Tea acher of M Mathematic cs As a member of the Matthematics D Departmen nt within the seconda ary phase a at The British School of Guangzho ou from A August 201 15, The tteacher off Mathema atics will be respon nsible for he high standards of achieveme a ent that ourr students have been n able to attain at the maintaining th aticians ma anaged to achieve grrade A or A A* with 58% % school; in 2014, 86% of all Year 11 Mathema highest gra ade. reacching the h
Rep porting to the Head o of Seconda ary Mathem matics, the successfu ul applicantt will be an n effective proffessional w with a thorrough know wledge of the curricu ulum. Experience off teaching at A-level or Further M Mathematiics is esssential. In n addition n, the scchool parrticularly w welcomes plications ffrom teach hers who e embed AfL L strategie es within th heir teaching and arre able to app sho ow eviden nce of ho ow they nurture n engagemen nt and en nquiry witthin learn ners. The Matthematics teacher w will also be expecte ed to follow w assessm ment proccedures within their sub bject area a and take in ndividual rresponsibillity for theiir professio onal development ne eeds. The succcessful ca andidate should s be confident that they can mainttain or improve the excellent leve els of student attainm ment within n Mathema atics.
CH APPLICANT EAC Willl hold a PGCE an nd Qualifiied Teach her Statuss and a good Bacchelor’s d degree in Matthematics, or a clossely relate ed disciplin ne. In add dition, theyy will have at leastt 2 years’ teacching expe erience in the UK and have experience o of the UK C Curriculum m.
e teacher o of Mathema atics will ha ave excelle ent interpe ersonal skills and a high level off personal The orga anisation. Our teach hers are e encouraged d to be re eflective cllassroom p practitioners and to devvelop opporrtunities to add value e to our stu udents expe erience both in and o out of the cclassroom. We wish to re ecruit stafff that aim to encoura age particiipation and d the prom motion of e excellence hin a friend dly and sup pportive envvironment for our students. with