CURRICULUM 2020/2021
OUR SCHOOL The British School Al Khubairat (BSAK) is Abu Dhabi’s leading British not-for-profit, co-educational day school. From Nursery to A Level (3 – 18) our dynamic school culture offers students an enriching experience and outstanding results.
OUR VISION Building on our unique local heritage, we will provide a world-class British education, inspiring all our students to exceed expectations.
OUR VALUES Empathy and Care | Respect and Inclusivity Honesty and Integrity | Endeavour and Resilience
FOREWORD BY DEPUTY HEAD Dear Parents & Students, Under normal circumstances, this booklet would have arrived at the start of this term. We delayed it to see if we needed to adjust it under the current circumstances. Now that we have welcomed Year 11 students back into BSAK classrooms, this is a good time to let you know what our departments have planned for this year. What is absolutely clear, is that no one will ever forget this period of their life, where nothing seems to be ‘normal’, and everything seems to be a little bit up in the air. For our students, having 6 months of not walking through our BSAK doors to receive their education has been a real challenge. We have said many times how proud we are of our students’ resilience and endeavour, and how they have thrown themselves into their distance learning. However, we also understand that for many students, this has been the worst of times, and that part of our job at BSAK is to recreate and foster their love and enthusiasm for learning, as well as ensuring that every students’ social and emotional wellbeing is catered for. I am proud that our staff recognise this and have adapted their teaching to ensure that this is top of their agenda. While this booklet provides you with the overview of the subject curriculum for this year, it is important to outline the impact that Covid-19 may have on education as we move through this academic year. What seems to be clear is that we must expect the unexpected, and cannot assume that we will have every student in front of us for the entirety of this year. It looks likely that schools may have to become extremely adaptable in how they deliver their content over the next few months. Therefore, our departments and subject areas have adapted their curriculum so that it is able to cope with being delivered effectively both in school, and also if we are forced to revert to some amount of distance learning, which for some students will have been already selected on medical grounds. Teaching with a blended model of face to face learning, while simultaneously teaching students online is a real challenge, but it is one that BSAK staff are becoming incredibly proficient at, and will continue to strive to improve. This desire to continually drive to be even better is what keeps BSAK ahead of the game, and at the very pinnacle of our profession. This year may still provide us with many challenges: educationally, socially, and emotionally. Together, as a community of staff, students, and parents, I am certain that we will get through this - and more importantly, allow our students to thrive.
Mr Nigel Davis Deputy Head
YEAR 11 CURRICULUM BOOKLET 2020/2021 CONTENTS Subjects In Alphabetical Order P06 P08 P10 P12 P14 P16 P20 P22 P24 P26 P30 P34 P38 P40 P42
P44 P48 Arabic A P50 Biology P52 Business Studies P54 Chemistry P56 Combined Science P58 Computer Science Design Technology (Product Design) P60 P62 Drama P66 Economics P70 English Language P72 English Literature P74 Fine Art P76 Food Preparation & Nutrition French Geography
Graphic Communication History Islamic Studies A & B Learning Support Mathematics Media Studies MELS Music Photography Physical Education Physical Education (Core) Physics Spanish Textiles
ARABIC A The Ministry of Education Arabic course targets the native speakers of the language. It aims to help all students to develop their linguistic skills, expose them to many classical and modern literary works and deepen their understanding of Arabic and Islamic culture.
COURSE CONTENT The course content is based on a wide range of selected literary texts that relate to different eras as well as extracts from the Holy Quran and the Sayings of the Prophet (PBUH). The course content will draw heavily on: ● ● ● ●
Reading texts: literary and factual texts Writing practice in line with what was covered during reading lessons Conversational drills where students use and apply the skills they acquired The structure of the language: applied rather than theoretical syntax and morphology
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Native understanding and analysis of written and spoken Classical Arabic ● Knowledge and application of language skills ● Writing for different purposes ● Conversing in Classical Arabic on a given topic
ASSESSMENTS Half termly assessments take place as well as a final exam at the end of each academic year. Students in Year 12 will undertake the Ministry of Education Arabic Exam at the end of the academic year.
BIOLOGY This GCSE encourages students to be inspired, motivated and challenged. It encourages them to develop their curiosity about the living world and provides insight into and experience of how science works. It will enable students to engage with Biology in their everyday lives and to make informed choices about further study in Biology and related disciplines.
COURSE CONTENT ● Homeostasis and Response ● Inheritance, Variation and Evolution ● Ecology
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Application of knowledge ● Data analysis ● Evaluation ● Extended writing skills
FURTHER STUDY To continue Biology to A Level, students will need to attain the compulsory ‘7-9’ grade at GCSE. A ‘7-9’ in Chemistry is also strongly recommended. It is a facilitating subject which is highly regarded by all universities and all courses. Biology is essential to those wishing to read: ● Medicine ● Veterinary Medicine ● Dentistry ● Pharmacology
ASSESSMENTS Two, 1-hour 45-minute examination papers (Paper 1 and 2) which consist of multiple-choice, structured, closed, short answer and open response questions. Each exam paper contributes 50% of the overall GCSE Biology grade.
BUSINESS STUDIES The study of business in Y11 continues looking at factors that affect each and every one of us. Whether you have ambitions to work in business or set up your own, this course will give you a valuable insight into how businesses are set up and managed and how and why some businesses succeed where others fail.
COURSE CONTENT 1 – Business activity and influences on business This section covers the various objectives of a business, changing business environments and the criteria for judging success. The focus is on the importance of having clear business objectives and how the business environment provides opportunities for, and imposes constraints on, the pursuit of these objectives. 2 – People in business This section looks at people in organisations, focusing on their roles, relationships and management in business. 3 – Business finance This section explores the use of accounting and financial information as an aid to decision making. 4 – Marketing This section focuses on identifying and satisfying customer needs in a changing and competitive international environment. 5 – Business operations This section examines the way organisations use and manage resources to produce goods and services SKILLS DEVELOPED The following are skills which are both required for success and will be built upon during the course: ● Communication ● Problem solving ● Critical analysis and evaluation ● Data analysis ● Decision making FURTHER STUDY If you want to continue with your studies at A Level, a minimum of grade 6 at iGCSE will be required. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Ongoing assessment will continue in Year 11. These iGCSE style assessments will be taken from past examination papers to ensure students have practical experience of examination questions at the earliest opportunity. It will culminate in two equally weighted GCSE examinations at the end of the year.
CHEMISTRY Students study the fundamentals of Chemistry: Atomic structure and Chemical bonding, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and importantly the chemical processes integral to the world in which we live in topics such as crude oil, fuels and equilibrium. The course is designed to encourage students to develop their curiosity about the material and physical worlds, whilst also preparing them for content encountered at A Level.
