Primary ry Class Teacher T As a ressult of unprrecedented d growth, tthe British School off Guangzhoou is looking for highly qu ualified and experien nced Prima e Leader to o join our dedicated team ary Middle from Aug gust 2015.. The Britis sh School of Guangzhou has an enviab le reputation for delivering a vibran nt high qua ality acade emic educa ation and has h becom me the pre eferred or expatriate families in Guangzzhou. Reporting to th he Deputy Head and Head choice fo of Prima ary, the succcessful ap pplicant wi ll have a thorough knowledge k e of the Na ational Curriculu um for En ngland and d Wales. In particular, we we elcome appplications s from teacherss proficien nt in the integration i n of techn nology, sp pecifically iPads, intto the day-to-d day curricu ulum and with expe erience of working with w studeents who speak s English as a second language.
Each A Applicantt Will need to hold a good Ba achelor’s d degree witth QTS/PG GCE, and aat least 5 years experien nce teach hing in a UK sch hool or in n a reputtable Brittish Curric culum International Scho ool.
Will be an excelle ent communicator, w who gets on well with w colleaagues, students, parents, technolog gy and cha ange. Amo ongst othe er things, you y will be well organised; have a g good sense e of humou ur and a de esire to de evelop opportunities ffor studentts and teacherss both in an nd out of th he classroo om. In fulfilling the req quirements for the post, the teacher will w demon strate ess sential professio onal chara acteristics,, and in pa articular will:
Actively pro omote a lov ve of learn ning as sta ated in ourr school m mission
In nspire trustt and conffidence in students, parents an nd colleaggues
Be passiona ate about children a and their ed ducation