The Progress Volume 34, Issue 4
Wednesday April 9th - 11:30 a.m. Beautify Butte Kickoff Meeting @ Chamber Monday, April 21st - 11:30 a.m. Executive Board @ Chamber Tuesday April 22nd - 8:30 a.m. CVB Meeting @ Chamber Wednesday April 23rd - 12 noon Chamber Ambassadors Thursday April 24th - 12 noon Board Meeting @ Christina’s Cocina Tuesday, April 29th - 12 noon Advantage Butte @ Perkins
(406) 723-3177
The past four weeks have been extremely busy thanks to the tournaments and swim meet that were held in various venues throughout our community. The Tourism Improvement Business District (TBID), Butte-Silver bow and donations from the Butte business community provide Advantage Butte the necessary funding to assist the various entities to bid on these events. The YMCA, Maroon Activity Center and the Butte Civic Center did an extremely great job in hosting and welcoming the thousands of people who traveled to Butte to attend their respective events. The Butte Chamber of Commerce hosts hospitality rooms at each venue to welcome coaches, officials and other people associated with the schools/teams that are in attendance. People who experience the hospitality rooms tell us they are second-to-none in the state of Montana and are extremely grateful and thankful for the way they are treated when they come to Butte. These people become our ambassadors when they return to their communities. None of this would be possible without the army of volunteers who help at each event. Many of these events start at 8 a.m. and finish at 10 p.m., with volunteers donating their assistance for the entire day and weekend. Think about a February or March without these events in our community…. Instead of the hustle and bustle of people from all over the state of Montana on our streets and in our businesses, it would be very quiet and a large void of revenue. These are events that we cannot take for granted, but we should be very appreciative for the positive financial impact that they provide to us. The majority of funding for the hospitality rooms comes from the proceeds of the Southwest Montana High School All-Star Basketball Classic that was held at the Montana Tech HPER Complex on Tuesday, March 18th. The proceeds collected that night will go toward stocking hospitality rooms for the upcoming 12 months. Thank you to everyone who attended, either as a volunteer or a spectator for contributing to this financial impact to our community.
Marko’s Message Chamber Choices Bill Drury CVB Update Business Card Social Lone Peak / Ribbon Cutting Volunteer Opportunities Charter Business Services Southwest Montana AllStar Basketball Classic
We are looking forward to three large events in the near future. The Montana State AAU Folkstyle Wrestling Tournament will be held April 4-6 at the Butte Civic Center. It is anticipated that over 1200 wrestlers will be coming to Butte for the weekend. The Eastern Class AA Divisional Track and Field Meet will be held at Bulldog Memorial Stadium-East Middle School on May 23-24 and the following weekend, on May 30-31, the State A & B Track and Field Meet will also be held at Bulldog Memorial Stadium. Butte is fortunate to have been chosen to host these upcoming events that will bring hundreds of visitors to our community. Volunteer opportunities still exist for these events if you would like to get involved. The Chamber is assisting with coordinating the volunteer rosters and scheduling for these events as well. If you are interested in seeing the list of time slots which still need to be filled with eager, friendly faces to represent Butte’s fine hospitality to hundreds of outsiders, visit the Chamber's volunteer opportunities hub at where you can view the open time slots for each event and sign up to help out! It has certainly been a wonderful year and hopefully we can be even more successful in the upcoming year.
Economic Update Upcoming Events
MHSA Letter Business Trends
Please also refer to the letter from the Montana High School Association’s Executive Director to Civic Center Manager Bill Melvin about the quality and hospitality that visitors experienced when attending Butte-hosted tournaments this year. Letter on page 14 inside.
Executive Director