COURSE CONTENT ● Rates of reaction ● Energy changes ● Equilibrium ● Electrolysis ● Chemical analysis ● Organic reactions ● Polymers
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Application and problem-solving ● Abstract-thinking ● Ability to complete multi step calculations
FURTHER STUDY To continue their study of Chemistry, students will need to attain the compulsory ‘7-9’ grade at GCSE. A 7 or above in Mathematics is also strongly recommended. Chemistry is a facilitating subject and it is held in high regard by all universities regardless of the course being applied to and is essential for those wanting to read: ● Medicine ● Veterinary Medicine ● Dentistry ● Pharmacology ● Chemical Engineering SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Paper 1: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding and structure; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes and Energy changes. Paper 2: The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere and using resources. Both are equally weighted (100 marks) and are 1 hour 45 minutes long.
COMBINED SCIENCE This course is designed to give students the tools and concepts they need to be able to construct a scientific approach to solving problems. Students learn the fundamental aspects of all three Sciences, ultimately being awarded two GCSE grades in the subject, but will not go into as much detail as a separate GCSE in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The following topics are covered in year 11:
COURSE CONTENT Biology ● Homeostasis and response ● Inheritance, variation and evolution ● Ecology Chemistry ● Rates of reaction ● Energy changes ● Equilibrium ● Electrolysis ● Chemical analysis
Physics ● Forces in balance ● Motion ● Force and motion ● Wave properties ● Electromagnetic waves ● Electromagnetism
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Problem-solving ● Abstract-thinking ● Ability to complete multi step calculations ● Application of knowledge ● Data analysis ● Evaluation ● Extended writing skills FURTHER STUDY The content of this course gives students a secure grounding in the fundamentals of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and prepares students for progression in Science related disciplines beyond GCSE. If students are intending to study any of the Sciences at A Level it should be notes that Combined Science GCSE does not automatically preclude study at A Level and bridging work will be given to support suitable candidates from Combined Science going on to A Level. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS There are six externally assessed papers: two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas. Each paper is 1 hour 15 minutes in length and constitutes 16.7% of the total GCSE.
COMPUTER SCIENCE This GCSE will encourage students to be inspired, stimulated and excited by following a challenging course of study. It is a rigorous academic discipline, incorporating a scientific, creative and mathematical approach which will help students gain valuable computational thinking skills that are attractive to employers.
COURSE CONTENT Unit 1 - Paper 1 1. Data representation Binary systems Hexadecimal Data storage 2. Communication and internet technologies Data transmission Security aspects Programming concepts Internet principles of operation 3. Hardware and software Logic gates Computer architecture Fetch-execute cycle Memory Storage devices Operating systems 4. Security 5. Ethics Unit 2 - Paper 2 6. Algorithm design and problem-solving Pseudocode design Problem-solving flowcharts 7. Programming Programming concepts Data structures arrays 8. Databases ASSESSMENTS There will be end of topic tests for subject topics 1- 8 (above). Below, is an outline of how both units will be assessed on the GCSE examination papers. Paper 1: Theory Theoretical knowledge from topics 1 – 5 above. A written exam is set, in which students complete questions on based on topics 1-5: 1 hour 45 minutes 75 marks (60% of GCSE) Paper 2: Problem Solving and Programming Students answer questions on a pre-release computer programme in addition to theoretical knowledge from topics 6-8. Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes 50 marks (40% of GCSE)
COMPUTER SCIENCE SKILLS DEVELOPED Students should be able to implement a systematic approach to problem solving and to develop algorithms. Students will learn to design, write, test and refine programs with a textual program definition. They must be able to apply their computational thinking skills effectively to model selected aspects of the external world, in a program, to solve a problem. FURTHER STUDY To study A Level Computer Science a minimum Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics is required. GCSE Computer Science is not essential but extremely useful for A Level Computer Science study. Russell Group Universities recommend A Level Computer Science for the following courses: ● Biology ● Chemistry ● Physics ● Engineering (civil, mechanical, electronic and aeronautical) ● Economics ● Mathematics ● Medicine ● Optometry ● Pharmacy ● Psychology ● Sociology ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED Students will be expected to bring a set of headphones to lessons. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Term 1 Term 2 End of year exam
ASSESSMENTS Term 1 Term 2 End of year exam
D&T - PRODUCT DESIGN Students will enjoy this course in Design Technology (Product Design) if they are interested in subjects that are both creative and technical as they are given the opportunity to design and make products. The course places an emphasis on the design and manufacture of quality products, as well as a study of the commercial production of everyday items. COURSE CONTENT Core Technical Principles ● New and Emerging Technologies ● Energy Storage and Generation ● Modern and Smart Materials ● Systems approach to Designing ● Materials and their working Properties Specialist Technical Principles ● Forces and stresses ● Ecological and social footprint ● Scales of production ● Sources and origins ● Using and working with materials ● Stock forms, types and sizes ● Specialist techniques ● Surface treatments and finishes
Designing & Making Principles ● Investigation, primary and secondary data ● Environmental, social and economic challenge ● The work of others ● Design strategies ● Communication of design ideas ● Prototype development ● Selection of materials and components ● Tolerances ● Material management ● Tools and equipment ● Techniques and processes
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Ability to communicate using graphical skills ● Good organisational skills ● Ability to think and create innovative solutions to everyday problems ● Creativity through designing and making FURTHER STUDY GCSE grade 6 or above is required to study Product Design at A Level. Design Technology is an important foundation for many jobs and courses that students may pursue in employment or further education. Some of the more obvious careers benefiting from Design & Technology include: Design, Interior Design, Industrial Design, Furniture Design, Graphic Design, Materials Science, Engineering, Architecture and Automotive Design. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Non-Exam Assessment (NEA): 30–35 hours approx. 100 Marks: 50% of GCSE Written exam 2 hours 100 Marks: 50% of GCSE A substantial design and make task, based on board set criteria. Section A – Core technical principles (20 marks) Section B – Specialist technical principles (30 marks) Section C – Designing and making principles (50 marks)
DRAMA This course will enable students to explore a wide range of themes and issues through the use of a variety of dramatic strategies. Students will create, perform and respond to drama informed by their theoretical knowledge of drama and Theatre.
COURSE CONTENT Component 1: Understanding Drama Students will complete a live theatre production review and review the set text studied in Year 10. Component 3: Texts in Practice Students will complete a performance on two extracts from a set text.
