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Business Studies
The course will provide an exciting insight into the dynamic world of business. Using real world case studies, you will develop skills of analysis, research and independent thinking so that you can develop balanced arguments and reach informed conclusions.
By taking a holistic approach to the subject, the course aims to demonstrate the interrelated nature of business using business models, theories and techniques to support analysis of contemporary business issues and situations.
The content is designed to engage students through topics and issues that are relevant in today’s society; contemporary developments such as digital technology, business ethics, and globalisation are covered throughout the topics. In Year 13, students are encouraged to take a more strategic approach to decision making. This will build upon the study of decision making in the functional areas covered in the first year of the course. The specific modules covered are:
Unit 3 - Business decisions & strategy
• Business objectives and strategy • Business growth • Decision-making techniques • Influences on business decisions • Assessing competitiveness • Managing change
Unit 4 - Global Business
• Globalisation • Global markets and business expansion • Global marketing • Global industries and companies (multinational corporations)
● The ability to study independently ● Application skills ● Analyse data and think critically ● Develop balanced arguments and make informed decisions
Click on this link to access all material used in the teaching of the Business course. Students should refer to this website throughout the year.
Click here to access the Edexcel exam specification. This has information about the course and exam materials to help students learn
A Level assessment will draw on material from the whole course, and will feature a range of question styles including short answer questions, essay questions, data response questions and case studies. The assessments are designed to allow students to demonstrate their ability to draw together their knowledge, skills and understanding from across the full course of study and provide extended responses.