for a listen and a chat. a relaxed and friendly environment. For more details contact Sue Sills on 962 8306. The Mosaic Singers are a compact group but would like to grow our line-up with an additional Soprano, Fitness, Health and Wellbeing Alto, Tenor and Bass. We rehearse in Stoke Bishop on Tuesday evenings, where a warm and friendly Ladies Badminton. We meet every Tuesday welcome is assured. This need not be as heavy a afternoon, 2pm to 4pm, at Stoke Bishop Village Hall.



What’s On & Community News We are looking for players to join our friendly group. Westbury Scottish Club country dancing classes Interested? Please call Pat on 0117 914 9511 for more for beginners at Leonard Hall, Trinity-Henleaze URC, details. Waterford Road, Henleaze. Tel. Maggie on 01934 838175. Classes for more advanced dancers at St The Bristol West Diabetes Group meet next at 2 Peter’s Church Hall, Henleaze. Tel. Cheryl on 0117 pm on Thursday 23 February 2017 at the Primary 4012416. Every Tues 7.30 - 9.30pm. See Care Practice in Westbury-on-Trym: Our speaker will for details. be Angeliki Papadaki speaking on 'The Mediterranean Diet.' Hydrotherapy Exercise Sessions - group exercise in lovely warm water at Southmead Hospital's Bristol Shambhala Meditation Group offers free purpose built pool. Benefits include relaxation, relief meditation instruction from a qualified instructor at of pain & swelling, improved movement, balance & the Open House evening each Wednesday from 7.30 - fitness. All ages & abilities welcome. We are a friendly 9.30 pm at 17 Lower Redland Road, Redland, BS6 local team of Chartered Physiotherapists with 6TB and the opportunity for a longer period of expertise in a variety of disabilities & medical practice on the second Sunday of each month. For conditions. We have a regular group of local members further information please see our website: but new people are always welcome. For more details please contact Chris & Ali Cowley on 07971 086 628, email or visit Morris Dancing - Bristol Morris Men welcome anyone who wants to try morris dancing. We practise on Thursday evenings in the Sports Hall at (QEH) Tai Chi – These gentle movements can ease the Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital (School) at Berkeley body, quiet the mind and restore vitality. Local Place, Clifton from 20:00 to 22:00 (ish). For more friendly classes with an experienced teacher. Classes information please visit at all levels at The Greenway Centre and other Bristol or call Grant on (0117) 9442165 . locations. For more details contact Karen on 0117 9424167, see or email Pilates Classes running in the local area on Tuesday's 9:30am (improver) / 10:30am (beginner) / 12:10pm (mixed ability) / 13:30pm (Postnatal) and on Ladies Keep Fit, Thursdays 10:00 - 11:00 am, at St Wednesday 18:15pm (intermediate). For bookings Peter's Church Hall, Henleaze with our new please call Leanne on 07817189474 / Email instructor. This friendly session, which has a dance, or for further details element to it, is suitable for all ages, levels, and visit abilities, including the older adult or young mum, who wants to maintain their general fitness, mobility, range Keep fit with dance moves – at Filton Community of movement, and well being. New members are Centre, Elm Park, BS34 7PS, Tuesday afternoon, always welcome. £5:00 per class, pay as you go from 2pm – 3pm. Improve your mobility and general which includes refreshments. Ring 01454 618488, or wellbeing, have fun, challenge yourself and feel more email, or look up the website confident, keeping fit to music. The class also for full information; includes some body conditioning. Working at your or just turn up. own pace, the class is suitable for everyone. Come along and make new friends at this very social and Zumba Gold / Light 5.30pm/ Zumba Fitness friendly class. Pay as you go at £4 per session. Class 6.35pm. Westbury -on-Trym Village Hall. Weds. £5 re-commences on 10th January 2017. Wear on door. Just drop in with water and a sense of comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear. For humour! Phone Marie on 963 4104 or visit further information contact Eileen Scott, (qualified for more info. instructor), on 07969929733, and visit the website Fancy a ramble? How about joining us for enjoyable 8 for more info about our -10 mile walks on two Sundays per month ? Our usual organisation. group size is 12-15 walkers. Interested ? If so, please come and give Stoke Lodge Ramblers a try. Visit Scottish Country Dancing for beginners and for more experienced dancers at St Monica Trust’s Hall on details or phone Secretary 0117 9684140. Thursdays, 7.30 pm. New dancers welcome - come on your own or with friends. Contact Margaret, 01275 Bristol based charity LinkAge hold a number of 794638 or Graham 01275 854782, or visit fitness classes for the over 55’s running in the Henleaze area. Contemporary Dance 55+ on Monday from 10am-11am at Bradbury Hall, Trinity Henleaze



