Head of Berkhamsted Sixth

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Applicant Information Pack Head of Berkhamsted Sixth

A foreword from our Principal and Chief People Officer Richard Backhouse - Principal Berkhamsted has led the way in pursuing a ‘foundation structure’. As a group of six schools, it combines scale of resource with individual attention and development of pupils – and staff. We start with our values: we aim for excellence – aiming high with integrity – in all that we do. We are ‘adventurous’, and support development, research, and experimentation in teaching and learning. We ‘serve others’ – at both pupil and staff level: ours is a non-hierarchical school in which the opinions of all matter, and in which we all share in the support and contribution to our local community. Above all, we are committed to developing remarkable people, both our pupils and our staff. We are looking for highly committed, ambitious and adventurous people to join a thriving staff body, whom we can support to flourish here, and whom we can help to grow. Our staff are so important that we have a Chief People Officer as one of our most senior members of staff.

Tracey Evans - Chief People Officer Our staff are our biggest asset at Berkhamsted, and so investing in not only their professional development but also their wellbeing, is a key priority. We foster a working environment that supports staff both professionally and personally. We offer a wide range of staff wellbeing initiatives. Colleagues can easily access financial, physical, emotional and social well-being support from school. We seek to enable all members of the school community to achieve their full potential in an environment characterised by equality respect and opportunity. We work hard at Berkhamsted, but we also know how to come together as a community and enjoy downtime, building relationships which simply last a lifetime.

History of Berkhamsted Schools Group


Berkhamsted School is situated in the historic Hertfordshire town of Berkhamsted, a prosperous community surrounded by Chiltern countryside and within easy reach of London. With His Majesty the King as the School’s patron, Berkhamsted is a leading Independent School for pupils aged 3 to 19 years, the foundation of which dates back to 1541 (when John Incent, the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, successfully applied to King Henry the VIII for a license to purchase a piece of land for a ‘freescole’). In 1888 a Girls School was founded in Berkhamsted under the same governing body, and the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools merged to form a ‘diamond’ school in 1997 (boys and girls are taught separately from 11-16, but together in the Sixth Form). The Prep School was also integrated at this stage, and the School became Berkhamsted Collegiate School. In 2011 the School merged with Heatherton House, a small independent day School for girls in Chesham Bois, and became the Berkhamsted Schools Group. Operating as a satellite Prep School Heatherton provides a feed of Girls to the Berkhamsted Girls School every year. In 2012 Berkhamsted Schools Group acquired Haresfoot, a small proprietary prep school in Berkhamsted. This site now houses the Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Berkhamsted Day Nursery Limited, and Berkhamsted Prep School takes children from age 7-11. Berkhamsted is the only School in the Herts, Beds and Bucks region, and one of only a small number of Schools in the country, to offer a ‘diamond’ structure that combines the best of both single-sex and coeducational teaching. The Group has grown by 18% in the last ten years, and the Sixth by 23%. Following a master planning exercise, a significant part of the Castle campus is being re-developed to enable a new 3000+ sqm Sixth Form building to open in 2024-25.

The Opportunity Make sure to use Gills Sans Font

Each school within the Group is run on a day-to-day basis by the Head. The Head enjoys significant levels of autonomy, reports directly to the Principal and is a key member of the ‘Exec’ which designs Hoursmanages of work: 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, yearGroup. round. and the strategic direction ofallthe The Girls, Boys and Sixth Schools share one teaching staff, and one set of Heads of Department, whose management is via a separate structure. The post of Head of Sixth is therefore equivalent to a role between a Headteacher and Deputy Head in the structure which most schools employ. It is an ideal role for those seeking a second, larger Deputy Headship, or those seeking a springboard to Headship. Recent Heads of Sixth are now the Headteachers at King’s Chester, St Peter’s York, and Brentwood School, and Martin Walker, the current Head, is moving on to become Vice Principal of the whole Group. The recent history of the Sixth is of expansion and innovation. The School is seeking to stabilize pupils at around 440, and to continue to ensure that the Sixth Form education of pupils is at the forefront of UK best practice by continuing to lead thinking.

