April 2024
Every Friday | Friday Jam | 12:00PM | Secondary Reception
A weekly jam to showcase our musical talent and to start the weekend with a smile and a spring in your step.
Monday 15 | Summer - Term 3 Begins
Tuesday 23 | Tiny Desk | 12:15PM | Primary Library
Tuesday 23 | Reeds Concert | 4:00PM | Auditorium
Indulge in the melodic allure of our reeds concert, where the expressive tones of clarinets, saxophones and oboes converge
Wednesday 24 | Beginners’ Concert | 4:00PM | Primary Hall
Join us for a heartwarming concert, where budding talents take the stage, creating a charming musical experience.
Thursday 25 | Guitar Soloists Concert | 4:00PM | Auditorium
Enjoy our guitar soloists as they take centre stage, weaving intricate melodies and captivating rhythms.
Friday 26 | Music Scholars’ Talk | 12:15PM | Music Dept
Tuesday 30 | Tiny Brass & Piano Concert | 4:00PM | Auditorium
Experience the charm of tiny brass instruments and piano, where small wonders create a magical fusion of brilliance and poise.
May 2024
Every Friday | Friday Jam | 12:00PM | Secondary Reception
A weekly jam to showcase our musical talent and to start the weekend with a smile and a spring in your step
Wednesday 1 | Secondary End of Year Concert | 6:00PM | Auditorium
Experience the pinnacle of musical excellence, where exceptional talents redefine the boundaries of musical achievement.
Monday 6 - 8 | Shrek Jr! The Musical | 6:00PM | Primary Hall
Embark on a musical adventure with our primary students as they showcase their budding talents in an enchanting performance and delightful melodies
Tuesday 21 I Tiny Desk | 12:15PM | Primary Library
Wednesday 22 | Piano Concert | 4:00PM | Primary Hall
Elevate your senses with the elegance of our piano concert, where the ivory keys come alive
Thursday 23 | ABRSM Concert | 4:00PM | Primary Hall
An opportunity for students to perform their set pieces before taking part of an external examination board.
June 2024
Every Friday | Friday Jam | 12:00PM | Secondary Reception
Tuesday 4 | Tiny Desk | 12:15PM | Primary Library
Friday 14 | Music Awards Evening | 6:00PM | External Venue TBC
Join us in recognising and applauding exceptional musical achievements, where talent and dedication take centre stage.
Friday 21 | Music Scholars’ Talk | 12:15PM | Music Dept
Tuesday 25 | Unplugged Concert | 6:00PM | Theatre
Experience the raw and authentic beauty of live music, where performances promise an intimate and soul-stirring experience.
Wednesday 26 | Primary End of Year Concert | 6:00PM | Primary Hall
Celebrate the creativity of our young musicians, where we honour exceptional talents shaping the future of the musical landscape
July 2024
Every Friday | Friday Jam | 12:00PM | Secondary Reception
Tuesday 2 | Tiny Desk | 12:15PM | Primary Library
Friday 5 | End of Academic Year