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ISSUE 6 - OCT 09

Bid4Bury - Campaign for a Business Improvement District for Bury St Edmunds

obvious you can only wonder why it hasn't been done already. Giving the business community the resources to promote the town as a whole is just what is needed. It is Impossible for any business to do it The Bid4Bury campaign was on its own, or for Town Centre launched on the 9th September, Management or the Chamber of with a media call at the Angel Commerce to do it without the Hotel on Angel Hill and the funding. But by the whole town opening of a new website working together and each putting Campaign launch specifically prepared to promote the Bid4Bury BID. a small sum in a communal pot, a cause for then some very good things can celebration A two month campaign is now effective in which local be done which will be good for the businesses can vote to bring a Business Improvement District town and very good for business." (BID) to Bury St Edmunds. Those businesses within the Bid area, will shortly be receiving information on how to vote and the £1,900,000 of investment over five years postal vote will be open from Monday, 2nd November until Monday 30th November 2009. The BID area includes the main town centre bounded by Risbygate Street and Mustow Street to the north; Parkway to The Bury St Edmunds Chamber of Commerce has unanithe west; Robert Boby Way and Churchgate Street to the mously given full endorsement and backing to the Bid4Bury south and Angel Hill to the east. There are approximately initiative. Rick Wildridge, Chairman said "Bid4Bury is an excel- 370 eligible businesses within this defined area. lent opportunity and scheme for businesses to set the way forward for our town centre by working together to achieve the A Borough Council report indicates that businesses could goals that we all want, this will bear fruit and take our wonder- generate approximately £350,000 of additional income per ful town on a new road of businesses having more say in their annum for the BID company. In total the Bury St Edmunds trading environment and a step into a more cohesive future". Working Party report suggests that the town centre could benefit from approximately £1,900,000 of investment over five Nigel George, a Chamber executive member said "This is so years. If the ballot is successful, the BID could be operational in April 2010. It would provide a platform for town centre management in Bury St Edmunds for an initial period of five years. Issues that have caused debate in previous years, such as Christmas lights and street wardens, could be addressed. Website: www.bid4bury.com

The Bury St Edmunds & District Flyer 2009. Views and opinions mentioned are not necessarily those of the editor or proprietor and no responsibility will be taken for the accuracy of information contained herein. For further information on advertising in the Flyer, please call 0845 310 2448 email:richard.livall@flyeronline.co.uk Typesetting: Phil Grove & Jonathan Trotter, Proprietor: Richard Livall. All advert layouts & design are property of The Bury St Edmunds & District Flyer Typesetting, design & print The Flyer Press Ltd (01394) 283371. The standard charge for unauthorised reproduction is £250

Bringing you the very best in local business, to advertise call 0845 310 2448




Page 3

Car Sales - EMG Motor Group

Multiyork Furniture



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Page 5

Editor’s Note - Local Matters Comments from the Editor, Richard Livall Garden Services

Property Lettings


Wardrobe Fitters

Cllr Trevor Beckwith

Window Cleaners

Landscaping Other Services Stone Memorials

Bury St Edmunds Library Suffolk County Council is proposing to refurbish the Library in Sergeants Walk. Local councillors were consulted and agreed that the best option for the works was for complete closure as this would allow for a quicker return to normal service. Cllr Trevor The scheme will completely redesign and reorganise the library buildBeckwith ing and see the creation of a Children's Centre and a LEAP (Learning Enterprise Access Point) for the town centre. The new facilities will be accommodated by converting areas that are currently for staff only in to use by the public. During the refurbishment work, plans are being drawn up for a temporary library service at New Shire Hall (next to the police station) which will be supplemented by smaller points at West Suffolk House and hopefully, by a mobile library or a portacabin at, or close to, the current library building. At the moment dates for the scheme have not been settled but I am told that work is expected to start later this year and should be finished in September or October 2010. The library is a really important resource for the community and this work should result in a much more welcoming and attractive building. Library managers are very keen to know what local people would like to see in their redesigned library, so please contact Lisa Elmer at the library (01284 352545) if you would like to get involved.


