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Welcome to the Flyer magazine serving the Bury St Edmunds area with news, features, traders and much more
The Metcalfe Arms has re opened, after a year in the wilderness. This beautiful country pub, just 3 miles from Bury town centre is now offering superb food , beer and entertainment to local community and a warm welcome to all its new visitors. The Metcalfe Arms, Hawstead is building a solid trade and reputation by delivering local fresh produce, cooked to order and served in a relaxed atmosphere. All that have dinned have been extremely pleased and the proprietors have seen a number of re bookings.
See inside on Page 6 for further details and lots more local coverage.
The Bury St Edmunds & District Flyer 2009. Views and opinions mentioned are not necessarily those of the editor or proprietor and no responsibility will be taken for the accuracy of information contained herein. For further information on advertising in the Flyer, please call 0845 310 2448 email:richard.livall@flyeronline.co.uk Typesetting: Jonathan Trotter & Phil Grove, Proprietor: Richard Livall. All advert layouts & design are property of The Bury St Edmunds & District Flyer Typesetting, design & print The Flyer Press Ltd (01394) 283371. The standard charge for unauthorised reproduction is ÂŁ250
Bringing you the very best in local business, to advertise call 0845 310 2448
Page 3
Local Matters - views from our MP and Local Councillor David Ruffley MP
Cllr Trevor Beckwith
Honest Food Labelling Suffolk is deservedly famous for its pork and locally we have some of the county's best pig producers. If this pork is made into bacon it is obvious that it can be labelled "British". But did you know that under current food labelling regulations, imported meat which is merely processed in Britain can also be described as "British"? David Ruffley MP I think this is misleading for consumers and does nothing to support our excellent Suffolk farmers. So earlier this year I launched an "Honest Food Labelling" campaign and wrote to the major supermarkets in Bury St Edmunds asking them to outline their policy on the clarity of food labelling. At the same time I set up a survey on TellDavidRuffley.com which revealed that most people think that food labelling is not clear enough: 78% of respondents find it difficult establish the country of origin of a product and 97% think the country of origin could be more clearly displayed on a product. I was alarmed that most respondents find it difficult to find local produce in our local supermarkets. We simply must support our local farming community - they are the lifeblood of Suffolk and their produce should take centre stage in our supermarkets. I have been heartened by the responses I have received from the major supermarkets but there is still work to be done. I will be writing once again to all of them outlining the findings.
Desperate Times It's clear that we are in desperate times as far as the main political parties are concerned, with the scandal that's engulfed Westminster consuming half of every news bulletin. Partly because of Cllr Trevor Beckwith this and partly because so many just aren't interested, May saw us, virtually imperceptibly, in the middle of the campaign for the Suffolk County Council elections. As a candidate, I plodded around just about every door within the ward, wondering what the reaction to national events was going to be. Not surprisingly, the national headlines were reflected locally, with everyone condemning those with their high-paid snouts in the trough that you and I work so hard to ensure remains filled. It must be a real challenge scraping by on around £65,000 per annum. Perhaps they'd like to come with me the next time I'm out canvassing and I'll introduce them to people trying to raise a family on a fraction of that. People are so angry it's hard to predict whether anyone will turn out at the next general election. Many say they are going to boycott all elections and the remainder want to give the main parties are good kicking. So, on behalf of ...cont’d on page 12
Garden Services
Wardrobe Fitters
Plastering Window Cleaners
Plumbers / Gas Motoring Services Other Services
Bury Pest Control Bury Pest Control is a family run business that is well established and continues to grow through recommendations from new and existing customers. They offer all aspects of professional pest control services to Bury St Edmunds and surrounding areas of up to a thirty mile radius.
Property Lettings
Their technicians are trained to high standards and are fully certificated and qualified to carry out many tasks safely and professionally. They are proud to be accredited to the National Pest Technicians Association. They deal with all nuisance pests that causes concern to people, animals, businesses, private properties, commercial, agricultural, lawns, equestrian, retail, office and shops but to name a few.