What’s On & Community News Church. Cost £4. Tai Chi 55+ on Tuesday between 11am-12pm at Studland Court Community Room, Henleaze. Cost £3.50. Zumba Gold 55+ on Tuesday between 1pm-2pm at St Peters Church, Henleaze. Cost £4. For more details please contact Laura on 0117 353 3042 or visit Zumba Gold Class @ Horfield Parish Church Hall every Weds 2pm-2.45pm (£4.00 per class) for the mature movers aimed at age 55+ (All other ages including Beginners) Zumba Class @ Orchard School every Thurs 7pm-8pm Contact Georgina for further details on or tel: 07545 625 089. Tai Chi Classes for beginners - Start something new in 2017. Always wanted to try Tai Chi? For centuries the Chinese have practised Tai Chi as simple but powerful form of exercise for strength, balance and mindfulness. Always want to give it a try, now you don't have to go to China. The Bristol School of Tai Chi has lots of daytime and evening classes in Henleaze and Bishopston starting from the 9 January. Any questions contact Ben Milton 0117 9493955, email or simply visit Gardening and Horticulture

demonstrations are held on the second Thursday, practice classes on the fourth Thursday. New members always welcome. For more details please contact Debra Ward on 07974 937741 or email Debra at

Friends of Old Sneed Park Nature Reserve. It only costs £5 a year to become a friend of the nature reserve, a wonderful area for wildlife in Stoke Bishop. The land is owned by the council and run with the help of volunteers & Friends. There are regular newsletters, and regular events on the reserve. Fore more details please check Henleaze Garden Club is a thriving club for anyone interested in anything to do with gardening! We meet the first Wednesday of each month in the main hall at St Monica's, Cote Lane, with a summer break when the club arranges coach trips. Expert speakers, a quarterly newsletter, and great Christmas event. Annual membership is £20 plus a £1 per visit, visitors are most welcome at £5 per visit. Contact Brian Dury on 9621227 or for more info. Volunteering and Charities

If your new year’s resolution is to get more active or involved in your community why not give an hour a The Clifton Garden Society invite you to come and week or a day a month and help Marie Curie. join is as a new member. Monthly coach visits are Volunteers are so important to us. We depend on arranged to great houses and gardens. There is a contributions of time and skills so that we can quarterly newsletter, an annual holiday and a continue to provide care to patients and their families. Christmas party. If you would like to join this friendly There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for us, group please contact 0117 973 7296 for further from helping at a collection to placing collection tins details . in your local community or by joining your local fundraising group. If you enjoy meeting new people The Alpine Garden Society meet on the 3rd Friday and raising money for a great cause, we would love to of the month at Westbury Methodist Church, hear from you. For More information, please contact Westbury Hill, at 7.30pm. We have speakers on Community Fundraiser Helen Isbell on 0117 9247275 various topics, plant sales and social events. Visitors or email are very welcome at £2 a visit. Home Care in Bristol – Lay Assessors needed to Sea Mills Garden Club have regular monthly become involved in the RSVP Retired and Senior meetings, every 3rd Wednesday, held at Sea Mills Volunteer Programme. Lay assessors are part of a Methodist Rooms, Sea Mills Square at 7.30 pm. Our team visiting people in their homes across the city that forthcoming programme of talks in the New Year is :- have home care services, to talk to them and find out 15th February, David Martyn “The Work of KWAG if the quality of the service is satisfactory. The Lay and plans for the future of Kings Weston”; and 15th Assessor scheme works in partnership with the March, Sally Gregson “Shady Ladies and Damp council and forms part of their monitoring process. Damsels”. Subscriptions Single - £13, Double - £24. This voluntary role is interesting, rewarding and Visitors always welcome at £3 per meeting. Hope to flexible. Full training is provided along with regular see you there. FFI contact Gail Mitchell 0117 opportunities to meet and share experience with other 9685350 or Esme James 0117 9682571 lay assessors. If you are interested please email or telephone 0117 922 Henleaze & District Flower Club meets on the 4392 and leave your contact details and either Paula or second and fourth Thursdays of the month at Ken will call you back. Bradbury Hall, Waterford Road in Henleaze. Flower



