Hea ad of Seco ondary Dra ama As the lead m member of the Secon ndary Dram ma team att The Britissh School of Guangzzhou from gust 2015, the Head d of Drama a will be a an outstan nding lead der, organiiser and cclassroom Aug pracctitioner w who develo ops studen nts, directtly by insp piring and enabling other stafff, so that theyy become the best that theyy can be. Drama is highly va alued at th he British School of Gua angzhou a and the de epartment has forge ed links wiith the loccal commu unity and w within our fede eration of schools s an nd Drama has been enhanced through ou ur involvem ment in a n number of initia atives inclu uding resid dential and day trips w with Drama a, Theatre and the Arrts being th he primary focu us. The scchool is loo oking for an a energettic candida ate who wiill aim to m maintain and further devvelop the hiigh profile tthat the su ubject enjoyys in the scchool.
Rep porting to the Assisttant Head of Secondary Scho ool, the su uccessful applicant a w will be an effe ective proffessional with a thorough kn nowledge of the cu urriculum and expe erience of teacching the subject (T Theatre S Studies) to A-level. The Head d of Department willl also be exp pected to monitor m an nd develop p the asse essment prrocedures of the sub bject area and take resp ponsibility for the prrofessiona al developm ment need ds of theirr departme ent. The ssuccessful can ndidate wo ould be insstrumental in maintaining or im mproving our o excelle ent levels o of student atta ainment within Drama a.
EAC CH APPLICANT Willl hold a PG GCE and Q Qualified Teacher T Sttatus and a good Ba achelor’s d degree in D Drama, or a cllosely rela ated discipline. In ad ddition, the ey will have e at least 2 years’ te eaching exxperience in th he UK and d have exp perience off the UK C Curriculum.
The e Head of D Drama teacher will ha ave excelle ent interpe ersonal skills and a high level off personal orga anisation. Our teach hers are e encouraged d to be re eflective cllassroom p practitioners and to devvelop opporrtunities to add value e to our stu udents expe erience both in and o out of the cclassroom.