SKILLS DEVELOPED This qualification will further develop a students ability to: ● Rehearse and perform effectively ● Work creatively as individuals and in a team ● Understand the characteristics of performance text(s) and dramatic work(s) ● Collaborate and communicate ● Analyse and evaluate theatre performance
FURTHER STUDY This course is strongly recommended for any path involving communication and interpersonal skills. It is a perfect foundation for a substantial number of A Levels: ● Theatre / Film / Design ● Marketing ● Public relations ● Journalism ● Education A grade 6 at GCSE is required to study this subject at A Level.
ASSESSMENTS Component 3: Texts in Practice (20%). Performance of two extracts from one play Component 1: Understanding Drama (40%). Written examination: 1 hour 45 minutes
ECONOMICS This course develops the basic tools of an economist to help students understand their place in and contribution to the local, national and global economy as consumers, workers and citizens. Students will investigate a range of contemporary issues and analyse evidence from different perspectives so as to make informed decisions.
COURSE CONTENT ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
The market system: The economic problem Economic assumptions Demand, supply and market equilibrium Elasticity The mixed economy Externalities Business economics: Production • Productivity and division of labour Business costs, revenues and profit Business competition The labour market Government intervention
SKILLS DEVELOPED The following are skills which are both required for success and will be built upon during the course; ● Communication ● Problem solving ● Critical analysis ● Evaluation ● Data analysis ● Decision making FURTHER STUDY If you wish to continue with your studies at A-Level, a minimum grade 6 at iGCSE will be required. In addition, due to the mathematical content in the A-Level specification, a grade 6 in Mathematics is strongly recommended. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Ongoing assessment will continue in Year 11. These iGCSE style assessments will be taken from past examination papers to ensure students have practical experience of examination questions at the earliest opportunity. It will culminate in two examinations at the end of the year: Paper 1 (30%) - 30 multiple choice questions Paper 2 (70%) - One compulsory and three optional questions analysing and interpreting data
ENGLISH LANGUAGE The challenging content of this key IGCSE qualification will equip students with high quality literacy skills, knowledge and understanding to support the demands of further study and future employment. Students will study and practise the use of language within a range of diverse forms and contexts, designed to build skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening, progressively over time. The course encourages a fascination with language and communication and the development of an enquiring and independent mind.
COURSE CONTENT The course is taught in conjunction with the English Literature iGCSE provision across Key Stage 4. Work in Year 11 focuses on developing key skills of literary analysis further, along with specific exam preparation and revision. Specific Language components are: ● Poetry and prose texts (from Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology) ● Non-fiction texts (from Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology) ● Unseen non-fiction texts ● Imaginative writing ● Transactional writing Term 1 ● Creative Writing Coursework Term 2 ● Revision Term 3 ● Revision
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Read a wide range of texts fluently and with good understanding, taking critical approaches ● Use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writing ● Write effectively and coherently using Standard English appropriately ● Use grammar correctly, punctuate and spell accurately ● Acquire and apply a wide vocabulary alongside knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
ASSESSMENTS Students are assessed via Internal assessment/coursework (40% of the total marks) which will consist of Poetry and prose texts and Imaginative writing and examination (60% of total marks) which will consist of Non-fiction texts and unseen non-fiction texts and Transactional writing. Students complete all coursework and complete one full mock examination paper under timed, examination conditions.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE FURTHER STUDY ● Please click here to view the English 5 Year Learning Journey. It is compulsory for students to gain a minimum of Grade 6 in both of their English GCSE qualifications, in order to study either specialism at A Level. Most educational providers specify a minimum English GCSE grade in order to proceed with any A Level or degree course. Excellent achievement in English is highly regarded by employers. Success in English can support exciting career opportunities in: ● Politics ● Publishing ● Teaching ● Public Relations ● Law ● Journalism ● Social Work ● Management ● Librarianship Perhaps most importantly though, this qualification will establish and nourish a deep understanding and appreciation of language and the necessary confidence in communication for success in any field of academic study or employment. SPECIFICATION LINK
ENGLISH LITERATURE The inspiring and engaging content of this key GCSE qualification will support the development of key literacy skills, knowledge and understanding in conjunction with GCSE English Language study. Students will study, analyse and critique a range of fiction texts and the course encourages and nurtures a love of reading and creative language use, along with an appreciation of the impact of Literature in representing and highlighting aspects of society.
COURSE CONTENT The course is taught in conjunction with the English Literature iGCSE provision across Key Stage 4. Work in Year 11 focuses on developing key skills of literary analysis further, along with specific exam preparation and revision. Specific Language components are: ● Poetry (from Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology) ● Modern Drama ● Literary Heritage Texts ● Modern Prose Term 1 ● Anthology Part 3 Term 2 ● Revision Term 3 ● Revision SKILLS DEVELOPED This qualification will further develop a students ability to: ● Read a wide range of classic literature fluently and with good understanding, and make connections across their reading ● Read in depth, critically and evaluatively, so that they are able to discuss and explain their understanding and ideas ● Develop the habit of reading widely and often appreciate the depth and power of the English literary heritage ● Write accurately, effectively and analytically about their reading, using Standard English ● Acquire and use a wide vocabulary, including grammatical terminology, and other literary and linguistic terms they need to criticise and analyse what they read school.
ASSESSMENTS Students are assessed via Internal assessment/ coursework (40% of the total marks) which will consist of Modern Drama and Literary Heritage Texts and examination (60% of total marks) which will consist of Poetry and Modern Prose. Students complete all coursework and complete one full mock examination paper under timed, examination conditions.
ENGLISH LITERATURE FURTHER STUDY ● Please click here to view the English 5 Year Learning Journey. It is compulsory for students to gain a minimum of Grade 6 in both of their English IGCSE qualifications, in order to study either specialism at A Level. Excellent achievement in English is highly regarded by employers. Success in English can support exciting career opportunities in: ● Politics ● Publishing ● Teaching ● Public Relations ● Law ● Journalism ● Social work ● Management ● Librarianship Perhaps most importantly though, this qualification will establish and nourish a deep understanding and appreciation of literature and its impact and importance in the world around us. SPECIFICATION LINK
FINE ART The GCSE Fine Art course will enable students to investigate and record the visual world using a range of creative techniques and processes to explore highly personal interpretations and responses. Students will develop and refine visual and written literacy, self expression, risk taking creativity and broaden their appreciation of emotional, moral and social awareness. The course is delivered to actively engage and promote independent creativity in the context of local, regional and international culture and the art community. Fine Art may be defined as work developed primarily to communicate aesthetic, intellectual or purely conceptual ideas and meaning. For example, work could be the outcome of personal experiences, thoughts and feelings, or simply to observe and record people, places and things in new and unique ways. Fine art work will demonstrate an understanding and application of formal elements and creative skills, including mark-making. Students will use visual communication sensitively and thoughtfully to document their artistic investigations and fully support their intentions. Students will also understand that Fine Art practitioners may work to client commissions or undertake self-directed projects. They will need good communication skills in order to collaborate with peers, teachers, and promote and exhibit their own work. Students will use a wide range of 2D and 3D materials and combine traditional and contemporary techniques, processes and methods. Disciplines will include art foundation skills, formal elements and a wide range of topic themes designed to develop and foster independent, thoughtful, confident and dynamic young artists.