Stone Memorials
Over the coming months the control of wasps will again feature as a key priority. Wasp nests can appear almost anywhere from early summer through to winter, as each day goes by the new grubs are continuously hatching until when the queen stops laying the eggs, there can be anything up to 20,000 wasps in a large nest. Wasps give a very nasty sting that can affect humans to an extent where medical treatment maybe required. Our advice is do not try and treat them yourselves for what little it costs call us in and have them dealt with professionally.
Bury Pest Control provide a professional confidential and efficient service supported by their brand new website www.burypestcontrol.com. This well-structured website provides an essential platform for all those experiencing nuisance pests such as Flying and crawling, Flies, Insects, Rats, Mice, Moles, Rabbits, Squirrels and Birds and many more! Please phone 01284 220095 or 07990 512087.
Pest Control www.flyeronline.co.uk
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Page 5
Editor’s Note - Local Matters Editor's Note tages of granite, marble or stone memorials helps us to assist people with their choice, which should not be made in haste. Monumental Craft We can help with inscriptions and texts if required and also offer free layouts with various fonts so people will have a We are a local family stone mason's good idea of what their memorial will look like before it is business run in partnership by Roland, installed. Sally and James Nice and ably assisted In addition we supply pet memorials, house signs and memoby Glen Ross and Alan Baxter. The rial plaques and we are pleased to quote for refurbishment company has been trading for over and cleaning of old memorials and war memorials. twenty years and offers a caring and empathetic service at what is a difficult SAXON MONUMENTAL CRAFT time for everyone. Phone or Fax: 01284 754512 Our knowledge of the churchyard and Mobile: 07799 376105 cemetery regulations and the advane.mail sallynice@msn.com
Small Business of the Month
Building Services
Flooring Services
Book your advert today in the Traders Guide for just £25 a month. Tel: 0845 310 2448 (local rates)
Welcome to the July Edition of the Flyer which this month is packed with editorial features leaving me with little room for my normal column. This month we have features on two youth football clubs and I would like to take this opportunity in encouraging more sports and voluntary organisations to submit their news items to the Flyer I also provide a reminder that I can be contacted on 0845 310 2448 (local rates apply) or by email on richard.livall@flyeronline.co.uk. Richard Livall - Editor
Cllr Mark Ereira-Guyer Support our independent retailers Bury St Edmunds is blessed with some truly delightful independent retailers - which taken together make the town feel special and different from surrounding clone towns. I firmly believe that we all need to demonstrate our support for independent retailers during these difficult economic times. I for one try to buy as many of the things I need in Bury's independent shops. Prior to the opening of the new shopping development - the arc - many businesses and residents expressed extreme conCllr Mark cern that the opening of the arc would adversely affect the Ereira-Guyer existing town centre by drawing shoppers, visitors and retailers away. I think the jury is still out on this. Although the town centre still has a busy feel about it especially on market days, there are an increasing number of vacant shops, most obviously in Cornhill, Cornhill Walk and Abbeygate Street which make the town look unsightly and uninviting. This is partly because a few shops have moved to the arc, and partly because the recession has led to some large stores, such as Woolworths and Principles, closing down. St Edmundsbury Borough Council have taken some decisive decisions and funded a new - Positive Bury - marketing campaign for the town. This is good start but we now need to see even more action. As vacant shops can present a negative impression to visitors and potential investors in the town, the Council is working with shop owners, the Art Gallery and others to display material in the windows of empty shops featuring pictures and messages promoting the town centre. This is a great idea but the council with other partners needs to be acting faster. We need to see art work and other creative displays in the shop windows now and to maintain a sense of pride and care of our town centre environment. Bury's independent retailers need everyone 'on side' to counteract the economic downturn so that they can flourish and be in business for when the good times return. Councillor Mark Ereira-Guyer Green Party - Tower Division, Bury St Edmunds mark@suffolkgreenparty.org.uk
The Flyer July 2009 Page 2 Local Matters - views from our MP and local councillor Page 3 Editor’s Note - Local Matters Page 4 Health News - Lifestyle and Stress Page 5 Health News Hypnotherapy Page 6 Pub and Restaurant of the Month - The Metcalfe Arms Page 7 Abbots Bridge Page 8 Local Business News Accountancy and Legal Matters Page 9 Local Business News Page 10 Local Authority News Appointment and Funding Page 11 Residential Care / Entertainment - Dance Classes Page 12 Entertainment News NSPCC Family Race Day Page 13 Sports News - Football for Girls and Boys Page 14 Traders Guide / Small Business of the Month Page 15 Traders Guide The Bury St Edmunds & District Flyer - Est 2009 Proprietor & Founder: Richard Livall Well Cottage, The Street, Lawshall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP29 4QA
Tel: 0845 310 2448 (Local Rates apply) e: richard.livall@flyeronline.co.uk w: www.flyeronline.co.uk Printed by The Flyer Press. Unit 9b-9c Bridge Rd, Felixstowe. IP11 7SL
Tel: 01394 283371
e: flyerpress@btinternet.com Delivered to every home & business by: Flyer Distribution Services.
