Applicant Information Pack Head of Computer Science & IT
A foreword from our Principal and Chief People Officer Richard Backhouse - Principal Berkhamsted has led the way in pursuing a ‘foundation structure’. As a group of six schools, it combines scale of resource with individual attention and development of pupils – and staff. We start with our values: we aim for excellence – aiming high with integrity – in all that we do. We are ‘adventurous’, and support development, research, and experimentation in teaching and learning. We ‘serve others’ – at both pupil and staff level: ours is a non-hierarchical school in which the opinions of all matter, and in which we all share in the support and contribution to our local community. Above all, we are committed to developing remarkable people, both our pupils and our staff. We are looking for highly committed, ambitious and adventurous people to join a thriving staff body, whom we can support to flourish here, and whom we can help to grow. Our staff are so important that we have a Chief People Officer as one of our most senior members of staff.
Tracey Evans - Chief People Officer Our staff are our biggest asset at Berkhamsted, and so investing in not only their professional development but also their wellbeing, is a key priority. We foster a working environment that supports staff both professionally and personally. We offer a wide range of staff wellbeing initiatives. Colleagues can easily access financial, physical, emotional and social well-being support from school. We seek to enable all members of the school community to achieve their full potential in an environment characterised by equality respect and opportunity. We work hard at Berkhamsted, but we also know how to come together as a community and enjoy downtime, building relationships which simply last a lifetime.
History of Berkhamsted Schools Group
Berkhamsted School is situated in the historic Hertfordshire town of Berkhamsted, a prosperous community surrounded by Chiltern countryside and within easy reach of London. With Her Majesty the Queen as the School’s patron, Berkhamsted is a leading Independent School for pupils aged 3 to 18 years, the foundation of which dates back to 1541 (when John Incent, the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral, successfully applied to King Henry the VIII for a license to purchase a piece of land for a ‘freescole’). In 1888 a Girls School was founded in Berkhamsted under the same governing body, and the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools merged to form a diamond school in 1997. The Prep School was also integrated at this stage, and the School became Berkhamsted Collegiate School. In 2011 the School merged with Heatherton House, a small independent day School for girls in Chesham Bois, and became the Berkhamsted Schools Group. Operating as a satellite Prep School, Heatherton provides a feed of Girls to the Berkhamsted Girls School every year. In 2012 Berkhamsted Schools Group acquired Haresfoot, a small proprietary prep school in Berkhamsted. This site now houses the Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Berkhamsted Day Nursery Limited, and Berkhamsted Prep takes children from age 7-11. Berkhamsted is the only School in the Herts, Beds and Bucks region, and one of only a small number of Schools in the country, to offer a ‘diamond’ structure that combines the best of both single-sex and coeducational teaching. Boys and Girls are taught together until the age of 11 (Berkhamsted Pre-Prep and Prep), separately from the age of 11-16 (Berkhamsted Boys and Berkhamsted Girls), before coming back together again in a joint sixth form (Berkhamsted Sixth).
Job Description Make sure to use Gills Sans Font
We are looking to recruit a well-qualified and enthusiastic person to lead and inspire a relatively new and thriving department which comprises at Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level Computer Science Hours of work: 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, all yearIT round. and Cyber Security EPQ. The successful candidate must be able to show an ability to lead, manage and coach a team using the most up to date teaching and learning initiatives. Heads of Departments are appointed by and are directly accountable to the Principal, the Vice Principal and the Departmental Line Manager for the organisation and management of their departments through their SMT line-managers. The Head of Department is required to show leadership in securing standards of excellence in teaching and learning and play a key role in developing school policy. They are expected to provide the vision for the department and link key objectives into the School Development Plan. They are expected to monitor, support, appraise and motivate other teachers of the subject, setting high professional standards in all aspects of work with targets for professional development and improvement. It is the Head of Department’s responsibility to make decisions or give advice, but it is hoped that this can be done within a framework of consultation and co-operation, so that other staff in the department gain experience and training for responsibility.
Job Description General Responsibilities 1. Curriculum - the strategic direction and development of Computer Science & IT Hours of work: 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, all year round. within the context of the school’s aims and policies which guides subject policies, plans, targets and practices: a. Keeping abreast of developments in Computing, teaching methods etc. and attending meetings and CPD courses by arrangement with the Principal and Vice Principal; making use of any opportunities for inter-departmental initiatives and co-operation. Liaising with Computing and IT specialists in the Prep Schools to promote continuity and effective transition. b. Promoting the department in the wider community and aligning the curriculum with the wider School approach to digital learning, devices and wellbeing. c. Formulating the aims of the department; planning schemes of work for the department within the School’s Curriculum Policy; producing, reviewing and updating the departmental documents, practice and policies as necessary; evaluating new syllabuses. d. Overseeing and co-ordinating applications, staffing and the leadership of educational visits within the department. e. Being familiar with all the subject requirements for Public Examinations and ensuring proper preparation of the pupils for them.
Job Description f. Liaising with the Examinations Officer and the Deputy Head Academic Progress in arrangements for Public and Internal School Examinations. Hours of work: 8.30am-5pm to Friday, all year g. Being available and Monday contactable either inround. person or by email/phone during the examination results periods to advise staff, parents and pupils on examination performance and university entrance.
