BSAK Sixth Form Pastoral Book 2024/2025

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The British School Al Khubairat (BSAK) is Abu Dhabi’s leading British not-for-profit, co-educational day school. From Nursery to A Level (3 – 18) our dynamic school culture offers students an enriching experience and outstanding results.


Building on our unique local heritage, we will provide a world-class British education, inspiring all our students to exceed expectations.


Empathy and Care | Respect and Inclusivity

Honesty and Integrity | Endeavour and Resilience



P02 BSAK’s Vision and Values

P04 Assistant Head Welcome

P05 Wellbeing One Stop Shop

P06 Meet Your Head of Year

Code of Conduct Mental Health and Wellbeing

Safeguarding House System

Term Dates and Timings


Nursing Handbook Transport

Parking and Traffic

Communications - Social Media


Communications - Parent Portal


University and Careers


Dear Parents,

I am always immensely proud of our Sixth Form students as they walk through a staff guard of honour on their last day of Year 13. The growth we see in them throughout their two year journey is often immeasurable.

It’s not just their white shirts that make them stand out, their academic achievements are excellent and our Sixth Form students are outstanding role models to younger students who see them as sources of inspiration in the way they purposefully conduct themselves with good manners, decorum and empathy.

Our Sixth Form facilities outside of the classroom are a place of learning but also an environment in which students thrive personally and socially. The staff-student relationships, which are characterised by a friendly, humorous and relaxed atmosphere, contribute to the success of the Sixth Form experience.

The staff at BSAK welcome into our Sixth Form both those who have not previously studied here as well as those applying from our own Year 11 cohort. The Learning Curve and Common Room are areas that enable all students to integrate quickly into the life of the Sixth Form.

Whilst we have high expectations of our Sixth Form Students, which are all outlined in the Sixth Form agreement, we also trust them with privileges not available to younger students.

We provide an exceptional platform upon which every student can grow, and develop to exceed their own expectations.

This handbook aims to provide our new families with important information to successfully begin their journey in the BSAK Sixth Form.


Last academic year BSAK launched our Wellbeing One Stop Shop which is accessible on the parent portal. Each month we added new materials associated with one of three topics; Inclusion, Digital Safety and Wellbeing. We will be continuing to do this so keep an eye out on our BSAK facebook page.

Below you can find examples of content already there. Please take some time to look through, it is a resource for parents so if you have any suggestions on topics you want including contact me on

Inclusion A spotlight on Neurodiversity with a focus on Dyslexia, ADHD and Autism

A spotlight on anxiety, depression, OCD and ODD

How to support your child with trauma or bereavement

Digital Safety Back to school online safety tips

Guidance on how to monitor and restrict internet usage at home

Digital Safety Information booklet for parents with guidance on apps

Guidance surrounding AI

Online Gaming Safety Tips and ESports Parent Guide

Wellbeing Strategies to help your tween or teen identify and process emotions

How to boost your child's self esteem

How to help your child develop resilience and prevent exams anxiety

How to manage conflict with your tween or teen


Dear Parents,

It is a real pleasure to welcome the new Year 12 students into our Sixth Form. We are genuinely excited to see each student arrive in their new white shirts and for us to “hit the ground running.”

The beginning of Sixth Form is a new start for everyone, and a chance for our students to reflect on what has gone before and to look forward with renewed optimism and enthusiasm to what will come in the next two years, and beyond.

The students will be in new tutor groups, with some students who are new to BSAK. School life will change and our new students will notice significant differences between this and your previous studies. They will be focussing on a very narrow band of subjects, which have been chosen based on their abilities and enjoyment.

Each student should throw themselves wholeheartedly into this new adventure. This means working as hard as they can (even in study periods), joining our academic enrichment clubs, and maintaining their contributions outside of the classroom. Within a few weeks of starting their Sixth Form journey, the new Year 12 class will be afforded the opportunity to apply for a Prefect position. Not only is this a chance to really give back to our community and support the school, it is the first step towards being a Senior Prefect.

Each student is blessed with a fantastic support network. Our tutors, Mrs Hutchinson and Mr Oakes will all work with us to provide the best chance of success and to ensure these are the best two years of their school life. We live in the office beside the common room and the door is always open. We ask a lot of our students and high standards are the norm. We are an example to the rest of the school and we will be their biggest champions, but also a critical friend when required.

Being a Head of Year in our Sixth Form is a real privilege, as we get to work with magnificent people during the most important period of their school life. It is not something taken lightly, but it is something we enjoy hugely, and from what I already know about our “Class of 2026”, we can’t wait for you to get started. Good Luck!

Miss Louise Mell

Head of Year 12

Mrs Jane Roughley

Head of Year 13

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