It only seems like a few short weeks ago that Year 7 students were going through transition themselves and I am so pleased that they have been able to use their experiences to share pearls of wisdom with Year 6 students. Each form nominated a winner in our 'Letters or poems to our Year 6 selves'. We created a video which was then shared with the Year 6 students, and Miss Hand has assured me that the students were so grateful to hear these.
I'm sure you have heard a lot about the boys football league over the last few weeks, thanks to Mr Sewill over 40 of the Year 7 boys have been able to participate in this league every week.
It has been a source of many conversations and the semi-finals and final will be played on Monday 4th July when we will crown the champions. Due to the success of this, we hope to include a girls league next year too.
I am so pleased that we finally got to reward our students with the community trip to Warner Brothers last week. I know we had a lot of fun on the roller coasters, winning capes and teddy bears and eating all the sugar. I was so proud of the way Year 7 students represented BSAK. They are such fantastic ambassadors and I would not hesitate to support trips in the future with them.
It has been an absolute pleasure to support Year 7 through their first year in secondary, to see the way they have involved themselves in every aspect of secondary school and I will miss greeting them every morning at St Andrew's gate and during break and lunchtimes. They never cease to amaze me with their thoughtful insights, or make me smile with their bad jokes. I know that I am passing the torch to Miss Hunkin next year and I have made her very aware of the amazing year group that she is taking on. Thank you for all of your continued support this year. Wishing you all a restful summer break and goodbye to those families leaving us this year.
Congrats to Joude for winning the Y7 top House Points award this term.