Mystician Special Edition

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‘Tis the season

waiting for ...

The lawn decorations are out. The ads are all over the TV. Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by reminders. No, it isn’t Thanksgiving. It isn’t the New Year and even Christmas isn’t this fun. Ladies and gentlemen, your wait is over. It is election season. Please, try and contain your excitement before you accidentally rip this page in two.


Mystician bismarck state college

Volume 74.SE

Special Edition NOVEMBER 2012

illustration [nelly straub]

you’ve been

I know what you’re thinking. “I love America. I love voting. I am so excited to listen to these old people talk about taxes.” As thrilled as you clearly are - seriously, stop smiling so much. You look ridiculous - there are some things that we need to cover before you head off to the polls. Pop quiz: What was Romney’s dog’s name? Time’s up. His name was Seamus, and I’m betting you were wrong. This brings us to step one: get to know your candidates. Know their platforms, their parties, the color of their toothbrush. You must be a human dispenser of political information. Then, and only then, will you be ready for the task that lies ahead of you.

What they believe is right for you Healthcare: Signed a health care reform bill known as the PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) into law in 2010. The bill makes healthcare more affordable for everybody, but increases the national debt.

Barack Obama

Healthcare: Intends to return leadership of the healthcare market to the states, promote free markets and fair competition between healthcare providers, and give consumers the choice between purchasing health care or not.

Environmental Policy: Has stated he will ensure that environmental laws properly account for cost in regulatory process. Emphasises achieving energy independence to free the country from relying on other, oil-rich nations.

Gary Johnson

Healthcare: Intends to repeal the PPACA and would like to maintain federal assistance for those who cannot afford essential health care, and provide block grants to the states.

Healthcare: Intends to provide complete, affordable, quality healthcare for every American through a revised Medicare insurance program, for all citizens.

Healthcare: Wishes to repeal the PPACA, and cut spending for other healthcare programs.

l i b e r t a r i a n

Environmental Policy: Intends to enact d e m o c r a t i c safeguards to cut down on toxic air emissions and address global climate change as a serious issue. He has made plans to expand wilderness protection coverage in the nation.

Energy Policy: Feels that an increase in clean energy and natural gas production in the United States will reduce national dependence on foreign support.

Education: Has worked toward making schools more affordable and holding them to a higher standard of learning by investing in community colleges, career and technical education, and rewarding responsible students.

Energy Policy: Approves of the Keystone XL pipeline.Would like to open offshore areas for further oil development and eliminate barriers preventing energy companies from testing new technologies.

Mitt Romney

Education: Wants to reform No Child Left Behind by making report cards more easily attainable by parents, lifting many restrictions of privacy to encourage student accountability and responsibility.

Environmental Policy: Insists upon financial accountability from environmental protection regulations. Hopes to keep track and limit spending where possible.

Energy Policy: Sees government interference in the energy industry as unnecessary and will work toward removing government oversight in that area.

Education: Would like to entirely end the Department of Education and give schools free reign over their finances.

Environmental Policy: Jill Stein Will gradually g r e e n remove coal power plants as new energy technology is available, to end their harm to the climate.

Energy Policy: Intends to direct research funds from fossil fuels and other ecologically harmful industries toward research in renewable energy and conservation. Will halt the Keystone XL pipeline.

Education: Provide tuition-free education through college, with the goal of eliminating the student debt crisis. Will work to end high-stakes testing for students.

Environmental Policy: Believes reduction of regulations and energy independence will mean more jobs for Americans.

Education: Opposed to national testing of public school students. He feels that ending the federal Department of Education will save our nation precious revenue, at an acceptable cost.

Virgil Goode

To learn more: Barack Obama Mitt Romney www.mittromney Jill Stein Gary Johnson Virgil Goode

Energy Policy: Will reduce regulations and become energy independent. He also intends to support the utilization of nuclear power and expanded drilling opportunities for natural gas and oil.

r e p u b l i c a n


Mystician | November 2012


Measuring up



3 4 5

Measure One of the 2012 Ballot refers to changes of the North Dakota Poll Tax Amendment. Poll Tax was created to deter poor citizens from voting and created a lot of revenue in the late 1800’s. Poll Tax has been abolished in

many states because it’s unfair. Voting “yes” on changing the amendment would repeal Section 6 of Article X of the North Dakota Constitution and eliminate this tax. Voting “no” on this measure would leave the poll tax in place.

Measure two is on the November ballot of 2012 in North Dakota, which deals with the oaths of office for those elected or appointed to office. Like the president, members of the senate, congress or other forms of government must take an oath.

