Gerrman Fren nch Teache er As a memberr of the Se econdary M Modern Forreign Lang guages (MF FL) Departtment at T The British hool of Gua angzhou fro om Augustt 2015, you u will be acccountable e for the de elivery of Frrench and Sch Gerrman subje ects acrosss the Seco ondary Sch hool under the guidance of a H Head of De epartment. The e successfu ul candidate will be responsible for takin ng Key stag ge 3 lesso ons at a be eginner or inte ermediate level. Both h German and Frencch are currrently offerred at KS3 3 and KS4 4 and is a sub bject that w we are also aiming to develop. d
porting to the Head d of Secondary MFL the succcessful applicant w will be an effective Rep proffessional w with a thorrough know wledge of the curricu ulum. In ad ddition, the e school pa articularly welcomes ap pplications from teacchers who embed A AfL strateg gies within their teacching and are able to sh how evide ence of how w they nurture enga agement and a enquirry within le earners. It ndidate to have h taugh ht the subjjects up to o (I)GCSE will be an advvantage for the succcessful can el. leve
ways to exxtend the a amount of teaching available. Whilst the position is part time, there are w ere are 3 p possible ro outes for th his. Firstly,, there is a availability for members of stafff who are The able e to teach h EAL or Chinese C to o primary age stude ents. Seco ondly, we a also have part-time possitions nee eded for Drrama (20% %) and Co omputer Sccience ((25 5%) and fiinally, bein ng able to act as a Care eers Counssellor or G Guidance counsellor w would also o be consid dered to extend e the perccentage off teaching time.
CH APPLICANT EAC Willl hold a PGCE a and Qualiffied Teach her Statuss and a good Bachelor’s d degree in Gerrman/French, or a closely c rela ated discip pline. In ad ddition, the ey will havve at least 2 years’ teacching exp perience in the UK K or Germ many/France and have h expe erience off the UK Currriculum.