WHY FINE ART? Supports progression to A level the GCSE and the A Level have a common structure and titles, and follow a similar approach to the Externally Set Assignment and the assessment grid to ensure smooth progression to A Level at the end of the GCSE course. Develops transferable skills students will learn to: ● apply a creative approach to problem solving ● consider and develop original ideas from initiation to realisation ● analyse critically their own work and the work of others ● express individual thoughts and choices confidently ● take risks, experiment and learn and develop from creative risk taking and mistakes. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK: Assessment and feedback is ongoing throughout the course. A mixture of self, peer and teacher assessment and feedback is used to inform, consolidate and identify areas for development and creative progression. All assessment and feedback is structured around and reflects the Edexcel Art, Craft and Design Assessment Objectives and Assessment Taxonomy.
FINE ART COURSE CONTENT Component 1 - Personal Portfolio 60% Undertaken throughout Year 10 and Year 11, Students will complete projects, investigating a range of themes to develop skills, knowledge and understanding within Fine Art. Themes, projects and resulting work, may be separate in focus or be interconnected. Students will develop skills to investigate, analyse and experiment. Students will develop and refine ideas supported by contextual research, resulting in a personal portfolio of exciting, thought provoking and dynamic practical work. The four Assessment Objectives must be covered equally and in full. Component 2 - ESA - Externally Set Assignment 40% This component is set externally by Edexcel and is started in the January of Yr11. There is a title theme which students then explore in the ‘preparation’ period. This is then followed by the 10 hr exam. This where students will produce an outcome or outcomes based on their preparation studies. All art based exams are held in the art studios. Both components are fully assessed and internally standardardised by the Art Department and then externally moderated by Edexcel. The Art Department has an excellent record, recognised by Edexcel of highly accurate assessment and course design and delivery. SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Observational, drawing and mark making skills. ● Creativity - risk taking. ● Development of art based traditional and contemporary processes, materials and techniques. ● Strong visual awareness and visual communication skills. ● Wider appreciation of contextual and cultural themes. ● Interpretative, emotional, social and moral consideration. ● Development, exploration and inclusion of refined Visual and Written Literacy. ● Connective and non-connective ideas and concept development. ● Visual, digital and verbal communication, presentation and critique skills. FURTHER STUDY Students will be required to achieve at least GCSE grade 6 for entry consideration to Art A Level. The course is strongly recommended for all career paths, especially those that include creativity, visual communication, interpersonal, presentation and problem solving skills. Specific careers may include: Artist, Architecture, Design, Conceptual and Commercial Art roles and Education. SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT LIST Whilst the Art Department has excellent facilities, equipment, materials and provision, it is highly recommended that all Fine Art Students have general art based equipment. ● ● ● ● ● ●
Drawing pencils - HB/2B/3B/4B/9B. Eraser, sharpener, ruler - (For home use scissors) we do not recommend carrying sharp items around school. Basic paint sets - watercolour and acrylic - maybe oils - but are expensive so best to wait. Black Fine liners - different sizes. Paint brushes - watercolour and Acrylic. Digital media is or can be used widely on the course - Access to Adobe Creative Suite is recommended - please talk to your teacher before purchasing
FOOD PREP & NUTRITION Through the preparation and cooking of food, students will gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to apply the principles of food science, food safety, nutrition and healthy eating. Students will develop confidence in vital life skills and have opportunities to cook with ingredients from across the globe. An array of culinary techniques and food preparation skills are learned through 5 key areas: Nutrition and Health, Food Science, Food Safety, Food Choice and Food Provenance. Topics Covered COURSE CONTENT ● Factors affecting food choice ● British and international cuisines ● Sensory evaluation ● Environmental impact and sustainability of food ● Food processing and production ● Food preparation and cooking skills SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Interest in food preparation ● Ability to work quickly under pressure ● Interest and aptitude in Science ● Good organisational skills FURTHER STUDY Food Preparation and Nutrition is considered a Science as well as a creative, practical subject. Related degree courses and careers in Nutrition, Food Science, Dietetics, Food Technology and Health Education require A Level study, preferably in Chemistry and Biology. Catering courses offered in the UK can also be accessed after this GCSE. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes - 50% of GCSE. Non-exam assessment (NEA) 1: Food investigation (15%). Students will undertake a practical food investigation and complete a written report. Non-exam assessment (NEA) 2: Food preparation assessment (35%). Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of three dishes within a three hour period and produce a written portfolio including photographic evidence (20 sides of A4)
FRENCH Bradley Cooper, when asked live on French TV why he spoke French so well said, ‘I just want to communicate, it doesn’t bother me if I make mistakes. I know my grammar is not great.’ This approach to learning a language is admirable and we hope we can improve your grammar! There are of course numerous benefits to learning a language. They are a skill for life and something students should enjoy and find rewarding. Research suggests that those who speak two or more languages have significantly better cognitive abilities than those who speak just one. If you are multilingual, you see the world from different viewpoints and you enhance your ability to communicate in today’s globally connected world. COURSE CONTENT Life at School ● Subjects, timetables, school rules and school exchanges ● Comparing UK and Francophone schools ● Healthy living ● Discussing vices Future Study and Employment ● Discussing career choices and applying for jobs ● Talking about hopes and wishes ● Understanding case studies Global Perspectives ● Discussing problems facing the world today ● Protecting the environment ● Ethical shopping ● Volunteering ● Discussing big events SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Listening & Speaking ● Reading & Writing ● Grammar - There is a greater emphasis on grammar, requiring students to use and manipulate a variety of key grammar structures and patterns. ● Vocabulary - There is also a greater emphasis on vocabulary including vocabulary that goes beyond a student’s’ immediate needs and interests. FURTHER STUDY For students wishing to pursue French at A Level, we would expect a minimum of Grade 6 at GCSE. Longer term, students who combine their degree with a Modern Language are increasingly in demand in business. Degrees such as Law and French or Accountancy and French are becoming more and more sought after. SPECIFICATION LINK ASSESSMENTS Students in Year 11 will be assessed summatively by way of end of module exams. There will also be a mock exam late in Term 1 or early in Term 2. The final GCSE French exams will be in Term 3.
GEOGRAPHY This Geography course covers a variety of geographical processes and concepts and their application in the real world, including the use of fieldwork. It is designed as a two-year course for teaching in international schools and colleges, and UK independent schools.
