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Principal’s Message
It is an oft-repeated idea that the hardest part of a long-distance race is the middle period. The early energy and adrenaline rush of the race’s start has worn off, the extra motivation that comes from having the finishing line in sight is yet to be realised. Determination and persistence – not always the mostcelebrated of qualities but invaluable nonetheless –are needed to continue.
The Lent term is the tricky middle period of the race, and the determination and persistence needed to navigate it have been on evident display from Berkhamsted pupils this term. Whether it is in the fundraising efforts of the Burpeethon at the Girls School, the Nationals triumph of our 1st VII Netball team, or the excellent performance of Year 9 girls and boys in Bright. Young. Things., pupils have continued to apply tremendous energy and effort to all that they do. Of course, these pages cannot provide an exhaustive list of all that has taken place this term, but I hope they offer an insight into Berkhamsted life and all that pupils have achieved.
Now spring and the Easter holidays beckon before the sprint finish of the Trinity term. Plenty more determination and persistence will be needed between now and the summer, especially for those of our school community who have public exams. I hope however, that in between the revision, time can be found to rest, and moments of calm enjoyed before the resumption of school life next month.
I look forward to seeing what next term holds but before that, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all in the Berkhamsted community a happy and restful Easter period.
Richard Backhouse Principal