What’s On & Community News REMAP is a registered charity that designs and makes custom aids which enable a disabled person to enjoy a better quality of life. We design, make or modify equipment to suit their specific needs. No charge is made for our services. Please contact us if we can help - visit, contact Colin 01275 460288 or contact Ray 0117 9628729 RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Programme). Do you like reading? Do you like helping children? If yes to both, you are just the sort of person we are looking for! If you can spare a minimum of an hour a week to hear children read in a local school you could make a huge difference. Volunteers do not teach children to read, but spend time on an individual basis with them, hearing them read and talking to them about the stories in their reading books. We want children to enjoy books and reading, and individual attention is always a great way to do it. Volunteering is a great way to stay active and to feel useful, so if you are interested in joining us please get in touch. Contact Mina on 07860 669953, or explore the website Volunteers needed to support carers. Could you please help us develop and increase our support to carers, people looking after an unwell, disabled or elderly family member or friend in Bristol and South Glos? Could you help us develop the support that carers can access through their G.P. surgery and other sources? If you are outgoing and could offer two mornings a month to meet, greet and give information to carers when they visit their GP surgery, I would very glad to hear from you. Full training and support for this role is provided. Please contact me, Mike Hatch, GP Carer Link Volunteer on 07503 577830: or email your name and telephone number to If you look after someone who couldn’t manage without you, and would like some information about our services for carers or would just like someone to talk to about caring for the person you look after, please telephone our Carersline on 0117 965 2200 or visit . Wanted - Volunteer Drivers for transport, once or twice a week, of local elderly patients to the Westbury doctors’ surgery or to a hospital. We have a small group of volunteer drivers, all over 50, who enjoy being active in the Westbury community. Please come and join us and experience the gratification from helping others in your own neighbourhood. We operate within the Charity RSVP-West, who provide us with liability insurance for these drives and with practical help and advice. And of course we work closely with the Staff of the Westbury-on-Trym practice. For information please contact Wendy Clark

(0117 962 0733) or Zina Wilson (0117 431 3671)or by e-mail on , or ask the Westbury Practice Reception or your local GP on tel. 9623406. Do you love Weddings? Westbury-on-Trym Village hall is a very popular wedding venue and has a busy ongoing wedding schedule. We're looking for more volunteers to help these events run smoothly. If you're interested, please contact Debbie Furlong on 07791 882127. Friendship, Social and Support

Are you caring for a relative , or a friend ? If so, you may very well like to meet other people in a similar situation at an informal carers coffee morning, and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. This will take place on Thursday 9th February 2017 from 10 to 12 noon in the Coffee Bar of the Bradbury Hall, Waterford Road, Bristol BS9 4BT. You can drop in at any time and stay as long as you wish. You are welcome to phone Monica on 9426095 if you would like to find out more, otherwise we look forward to seeing you there ! Henleaze (evening) Townswomen’s Guild meets at 7.15 pm on the first Wednesday of the month in St Peter’s Church Hall, The Drive, Henleaze, BS9 4LD. Interesting speakers present a variety of topics. Visitors are welcome. Groups that meet between our monthly meetings include: Arts and Crafts group, Music club, Book club, Discussion Group, Gardening club, Bridge club, Lunch Club. We have twice yearly outings and a holiday group. Join us to make new friends and have fun! Contact Shirley on 0117 9622243 for further information. Senior Film Club - St Peter's Hall, The Drive, Henleaze. Home Instead Bring Joy Foundation is pleased to support the Henleaze Senior Film Club and bring you the following fun Monday afternoons, each starting at 2pm. On February 20th the film is 'Golden Years' - a contemporary comedy, filmed here in Bristol, about a senior couple who decide to rob a bank! Refreshments (Tea & Cake) £3. Transport offered by Dial-A-Ride, Tel 0845 139 875. For further details, please ring 0117 989 8210 Westbury Park WI has changed its meeting day to the first Wednesday in the month. Guests are welcome, it costs £4 per session and it is possible to be a guest 3 times in a year without having to become a member. We meet at Westmoreland Hall, Westmoreland Road, Redland from 7.30pm. Soroptomists International Bristol are part of a global organisation founded in Bristol for women



What’s On & Community News from a wide range of professional and business backgrounds who have joined together to give Service, Friendship and have Fun. We meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at Long Ashton Golf Club where we enjoy a two course meal with a speaker. For more details please contact our membership officer on 0117 9739894 or email for more details. Pat-a-Cake Toddlers meet at Westbury on Trym Methodist Church every Tuesday during term time 1.15 - 2.45pm. We are a small friendly group who play, do craft and sing. Mums/Carers have a chance to meet over a cup of tea and a biscuit. For further information please contact Alison on 9629715.

