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Berkhamsted Society

On the 19th January, the Berkhamsted Society had the pleasure of welcoming Reverend Richard Coles to Centenary Theatre for what was a truly memorable evening. Richard spoke to a capacity community audience about his journey so far, and what a rich tapestry of a journey that has been. Through recollections of his pathway through the world of 80s music to his life as a Reverend, Richard captured us all with his warmth, humility and humour. He will always be welcome in Berkhamsted.

For most, Spring officially started on Monday March 20th this year. However, for those who attended our Spring Wreath Making event on March 14th, the brightly coloured, personally designed door wreaths were proof enough that Spring had come early! Laura and Sally were tremendous as they guided guests through the process of wiring moss, creating the base and adding the finishing touches using a mixture of fresh flowers and foliage. Refreshed with a lovely Chartwells charcuterie, those who attended said farewell to the winter months. A Christmas wreath making workshop will be next on the cards.

In the New Year, we shared our first Annual Sustainability Report Annual Sustainability Report not only for the benefit of the school community but also the local town and wider communities. We hope that the steps we are taking will make a difference and will, perhaps, encourage others in the local and wider communities to start their own paths to a more sustainable future.

Our work in this area continues and we have recently engaged with the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust with specific focus on Biodiversity Enhancement, providing a significant area for student engagement and exploration. More news on this will follow in due course.

We continue to work closely with local business groups, including the Berkhamsted and District Chamber of Commerce, and local charities. The Berkhamsted Society plays an important role in the Town’s events, now looking forward to helping in the May Coronation celebrations, and also in the strategic thinking of the Town.

To book: tickets.berkhamsted.com and to join the Society mailing list please complete the form here

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