Admissions Policy 2010-2011

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Policy for Admissions 2010/20 2010/201 /2011

Blandford St Mary CE VA Primary School - POLICY FOR ADMISSIONS

POLICY FOR ADMISSIONS This document sets out the Policy of Blandford St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School with respect to Admissions. For the purposes of this policy, the Governing Body of our school is the admission authority. Aims ♦

To begin a lasting partnership with parents and to provide them with the necessary information about the admission process for Blandford St Mary Primary School.

The admissions policy of our school is, while there are adequate places, to offer a place to all applicants irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity or country of origin, disability or academic ability.

To provide a place for all children whose address* is within the designated area, defined as being the area within the ecclesiastical boundaries of the parish of Blandford St Mary, plus the village of Thornicombe. A map of the designated area is available on the school office or the school website

*The address is the place where the child is permanently resident with his or her parent or parents or legal guardians. Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility each part of the week, the ‘home address’ will be considered to be the address of the person who receives Child Benefit for the child (proof of this will be required). Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with our parish church and Salisbury Diocese. The school aims to meet children’s personal and social needs while promoting their acquisition of Christian and moral values and the development of spiritual awareness. This policy is reviewed every year by the Governing Body of the school who consult with the Diocesan Board of Education, Local Authority and other local schools. Procedures At Blandford St Mary Primary School, children start school in the September before their fifth birthday. Parents may enter their child’s name for our school at any time, but preferably before December in the preceding year. Although, this does not ensure a place has been allocated. Application forms are sent out in Autumn Term 2009 and parents are warmly welcomed to look around our school before confirming their choice. Applications for Reception Year entry for the academic year starting September 2010 need to be formally registered with the Local Authority by the date stated on the Admissions forms for consideration by the admission authority. On line applications are also available. This is the point at which parents must express a preference for this school should they wish their child to attend.

Blandford St Mary CE VA Primary School - POLICY FOR ADMISSIONS

The school cannot guarantee places for children when there are no places available as a result of late applications for the normal year of entry or any application that relates to a different year group. Where an offer of a place is made to a child below compulsory school age, parents have the right to defer their child’s entry to school until later in the school year. The place is held for that child and is not available to be offered to another child. Entry may not be deferred beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the academic year for which admission is sought. The parents or guardians will receive written notification of the outcome of their application from the Local Authority by the end of Spring Term 2010. Late applications, i.e. those received after the deadline for the normal admissions round will not be considered until after all those which were received on time have been processed in accordance with the Local Authority Coordinated Admissions scheme.

Admission Criteria The admission number for the school is 30 which is in line with class size legislation. Where more applications have been received than places available, the priorities will apply in the following order:1.



4. 5. 6. 7.

Children who are looked after by a local authority. (The term ‘looked after’ specifically relates to children with either a care order, full or interim, or who are accommodated under Section 22 of the Children Act 1989). Children with a particular medical, social, compassionate reason (supported by a Doctor, Education Welfare Officer or Social Worker). Applications must demonstrate the reasons why the child must attend the preferred school rather than any other. Children who live in the designated area served by the school with a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. The term 'sibling' refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. Children who live in the designated area. Children living outside the designated area served by the school with a sibling attending the school at the time of admission. Children of practising Christians who wish their children to attend this school (supported by their own Parish Priest). Children living outside the school designated area.

Please note: Children with a Statement of Educational Needs will be admitted where our school is named specifically in their Statement. I. Distance measurements: If the school is oversubscribed within any category above, the straight-line distance from the child’s home address to the school will be used as the determining factor. Distances

Blandford St Mary CE VA Primary School - POLICY FOR ADMISSIONS

will be measured according to the Ordinance Survey eastings and northings for the child’s home address and the school. Those living closer to the school will be given priority. The use of the ‘straight line’ measurement method applies to the allocation of places only. It will not be used to determine transport entitlement, where it is a legal requirement to measure by the nearest available walking route. II. Multiple Births: If there are insufficient places to accommodate all the children of a multiple birth (i.e. twins, triplets etc.) the parents of the children will be asked to nominate the child or children to take up the available number of places. III. Practising Christians: Those children from within the designated area who are regular (at least monthly) practising Christians, of whatever denomination, at a recognised church or religious group. (A recognised church is one that accepts the basis of faith of Churches Together in Britain and Northern Ireland) Confirmation of status will be requested from the relevant priest/pastor. Waiting Lists. N.B. it is always necessary to complete a Local Authority Common Application form to apply for a school place. Registering interest with the school on a ‘waiting list’ before the admission round guarantees neither a place nor priority within the oversubscription criteria. Offers of places will be made by the Local Authority on the school’s behalf. If the school is oversubscribed for children due to start in the Reception Year in 20102011, a waiting list will be maintained for this year group only. The position on the list

over--subscription criteria and not by date will be determined by applying the published over of receipt. This will mean a position will change if a later application is received from someone with higher priority according to the over-subscription criteria. The existence of a waiting list does not remove the right of appeal against any refusal of a place from any unsuccessful applicant. Names will only be removed from the list if a written request is received, or if the offer of a place that becomes available is declined. The waiting list will close on Friday 2nd July 2010. At that time parents of pupils on existing lists must confirm in writing their wish to be placed on a newly constructed waiting (or continued interest) list.

Exceptional Circumstances Once an offer of a school place has been made, it may only be lawfully withdrawn in very limited circumstances, which include an offer of place based upon a fraudulent or misleading application. Where an offer of place is withdrawn, the application will be considered afresh, and a right of appeal offered if an offer of place is refused. For those families that have been unsuccessful in obtaining a place at our school, the LA Admissions Department sends a letter and details of what to do next. Parents do have a right of appeal to the admissions authority.

Blandford St Mary CE VA Primary School - POLICY FOR ADMISSIONS

Once admissions are confirmed, we welcome each child and his or her family to our school. A 'Starting School programme' (for Reception children) begins in the Summer Term. (See Early Years Policy for further information regarding transition from Pre-school to our Reception class). Enquiries about this policy should be addressed to:to:Mrs Roberts in the school office on 01258-453331. Review date – March 09 Adopted by Governing Body – April 09 Review date – October 09

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