Tel: 01394 283371
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Bury St Edmunds Flyer Number 1 for Local Traders www.flyeronline.co.uk
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Page 7
Sports News - Football for Girls and Boys
Health News - Lifestyle and Stress Unbelievable! You never even saw it coming!
This month we look at STRESS and the MIND/BODY CONNECTION and discuss the benefits of YOGA in reducing your stress levels.
You just went on living your life the way you always have. You skipped breakfast - too busy for that sort of thing. Besides, you'll make up for it with a nice pub-lunch later. Only a salad of course; or a sandwich…with chips….something light, in any case. Then a few cookies in the afternoon. That girl Margaret, who sits across from you at the office, her great great aunty baked them and (even though you've never met aunty, and never will) it would just be plain rude to refuse. Then a nice cappuccino/glass of wine/pint of beer to celebrate the end of the longest Wednesday known to man, and a take away to feed the masses after football practice/ horseback riding/ swimming/ A-level studying. You'll take the dog for a walk right after. That'll make it all go down a bit easier and - naturally - burn off some of those calories. This has been the routine for 15 years, so why is it only now that the belly-monster has set its fat-dripping eyes on you?? It happens to the neighbour. It happens to your parents. And your best friend (you'd never say anything - that would break her heart!). Surely it would never happen to you?! Yet here it is. The Bingo wing. The Gut. The Saddlebag and The Muffin-top. So you decide to take action! You do it for your spouse, your children and grandchildren. You do it for the love of a healthy life! Google offers no less than 23 million different suggestions on how to become as lean as a twelve-year old in just two weeks. Buy THIS product, subscribe to THIS website, download THIS video (almost free of charge -we'll only take your immortal soul in exchange). But where's the support? Where's the convenience? Where's the network? Where's the scientific proof that this product or that actually works? If you could be guaranteed a regular phone call from an actual person, who's not trying to sell you anything, but simply wanting to know how you're getting on in your new, slimmer body….would you say "YES PLEASE!"? When embarking on the great adventure of turning back the hands of time, it is so very important to have the support of others who understand, without judging or being jealous, that this is important to YOU! How great would it be to look back on your life and say: I took responsibility for my life and my body, and with the help of likeminded people, I won one of the best-known battles in modern times: The Battle of the Bulge!
We realise nowadays that there are many factors in our lives that can cause us to feel stressed and that the feelings of stress can actually manifest themselves in real illnesses and diseases as the body struggles with ways to keep it in it's natural state of "equilibrium". Many GPs are often unable to make a clinical diagnosis on what is causing certain symptoms and will often put it down to STRESS. How can Yoga help with that then? Eastern cultures believe that the body should be in a constant state of balance / equilibrium, it should be "at ease" and therefore, they practice Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong on a daily basis. MIND BODY connection - you hear about this often but what does it really mean? The connection is your BREATH. We all know and have observed that when we are angry, stressed or upset then our breathing becomes shallow and fast and our heart-rate increases in intensity and we feel out of control. So, in a yoga class you learn how to make a connection between how you breathe and how you feel - you will discover a huge range of postures to master from a physical strength and flexibility perspective but in so doing you will understand that being able to master them requires more mental strength and slow, calm deep breathing then big muscles. In a class you quite simply leave your STRESS at the door, and after you feel mentally refreshed; as if a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. There is always a Relaxation session at the end of each class and here you really learn the tools and techniques to allow you to feel calm and in control. You begin to realise that STRESS is all about how you REACT to someone or something or a situation and that you have the ability to choose how you react every single moment of every single day! 4 KEY BENEFITS OF YOGA
Regain Flexibility (we all had it once you know!) Improve strength, muscle tone and joint mobility /bone density Improve our energy levels - better posture, improved breathing techniques. Reduce STRESS levels - make a mind/body connection ~ breath and learn how to relax
COME AND TRY A FREE INTRODUCTION TO YOGA- BRING THIS ARTICLE ALONG TO BOOK AT RECEPTION (VALUE £5) The Introduction to YOGA runs in 6 week blocks and your voucher entitles you to the first lesson free of charge, you will then be asked to book the other 5 lessons and pay £25 for those. Further info please call The Self Centre on 01284 769090 or www.the-self-centre.co.uk (timetable).