COURSE CONTENT ● Economic Activity and Energy (complete unit) ● Urban Environments ● Fragile Environments SKILLS DEVELOPED ● ● ●
Students will learn how to analysis and evaluate both graphical sources and data resources. Practical enquiries using the ‘route through an enquiry’. Other skills include statistical analysis, conflict resolution and management skills.
FURTHER STUDY To consider Geography at A Level, a grade 6 or its equivalent will be required at iGCSE Geography. It is also recommended that the equivalent of a grade 6 is obtained in one of the English courses. Geography is considered a Science, as well as a study of the physical world and anthropology. Therefore, being able in both Science and English will be an advantage. Geographers move on to an extremely wide ranging set of career paths. It is a facilitating subject at A Level and as such is looked upon very favourably by the top universities. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS 2 Final Examination Papers Physical (40%) 1 hour 10 mins Human (60%) 1 hour 45 mins
GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION The GCSE Graphic Communication course will enable students to investigate and record the visual world using a range of creative techniques and processes to explore highly personal interpretations and responses. Students will develop and refine visual and written literacy, self expression, risk taking creativity and broaden their appreciation of emotional, moral and social awareness. The course is delivered to actively engage and promote independent creativity in the context of local, regional and international culture and the art community. Graphic Communication introduces students to a visual way of conveying information, ideas and emotions, using a range of graphic media, processes, techniques and elements such as colour, icons,images, typography and photographs. Students will conduct primary and secondary investigations during their design development, and explore traditional and/or new technologies. They will also consider the use of signs and symbols, and the balance between aesthetic and commercial considerations. Students will learn to understand that Graphic Design practitioners may work within a small team environment or work as freelance practitioners. They may be responsible for a particular aspect of the Design or Production process or for the entire design cycle. Students will use a wide range of 2D and 3D materials and combine traditional and contemporary techniques, processes and methods. Disciplines will include Graphic Communication foundation skills, typography, formal elements and a wide range of topic themes designed to develop and foster independent, thoughtful, confident and dynamic young designers.
WHY GRAPHIC DESIGN? Supports progression to A level the GCSE and the A Level have a common structure and titles, and follow a similar approach to the Externally Set Assignment and the assessment grid to ensure smooth progression to A Level at the end of the GCSE course. Develops transferable skills students will learn to: ● apply a creative approach to problem solving ● consider and develop original ideas from initiation to realisation ● analyse critically their own work and the work of others ● express individual thoughts and choices confidently ● take risks, experiment and learn and develop from creative risk taking and mistakes. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK: Assessment and feedback is ongoing throughout the course. A mixture of self, peer and teacher assessment and feedback is used to inform, consolidate and identify areas for development and creative progression. All assessment and feedback is structured around and reflects the Edexcel Art, Craft and Design Assessment Objectives and Assessment Taxonomy.
GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION COURSE CONTENT Component 1 - Personal Portfolio 60% Undertaken throughout Year 10 and Year 11, Students will complete projects, investigating a range of themes to develop skills, knowledge and understanding within Graphic Communication. Themes, projects and resulting work, may be separate in focus or be interconnected. Students will develop skills to investigate, analyse and experiment. Students will develop and refine ideas supported by contextual research, resulting in a personal portfolio of exciting, thought provoking and dynamic practical work. The four Assessment Objectives must be covered equally and in full. Component 2 - ESA - Externally Set Assignment 40% This component is set externally by Edexcel and is started in the January of Yr11. There is a title theme which students then explore in the ‘preparation’ period. This is then followed by the 10 hr exam. This where students will produce an outcome or outcomes based on their preparation studies. All art based exams are held in the art studios. Both components are fully assessed and internally standardardised by the Art Department and then externally moderated by Edexcel. The Art Department has an excellent record, recognised by Edexcel of highly accurate assessment and course design and delivery. SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Observational, drawing and mark making skills - Design rules/hierarchy and typography ● Creativity - risk taking. ● Development of art based traditional and contemporary processes, materials and techniques. ● Strong visual awareness and visual communication skills. ● Wider appreciation of contextual and cultural themes. Graphic Design and Art History. ● Interpretative, emotional, social and moral consideration. ● Development, exploration and inclusion of refined Visual and Written Literacy. ● Connective and non-connective ideas and concept development. ● Visual, digital and verbal communication, presentation and critique skills. FURTHER STUDY Students will be required to achieve at least GCSE grade 6 for entry consideration to an Art based A Level. The course is strongly recommended for all career paths, especially those that include creativity, visual communication, interpersonal, presentation and problem solving skills. Specific careers may include: Artist, Architecture, Design, Conceptual and Commercial Art roles and Education. SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT LIST Whilst the Art Department has excellent facilities, equipment, materials and provision, it is highly recommended that all Graphic Communication students have general art based equipment. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● c
Drawing pencils - HB/2B/3B/4B/9B. Eraser, sharpener, ruler - (For home use scissors) we do not recommend carrying sharp items around school. Basic paint sets - watercolour and acrylic - maybe oils - but are expensive so best to wait. Black Fine liners - different sizes. Paint brushes - watercolour and Acrylic. Digital media is used widely on the course - Access to Adobe Creative Suite is recommended please talk to your teacher before purchasing Preferable. Access to own laptop style computer that can run Adobe Creative Cloud Suite
HISTORY As Cicero said, ‘to be ignorant of what occurred before you were born, is to remain always a child’. History enables students to study different aspects of the past so they can engage with bigger issues like conflict, understand what drives change and how the past influences the world around us today. The course builds upon the History covered in Years 7, 8 and 9, while introducing a range of new topics.
COURSE CONTENT Year 11 Thematic Studies: ● Britain: health and the people ● c.1000 to the present day ● British Depth Studies, including the historical environment ● Elizabethan England, c. 1568-1603 SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Demonstrate knowledge and understandings of key features and characteristics of the periods of history studied. (AO1) ● Explain and analyse historical events and periods using second-order concepts like cause, consequence, change,continuity and significance. (AO2) ● Analyse, evaluate and use sources (contemporary to the period) and interpretations (written after a period) to make substantiated judgements in the context of historical events studied. (AO3 and AO4) FURTHER STUDY Students require at least a grade 6 in GCSE History to continue to A Level. History is recognised as a rigorous, academic subject by educational institutions and provides an excellent enabling degree for a range of careers including Historians, Teaching and Lecturing, Law, Commerce, Business, Government and Politics, Journalism, Media and Marketing. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Paper 1 : Understanding the Modern World (1h 45 minutes) - 50% of GCSE. Includes Germany and Asia. Paper 2: Shaping the Nation (1h 45 minutes) - 50% of GCSE. Includes Health and the People and Elizabethan England.