Motoring Services

Taxi Services

Plumbers / Gas

Welcome to the October Edition of the Flyer which includes a number of new features including wildlife news courtesy of St Edmundsbury Borough Council and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and an angling feature provided by Chris Boughton on West Suffolk Angling. These will be regular features each month. If you would like me to include more local sports and community news features you are most welcome to submit editorials to me for Richard Livall inclusion in the magazine. I can be contacted on 0845 310 2448 (local rates apply) or by email on richard.livall@flyeronline.co.uk.


Book your advert today in the Traders Guide for just £37.50 a month.

Along with two other county council colleagues representing Bury, I was recently invited by Julie, the station manager of Radio West Suffolk, to do a live round-table interview. RWS is tucked away at the back of the West Suffolk Hospital and broadcasts to the hospital and to a wider audience via the web. I think we were on for about an hour and really enjoyed it. There wasn't too much politics so, hopefully, it was well received by the listeners. Although RWS provides a really professional service, everyone involved is a volunteer. Maybe we tend to forget just how essential volunteering is in providing or improving so much of what we take for granted. In fact, it was another volunteer from the hospital reception who guided me to the studio, otherwise I'd still be aimlessly wandering around! Thanks to those who give so much time and energy in many parts of the hospital and to the many other good causes and charities in and around the town. Trevor Beckwith - County Councillor for Eastgate and Moreton Hall

The Flyer October 2009 Page 1 Main Feature - Bid4Bury Page 2 Multiyork Furniture Page 3 Editor’s Note / Local Matters / Contents Page 4 Local Matters - views from our MP and local councillor Page 5 Local Business News Page 6 Health News - St Nicholas Hospice Care Retail Centre Page 7 Wildlife News Page 8 October Special Offers Page 9 Hatters Sandwich Bar & Buffet Service Page 10 Local Business News Page 11 Local Motoring News - G B Auto Services Page 12 Leisure News - West Suffolk Angling Page 13 Traders Guide / Business of the Month Page 14 Traders Guide Page 15 Car Sales - EMG Page 16 BEK Plastics The Bury St Edmunds & District Flyer - Est 2009 Proprietor & Founder: Richard Livall Well Cottage, The Street, Lawshall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP29 4QA

Tel: 0845 310 2448 (Local Rates apply) e: richard.livall@flyeronline.co.uk w: www.flyeronline.co.uk Printed by The Flyer Press. Unit 9b-9c Bridge Rd, Felixstowe. IP11 7SL

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e: flyerpress@btinternet.com Delivered to every home & business by: Flyer Distribution Services.

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Bury St Edmunds Flyer

Number 1 for Local Traders


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Page 7

Local Matters - views from our MP and Local Councillor young to start being food aware!

David Ruffley MP

World School Milk Day "Milk comes from the local supermarket." According to the organisers of World School Milk Day this is the answer that too many children give when asked where milk David Ruffley MP comes from! While in Bury St Edmunds, surrounded as we are by agricultural businesses, I'm sure children would give the correct answer, it does draw attention to the fact that we take our supply of food for granted.

Councillor Mark Ereira-Guyer

Creating the Greenest County

Small Business of the Month - Philip Vale Design With over 30 years experience of bespoke joinery from making windows through to large Tudor doors, bookcases, tables, chairs, oak beams etc., restoration and renovation of period properties including the internal woodwork and the making of special mouldings, restoration of antique furniture, bespoke kitchens and bedrooms, Philip Vale, with a large workshop and all the necessary machinery is able to make and produce any item you or your clients may require.