Bury Town Youth Football Club Bury Town Youth Football Club has been formed to provide organised and competitive football for local boys and girls of all abilities in the 8 to 18 year age groups.
Bury Town Girls' Football Team
Our club currently has over 200 registered boys and girls represented by fourteen boy's teams playing in the Ipswich & Suffolk Youth Football League and one girl's teams representing our club in the Suffolk Girls League.
Our coaching structure is integrated within Bury Town as both clubs strive to play in a technically skilful and entertaining manner. We ensure that all managers / coaches who run teams within our club are placed on the FA level 1 course, as well as providing additional independent club coaches that work closely with the coaching staff of Bury Town. They are able to offer assistance through various age groups but are not allocated to one particular team. We feel it is so important to educate children through a structured qualified coaching environment, and encourage further coaching qualifications to be obtained. On Sunday 12th July the club is holding their annual Presentation Day, where trophies and awards are presented to all the boys and girls as well as teams in recognition of their efforts during the season. This event is held on the home pitch of Bury Town at Ram Meadow where fun activities are run throughout the afternoon along with food and refreshments so that all adults and children can have lots of fun.
Home games are played at various pitches provided by the club in the Bury St. Edmunds area, and throughout the season teams can expect to travel within Suffolk and Norfolk and pos- If you are interested in joining our club and wish to visit sibly further a field in cup competitions. our Presentation Day and meet some of our club committee and team managers and have a bit of football Our club strives to inspire and fun with us, please call Hugo Corrie on 01284 388399. offer enjoyment to all our boys and girls the very best we can through football, whether you win or lose are New players needed for the 2009 / 2010 season aim is to structure our club to allow children of all ages and Girls under 12 to play in the abilities to learn within a great Suffolk Girls League on a Trophy Presentation environment. Sunday. School years 6/7 as from 1st September 2009 Our club is always open to new players, managers, coaches and volunteers, so if you are interested in joining or wish for Boys under 12 to play in the further information in our club please feel free to contact our South Suffolk league Saturday Club Secretary Garry Barker on 01284 706252 Morning. School years 6/7 as from 1st September 2009 Lawshall Girls Football Team Bury Town Youth football Club is a voluntary run club and is Boys and girls under 11 to play in the South Suffolk league a non profit making organisa- Saturday morning league. School years 5/6 as from 1st tion. Club officials, Managers, September 2009. Coaches and many other people give up their time so Please contact: Ian Copping Tel: 01284 830430 as to allow boys and girls the Email: ikajc@tiscali.co.uk or Nigel Schofield Tel: 01284 820322 opportunity to gain fun and enjoyment within our club at Mob: 07963 957998 Bury Town Youngsters very minimal cost.
Lawshall Lions Football Club
Bury Town Youth Football Club is an independently run club, however we have a very strong association with Bury Town Football club. Our home is at Ram Meadow where all club facilities are available to all our members and we have our main notice board and trophies on display in the clubhouse. Between our under 15 to under 18 age groups we aim to integrate teams or players within Bury Town through the Alliance League and academy. All paid youth members of our club are able to gain free entry into all Bury Town home matches where they have a chance to meet with the players during the season.
