Head of Secondary Art

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ad of Seco ondary Artt Hea As the lead m member off the Seco ondary Artt team at The British School of Guangzzhou from gust 2015,, the Head of Art w will be an n outstand ding leade er, organisser and cclassroom Aug pracctitioner w who develo ops studen nts, directtly by insp piring and enabling other stafff, so that theyy become the best th hat they ca an be. Art is highly va alued at the British School of Guangzhou and d student’s work is prrominently displayed around th he site. The e department has fo orged links with h the locall communiity and witthin our fe ederation of o schools and Art h has been enhanced thro ough our in nvolvemen nt in a num mber of initiatives inccluding the e “the Big draw”, Life e drawing classses, residential Art vvisits and rregular tripss to local A Art Gallerie es. The sch hool is lookking for an ene ergetic cand didate who o will aim to o maintain and furthe er develop the t high prrofile that th he subject enjo oys in the sschool.

Rep porting to the Assisttant Head of Secondary Scho ool, the su uccessful applicant a w will be an effe ective proffessional with a thorough kn nowledge of the cu urriculum and expe erience of teacching the subject to o A-level. T The Head of Departtment will also be e expected to monitor and d develop the assesssment pro ocedures o of the subject area a and take re esponsibility for the proffessional d developme ent needs of their d departmen nt. The successful ccandidate would be insttrumental in maintain ning or imp proving our excellentt levels of student atttainment w within Art.

EAC CH APPLICANT Willl hold a PGCE and Qualified Teacher S Status and d a good B Bachelor’s degree in n Art, or a clossely related disciplin ne. In addittion, they w will have a at least 2 yyears’ teacching expe erience in the UK and ha ave experiience of th he UK Currriculum.

e Head of Art teache er will have excellen nt interperssonal skillss and a hig gh level off personal The orga anisation. Our teach hers are e encouraged d to be re eflective cllassroom p practitioners and to devvelop opporrtunities to add value e to our stu udents expe erience both in and o out of the cclassroom.

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