Suffolk County Council & St Edmundsbury Borough Council are ambitious about Creating the Greenest County - and I am pleased to report that there is sustained across the board political concensus on this objective. So your local councils are taking action and beginning to provide leadership. Climate change implications I am supporting World School Milk Day this year at Tollgate Primary School in Bury St Edmunds where healthy lunchboxes, are being taken very seriously in everything milk drinking and food awareness are all on the menu. It is an that your local councils are doing. Yet, this Cllr Mark Ereira-Guyer international event, co-ordinated by the Food and Agriculture - as we all know - is no-where enough. Organisation of the United Nations, to promote the imporAll newly arrived County Councillors like myself have been tance of drinking school milk to children in a fun and educa- alerted by staff that, based on national UK Climate tional way. projections, more freak weather is likely here in Suffolk with At this time of year we also celebrate harvest festival which highlights the abundance of high quality, locally produced food and drink products available to us in Suffolk. However, it is a sad fact that Britain has become increasingly dependent on imports of food we could grow ourselves. In the last decade the UK's self-sufficiency in indigenous food has fallen by 9% from 82% in 1998 to 73% in 2008. I continue to campaign for statutory country of origin labelling on food products to support our Suffolk farmers and I encourage everyone to exercise food awareness and buy locally produced food whenever possible. As I will be telling the school children while they drink their milk - it is never too

flash flooding and storms being the norm in the years ahead. Our beautiful heritage coast is at major risk from rising sea levels. By 2020 summer rain could decrease by 6% increasing the risk of serious drought and major crop failures. Global greenhouse gas emissions are continuing to soar alarmingly - here in Suffolk temperature rises of well over 2C are predicted. To learn more I urge you to view the Suffolk's Green County website www.greensuffolk.org Whilst the predicted impacts are bad enough here, climate change is hitting the world's poor first and worst. Christain Aid is spearheading a campaign leading up to the vital, and possibly last-chance, UN climate talks in Copenhagen this December. More pressure on the world's politicians is required to ensure that they do the right thing. Yet we can't all sit around waiting for our local council to take action or international agreements - we need as individuals and families move to take action if we are to maximise our chances of preventing runaway climate change; we must together quickly and massively to cut global emissions. There is a new environmatal campaign aiming at individual action - www.1010uk.org - which seeks to encourage people like you and me to commit to reducing their own carbon emissions by 10% in 2010. I've signed up, so have my family we're going to do all we can to reduce our carbon emissions. It is not easy, but we are mindful of Ghandi's saying: "Live simply that others may simply live".

All types of bespoke joinery undertaken including Lift & Slide patio doors, bi-folding sliding doors, spiral staircases & handrails, architrave, wainskirting, doors, windows, built-in library bookcases, tree benches and beautiful hand made solid wood kitchens and kitchen furniture. By special request, projects have been completed not only in the UK

but also Europe with clients stretching as far afield as the Middle East. On his website www.philipvale.com - a large portfolio of photographs is available showing work undertaken over the years and a selection may be seen here by exploring the various sections shown of the site. If you would like further information or would like to discuss specific projects, please contact Philip who will be pleased to visit you on site and offer 'no-obligation' quotes. Contact Address: The Old Forge, Sicklesmere, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0BU Telephone: Landline : +44 (0) 1284 388 948 Mobile : +44 (0) 7871 450 335 Email: design@philipvale.com info@philipvaledesign.co.uk




Building Services

Local church groups in Bury St Edmunds are organising an event called 'Why Green' to be held at All Saints Church on Park Road on Thursday 8th October at 8pm. Councillor Mark Ereira-Guyer Green Party - Tower Division, Bury St Edmunds mark.ereira@suffolk.gov.uk 07545 42 38 41

At last! You can now dance again to that great music from the 1960s/70s Horringer Community Centre Saturday 24th October - 7.30 until midnight


Tickets ÂŁ10 per person (refreshments inc) Contact John Porter on 01284 735596



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Page 9

Leisure News - West Suffolk Angling

Local Business News Is Your Portfolio Properly Diversified?

Sapiston Mill to Euston.This a very narrow winding river where the dominant species are roach, dace, chub and pike. Car parking is available at all access points along this stretch of the river.