Bristol Grandparents Support Group gives support to grandparents who are estranged from their grandchildren due to family breakdown. Family breakdown can be as a result of separation/divorce, alcohol/drug dependency, domestic violence within the home, bereavement or family feud. We give support over the phone, via email, Skype and at our regular meetings held at 9, Park Grove, Bristol. BS6 7XB. Tel 07773 258270 more information or visit

Laugh, Live and Learn with Bristol U3A. If you have retired from full-time work, and want to take part in enjoyable learning with friendship and fun, we have a wide range of groups with over 100 different activities, including art, computing, languages, music, The Bristol and District branch of Parkinson's walking, and science. Come to one of our social UK meet every first Saturday of the month at St groups - either at the Eastfield Inn, Henleaze, Monica Trust, Cote Lane, BS9 3UN from 10am -12 10.30am on the second Thursday and third Monday in noon. Carers, relatives, spouses and people with every month, phone Barbara 0117 9629331. Or at Parkinson's - all are welcome for a social and Browns Restaurant, by the Museum, at 10.15am on informative get-together, with speakers from a variety the third Wednesday and fourth Thursday in every of backgrounds with many diverse interests. Please month, phone Jenny 0117 9043697. Please visit join us. We also meet at The Eastfield Inn, Henleaze, BS9 4NQ every second Friday in the month for an informal coffee morning from 11am. Rotary Club of Bristol meet at the Bristol Hotel, Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4QF at 7.00pm for 7.30 pm On the first Tuesday of the month the North Bristol on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays and at 12.30pm for Alzheimer Café opens at St Monica Trust, Oatley 1.00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Meetings start House Atrium restaurant, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, with a meal and are followed by a speaker. New BS9 3TN from 3.30pm – 5.30pm. We provide a members are very welcome – for more details see relaxed, informal and safe space in which issues or contact Martina Peattie at surrounding dementia can be aired. Our café is staffed by trained, caring and experienced volunteers. Every week refreshments are served and most weeks live Do you, or does someone you know, need music is played. There is no charge to attend, free on- support following a relationship breakdown? site parking is usually available and the number 1 bus Over the past 20 years Aquila has helped many people stops right outside. FFI or to register your attendance learn to cope and rebuild their lives following contact Jacqui Ramus (Dementia Lead for St Monica separation or divorce. Our next 8-week self-help Trust) on 07854 185093 / email course starts on Wednesday 25th January in Southmead, Bristol. The course is facilitated by a group of trained men and women who have all Henleaze (Morning) Townswomen's Guild. This experienced broken relationships or divorce. If you is a recently formed Guild and we meet from 10.00am would like to know more call Gill on 07807 058479, – 12.00 noon on the third Thursday of every month at email or visit The Eastfield Inn, Henleaze Road. New members and visitors are most welcome. Further information can be obtained by ringing Elaine Anderson on 907 Westbury Art Club meet every Thursday evening 5279. from 7pm to 9pm at The Greenway Centre, Doncaster Rd, Southmead. We are a mixed ability Clifton Rotary Club welcomes new members willing group of artists For more details visit to give their time, are interested in making new, e-mail us at friends, building business contacts and using their or phone our club skills to help others. We meet Wednesday lunchtimes secretary on Bristol 962 9799. at The Redland Green Club (Redland Lawn Tennis and Squash Club). FFI visit or Henbury ‘Blaise’ Womens’ Institute meets on the email 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in Henbury Village Hall next to the church. Visitors and new



What’s On & Community News members are always welcome. Contact 962 9400 for more details or just come along!

Stoke Bishop Townswomen's Guild will meet on Thursday, 2nd February at 2pm in the Hulbert Room, St Mary Magdalene Church, Mariner's Drive, Stoke St Mary’s Church is open to visitors each morning Bishop. This room is reached via a path to the left of from 10.00am to 12.00 noon, with a Coffee morning the steps to the main hall - visitors welcome. Contact every Tuesday. All Welcome (especially those with Maureen on 9685638 or Sheila on 9147519. young children – toddler toys and books available). Our Bright Sparks Carer and Toddler group meets Do join us for Parish lunch at St Mary’s Church each Monday in term time at 1.30pm at St Marys, Stoke Bishop, every Thursday from 12.15. 3 course Stoke Bishop. 9687449 for more details. buffet lunch. Trinity Henleaze Ladies Guild meet fortnightly on Monday evenings at 7.30pm in the Leonard Hall Waterford Road. Good varied programme of speakers followed by tea and coffee. All are welcome. For further information contact Jenny on 9620108. St Peter's Ladies Guild meets at 2.15 on the third Wednesday of the month at St Peter's Church Hall, The Drive, Henleaze. Varied programme. All welcome. Further details from Wilma on 0117 9628895.