ISLAMIC STUDIES A & B This is a compulsory course within the UAE for all those of Muslim faith. Students follow the Ministry of Education curriculum either in the medium of Arabic or English, with additions and adaptations to meet their learning needs.
COURSE CONTENT As per the Ministry of Education curriculum, the course covers a range of topics that allow students to: ● ● ●
The course content is based on linking between the values of Islam and how to apply them in real life situations. In addition, the content allows students to develop different skills such as Holy Quran recitation and memorisation of the sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) Students learn different topics such as: Surat Al-Ahzab, Contracts in Islam, Sustainability, Shura, Debate etiquette.
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Holy Quranic pronunciation and recitation. ● Hadeeth memorisation. ● Knowledge and application of Islamic values in real life situations. ● Understanding of acts of worship and basic rules of dealings. RESOURCES: ●
Ministry textbooks and the teacher’s own resources
ASSESSMENTS End of topics assessments will take place at the end of each unit of study. These will be skills based exams which prepare students to take the Ministry of Education exam at the end of Year 12.
LEARNING SUPPORT BSAK has a resourceful and friendly Learning Support team to help students from the age of eleven to eighteen. The Learning Support teachers and assistants are patient, dedicated and experienced in finding solutions to the difficulties faced by young learners in busy classrooms. We like to help students build on their strengths and reach their goals in a practical, sensible way.
We support students who experience a range of specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. Other students have difficulties with speech, language and communication, managing anxiety or social relationships.
We provide targeted interventions in order to equip students with the necessary literacy and numeracy skills to access the curriculum to the best of their ability and with confidence.
Learning is active and enjoyable, and develops visual and auditory processing, phonological skills, memory and concentration.
Learning Support students follow personalised programme of study during which they work on reading techniques to develop a love of reading and to enable them to read actively for different purposes. They learn how to plan and shape their writing to meet a range of requirements, and to improve their technical accuracy.
They also learn techniques to help them cope with examinations, alternative revision skills and how to manage their workload more effectively.
AIMING HIGH Two of our main priorities are showing students how to persevere when they experience difficulties, and that there should be no limit to their aspirations, whatever those may be, whether achieving a 9 in French GCSE, one year early, or winning a Poetry performance competition. Together we create a secure learning environment so that students acquire the courage to take risks and accept challenges. They realise that they are expected to try their best, to stretch themselves and that the Learning Support team is there to help them to build a reliable problem-solving repertoire.
‘I really like Learning Support because it covers things from other lessons you might not understand at first.’
MATHEMATICS Mathematics is for everyone. It is diverse, engaging and essential in equipping students with the right skills to reach their future destination. Students studying Mathematics will further develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques, as well as using and applying them to solve a variety of problems and in the process develop an appreciation for the importance of Mathematics in society, employment and study.
COURSE CONTENT In Year 10 and 11 students will develop their knowledge, understanding and kill in the following areas: ● Numbers and the number system ● Equations, formulae and identities ● Sequences, functions and graphs ● Geometry and trigonometry ● Vectors and transformations ● Statistics and probability SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems ● Reason mathematically ● make deductions and inferences and draw conclusion, ● Comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms FURTHER STUDY Students wishing to study Mathematics at A Level will require a grade 7 or above in their iGCSE Mathematics. Those wishing to study Further Mathematics will require a grade 9 Mathematics at iGCSE. Maths develops a wide range of useful skills for those seeking a career in Accountancy, Computing, Engineering, Psychology, Medicine, Nursing, Teaching, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Horticulture, Chemical Engineering and many other fields. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED ● Geometry set ● Scientific calculator - we recommends the Casio FX-991 EX calculator RESOURCES BSAK Maths Website SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Examination entry is based on two tier - Foundation Tier and Higher Tier. Foundation Tier grades 5-1 available. Higher Tier grades 9-4 available Students complete two written papers; each paper contributes 50% of the final grade. Each paper will be assessed through a two-hour examination which is set and marked by Edexcel.
MEDIA STUDIES Media Studies is a contemporary and interactive subject which encourages students to develop their creative, analytical, research and communication skills, through exploring a range of media forms and perspectives. At BSAK, Media Studies is one of the flagship departments, consistently achieving excellent value added results and in the most recent school inspection receiving ADEK commendation for our integration of UAE culture into the curriculum.
COURSE CONTENT Year 11 The key concepts of Media Studies will continue to be explored through the following platforms: Television and Newspapers. Students will spend one term working on their non-exam assessment. SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Ability to research and summarise ● Analyse and respond ● Applying key concepts ● Developing and creating practical work FURTHER STUDY To continue the study of Media Studies at A Level, students need to attain a grade 6 at GCSE. If students have not studied the GCSE beforehand, a grade 6 in English is strongly recommended. Students from BSAK have gone into jobs such as: Film Production, Graphic Design, Public Relations, Events Management, Fashion Marketing, Web Design, Partnership and Events at NHS, Entertainment Law, Online Editor, Fashion Blogger (Founder of Fashion Hub), Working in Social Media, Stylist at Harvey Nichols, Pilot for Etihad and International Marketing Coordinator at Christie’s. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED Students will be expected to bring a set of headphones to lessons. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Paper 1 – Multiple choice, short answer and an extended response question focusing on all nine media platforms, with conceptual emphasis on industries, audiences and representation. Written assessment – 1 hour 30 minutes, 84 Marks (35% of GCSE grade). Paper 2 – Multiple choice, short answer, stepped response and extended response questions. An extract from one of the television close study products will be shown. This paper requires in depth knowledge of television, newspapers and online media with an understanding of all four key concepts. Written assessment – 1 hour 30 minutes, 84 marks (35% of GCSE Grade).
MELS Moral Education and Life Skills is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes students need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in the modern world.
COURSE CONTENT The curriculum provides a positive contribution to the climate and ethos of the school enabling students to grow and flourish; building effective relationships, developing social skills and resilience and thereby leading to confident individuals. Topics covered in Year 11 include: ● ● ● ●
Reflection and Transition Peace and Conflict Universal Culture Global Citizenship
SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Problem solving ● Critical thinking ● Resilience ● Reflection SETTING MELS is taught once per week in form groups.
ASSESSMENTS No formal assessment. The impact of the program is seen through the interactions, beliefs and behaviours of those in the school community. Work and reflections can be recorded in the MELS workbook.
MUSIC The course develops performing, composing, listening and appraising skills. The four ‘Areas of Study ’(Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Music for Stage and Screen and Fusions) each contain two set works, which enable students to understand and appreciate a range of musical genres. The set works form the basis of study, allowing students to develop their individual strengths and interests.