Angling in Bury St Edmunds & District By Chris Boughton The Bury St Edmunds Angling Association was founded in 1938. The Club offers angling on three lakes and approximately 10 miles of bank on two rivers. Members have the right to fish all Association waters subject to the Close Season for river fishing and can enter club and veteran's matches. Water Lane Reservoir - About 4 miles southeast of Bury St Edmunds in the village of Little Whelnetham, this lake is approximately 3 acres in size with a large central island and depths to around 10ft. The lake contains a good head of carp to 20lb plus bream, perch, roach, tench and the occasional chub. The banks are very steep and fishing is from the platforms only. Barrow Lake - This picturesque lake is located 7 miles west of Bury St Edmunds on the edge of the village of Barrow. The lake is about 1 acre and has depths of up to 10 feet. The lake contains a good head of crucian carp, plus perch, tench, roach, bream and carp. Fishing is from platforms only with some suitable for disabled anglers. Banksticks must be placed in the sand buckets provided as the lake has a plastic liner. There are also toilet and kitchen facilities available (not during winter months). River Little Ouse - On the Mildenhall to Littleport road, just past Shippea Hill Railway Station is a section of the river known as "Redmire".This is a typical fenland river which flows slowly into the Great Ouse just north of Littleport. The river is around 20 yards wide with depths of up to 10 feet. The river holds roach, dace, perch, tench, bream, zander and is particularly noted for its excellent pike fishing. River Blackbourn - About 12 miles north of Bury St Edmunds, fishing is available on various stretches of the river from



Middle Reservoir - About 5 miles southeast of Bury St Edmunds on the edge of the village of Bradfield Combust, this lake is approximately 4 acres in size with a gradual sloping bottom to around 14 feet. This is predominately a specimen lake with carp to 33lb, roach to 1lb, bream to 6lb and pike to 20lb. Day tickets are available in advance from Tackle Up in Bury St Edmunds and limited night permits are also available for this lake - please contact the Treasurer via the club's web site. Membership is open to all and can be obtained from Tackle Up in St Johns Street in Bury St Edmunds. For more information look on the club's web site at www.burystedmundsangling.org or email buryaa@live.co.uk

“Here at the Suffolk Pet Crematorium we pride ourselves on the sensitivity and the dignifying way that our friends are taken to their final resting place. We provide a discrete collection service from either the veterinary practice or your home.�

Suffolk Pet Crematorium Lower Farm, Great Saxham, Bury St Edmunds IP29 5JT Tel: 01284 810 981 or 0870 7424492 Fax: 01284 811709 Email: william@suffolkpetcrematorium.com Website: www.suffolkpetcrematorium.com

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There's a simple secret to investment success: diversify your investments and hold them for the long term. Studies show that the vast majority of investment returns are attributable to your asset mix, rather than the individual investments you choose.But exactly what do financial experts mean when they say 'diversify'? And how do you know whether you're properly diversified? Diversification means holding a wide range of investments in your portfolio, instead of placing large bets on any one security or type of asset. A diversified portfolio should encompass all the major asset classes: cash and cash equivalent investments, fixed income and equities. Some experts break the mix down even further: cash, income, growth, growth and income and aggressive investments. Ideally, your portfolio should be further diversified by investing in international securities. The benefits of diversification are straightforward: You take advantage of a wide range of potential investment opportunities and protect yourself from the risks of putting too many of your eggs in one basket. How and where you diversify will depend on factors such as your financial goals, the time you have to reach them and your tolerance for investment risk. Plus, your diversification strategy should be adjusted as you move through life and your financial situation changes. The first step on the road to a successful diversification strategy is to take a comprehensive look at your investment portfolio, including your pension arrangements. At the very least you should be invested in all major asset classes. No single asset type should account for an extremely large percentage of your holdings. For example, if you have an 80% investment in stocks or equity mutual funds, it's time to rebalance. It's best to work with a financial adviser to assess your portfolio and devise an appropriate strategy. A professional can make recommendations based on your individual circumstances. Here are some good starting points, depending on where you are in life: * When you're young: This is a good time for a large proportion of equity growth investments. You have longer to take advantage of the higher potential returns these investments offer. * As you grow older: Moving into your peak earning years, it's still a good time to concentrate on growth. You have more income to invest and aiming for greater returns can boost wealth. But as you get older shift toward preserving capital through income investments and other conservative assets. You need to protect some of your wealth for retirement income. * When retirement approaches: This is the time to really concentrate on protecting wealth. The same strategy applies in retirement. But still keep a growth element in your portfolio to help offset inflation.