Civil Service Retirement Fellowship. The Westbury-on-Trym group welcomes all retired Civil Servants and their spouses to their meetings held on the first Thursday of the month at Studland Court, Henleaze Road at 2.00pm, Those people without a civil service background are welcome to join our group as Friends of the Fellowship. For more info phone Beryl Webb on 01454 614 451.

Westbury-on-Trym Probus Club provide a meeting point for retired and semi-retired professional / business men and women, to promote social well The Friendly Club meets every Thursday from 2 to being through friendship, discussion and 4pm (except August and Christmas ) in the Methodist companionship. The club meets for lunch with a Church Hall, Westbury on Trym. We are a lively speaker on the third Thursday of every month at group of Senior Citizens who meet to chat , play BAWA, Southmead Road, from midday. If you are Scrabble and card games. Regular trips out and interested contact Peter Wright on 9624196 or email entertainments are arranged plus we have delicious tea and biscuits for only £1 ! Do come and make some new friends. Transport can be arranged if needed. Calling all Carers. Would you like the opportunity to Contact 0117 950 8644 for more details. share your experiences, relax and make new friends? Then come and join the Henleaze Carers’ Group. We Knit and Natter. We invite you to "knit and natter" meet on the second and fourth Thursday morning of every Thursday between 10am and 12 at the each month, 10am to 12, in Bradbury Hall, Waterford Methodist Church in Westbury on Trym. It is a Road, Henleaze. For more information please call Mrs sociable and informal time when you can chat while M Rudston 942 6095. pursuing your choice of crafts. If you prefer we can provide patterns for knitting for charity. Tea and Instep Club for Widows and Widowers. Weds coffee will be available. evenings 8.00 pm-10.00 pm at Stoke Bishop Village Hall, Stoke Hill. Dancing - Ballroom and Sequence (If Men at St. Peters (MASP) is a group which meets you haven’t danced for a long time, don’t worry, we Saturday mornings at St Peter’s Hall, Henleaze. The will help you learn). Social activities Annual meetings start at 8.30am with a full English breakfast. membership £8. Members: £2 per session. Visitors This is then followed by entertaining and interesting welcome: £3 per session. Come in to see us or talks by a guest speaker. New members are always telephone Donna on 01275 832676 or Wilma on welcome. In conjunction we also provide well 9628895 for further information. directed “Keep Fit” sessions for men every Tuesday morning. Further information may be obtained from The Fielder Club is an association for local women Keith Bonham tel 968 4972. though friends and family are welcome at all events. Membership is £5 p.a. to cover delivery of quarterly Westbury on Trym Women’s Institute meets on programmes of events such as lunches, theatre, visits, the 3rd Monday of the month in the WoT Methodist talks and walks. Weekly/monthly sub-clubs of Church Hall, next to the car park, at 2.00pm. We have badminton, book group, bridge, discussions, Scrabble, a programme of varied speakers, outings, discussions skittles and whist plus coffee. Thursday mornings at etc. New members and visitors always welcome. For Coffee#1 in WoT and twice-monthly pub lunches. more information please contact: Sue Murphy – Tel: Details from Gloria on 0117 239 3376. 950 2826.



What’s On & Community News Henleaze Townswomen's Guild meet on the first Wednesday of the month (except Aug) at St Peter's Church Hall, The Drive, Henleaze. Lady visitors are always most welcome to attend. Further details can be obtained by ringing Shirley Phillips on 0117 962 2243.

