2 minute read
4.3 Publicity
Clidive uses Twitter to help build its public profile. We announce all diver qualifications, and regularly tweet photos and other news from dive trips and training trips, keeping the feed active throughout most of the year. By tagging our tweets appropriately, e.g. with @bsacdivers, our tweets are found and viewed by more than just our followers, especially when the lovely people in charge of the BSAC Twitter feed share our content! The Clidive lecture series has been a good way of generating joint publicity with our presenters and extending our reach to their followers.
The Summerversity event at Clidive was featured with our photographs of the event on Twitter feeds from both Summerversity and Islington Council who have great local reach with 24,000 followers. Clidive’s Top Two Tweets of 2019 were when we announced our new First Class Divers, which each received nearly 2,000 impressions and 100 engagements.
Appendix 4.3a has some examples of our Twitter activity.
4.3.1 Local Publicity
An article in the autumn edition of the quarterly Islington Life coincided with our 50th Anniversary celebrations in October. The full-page article highlighted our 50th anniversary, our diver training and some of our diving this year including Normandy 75 and the minke whale experience for that fortunate group at St Abbs. Islington Life is delivered to all Islington residents and has a print run of 114,000. The article was further publicised through the Islington Life blog and the Islington Life Twitter feed which itself has 12,000 followers.
In the summer edition we were listed in the organisations participating in Summerversity. This was also further publicised through a leaflet that was sent to all children and parents in Islington schools, and online. Appendix 4.3b has images of local publicity for 2019
Learning Curve
Our London Region coach, Gillian Bell, wrote a Learning Curve article for Scuba describing how, with hosts Imperial College Underwater Club and help from Clidive involving a club van full of scuba equipment and some instructors, the first successful ‘Urban IFC’ was run. This appeared in Scuba Issue 93 p.46 (August 2019), with Gillian’s profile on p.97.
In The Mix
Clidive’s Tom Hughes is a Diving for All Ambassador and was featured In Scuba Issue 87 p.52 (February 2019) for the In the Mix section.
Clidive also appeared briefly in Scuba on three other occasions:
Issue 88 p.28 (March 2019): Clidive the top-recruiting club of 2018 Issue 89 p.20 (April 2019): Normandy 75 Issue 95 p.14 (October 2019): Normandy 75 Clidive Blue making
Appendix 4.3c contains images of all the listed Scuba articles.
4.3.3 A Helping Hand
We were delighted to help BSAC with video and photographic material for conference videos and promotion. Underwater and topside video from two of our expeditions and drone footage of one of our
RIBs were used. waves for BSAC