Primary Maths Coordinator Job Description

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British School of Guangzhou Primary Maths Coordinator To successfully coordinate Maths, ensuring an up-to-date and challenging curriculum, meeting the needs of a high ability student community.


Deputy Head, Head of Primary, Principal Head of Primary Class teachers and teaching assistants.

PACKAGE Competitive remuneration and benefits based on experience Key Responsibilities: In fulfilling the requirements of the post, the Year Leader will demonstrate essential professional characteristics, and in particular will:

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Coordinate Maths from Year 1 to Year 6, raising its profile as a core curriculum subject and promote enthusiasm for it. Effectively lead change towards a Maths curriculum that appropriately meets the needs of our high achieving student body. Monitor both children’s learning and the teaching of Maths, through lesson observation, demonstration lessons and other appropriate methods. Monitor planning and work across primary and ensure consistency across all phases. Ensure continuity and progression in Maths, through an effective system of assessment. Promote differentiation within Maths planning through an emphasis on focus teaching and the consistent use of formative assessment by teachers and teaching assistants during focus teaching. Promote AfL strategies across primary Maths. Be responsible for the provision of appropriate special needs provision within Maths. Undertake and provide INSET training for colleagues and parents. Be responsible for the effective and efficient deployment of staff and resources. Give advice and guidance to colleagues in terms of mathematical knowledge and understanding.

Planning, Teaching and Class Management • • • • • • • • • •

Ensure all students are provided with effective teaching in order to achieve their best; Engage and motivate students; Positively target and support individual learning needs; Maintain high levels of behaviour and discipline in line with the school policies and ethos Make effective use of homework and extra-curricular learning opportunities; Establish a purposeful and safe learning environment; Use modern technology such as ipads, macs and software to enhance learning opportunities; Provide suitably challenging teaching provision for more able and talented students; Make use of Nord Anglia University to enhance professional development; Make use of Global Classroom online to provide students with access to a global network.

Leadership • • • • • •

Provide appropriate appraisal of Maths teaching for staff; Coach, mentor and help develop teachers to be the best they can be; Create meaningful accountability for outcomes; Be an outstanding role model in promoting our core values; Create transformational change in your subject group; Report to the Head of Primary and School Principal with honesty and transparency;

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