International investments should ideally be part of your portfolio at all stages of your financial life. If you don't invest in international securities or mutual funds you miss out on much of what the world has to offer. Another tip is to diversify within each asset class or geographical region. Don't limit your equity holdings to one or two stocks. And don't put all your international investments in one region of the world. Mutual funds are a good way to add an additional element of diversification, since they provide you with partial ownership of a wide range of securities. Provided by Stephen Griffiths - Edward Jones, 41 Churchgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1RG. Tel No: 01284 750754 Email: stephen.griffiths@edwardjones.com www.flyeronline.co.uk

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Page 11

Local Motoring News - G B Auto Services

Health News - St Nicholas Hospice Care Retail Centre You'll be amazed by the St Nicholas Hospice Care Retail Centre You may not be aware, but St Nicholas Hospice Care has a Retail Centre on Moreton Hall Estate, Bury St Edmunds, which is brimming with wonderful second-hand furniture, unusual antiques and quality household items. It's an Aladdin's Cave of fantastic items, from great furniture, books, crockery and pictures to beautiful jewellery and much, much more. You'll be amazed by what you can find, and with a constant turnaround of stock, there will always be plenty of bargains for you to choose from. You'll be enchanted by the wonderfully clean and light space, pine floors, friendly staff and the beautifully arranged furniture and household items. Apart from the keen prices, you'd never know you were in a second hand shop! If you, a family member or a friend are looking for excellent quality bargains, why not take a trip to the Retail Centre on Boldero Road, Moreton Hall Estate, Bury St Edmunds. It's open to the public six days a week, and there's plenty of free parking outside too.

You'll be delighted by the quality and prices available, and all your friends will be amazed by your purchases. And, as every penny raised goes directly to St Nicholas Hospice Care, you'll know that you've helped support local people and their families affected by terminal illnesses. Contact the Retail Centre on 01284 747622 or 01284 747623 for more information. Our opening times are: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm (Closed between 12.30-1pm for lunch)



P.S. We are always looking for good quality items to be donated. Perhaps you have a piece of furniture or household item you no longer use and would be willing to give? Please either drop them in to the Retail Centre or any of our eight shops across the area, or call us and we'll arrange to come and collect from anywhere in West Suffolk and Thetford in our specially decorated Hospice van! Your donations will be greatly appreciated.

G B Auto Services


- Performance Tests & Diagnostics G B Auto Services is a successful small motor repairs business - Service & Repairs that is located at Crossways in Cockfield just off the A134 (to - Re-gas the rear of G Parish Engineering) and a few yards from juncRECOVERY tion with the A1141 Lavenham road. - 24 hour Accident & Breakdown Recovery Graham Bedwell, the - Volkswagen LT40 proprietor, re-located Truck the business at - 6 ton Remote Crossways over three Control years ago, having preRamsey Winch viously been based at Accident & Breakdown Recovery Lawshall. Graham has - Fast, Efficient, CostService Effective Service over 36 years experience in the car repairs business and is a very In addition there is ample storage and parking on-site and a collection and delivery service is offered on request. skilled technician in Graham Bedwell diagnostics, air conditioning and all forms of servicing and repairs. His experience Graham offers a fast reliable service with the emphasis on quality. No job is too big or too small. is wide-ranging from tuning to restoration and from modern cars to classics.


Graham's passion since a boy has been Lotus Cars and he is now a specialist in Lotus Classic Cars and Sports Cars and receives commissions for work on them by customers throughout the East of England region and the London area.