COURSE CONTENT - IS DIVIDED INTO 3 COMPONENTS Component 1 ● Performance (30% - internally assessed) : A solo performance and an ensemble performance, lasting at least four minutes combined total. Component 2 ● Composition (30% - internally assessed): Two compositions of at least one minute each, totalling a minimum of three minutes combined duration. One piece is composed from a given brief and the second is a ‘free composition’. Component 3 ● Listening exam (40%- externally assessed): Six listening questions based on the set works studied throughout the course and one unfamiliar piece. One essay question comparing one of the set works to another unfamiliar piece. Year 11 ● Students complete the analysis of the set works and study exam techniques, essay writing and continue to develop their listening and appraising skills. Both compositions are completed and the performance coursework is recorded. SKILLS DEVELOPED A knowledge and understanding of music can enhance the quality of life, regardless of one's career. Universities hold musicians in high regard as they offer a wider ranging skillset to university life. Music engenders the qualities of maturity, self-discipline, analytical thinking and sensitivity–all sought after in many walks of life. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS Completion of Performance and Composition Coursework by the end of term two. GCSE Listening Exam in May/June.
PHOTOGRAPHY The GCSE Photography course will enable students to investigate and record the visual world using a range of creative techniques and processes to explore highly personal interpretations and responses. Students will develop and refine visual and written literacy, self expression, risk taking creativity and broaden their appreciation of emotional, moral and social awareness. The course is delivered to actively engage and promote independent creativity in the context of local, regional and international culture and the art community. Photography may be defined as the creative journey through the process of lens and light-based media. This could include work created using film, video, digital imaging or light sensitive materials. With the developments of new affordable lens-based technologies, students will use photographic mediums to explore and create a portfolio of work, which develops and refines both the process and the concept. Students will also understand that Photography practitioners may work to client commissions within a commercial photography studio, or work as freelance photographers. They will need photo manipulation and graphic design skills, and good communication skills in order to liaise with clients and to promote themselves as photographers Students will use a wide range of 2D and 3D materials and combine traditional and contemporary techniques, processes and methods. Disciplines will include Graphic Communication foundation skills, typography, formal elements and a wide range of topic themes designed to develop and foster independent, thoughtful, confident and dynamic young photographers..
WHY PHOTOGRAPHY ? Supports progression to A level the GCSE and the A Level have a common structure and titles, and follow a similar approach to the Externally Set Assignment and the assessment grid to ensure smooth progression to A Level at the end of the GCSE course. Develops transferable skills students will learn to: ● apply a creative approach to problem solving ● consider and develop original ideas from initiation to realisation ● analyse critically their own work and the work of others ● express individual thoughts and choices confidently ● take risks, experiment and learn and develop from creative risk taking and mistakes.
ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK: Assessment and feedback is ongoing throughout the course. A mixture of self, peer and teacher assessment and feedback is used to inform, consolidate and identify areas for development and creative progression. All assessment and feedback is structured around and reflects the Edexcel Art, Craft and Design Assessment Objectives and Assessment Taxonomy.
PHOTOGRAPHY COURSE CONTENT Component 1 - Personal Portfolio 60% Undertaken throughout Year 10 and Year 11, Students will complete projects, investigating a range of themes to develop skills, knowledge and understanding within Graphic Communication.. Themes, projects and resulting work, may be separate in focus or be interconnected. Students will develop skills to investigate, analyse and experiment. Students will develop and refine ideas supported by contextual research, resulting in a personal portfolio of exciting, thought provoking and dynamic practical work. The four Assessment Objectives must be covered equally and in full. Component 2 - ESA - Externally Set Assignment 40% This component is set externally by Edexcel and is started in the January of Yr11. There is a title theme which students then explore in the ‘preparation’ period. This is then followed by the 10 hr exam. This where students will produce an outcome or outcomes based on their preparation studies. All art based exams are held in the art studios. Both components are fully assessed and internally standardardised by the Art Department and then externally moderated by Edexcel. The Art Department has an excellent record, recognised by Edexcel of highly accurate assessment and course design and delivery. SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Observational Skills - Photographic techniques, rules and processes ● Creativity - risk taking. ● Development of photography based traditional and contemporary processes, materials and techniques. ● Strong visual awareness and visual communication skills. ● Wider appreciation of contextual and cultural themes. Photography and Art History. ● Interpretative, emotional, social and moral consideration. ● Development, exploration and inclusion of refined Visual and Written Literacy. ● Connective and non-connective ideas and concept development. ● Visual, digital and verbal communication, presentation and critique skills. FURTHER STUDY Students will be required to achieve at least GCSE grade 6 for entry consideration to an Art based A Level. The course is strongly recommended for all career paths, especially those that include creativity, visual communication, interpersonal, presentation and problem solving skills. Specific careers may include: Artist, Architecture, Design, Conceptual and Commercial Art roles and Education. SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT LIST Whilst the Art Department has excellent facilities, equipment, materials and provision, it is highly recommended that all Photography students have general art/photography based equipment. ● Drawing pencils - HB/2B.. ● Glue Stick, Eraser, sharpener, ruler - (For home use scissors) we do not recommend carrying sharp items around school. ● Black Fine liners - different sizes. ● Preferable - Access to own DSLR camera. Department has a full suite of DSLRs - Out of school use. ● Digital media is used widely on the course - Access to Adobe Creative Suite is recommended please talk to your teacher before purchasing ● Preferable. Access to own laptop style computer that can run Adobe Creative Cloud Suite c
PHYSICAL EDUCATION The GCSE Physical Education (PE) Course develops knowledge and understanding of sport and exercise through practical application. It consists of both theory and practical lessons, providing students with a well - rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport and sport science.