The Role The post of Head of Sixth is primarily responsible for the academic and pastoral development of Make sure tocirca use Gills (currently) 440Sans SixthFont Form students, assisted by a Deputy Head, three Assistant Deputy Heads, 40 tutors, and two boarding Heads of House. In this context, the Head of Sixth is expected to establish and sustain vision for an appropriately ambitious academic work ethic; a sense of personal responsibility Hours ofawork: 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, all year round. and integrity among the students; an ethos of adventure with regard to the opportunities of the Sixth Form; a community noted for its supportive and positive nature and contribution to the local area; and an atmosphere where young people are nurtured yet encouraged to become independent learners, in preparation for university and the workplace. The Head of Sixth is responsible for marketing and admissions to the Sixth. Most students progress from the Berkhamsted Boys and Girls Schools, but there is also a substantial intake, both of local day pupils, and of international boarders, for the recruitment of whom a part time Head of International Admissions is in situ. The vast majority of our students achieve places at a wide variety of higher education institutions. 60%+ go on to Russell Group universities, in addition to apprenticeship places, every year a number of students achieve places at Oxford or Cambridge. The Sixth is currently accommodated in the original historic part of the School, some of which dates from the foundation of the School in the mid-Sixteenth Century. We are delighted that we are currently constructing a new Sixth Form building, details of which can be seen by clicking HERE. We are anticipating the centre will open in January 2025. Good use is made of extensive indoor and outdoor sports facilities (on and off-site) on two afternoons per week. Students attend a Chapel service and a Sixth Form Assembly once a week, as well as a weekly comprehensive tutorial programme, which encourages the discussion of contemporary issues. Careers advice and guidance are offered by experienced staff and excellent resources are available in the Main Library or the Careers Library.

Job Description The successful candidate will need to: Make sure to use Gills Sans Font

Ethos, Academic and Careers HoursDevelop of work: 8.30am-5pm Monday Friday, all year demonstrate round. a culture in whichto all students a spirit of intellectual enquiry and curiosity and an interest in education for its own sake Keep up to date with all aspects of Sixth Form curriculum development, working with the wider SMT with the implementation of new initiatives where appropriate Teach up to A level in their subject Manage Deputy Head, Assistant Deputy Heads and tutors, and liaise with the Vice-Principal to monitor and support students in their subject choices for A Level, managing appropriate progression at all stages in close liaison with parents Analyse and report on examination results including value-added information from ALIS data Have oversight of UCAS applications Recommend bursary and scholarship applications Support the Careers Department to ensure high quality advice and activities are provided Oversee examination arrangements, the Sixth Form Subject Evening and Parent Consultations Co-ordinate and write student reports and references, in close liaison with the Assistant Heads Counsel and advise students following publication of results Award commendations, prizes, and colours for sports, arts and academic achievement Together with the School Psychologist, regularly review the psychological safety of our students and ensure that the provision of help and support for Sixth Form students is adequate

Job Description Pastoral

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Ensure, with the Heads of boys’ and girls’ boarding houses, that the boarding experience is a Hourshighly of work: 8.30am-5pm positive oneMonday to Friday, all year round. Oversee the Sixth Form student induction programme for both new and existing students Liaise with the appropriate pastoral staff and agencies to safeguard and enhance the welfare of students Be aware of the extra-curricular involvement of the Sixth Formers and encourage them to pursue interests alongside their academic studies so as to achieve a balanced educational programme Enhance the development of community service and charity fund-raising Encourage regular feedback from the Sixth Form as individuals or groups during the academic year (e.g. through the Sixth Form Council) Lead Assemblies/Chapel as required

Leadership and Management As a member of the schools ‘Exec’, contribution to the overall School strategy is an essential part of the role. Contribute as a member of the Senior Management Team to keeping the School at the forefront of educational development by encouraging all its students to fulfil their academic potential, support the staff and develop appropriate policies across the whole school to enhance its good reputation.