Lotus Cars - a lasting passion G B Auto Services specialises in the following: GENERAL SERVICING & REPAIRS Use of the latest diagnostic equipment

Servicing & MOT Preparation General Repairs & Remedial Work Welding & Paintwork All Types of Cars Light Commercial Vehicles

Address: G B Auto Services, Crossways, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0LN Tel: 01284 827651 Mobile: 07914 768119 Email: bedie.gbautos@keme.co.uk



CLASSIC CARS - Specialist in Lotus Cars (Classic and Modern Day) - Other Classic Cars - Service to Full Restoration - Classic Car Transportation

DIAGNOSTICS Specialism in Classic Cars



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- Full Diagnostic Capabilities - EOBD (European On Board Diagnostics) Scan Tools - All Vehicles (to present day)


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Page 13

Local Business News

Wildlife News

What if you were flooded?

petition. Contact them to arrange a free visit with an advisor and to receive your own ‘action plan’ which may offer substantial benefits to your business.

Is your business at risk of being flooded? You can find out by going to the Environment Agency’s website (www.environFor further information on what businesses can do to save ment-agency.gov.uk) and typing your postcode into their money, contact Suffolk climate and energy helpline - Tel: flood map. If you are at risk - and even if you aren’t - it would 0800 0288938 or email: www.greensuffolk.org be prudent to think about how you would cope if your business was flooded. Making sure your business can survive and be up and running again as soon as possible after a major incident like flooding is basically what business continuity is all about, and every business should have a business continuity plan to help them do this. Contact: David Bird, St Edmundsbury’s Emergency Planning Officer 01284 757035 david.bird@stedsbc.gov.uk or Suffolk County Council’s Business Continuity team 01473 260439 rick.thornton@suffolkcc.gov.uk

Free Energy Audit Are you interested in cutting your business costs, increasing profitability and helping the environment? Green Suffolk, the climate change partnership, provides free advice to small and medium sized businesses in Suffolk who want to cut their carbon emissions, save money and stay ahead of the com-

Win your business a Blackberry

All businesses in St Edmundsbury have the chance to win a Blackberry Bold 9000 by completing the Council’s business questionnaire. If you would like to take part, go to their website on www.stedmundsbury.gov.uk/business The questionnaire is a chance for you to tell the council what conditions are like for local business at the moment and what you think the Council could do to help. The results will be used for an economic assessment of St Edmundsbury and to draw up an action plan. Please note that the survey closes on 20 October 2009 and that only businesses in St Edmundsbury are eligible for the prize. Alternatively, Council Officers will happily come and see you if you would prefer to talk rather than fill in a questionnaire. Contact: 01284 757683

Win a Blackberry Bold 9000

New Suffolk mammal book has wide appeal The county's first comprehensive account of Suffolk's mammals has just been published by Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Suffolk Naturalists' Society. The Mammals of Suffolk by Dr Simone Bullion, is an accessible and attractive book with stunning colour photographs throughout and distribution maps of more than 60 species, from bottle-nosed dolphin and Minke whale to soprano pipistrelle bats and red deer. It is a superb addition to Suffolk's natural history and is as likely to appeal to the lay naturalist as to those with a more specialist interest. In his foreword SWT president the Earl of Cranbrook says: "It has been over 75 years since a comparable review of the county's mammals was undertaken. During that time there have been great changes in the numbers and distribution of Suffolk species. Non natives such as grey squirrel, muntjac and Chinese water deer and American mink have colonised the county. Once common the native red squirrel is now extinct… Dormice hold on albeit as fragmented and vulnerable populations. Hares remain abundant in the arable heart of Suffolk but the water vole threatened by mink is now reliant on the nationally important habitats of coastal grazing marshes, broads and fens. Coypu first arrived and were then extinguished whereas otter, after being wiped out, is undergoing a resurgence." Dr Simone Bullion is the mammal recorder for Suffolk and has lived in the county since 1989. She developed a fascination with mammals while studying for a degree in biology at Royal Holloway College, University of London. After a period teaching at Suffolk and Otley Colleges she joined Suffolk Wildlife Trust in 1999 and is currently senior conservation adviser and consultancy manager. The book is dedicated to local naturalist Margaret Grimwade who did so much for Suffolk's mammals.