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Please mention The Flyer when responding to advertisements
Page 9
Entertainment News - NSPCC Family Race Day Family Race Day at Newmarket is back for its 10th year Top jockey Martin Dwyer joined local NSPCC supporters to the launch the charity's tenth annual Family Race Day which takes place on Saturday 25 July at Newmarket. The popular summer event NSPCC Family Race Day is celebrates its 10th annivera popular event sary this year and organisers aim to make it the best one yet and raise a record amount to support vital NSPCC services. Chairman of the NSPCC Race Day committee, Steve Elsom, said: "Over the years visitors to the NSPCC Race Day have been so generous in their support that we have raised tens of thousands of pounds for the NSPCC. This 10th anniversary year we want to make the day bigger and better than before so that we can help even more vulnerable children and young people. "Guests can enjoy an excellent card of racing as well as lots of events and attractions throughout the day. The Garden Enclosure will be taken over by fun and games to entertain the whole family including a Top jockey Martin Dwyer joins bouncy castle, climbing wall local NSPCC supporters to and face painting. the launch the charity's tenth "It promises to be a great annual Family Race Day. day out for all the family and I encourage everyone to come along, have fun and help to make the day a great success."
All money raised by the 10th anniversary Race Day will go towards the NSPCC's Child's Voice Appeal which aims to raise ÂŁ50 million over three years to help the charity expand its vital helplines. There are a variety of ticket options available for the Race Day. Visit newmarketracecourses.co.uk or call the box office on 0844 579 3010.
Health News - Hypnotherapy How Can 5PATH Hypnotherapy Help People? 5PATH Hypnotherapy gets to the root cause of the problem. Unlike many other types of hypnotherapy the 5PATH System can find out why someone is in a predicament and then deal with the past to free you for the future.
Desperate Times cont’d from Page 2...
local councillors everywhere, thanks to our honourables and right honourables for pushing local issues even further into the background. When we did discuss local issues, the decision to close middle schools caused genuine upset amongst most parents and staff who want the decision reversed. There is also a serious problem with parents unable to access their chosen school, even when siblings are already attending. The lack of support for carers within families, leading to financial hardship, was raised more than once. The main thing that struck me, apart from the occasional slammed door (!), was how undemanding most people are. They just want the basic services done well which is something that seems to have escaped those who are supposed to provide them. Councils appear to have boundless energy for new and expensive projects but little appetite for the mundane. There's more chance of seeing a blank Westminster expenses form than a road-sweeper where I live or, I suspect, anywhere else outside of the town's historic centre. I was going to say get back to basics but someone else said that and look what happened to him. Cllr Trevor Beckwith Moreton Hall Ward - St Edmundsbury Borough Council
Piers Day
Piers Day explains 'A few years ago Piers Day was presented with a lady by one of the local GP's who was suffering from Depression and also Anxiety Attacks. She was 64 years old and had a history of Depression going back some 3540 years.
She had no conscious memories of trauma or unhappiness as a child - she thought she was depressed because her mother was and presumed she had inherited it from her. Using 5PATH Hypnotherapy I took her back to her childhood and revisit the cause of her depression - the death of a beloved pet when she was four yeas old. She blamed herself for its death because when she asked her parents for a new one they told her that they did not want her to hurt another one! She took the full blame on herself and believed she was
not loveable and not good enough. We worked with the 4 year old and looked at the facts that she did love the pet and did everything a 4 year old could do to keep it alive the four year old then realized that she was not to blame, was loveable and good enough. We re-ran things in her life to make sure that the new belief was safe and sound. The next session she came 100% better. Working with the her for another few sessions and working with her GP she came off the prescriptions over time and some years later is still depression free and prescription free!' Piers Day, the only 5PATHer in this part of the country. It is not your everyday style of Hypnosis and is used for so many problems that Piers is to teach others and is setting up a Hypnosis School in the Autumn to teach other therapist. 'I hope that it will become the norm for all therapists to be trained to this standard' say Piers - if it is this good lets hope so. Piers Day can be contacted at info@suffolkhypnotherapy.co.uk or at Croasdales in Bury's Market Place 01284 754700
To advertise...
