Primary Class Teacher

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Primary ry Class Teacher T As a ressult of unprecedented growth, the British h School of o Guangzhhou is look king for highly qu ualified and experien nced Prima ary specia alists to join our ded icated team from August 2015. Rep porting to a Year L Leader an nd Head of o Primaryy, the suc ccessful applicant will have e a thoroug gh knowled dge of the National Curriculum C m for Engla and and Wales. In particu ular, we welcome w ns from teachers t pproficient in the application integratio on of technology, sp pecifically iPads, into o the day-to-day currriculum an nd with experien nce of workking with sttudents wh ho speak English E as a second l anguage.

Each A Applicantt Will need to hold a good Bachelor’s degree with QTS/PG GCE, and at least 2 years experien nce teachin ng in a UK K school orr in a repu utable British Curricuulum Intern national School.

Will be an excellent comm municator, who gets on well with colle agues, students, gy and cha ange. Am ongst othe er things, you y will bee well organised; parents, technolog have a g good sense e of humou ur and a d esire to de evelop opp portunities for studen nts both in and ou ut of the classroom. In fulfillin ng the requirements for the post, the teacher will demoonstrate es ssential professio onal characteristics, and a in partticular will:

Acctively promote a lov ve of learni ng as state ed in our school misssion

Adhere to the t school’s policy, procedure es and pra actices thaat relate to o Child Protection and a Safegu uarding

In nspire trustt and confid dence in sttudents, pa arents and d colleaguees

Be e passiona ate about children c an nd their edu ucation

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