ad of Seco ondary Computer Sc cience Hea As the lead member of o the Seccondary Computer S Science te eam at The British School of Gua angzhou frrom Augusst 2015, the e Head of Computerr Science w will be an outstandin ng leader, orga aniser and classroo om practittioner who o develop ps studentts, directlyy by insp piring and ena abling othe er staff, so o that theyy become the best that they can be. C Computer Science S is high hly valued at the Brittish Schoo ol of Guang gzhou and student’s work is prrominently displayed arou und the site. In addition to lea ading the departmen d nt, the successful candidate wiill also be resp ponsible fo or running the t school Moodle site, be the school’s “G Global Classsroom lea ad teacher and d be respon nsible for le e developm ment of the use of ICT T within the seconda ary school. eading the The e school is looking fo or an energ getic candidate who will aim to o maintain and furthe er develop the high profile e that the ssubject enjoys in the school.
porting to the Head of Secondary Scho ool, the su uccessful a applicant w will be an effective Rep proffessional w with a tho orough kno owledge of the curriiculum and d experien nce of tea aching the sub bject to A-le evel. The Head of Departmentt will also b be expecte ed to monitor and de evelop the asssessment procedure es of the subject arrea and ta ake respo onsibility fo or the pro ofessional devvelopment needs of their depa artment and of developing the use of ICT T to enrich h learning with hin second dary phase e. The succcessful ca andidate w would be in nstrumental in maintaining or imp proving ourr excellent levels of sstudent atttainment w within Com mputer Scie ence.
EAC CH APPLICANT Willl hold a PG GCE and Q Qualified T Teacher Status and a good Ba achelor’s degree d in Computer C Scie ence, or a closely re elated disccipline. In a addition, they will ha ave at leasst 2 years’’ teaching exp perience in the UK an nd have exxperience of the UK Curriculum m.