Have lessons and play Bridge at Bristol Bridge Club. Would you like to learn to play bridge? We offer a full programme of lessons for all levels. If you can already play try a free taster session at one of our 7 weekly sessions. Less experienced players - Mondays at 7.15pm and Fridays at 10.00am and 7.15pm, More Bristol Brunel Lions Club. We have our business experienced players Mondays and Wednesdays at meeting at Shirehampton Golf Club on the first 1.15pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.15pm. No Tuesday of every month at 7 for 7.30. On the 3rd partner? No problem! On Mondays just turn up and Tuesday of each month we have a social gathering Terry, the Director, will find you one. He also gives normally with food. We raise money for charity both advice on bidding! For more details phone Stephen, locally and beyond through a variety of activities. Lots the Club Manager, on 0117 9291846. 99 Oldfield Rd, of fun and fellowship raising money for very good Hotwells, BS8 4QQ. causes. For more details see Bristol Brunel Lions Club on line or contact Bill O’Neill Bristol Decorative Fine Art Society (BDFAS) is at Bristol’s own society for those who are passionate about the arts. History of Art related events are General Interests organised including monthly lectures and study days led by specialists in their field and cover a wide range The Raleigh Club is a small and welcoming, of topics. We organise stimulating visits and day trips informal speaking and literary club. Established back home and abroad, often with special, exclusive visits in 1865 we meet in Westbury Village Hall at 7.30pm to places of interest. Lectures are held in the “The on the 2nd Friday of each month from October until Lecture Theatre”, The School of Chemistry Cantocks April, with a dinner in May and an annual summer Close, BS8 1TS. For more information visit our outing. It is a great opportunity to practice public website speaking in a friendly and supportive environment. New members always welcome - or why not just The Bristol Humanists is a local group for those come along and see what we do? For more details who make sense of the world using reason & shared please contact or human values, who seek to live ethical lives on the basis of reason, humanity and respect for others, and who find meaning, beauty, and joy in the one life we The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological have, without the need for an afterlife. We meet every Society's next lecture is on Monday 30th January at month on the first Monday at 7.30pm in Kingsdown. 7.45 pm in the Apostle Room of Clifton Cathedral in Contact Margaret Dearnaley on 07986 555817 Pembroke Road, when Richard Osgood, Senior (evenings and weekends only) or email Archaeologist, Defence Infrastructure for more information. Organisation, will give a talk "Marching unto War: Training Soldiers for the Great War on The National Trust Bristol Centre Talks Salisbury Plain, an Archaeology". The military has Programme 2016-2017 continues on Saturday 28th owned Salisbury Plain since 1897 and, as a result has January with “Heroines of Croome at War”. During laid down its own legacy as the topmost part of the the Second World War and the early Cold War years archaeological palimpsest. Carvings on trees, hospitals which followed, Defford airfield built partly in the for horses and the trenches in which they trained for l8th century landscape grounds of Croome Park near the Somme are just some of the components which Pershore, now a National Trust property, was one of survive. The Great War may have passed into history the most secret places in the country. It was here that from living memory but traces survive across this the latest airborne radar devices invented by allied landscape. scientists were developed, tested and proven. By 1945, up to 3000 people were engaged at Defford including Stoke Bishop & Sneyd Park Local History Group around 700 women, each playing an essential part in welcomes all to a series of talks at the Stoke Bishop this tight knit and very successful team. It is the story Village Hall, 42 Stoke Hill, BS9 1EX. Talks start at of these Heroines of Croome that will be told by Bob 7.30pm and anyone interested in local history is Shaw, Chairman of Defford Airfield Heritage Group. welcome. Membership is just £6 p/a and visitors pay The talk will take place at 2.15 in the Hall at St just £2 a meeting. For more details please visit Monica Trust, Cote Lane, WoT. A charge of £3 is, call made to both members and visitors to help cover the 0117 9686010 or email costs associated with the talks programme. This Please do also contact us if you are clearing out charge includes the provision of tea and biscuits at the documents and pictures of Stoke Bishop! end of each talk



What’s On & Community News North Bristol Writers next meeting is on 26th January when we will be looking at peer critiques. Time: 7:30pm, venue: The Inn on the Green, Gloucester Road (upstairs room - ask at the bar if not sure). New and experienced writers welcome - just come along and join us.

Saturday observing sessions at our Observatory in Failand (weather permitting), and often stage "Star Parties" around Bristol and at Tyntesfield. All details are on our website All welcome, held at Bristol Photographic Society, Montpelier, BS6 5EE.

Henbury Art Club are looking for new members for our Thursday morning club. We meet at 10am till noon in Henbury Village Hall, next to St Mary’s Church. We are a very friendly mixed ability group, and have our annual show in the Henbury Village Hall every May Day. Please contact Gill Dix by email. for more details.

Philosophy Discussion Group. We are a friendly and welcoming group who enjoy taking a turn to bring topic to share. We meet at 7 – 9pm every fourth Thursday evening of the month at Eastfield Inn, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4NQ, and 10 - 12 noon every second Friday morning of the month, also at Eastfield Inn, Henleaze. If you would like to be involved please contact Lorna Tarr on 0770 245 3827.