2. Staff – leading and managing staff to ensure all those with involvement in the teaching or support of the subject receive the leadership, support, challenge, information and professional development necessary to sustain staff motivation and secure improvement in teaching: a. Liaising with the Vice Principal and Chief People Officer on the recruitment and appointment of new members to the department. b. Providing induction for and guidance of new staff in syllabus, resources, procedures for marking, reporting etc.; ensuring effective supervision of probationer teachers within the department. c. Ensuring that ‘good practice’, in terms of both teaching and learning, documentation and professionalism is shared and upheld throughout the department. d. Ensuring the professional development of all members of the department through in-service training, professional organisations and active involvement in wider school activities. Identifying the training needs of all members in the department and liaising with the CPD co-ordinator.
Job Description e. Encouraging and developing innovative approaches to learning, including online resources. f. Evaluating the performance of teaching staff and others within the Department as part of the formal HoursAppraisal of work: 8.30am-5pm to Friday, all year round. Staff process,Monday providing assistance with the development of their careers. g. Co-ordinating the programmes for lesson observation and work scrutiny in the departments. h. Organising regular departmental meetings and ensuring good communication within the department and that all are up to date with identified issues, plans made, actions taken within an agreed timescale. i. Where necessary, setting work for pupils if a member of the department is absent and liaising over cover.
3.Resources – ensuring the efficient, effective and safe deployment of Staff and Resources and identifying appropriate additional resources for the department: a. Liaising with Line Manager, Chief People Officer and Vice Principal over the annual staffing allocation and matters of staff welfare and development. b. Preparing estimates for departmental budgets and major equipment at the appropriate time. Managing the departmental budget effectively and informing line managers of any issues. Liaising with the member of SMT responsible for ICT regarding resources, installation and support.
Job Description c. Creating and deploying learning resources effectively; ordering textbooks and other material within budget provisions and keeping an account of departmental expenditure. Hours of work: 8.30am-5pm to Friday, all year round.steps to ensure against unreasonable loss, wear and d. Checking on stock Monday and resources and taking tear.
e. Monitoring the implementation of the School Health and Safety policy within the department, ensuring a safe working environment in line with the Policy for both staff and pupils. f. Providing and monitoring appropriate risk assessments. g. Ensuring that all out-of-school activities are in line with the School Health & Safety Policy and Guidelines.
4. Pupils – securing and sustaining effective teaching of Computer Science & IT, evaluating the quality of teaching and standards of pupils’ achievements, setting targets for improvement: a. Aiming to raise expectations and get the best out of pupils with varying needs and abilities. b. Ensuring that every pupil receives the best teaching and learning experience while in the department. c. Encouraging interest in Computer Science & IT and participation in appropriate competitions, external awards, activities and trips.
Job Description d. Encouraging high standards of work, drawing attention to achievement through classroom displays, exhibitions for Open Days, events, website info etc. Hours of work: 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, all year that it is a valuable extension of class activities and e. Designing, setting and managing homework, helps pupils to develop independent learning skills. Ensuring formative and summative assessment is meaningful and work set by the department is marked accurately and returned promptly.
f. Contributing to pupils’ core skills of literacy, numeracy and I.T. capability; contributing to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. g. Assisting with the admission and induction of pupils into the school where appropriate. h. Using data to recognise and nurture the quality of practice within the department and in promoting pupils’ progress. i. Ensuring reports are individualised and meaningful, providing a valuable form of communication and self-reflection.
Job Description The skills and attributes essential to the Head of Department’s role Leadership skills, attributes and professional competence: the ability to lead, manage and motivate Hourspeople of work: to 8.30am-5pm to Friday, round.towards a common goal. work as Monday individuals andallasyear a team Decision making skills: the ability to solve problems and make decisions. Communications skills: the ability to make points clearly, listen accurately and understand the views of others. Time-management: the ability to plan time effectively and to organise oneself well. Administrative skills: the ability to organise and run this large department. Management skills: the ability to work effectively with Senior Leaders, other Middle Leaders and direct reports.
Benefits Benefits We boast a competitive salary structure, alongside other benefits, which includes access to a comprehensive pension scheme. The wellbeing of our staff is a priority. We have a developed programme for staff with initiatives and support in the areas of Economic, Physical, Emotional and Social wellbeing. Free classes and advisory services. memberships and discounted rates in local establishments, together with cycle to work scheme, free on-site parking, free daily lunch, and fee reduction for staff's children are examples of some of the non-contractual benefits on offer in this programme.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Berkhamsted is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and visitors to adopt a child centred and coordinated approach to child protection and safeguarding. A copy of the School’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found HERE The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and visitors to adopt a child centred and coordinated approach to child protection and safeguarding. Berkhamsted Schools Group is a registered charity dedicated to education: 310630.
Application and Next Steps The closing date for applications is: 9 February 2022 Make sureform to use Gills Sans Applicants should send a completed application (available onFont our website) to the HR Department by email to
Please note that CVs without an accompanying application form will not be accepted. It is an offence to apply for this role if you are barred from engaging in regulated activity relevant to children; applicants must be willing to undertake a number of safeguarding checks including an enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS). This post is also subject to receipt of written references which must be satisfactory to Berkhamsted Schools Group along with documentary evidence of qualifications. Successful applicants will need to provide confirmation of permission to work in the UK. Please note that under the Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, the school has an obligation to ensure applicants have the right to work in the UK prior to commencement of employment. (If it is found that those documents do not meet the legal requirement, an offer of employment will be withdrawn). Where the successful candidate has worked or been a resident overseas in the previous five years, such checks and confirmations as the school may require in accordance with statutory guidance. We aim to be an equal opportunities employer and we are determined to ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, age, disability, religion, belief, sexual orientation, marital status, or race. If you have any questions relating to this role please contact the HR department at