Students will also be required to complete three practical physical activities from a set list. One must be a team game, another an individual activity and the final activity can be either team or individual. In addition to this students will plan, perform, monitor and evaluate a personal exercise program. The course develops a holistic understanding of Physical Education. COURSE CONTENT ● Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems – Written examination (36%) ● Component 2: Health and Performance - Written examination (24%) ● Component 3: Practical Performance - Three assessed practical activities (30%) ● Component 4: Personal Exercise Program – Assessed coursework (10%) Year 11 ● Health ● Fitness ● Energy ● Diet & Nutrition ● Mental Preparation for Sport and Goal Setting ● Classification of Skills and Commercialisation of Physical Activity SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Good level of sporting performance ● Motivated and willing to try new sports ● Interested in observing and analysing sporting performance As the course is 60% theoretical, students must be motivated to learn in a classroom setting about the theoretical concepts that underpin sporting performance at the elite level
ASSESSMENTS Students will be assessed in both the theoretical and practical components of Physical Education. Four Theoretical assessments: Oct - Health, Fitness & Energy Balance, Diet & Nutrition Dec– Mental Preparation for Sport & Goal Setting Feb – Classification of Skills & Commercialisation of Physical Activity May – Formal GCSE PE Examination Three Practical assessments: Nov– 1 Team sport, 1 individual & 1 sport of your choice Jan- 1 Team sport, 1 individual & 1 sport of your choice Mar- Formal GCSE PE Practical Assessment Assessment
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FURTHER STUDY GCSE PE enables students to develop a range of transferable skills for progression to the next level. It encourages teamwork, leadership, co-operation and communication, as well as encompassing practical, scientific and social areas of knowledge. PE offers a wide choice of careers in fields such as Sport and Exercise Science, Sports Medicine and professional level sport. SPECIFICATION LINK
CORE PHYSICAL EDUCATION Holistic Physical Education allows the students to develop their physical fitness, sporting performance, coaching & Leadership skills and knowledge of Sports Science. Providing students with opportunities to improve their health & well-being and have the knowledge to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle throughout their lifetime.
Students will also be required to complete three practical physical activities from a set list. One must be a team game, another an individual activity and the final activity can be either team or individual. In addition to this students will plan, perform, monitor and evaluate a personal exercise program. The course develops a holistic understanding of Physical Education. COURSE CONTENT ● Performing at Maximal Levels ● Outwitting Opponents ● Accurate Replication of Performance ● Exercising Safely & Effectively Term 1 - A variety of Sports will be offered. Some examples are as follows: ● Football ● Netball ● Basketball Term 2 ● Ultimate frisbee ● Softball ● Rounders ● Students will have the opportunity to select what they would like to do. Term 3 ● To personalise the learning and get maximum enjoyment and motivation, we allow the students to select what activities they wish to do. PE lessons are a time spent away from the classroom with no examination pressures. Therefore an opportunity to develop their health and well being in an enjoyable, relaxed environment. SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Improved confidence; improved Fitness and improvement in components of fitness ● Reduced stress levels ● Critical thinking & decision making FURTHER STUDY ● BTEC SPORT ● A-Level Physical Education ● Sports Science Qualifications ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: ● Blue BSAK PE Kit ● Trainers
PHYSICS This course is designed to give students the tools and concepts they need to be able to construct a scientific approach to solving problems. They will learn to ask and answer questions about the fundamental laws that govern natural phenomena.
COURSE CONTENT ● Forces in Balance (P8) ● Motion (P9) ● Force and Motion (P10) ● Force and Pressure (P11) ● Wave Properties (P12) ● Electromagnetic Waves (P13) ● Light (P14) ● Electromagnetism (P15) SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Problem-solving ● Good mathematical skills ● Ability to describe and explain observations and patterns ● Application of knowledge and understanding to unfamiliar situations FURTHER STUDY GCSE Physics would be compulsory for any student wishing to continue onto A Level Physics and the entry requirement is a Grade 7-9 at GCSE. A GCSE Maths Grade 7-9 at GCSE is also compulsory. Physics A Level is compulsory for students wishing to pursue university courses in Physics or any of the Engineering disciplines. It is also recommended for students wishing to follow the other sciences or medicine. SPECIFICATION LINK
ASSESSMENTS In addition to the end of topic tests for P9 to P16 throughout Year 11, students will sit two external AQA examinations in May/June that will both have multiple-choice, structured, closed short-answer and open - response questions.
SPANISH Gary Lineker, former Barcelona and England footballer said, ‘Learning Spanish has opened doors in my career and helped me to bridge cultural differences...during my football career I realised quickly what difference language skills can make.’ There are numerous benefits to learning a language. They are a skill for life and something students should enjoy and find rewarding. Research suggests that those who speak two or more languages have significantly better cognitive abilities than those who speak just one. If you are multilingual, you see the world from different viewpoints just as Gary did and you enhance your ability to communicate in today’s globally connected world. COURSE CONTENT World of Work ● Jobs & job preferences ● Earning money ● Work experience ● Learning languages ● Applying for a summer job ● Gap year possibilities ● Future plans Moving Forward ● Environment ● Healthy lifestyle & diet ● Global issues ● International sporting events ● Natural disasters SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Listening & Speaking ● Reading & Writing ● Grammar - There is a greater emphasis on grammar, requiring students to use and manipulate a variety of key grammar structures and patterns. ● Vocabulary - There is also a greater emphasis on vocabulary including vocabulary that goes beyond a student’s’ immediate needs and interests. FURTHER STUDY For students wishing to pursue Spanish at A Level, we would expect a minimum of Grade 6. Longer term, students who combine their degree with a Modern Language are increasingly in demand in business. Degrees such as Law and Spanish or Accountancy and Spanish are becoming more and more sought after. SPECIFICATION LINK ASSESSMENTS: Students in Year 11 will be assessed summatively by way of end of module exams. There will also be a mock exam late in Term 1 or early in Term 2. The final GCSE Spanish exams will be in Term 3.
TEXTILES A creative and technical course in which students design and make textiles products. The course places an emphasis on a broad range of technical and industrial principles related to the commercial production of everyday items.
COURSE CONTENT Core Technical Principles ● New and Emerging Technologies ● Energy Storage and Generation ● Modern and Smart Materials ● Systems approach to Designing ● Materials and their working Properties Specialist Technical Principles ● Forces and stresses ● Ecological and social footprint ● Scales of production ● Sources and origins ● Using and working with materials ● Stock forms, types and sizes ● Specialist techniques ● Surface treatments and finishes Designing & Making Principles ● Investigation, primary and secondary data ● Environmental, social and economic challenge ● The work of others ● Design strategies ● Communication of design ideas ● Prototype development ● Selection of materials and components ● Tolerances ● Material management ● Tools and equipment ● Techniques and processes ASSESSMENTS Non-Exam Assessment (NEA): 30–35 hours approx - 100 Marks: 50% of GCSE A substantial design and make task, based on Board set criteria. Written exam: 2 hours - 100 Marks: 50% of GCSE. Section A -Core technical principles (20 marks) Section B - Specialist technical principles (30 marks) Section C - Designing and making principles (50 marks)
TEXTILES SKILLS DEVELOPED ● Creativity and an ability to design and create innovative solutions ● Confidence in using a range of material ● Good communication, organisational and ICT skills are an advantage. FURTHER STUDY A Level Fashion and Textiles provides a foundation for students wishing to follow a career in the fashion industry, interior design and the textiles industry. Due to the creative nature of the subject, this course could also lead to further studies in Product Design and Art Design SPECIFICATION LINK