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Welcome From Our Assistant Head

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GCSEs are the next big step in a BSAK student’s educational journey, and we are here to support and guide them along the way.

Throughout Years 7 to 9, students have been following a common curriculum which has provided a full and broad education based on the English National Curriculum and UAE Ministry of Education subjects. GCSE Options are the students first opportunity to make choices that reflect their passions and strengths. This is often both exciting and daunting as these options can help students decide on A Level choices, and subsequently inform their future degree choices or apprenticeships.

GCSE examinations require a two-year course of study; hence the need to choose now which subjects will be studied from September 2022 leading to examinations which will be taken in May and June 2024. All subjects demand hard, persistent work, both in school and at home, and this is as much a test of character and determination as of ability.

The academic work of Years 10 and 11 is balanced by a programme of Moral Education & Life Skills, and Physical Education. There is also the opportunity for students to take part in a wide range of co-curricular societies and academic activities which widen personal interests, including sport, the performing arts and leadership opportunities; inspiring and challenging our students to become well rounded individuals.

We recognise that every student matters, has different needs and deserves the very best education. You will not find any ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach at BSAK because we understand that every student is a unique individual. Our mission is to nurture a genuine passion for learning. We aim to develop academic ability and personal qualities, providing a sound basis for entry to our Sixth Form or other further education institutions, before university, apprenticeships or employment at the age of 18. We understand that making GCSE choices is not always an easy process and we are looking forward to working with your children and yourselves throughout this time.

We are committed to providing the help that you need. Our dedicated Careers Advisor has already been holding Q&A sessions with the Year 9 form groups and we will continue to use form sessions and MELS sessions alongside this booklet and GCSE Options Evening.

Our door is always open for questions.

Miss Nichola Cooper

Assistant Head


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