To advertise in the Bury St Edmunds & District Flyer magazine, please contact the Editor, Richard Livall on 0845 310 2448 or email
Forthcoming Events at
The Swan - Lawshall Sat 27th June - Karaoke and Disco (8.00pm until late) Sun 5th July - Table Top Sale and Bar-B-Que (10.00am until 6.00pm) August Bank Holiday Weekend Beer Festival (Frid 28th - Mon 31st) Four Day Beer Festival with Live Bands and Children's Entertainment. A weekend of family fun. Details to be confirmed.
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Please mention The Flyer when responding to advertisements
Page 11
Pub and Restaurant of the Month - The Metcalfe Arms
Residential Care / Entertainment - Dance Classes Willows Residential Care Home, Bury Road, Lawshall
The Metcalfe Arms has re opened, after a year in the wilderness, the beautiful country pub, just 3 miles from Bury town centre is now offering superb food , beer and entertainment to local community and a warm welcome to all its new visitors. The Metcalfe Arms, Hawstead is building a solid trade and reputation by delivering local fresh produce, cooked to order and served in a relaxed atmosphere. All that have dinned have been The Metcalfe Arms premises extremely pleased and we have seen a number of re bookings. 'We want the Metcalfe to be well known for its quality of food and its reputation for serving cooked to order meals, we don't use microwaves and only use fresh food. We pride ourselves on all our guests enjoying their meals and of course the fantastic feedback on the food has really built our confidence in what we are delivering, says Richard Reed the new owner. Richard has sourced a very capable chef, Phil Pesci who has built his experience and skills while working in many top restaurants in Covent Garden & Notting Hill. Phil has a passion for only serving freshly cooked food and using the best quality ingredients, taking personal pride in customers feedback and only serving the best.
The Willows has now been established since 2001 and has become integrated firmly into the life of the village over the years. The home, sympathetically extended to provide accommodation for 25 residents is set in beautiful gardens, on the outskirts of Lawshall and provides an oasis of peace and tranquillity.
The Dining Area sausages, or the wild mushroom risotto. We make all our own gravy and sauces and which adds lovely flavour to each of your meals. Key attractions we are keen to promote to all; Lunch in the wonderful garden or next to the open fire in Winter between 12-2.30pm Relaxed business lunches Dinner menus which offer fantastic food served between 6-8.30pm 'Probably the best Sunday roast in Suffolk' using rib of beef, leg of Lamb or roast chicken served with homemade Yorkshire pudding, crispy roast potatoes, seasonal veg and the Metcalfe Gravy! Served from 12-6pm Fresh beer battered, home cooked fish and chips, using the best fish we can source, hand cut chips and homemade tartare sauce, served every Wednesday night!
We are keen to promote the Lunch Menu which we offer between 12-2.30pm daily, we cater for all lighter lunches or a selection of main meals, including the Metcalfe Bangers and Mash, grilled chicken salad or why not try what is possibly the best burger in Suffolk, which uses beef from the red poll cattle, extremely tasty and very substantial burger!
Mid Week Lunch Offer 10% discount if booked (served 12-2.30pm Tues-Fri)
We employ local, well trained staff, who have a genuine vocational commitment to diverse needs of our residents. The home is very keen on maintaining links with the local community, and is actively involved with the Green Light Trust, The primary The Willows provides an oasis school, and the local churchof peace and tranquility es. Many village residents may have attended last year's Open Day which was very well attended in spite of the rain!
Current vacancies for residents contact: 01284 830665 We work closely with local healthcare professionals and relatives to ensure that individual care needs and preferences are met. In our most recent government inspection we were awarded the top 3 star excellent status. The home is flexible in being able to offer both long The Home offers both long term and short term care term and short term care, designed to provide a break for family carers.
