MR JULIAN BRAMMER HEAD OF YEAR 10 Despite the disruptions and the challenges we have all faced; I have to say how impressed I have been with Year 10; who have certainly started their GCSE years with much gusto; whether in or out of the classroom they have certainly been making their mark in our community. The year group have started their GCSE years really well; I am a great believer in the adage if you look after your effort grades; the attainment grades will look after themselves. I have detailed the top performers in the year group, they should be very pleased with their achievements, they have set the bar for everyone. Ryan Taoutaou 8.00 Lamia Bajric 7.83
Annabel Green 7.82
Maisie Butcher 7.70
Shahd Abou El Nasr 7.64
Hanlei Gao 7.55
Lora Sharara 7.55
Deena Jasim 7.50
Jennifer Najjar 7.50
Zaara Mohyuddin 7.50
Kishan Sharma 7.50
49TH NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATIONS National Day celebrations were very different to previous years, but I was so pleased that Year 10 entered into the spirit of the day.