The oath reads as followed;

Measure three states that “The right of farmers and ranchers to engage in modern farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state. No law shall be enacted which limits the

right of farmers and ranchers to employ agricultural technology, modern livestock production and ranching practices.” Simply, a ‘YES’ vote on measure three would not allow any law to

pass through legislature that would hinder a farmer’s or rancher’s right to employ new technologies or advantages to benefit their practice.

Measure four is one of the five measures on the North Dakota ballot for 2012. This measure is a vote to enact a smoking ban in the state. Currently, the smoking ban in North Dakota prohibits smoking in public workplaces

with some exceptions including: bars, hotel rooms (who allow) and retail tobacco stores.

all public work places, including bars. This measure also prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes in work places. Smokers must be 20 feet away from a building when smoking and will be fined if law is not followed.

Measure five would make the most harsh of abusive actions upon any living dog, cat or horse a class C felony. Any person convicted will undergo psychiatric evaluation and to determine if they would be allowed to possess a dog, cat or horse for up to five

years after the date the person was sentenced. North Dakota is one of two states that currently punishes animal cruelty as a misdemeanor. If passed, measure five will still allow for a misdemeanor to be charged for less severe cruelty, but a class C felony for deliberate

of _________ according to the best of my ability, so help me God” (if an oath), (under pains and penalties of perjury) if an affirmation, and any other oath, declaration, or test may not be required as a qualification for any office or public trust.”

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of North Dakota; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office

If one votes “yes” on measure four this November 6, 2012, they are voting to prohibit smoking in

acts of cruelty. This measure will not upset the ND heritage of hunting, farming, ranching or fishing, but strictly be focused on unreasonable animal abuse.

You’ve seen the ads. You make the decision. SThey he sta rted! started

G R E B . U. S




Nu-ugh, he did.

Heid i FOR

[ November






illustration [alyssa meier]


If you wish to vote in your hometown, you may vote by going back to your town of residence or through an absentee ballot.

North Dakota is the only state that has no requirements for registering before voting.

student voting details

Election officials of the your current county, city or school district may have absentee ballot applications or go to You can also provide the following information to the proper election official: ▪ Applicant’s name

If your residence is in a different place than where you are attending college, you can still vote in your college town. However, by voting in a different town, your residency will now be your college town.

An acceptable form of identification will be needed for the election board to locate your name on the list of voters. If your name and information are verified, you are allowed to vote. If your name is not on the list, but if a poll worker can verify you are a qualified voter, the poll worker may vouch for your eligibility. In order to vote, you must give them your date of birth.

If you are a resident of a different state than North Dakota, you may want to call your state election official and gather information about qualifications and procedures for absentee voting.

If your name is not on the list and your eligibility is not vouched for, you will be asked to sign an affidavit saying you are a qualified voter. Signing it allows you to vote.

▪ Current or most recent N.D. residential address ▪ Applicant’s mailing address ▪ Applicant’s current contact telephone number ▪ Election for which the ballot is being requested ▪ Date of request ▪ Affirmation that the applicant resided or will reside in the precinct for at least thirty days prior to the election ▪ Applicant’s signature ▪ If applicable, indicate the voter’s status as a citizen living outside the U.S., an uniformed service member living away from the voter’s N.D. residence, or a family member of the uniformed service member living away from the voter’s N.D. residence ▪ Applicant’s birth data and year

Alivin A. Jaeger, Secretary of State State of North Dakota 600 E. Boulevard Ave. Dept. 108 Bismarck, ND

Elections Unit 701-328-4146

▪ Applicant’s motor vehicle operator’s license or non-driver identification number, if available

Additional voting information can be found on the homepage of your Campus Connection on the lower left-hand side.

With elections rapidly approaching, it is time for students to turn their focus towards the often unpopular and widely disliked world of politics. Many people, especially younger generations, disregard politics. People think it isn’t important or that their votes won’t make a difference. Why should they care? Why, as a student at a small school, in a small city located in a small state, should they care? You should care because this is your country. These people on the TV making promises are going to be leading the way. These people are going to be guiding the ship that is your future. Your education. Your home. Your job. Your taxes. Your life.

You should care because one of those faces you see in the news is going to end up being the president of this country and that will affect everyone. To not care about what is going on in politics is to not care about the future of this generation and many to come. Care because one vote can make a difference. Because one vote can set the example for others. Because many people fought and died for our right to vote. Because not every person in the world has this right. Care enough to be informed before you head to the polls. Watch for a handout on the political candidates in the coming weeks to find out who and what you are voting for, because voting blindly is worse than not voting at all. -Mystician Staff .

Special Edition information was compiled by the Mystician staff and Editor-in-chief Alyssa Meier. Design and layout by Nelly Straub.

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