Twyford Art Club. We are a small group of artists of mixed ability, we meet at the public hall, Station Road, Shirehampton, 10am to 12am Mondays and Wednesdays, chose your day. New members welcomed, help and advice given. For more information visit, contact John Case on 950 7916 /


The Bristol Nine is published by Bristol Community Magazines Ltd (Co. No. 08448649, registered at 8 Sandyleaze, Westbury on Trym, Bristol, BS9 3PY). The views expressed by contributors or advertisers in The Bristol Nine are not necessarily those held by The Bristol Philatelic Society meets on the 2nd and Bristol Community Magazines Ltd. The inclusion of 4th Thursdays of each month in the meeting room of any business or organisation in this magazine does not the United Reform Church at the bottom of Blackboy imply a recommendation of it, its aims or its methods. Hill (Whiteladies Road) starting at 7.30 p.m. Contact Bristol Community Magazines Ltd cannot be held 0117 956 7853. responsible for information disclosed by advertisers, all of which are accepted in good faith. Reasonable Stoke Lodge History and Archaeology Group efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the meet on the second Thursday of every month at the information contained in this magazine but no liability Friends Meeting House in Hampton Road, Redland, can be accepted for any loss or inconvenience caused BS6 6JE at 7.30. We host a rich diversity of lectures. as a result of inclusion, error or omission. All content New members are always made very welcome. For is the copyright of Bristol Community Magazines Ltd further details please contact Annette Martin on 0117 and may not be reproduced without the prior written 979 3209. consent of Bristol Community Magazines.

North West Bristol Camera Club, are an enthusiastic group of amateur photographers who meet each Wednesday at 7:45pm at Westbury Fields. New members of any level of ability are most welcome. For details contact Pete on 07870 589555. Got a speech to make? Bristol Speakers offers a relaxed environment to practise your public speaking. Learn how to construct and present a speech, gain knowledge from experienced speakers, conquer your public speaking anxiety. Most of all, practise in a stress-free environment where members give helpful feedback. It’s a well structured evening, fun and relaxed with a nice mix of people. Meeting 7.30pm alternate Mondays @ BAWA Southmead Rd. Contact The Bristol Astronomical Society host a series of talks each week and we regularly get experts to talk about historical and topical aspects of astronomy, as well running hands-on demonstrations, activities, free

Get In Touch Do please get in touch, whether you are interested in advertising, have an item or event that you think would benefit from a free listing, or if you have any comments or suggestions about the magazine - it is always good to receive any feedback. 0117 259 1964 / 07845 986650 8 Sandyleaze, W-o-T, BS9 3PY


Kemps Jewellers Est. 1881

Dazzling Jewellery - Sparkling Prices Rings and jewellery, new and old - a great range of modern new pieces to complement our existing selection of beautiful traditional second-hand jewellery. An independent family business we are able to offer you a level of expertise and service you rarely get on the High Street. Why not come in and browse and see what catches your eye, discover our special promotional prices and discuss your options with our friendly and knowledgeable staff?

Kemps Jewellers 9 Carlton Court, Westbury on Trym 0117 950 50 90


Quiz Answers from page 50 1a) a skulk, b) a caravan, c) a lodge; 2. a) 59 (he’ll be 60 on 28th Feb), b) 75, c) 41; 3a) Everton, b) Tranmere Rovers, c) Newport County; 4a) Euro, b) Euro, c) Koruna; 5a) Kate Bush, b) The Beach Boys, c) The Jam; 6a) Rich Tea biscuits, b) Unigate milk, c) Cresta; 7a) London, b) New York, c) Istanbul; 8. 876; 9. William IV and Victoria; 10. James Callaghan, Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock, John Smith; 11 a) Ipswich, Cambridge, Coventry, Peterborough, and b) Ipswich, Cambridge, Peterborough, Coventry; 12a) Threadneedle Street, b) Pennsylvania Avenue, c) Red Square; 13. the rooster; 14. rockhopper penguin, ptarmigan, moose, capybara.