essentials for hedgehog life, namely shelter, quiet refuge, food and water. They can also provide hibernation and nesting sites. Here are some tips on how to help hedgehogs in your garden - as well as attracting a whole host of other wildlife! z z z z z

z z z

Check compost heaps and piles of leaves of leaves before burning. Rake leaves into the far corners of the garden and leave them. Check overgrown areas before strimming. Leave rough areas of native plant cover, such as bramble patches. Set up a feeding station using pet bowls. Use a variety of food such as tinned dog food, dog biscuits and scrambled egg and provide water - never bread and milk as this can cause a stomach upset. Use non-toxic methods in the garden to minimise impacts on hedgehogs and other wildlife. Make log piles in secluded corners. Create shallow sided ponds (not deep, sheer sides), or instal escape route with wire mesh.

Acknowledgement - St Edmundsbury BC has commissioned Suffolk Wildlife Trust to write wildlife articles and provide photographs each month as part of the St Edmundsbury Rural Action Plan

The Mammals of Suffolk (200pp hardback) is now available from SWT education centres and SWT head office in Ashbocking £20 (+p&p). To order a copy please call 01473 890089

Helping hedgehogs in your garden Once a common sight in many gardens across Britain, hedgehog numbers are declining and they are now listed as a priority species in the UK and Suffolk Biodiversity Action Plan. Many gardens have the potential to provide all the basic



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Page 15

Hatters Sandwich Bar & Buffet Service

October Special Offers

Hatters Sandwich Bar The Hatters Sandwich Bar & buffet service run by Andy O'Toole has been trading for just over a year and offers customers an appetising selection of both hot and cold buffet foods, sandwiches, cakes and Hatter St location fruit all set to high quality standards and at affordable prices - with freshly filled rolls starting at just ÂŁ1.50.

Specialities Customers can enjoy an array of fresh tasty specialities including Hot Bacon Rolls, Smoked Salmon, Prawn Cocktail, Tuna Crunch, Spicy Chicken and much more. They are served in a range of fresh rolls, wraps, baps and sandwiches. Salad boxes and fresh pastries and cakes are also available. Beverages can complete the order if required.

needs whether it is for a small group of 4 people or a large gathering of 250. Hatters serve a wide range of events including Weddings, Funerals, Christenings, Birthday Parties, Children's Parties, Retirements, Business Meetings, Corporate Functions, Training Days, Launches, Leaving Events and Christmas Parties. Andy serves events throughout Suffolk and Norfolk.

Emphasis on Quality and Exceptional Customer Service Hatters believe that quality is essential for a healthy business and always ensure that their products are kept to the highest standards. Andy only uses the finest ingredients and careFirst class service fully selects reputable suppliers and ingredients, locally sourced whenever possible. He prides himself on exceptional customer service supported by a most friendly, enthusiastic, courteous and sociable manner.

Opening Times & Location Buffets and Catering for any The sandwich bar is open between 7.30am and 3.00pm Occasion Hatters buffets are the perfect solution for all your outside catering needs, and Andy is happy to discuss your preferences and requirements and to tailor your menu to your specific needs.

Andy O’Toole

Private and business buffets are the biggest part of the business and Andy can cater for a wide range of

Monday to Saturday, however the outside catering service is offered seven days a week. Food orders are made as they are ordered and Hatters always strive to keep waiting times to a minimum. This well appointed and spotless sandwich bar is located in Hatter Street a few yards from Abbeygate Street and is easily accessible from the main hub of the town centre. 20A Hatter Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1NE Tel: 01284 760240

All vouchers and promotions on this page are only valid throughout September 2009.



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