Salsa L.A. style! Whether you want to learn to dance, improve your fitness levels, gain more confidence, or meet a new crowd of people, coming to our Salsa LA classes will be just what you need. Burning up to 400 calories per average class, salsa is a great way to lose weight for the summer and keep yourself in fantastic shape. It's also a really easy way to meet new people. An integral part of our classes is to move around and meet all of the other people in your group, so everyone gets to know each other very quickly making the evening very sociable. Within a few short weeks you could have a whole new social circle! Our classes are suitable for all levels, from absolute beginner (with 2 or even 3 left feet), to advanced salsa dancer. We have something to suit everyone. Our main classes are held every Tuesday from 7.30pm at the Moreton Hall Community Centre. We hold a beginners and an improvers class from 7.30 8.30pm, with an intermediate and an advanced class from 8.30 - 9.30pm. We also have an hour from 9.30pm for people to socialise and practice their new moves. The atmosphere at our classes is very relaxed and friendly and newcomers are always made very welcome. All of our classes are taught on a week to week basis, which means that you can start whenever is convenient to you and if you can't make it every week, you can just join in again whenever your lifestyle allows. If you can't make it to our Tuesday class or love it so much you have to have more (it can be quite addictive!), we also hold classes in Thetford every Monday, Sudbury every Thursday and King's Lynn every Wednesday.
We operate an open door policy as far as visitors are concerned, and are always delighted to show visitors around the home at any time. We can provide advice and guidance on If you'd like any more information about our classes, you can the issues surrounding the delicate process of placing a visit our website www.secretsalsa.co.uk or call Mark on 01284 loved one in Care. Brochures are available on request 764153, mobile, call or text 07863 291074. phone 01284-830665 or online at www.extrafriend.co.uk
Dinner is served from 6pm until 8.30 daily and caters for all tastes; we offer a good selection of quality produce from the Denham Estate, including awesome Haunch steaks, tasty
Proprietor, Richard Reed (left) and chef Phil Pesci (right) We would always advise to book your table in advance
FREE GLASS OF WINE as we can be busy and WITH EVERY PRE BOOKED would hate to turn you EVENING MEAL! away, we welcome all new
guests and hope to see you all very soon. BOOK NOW !
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Page 13
Local Authority News - Appointment and Funding
Abbots Bridge
New Appointment Steps Up Support
out details of any tenders their organisation may have. By encouraging the business community to use the platform to look for and to promote new business - it is hoped that the portal will help sustain the local economy by establishing Suffolk Chamber's online Business to Business trading platstrong procurement links." form, which is supported by Suffolk County Council and fund- Fran Toomey, Head of Economic Development and Planning ed via the Local Authority Business Growth Incentives Scheme at Suffolk County Council, added: (LABGI), has received a further boost this week with the "Having Miles in position will further strengthen, and help to appointment of Miles Vartan. extend this valuable service throughout the business commuMiles, who will oversee the running of the trading platform, will nity. I am pleased to welcome Miles to this role and I am be working closely with both the public and private sectors to sure he will help pave the way for the business community to track down new tender opportunities. establish robust procurement chains, which are beneficial for Businesses are being encouraged to register on the trading both the buyer and the seller." platform and select up to ten business categories, which they would like to receive tender information on. As tenders are placed on the platform, they will be The West Suffolk LSP has officially launched this year's rounds 'matched-up' and sent to corresponding businesses that the of their two popular grant schemes: The Partnership Fund and new opportunity is relevant to, and those organisations will the Community Chest Scheme, to benefit local people in receive an alert. West Suffolk. This year the West Suffolk LSP has joined forces The trading portal has been designed to enable registered with Babergh East LSP so that all of Babergh will be eligible for users to reach new markets, build strong business networks the funding along with applicants from Forest Heath and St and provide the opportunity to generate, obtain and conEdmundsbury. duct business faster and more effectively. Around ÂŁ400,000 has been set aside for the Partnership Fund Miles, who will be looking after the portal commented: 2009, which will be offering grants of up to ÂŁ50,000 for either "The trading platform will bring real trading opportunities to capital or revenue projects. The grants will be available to Suffolk, as it will highlight what tenders are available locally, partnerships in the West Suffolk or Babergh East LSPs. Money regionally, nationally - even globally, and I am delighted to be involved with such an exciting initiative. Over the next few will be matched by other organisations to help them get any new joint projects off the ground and bring even greater benweeks I will be concentrating on raising the profile of the trading platform, and encouraging businesses to register on efits to the people of West Suffolk. it and sign-up for the information they would like to receive. I In addition to the partnership money, the Community Chest Fund will have around ÂŁ20,000 in its coffers this year. will also be urging companies to use the platform to send
New grants up for grabs
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Page 15
Local Business News
Local Business News - Accountancy and Legal Matters Accountancy Matters
Tax and accountancy specialist Devindra Mitchell answers some questions raised by TaxAssist clients.