Index of Advertisers Around the Garden

Computing, A/V & IT

Pet Care and Pet Services


D & N Borderline

87 Computer Repairs

F.A.B. IT Rescue

18 Veterinary Care

Viking Vets



E C Fencing

83 Computer Repairs

Schneider Computer Services

30 Pet Care Services



Garden Design & Mtce

Robin’s Garden

23 Finance, Legal & Business

Friends 4 Paws


Garden Design & Mtce

Meadow Landscapes

68 Accountancy

Garden Design & Mtce

Cathy Lewis


R Davies & Son


Garden Design & Mtce

Red Oak Landscaping


Garden Maintenance

Graham Cook

62 Coaching

Garden Maintenance

Blossom Gardening


Garden Services

Declan McManus


Manure & Compost

Mr Manure Man


Artificial Lawns

Meadow Landscapes


Pet Care Services Walbrook Services

55 Funeral Services



26 Funeral Directors


William Price & Co

55 Property & Accommodation

Anne Miller

60 Estate & Letting Agents


Grosvenor Consultancy

Financial Advice

Wealth West

69 Estate Agents

Richard Harding




2,3 Estate Agents




AMD Solicitors



Devereux & Co



Veale Wasbrough Vizards

Plants & Garden Supplies

Garden Trappings


Tree Surgeons

Crest Tree Services


Tree Surgeons

Neville Tree Services


Blinds & Shutters

UK Blinds Direct

Fitness, Beauty, Sport & Leisure 35 Yoga

Bathrooms & Wetrooms

Paul Whittaker

Carpets and Flooring

70, 71 Estate & Letting Agents

Maggs & Allen

Financial Advice

24, 25

C J Hole

52, 53

Support’d Shelter’d Housing Abbeyfield


Schools & Education Schools

Badminton School



Gordano Sixth Form


42 Pre-School & Nursery

Red Bus Nursery


87 Complementary Therapies Celeste

30 Adult Education

Bristol Adult Learning


Choice Carpets

85 Personal Training & Gyms Westbury Trym & Tone


Cleaning Services

Carmens Cleaning Services

85 Personal Training & Gyms Clifton College Sports Ctre



Gary Castell


Cleaning Services

16 Personal Training & Gyms Redland Green Club


Electrical Services

Daley Electrical Services


Cleaning Services

Henleaze & Bristol Carpet Cleaning Bonne Fresh Clean

30 Healthy Eating

Nutritional Matters


Electrical Services

MB Electrical


Cleaning Services

Oven Cleaning Bristol

59 Hairdressing & Salons

Evans Hair Design


Electrical Services

Lek Trix


Cleaning Services

Oven Gleamers

37 Hairdressing & Salons

Erica Martin

26 Painting & Decorating

Darren the Decorator

Cleaning Services

Home Gleamers

75 Hairdressing & Salons

Gary Henri

20 Painting & Decorating



Gareth Jones Furniture

47 Gifts, Arts, Food & Retail

Stairlifts Sales & Repairs

Thornbury Stairlifts

Painting & Decorating

Sarah's Decorating Services Top Notch

Pocket Money Photography


Painting & Decorating

James Fox



A & P Plastering



Artform Plastering



McCall Plastering


Plumbing & Gas

J Presland


Plumbing & Gas

Peter Harris

Plumbing & Gas

S & P Plumbing Services


Plumbing & Gas

Appliance Services



A & D Plumbing Services



Three Sixty Services


Chimney Sweeps

Bristle Chimney Sweeping


Chimney Sweeps

Shaun Doughton


Man & Van




Coach Tours

G G Travel


Travel Agents

Miles Morgan Travel


Holiday Accommodation

Croation Apartment


Around the House


Photography Classes

Handyman Services

JD Handyfix


Handyman Services

Kev the Handyman


Handyman Services

A & D Handyman Services


Handyman Services

Tony Anderson


Upholstery / Soft Furn


Upholstery / Soft Furn

Nice Things for Nice Homes



92 Jewellery and Gifts

Window Cleaning


Sara-Jo Cameron

Trophies & Engraving

KP Badges & Trophies


Auctions & Salerooms

Clevedon Salerooms


Food Retail & Restaurants Number 7 Kitchen Food Retail & Restaurants Molesworth Butchers Jewellery & Gifts

51 54

Julie Anne Palmer Jewellery




Healthcare Services

Building Services Architect Services


Plant Hire

Mark's Mini Diggers

4 Chiropractors Home Care Services

Bristol Chiro & Pregnancy Clinic Premier Homecare

Home Care Services

St Monica Trust


Home Care Services

Home Instead


The Chiron Centre



Building & Construction

BS7 Driveways


Building & Construction

Garcia Building Services


Garage Doors

Up & Over Doors


Property Maintenance

Prime Maintenance

Property Maintenance

A & S Property Services

Property Maintenance

Ace Preservation

13 Complementary Healthcare 9 Complementary 75 Healthcare Footcare

81 48, 49





Waste & Rubbish Holistic Health Bristol


Bristol Foot Clinic

62 36

Property Maintenance

MSP Maintenance


Windows & Doors

Avonmouth Windows

30 Massage Therapists

Keon Williams

Windows & Doors

Crystal Clear

11 Counselling

Gabriel Lodge

Deadline for inclusion in the March 2017 issue - February 15th. Latest.


Rubbish Clearance Cars & Motoring Garage Services Holidays & Travel

If you use any of the businesses featured in The Bristol Nine please let them know that you saw their advertisement in the magazine. Many thanks for your support.









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