Job Description Take on whole school roles or responsibilities as directed by the Vice-Principal or Principal Lead and line manage the team of a Deputy Head, three Assistant Deputy Heads, boarding houses, School Psychologist, and Head of Careers. Monitor and co-ordinate their work, chair Hoursregular of work: team 8.30am-5pm Monday Friday, allto year meetings andto report theround. Principal and SMT on Sixth Form issues Recruit and assess prospective Sixth Form students Ensure appropriate supervision of the Sixth Form activities and areas of the school buildings, including Common spaces Liaise with other senior staff over Sixth Form regulations and take responsibility for enforcing them Organise the appointment procedure and induction of school officers – Head Boy/Girl, House Captains and Council Representatives and support their work Manage the Sixth Form areas on a day-to-day basis, including issues of Health and Safety, in consultation with the Professional Services staff Represent the Sixth Form at the Governors’ Education Committee meeting, producing reports and information as required Direct the work of PA to the Head of Sixth

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Marketing Give presentations about the Sixth Form at open days or in other schools Liaise with senior staff with regard to Sixth Form involvement in promoting the School, leading guided tours, greeting visitors, etc. Work closely with the Old Berkhamstedians to promote links and enthusiasm for membership

Job Description Person Specification

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The successful candidate will be/have: HoursAofclear work: educational 8.30am-5pm Monday Friday, all year round. vision,toconsistent with the Group’s values An experienced graduate with a record of outstanding classroom teaching Strong emergent leadership experience and skills First class ‘people’ management skills and ability to work in a team An extensive understanding of post-16 curricular developments and issues related to higher education Excellent administrative capability Good experience of parental liaison and student guidance Proven ability in public presentations and strong marketing skills Understanding of the expectations of private school parents, and of ‘selling’ a school to them The ability to manage time and resources effectively and work under pressure

Benefits Benefits We boast a competitive salary structure, alongside other benefits, which includes access to a comprehensive pension scheme. The wellbeing of our staff is a priority. We have a developed programme for staff with initiatives and support in the areas of Economic, Physical, Emotional and Social wellbeing. Free classes and advisory services. memberships and discounted rates in local establishments, together with cycle to work scheme, free on-site parking, free daily lunch, and fee reduction for staff's children are examples of some of the non-contractual benefits on offer in this programme.

Watch our video Watch our video and hear from our colleagues why they enjoy working at the Berkhamsted Schools Group. Find out more about what it is really like to be a member of the community.

SafeguardingBenefits and Child Protection Berkhamsted is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and visitors to adopt a child centred and coordinated approach to child protection and safeguarding. A copy of the School’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found HERE The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and visitors to adopt a child centred and coordinated approach to child protection and safeguarding. Berkhamsted Schools Group is a registered charity dedicated to education: 310630.

Application and Next Steps The closing date for applications is: 29 January 2024 Make sure to use Gills Sans Font Interview date: Monday 5 February 2024 It is an offence to apply for this role if you are barred from engaging in regulated activity relevant to children; applicants must be willing to undertake a number of safeguarding checks including an enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS). This post is also subject to receipt of written references which must be satisfactory to Berkhamsted Schools Group along with documentary evidence of qualifications. Successful applicants will need to provide confirmation of permission to work in the UK. Please note that under the Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, the school has an obligation to ensure applicants have the right to work in the UK prior to commencement of employment. (If it is found that those documents do not meet the legal requirement, an offer of employment will be withdrawn). Where the successful candidate has worked or been a resident overseas in the previous five years, such checks and confirmations as the school may require in accordance with statutory guidance. We aim to be an equal opportunities employer and we are determined to ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, age, disability, religion, belief, sexual orientation, marital status, or race. Candidates with a disability who are invited to interview should inform the School of any necessary reasonable adjustments or arrangements to assist them in attending the interview. If you have any questions relating to this role please contact the HR department at recruitment@berkhamsted.com

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