VAT Implications of Selling in Europe
Q: Due to the fall in the exchange rate, we have received a number of product orders from Europe, particularly countries from the European Union. We are considering attending a number of trade fairs and would like to know whether we can claim the equivalent VAT we paid various state of the EU on our UK VAT return? A: Only VAT charged by UK companies can be claimed on your UK VAT return. In order to claim the VAT paid in various member states, you will have to submit a claim form in the country where you incurred the expense. A special form must be completed in the particular country's language, and it must be submitted with the original invoices. There is a useful H.M Customs & Excise booklet, VAT Notice 723 that covers the procedures. If you are dealing with a number of EU countries, you may find it advantageous to register in one of them and thus, subject to certain conditions, claim back the VAT for all the countries. You need to be aware that the countries involved do have differing rules for when VAT can be claimed, and notice 723 will give you further guidance.
Theft of income by an employee
Q: I run a small retail business, and noticed recently that the cash takings and amounts banked did not reconcile with my monthly reports. It seems a staff member who has recently left my employment is responsible for the theft and I have reported this to the police. What is the VAT and Tax position in a situation like this where takings have been stolen? A: As you have actually made the sales, HM Revenue & Customs will insist on the relevant VAT being paid over for the VAT period in which the sales were actually made. For tax purposes, as an employee was responsible for the theft, the amounts stolen will be an allowable deduction. However, if your business insurance covers theft and your insurers allow you to make a claim, then only the element which relates to the uninsured loss can be allowed against tax. If you cannot make a claim, and do not receive an insurance payout for the loss incurred then the full amount will be allowed. As the police have filed a report on the matter, you should have received a crime number, which should be kept if HM Revenue & Customs query the loss in your accounts. Devindra Mitchell specialises in managing tax and accountancy affairs for small business owners and can be contacted on 01284 330245 or by email burystedmunds@taxassist.co.uk TaxAssist Accountants is located at St Andrews Castle, 33 St Andrews Street South, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3PH
Legal Matters Reduced Working Hours: An Alternative to Redundancy
Reduced working hours is a possible alternative to redundancy. For employers it will enable them to retain their staff for am upturn in the economy. For employees they may prefer to continue in employment on reduced hours and pay rather than face the alternative of redundancy. If changes to employment contracts are being considered it is vital that they are done correctly. A change to the terms and conditions of an employment contract without consent could mean that an employee would be able to bring a breach of contract claim in either the civil court or the employment tribunal. A contract of employment may have an express flexibility clause that gives the employer the right to make changes to the contract terms without your consent. A general flexibility clause will only permit an employer to make minor changes without the consent of the employee. If there is no right to vary the terms of the employment contract then any changes would need the mutual agreement of the parties to it. If the employer implements the changes he would be in breach of contract and would run the risk of employment claims being made against him. Where the changes amount to a fundamental breach of the contract, the employee has three options:
Work on under the new terms, making his rejection of the terms clear and reserving the right to bring a claim for breach of contract; Reject the new terms and work on under the old terms; this situation is unlikely to end in an amicable solution but a dismissal in this situation would amount to a wrongful dismissal. Resign and claim constructive dismissal.
An employee who wishes to resist the changes must be careful not to accept the variations by conduct. A change to working hours or salary without the employee's agreement would amount to a fundamental breach of the employment contract and could lead to a constructive dismissal claim and compensation for the innocent party. In relation to a unilateral variation of terms regarding an employee's salary, an employer who makes such a change could be subject to a claim of unlawful deduction of wages. If you are an employer seeking to implement change or an employee who thinks that your rights have been infringed or if you have any employment law query please contact Will Oakes at Attwells Solicitors LLP on 01473 746000 to arrange a free 30 minute appointment for further advice.
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