Revision 02 : October 2015 Author: Mr S Harwood
Public Examinations Entry Policy
Public Examination Entry Policy Rationale Entry for public examinations (IGCSE and A Level) is monitored on an individual basis to ensure that the needs and ability of each student are safeguarded. In terms of exam entry in general, the British School in Colombo aims to ensure that all students are able to achieve at least 5 IGCSE A*-C grades to allow them entry into the Sixth Form and to meet the requirement for university entry. All students at BSC will be entered for at least 5 subjects (including English and Mathematics) at IGCSE. However, entry for subjects in excess of five is not automatic. Students must demonstrate that they are fully prepared for and able to face the demands of the final examinations and to safeguard their personal success. For some students, studying for more than five IGCSE subjects creates considerable stress. In such cases, and in consultation with both parents and the student, the school will recommend a student to withdraw from a subject to improve their chances of success in their other subjects. Such decisions are always taken on a caseby-case basis and always with the intention of securing success in the remaining examinations for the student. Ongoing Monitoring of Performance in Public Examination Courses During the two year programme leading to entry for IGCSE or A Level examinations, each student's performance is monitored very closely. This allows teachers to provide support and extra guidance when needed. Regular reports to parents show attainment grades and effort grades and give feedback to both the parents and the student. During the regular monitoring, if either an IGCSE or an A Level student’s attendance, work or achievement gives cause for concern, their teachers, Head of Key Stage, Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Head (Academic) and Head of School will review the student’s records in the following areas: a) attendance (must be above 80% unless there are justifiable reasons) b) punctuality (the student has been on time for classes) c) homework assignments (are completed on time, are of good quality and demonstrate progress) d) assessments (student meets target grades and demonstrates progression) e) coursework (has been completed and submitted in line with interim and final deadlines)
f) independent study (for A Level candidates) is being done and shows progression g) exam results (meet target grades) h) predicted grades (are that the student has the ability to pass the final public examination. If a student continually fails to meet these expectations without good reason, this failure will prompt a review of examination entry. One outcome may be that the student is not entered for a particular subject in order to boost their chance of success in other subjects. Mock Examinations Mock IGCSE and A Level Examinations are organised in January of the examination year (Year 11 for IGCSE and Year 13 for A Level). Mock examinations provide a real situation for students to familiarize themselves with the examination requirements and conditions. Mock examinations are vitally important in demonstrating a student’s potential success at the final public examinations. 1. Students who achieve a U grade at A Level or an E grade at IGCSE in their Mock Examinations are counseled about their performance in the examination. Support options will be discussed and so too will the option of withdrawing the student from the public examination. This option is only considered when it is believed by doing so, the student will improve their chances of success in their other subjects. At IGCSE, the intention would be to ensure the student secures at least 5 subjects with grade C or better so that they have access to Advanced Level study. 2. Students who require appropriate Special Consideration from Examination Boards are fully supported by the Special Educational Needs Department and the school. Monitoring and Evaluation This policy will be monitored regularly by the Deputy Head (Academic) and reviewed annually by the Deputy Principal (Head of Senior School).