Year 4 curriculum letter

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Dear Parents and Carers, Firstly, thank you for all the thoughtful Christmas cards and generous gifts. All were greatly appreciated! We wish you a very happy and healthy 2014! We are starting the Spring term with a topic called ‘Making connections’. This science/technology based study begins with investigations into robots and machines and how they work. The science part includes an in depth exploration of circuits and conductors. Children will be using both books and the internet to conduct their research. In literacy the children will develop their imagination and creativity as we look at stories set in imaginary worlds. This links with developing music skills as we study the soundtrack to the film ‘Robots’ and then compose some metal music of our own. Art, D.T. and science all combine as children build their own’ Light it up’ Robot boxes! In numeracy we will continue to work through the new curriculum. The children will begin by furthering their understanding of decimals and their equivalent fractions. They will continue practising both written and mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and use these strategies in problem solving. We will begin to work with negative numbers. Next we will be exploring both length and weight, children will learn to measure accurately to one decimal place and convert measurements from mm to cm, and from kg to g. In shape work the children will learn to describe positions, plot coordinates in the first quadrant, and describe translations of shapes on a grid. For PSHE, we will continue to follow the Seal, Rainbow scheme starting with ‘Going for Goals’. We will then progress to celebrating our successes in ‘Good to be me!’ Enterprise week also features this half term with children learning more about their community and citizenship. In R.E we will continue to research the Jewish religion looking particularly at the importance of rules and commandments. In PE the children will be improving their skills in hockey and developing a greater understanding of the rules of the game. We will also be using the apparatus in the hall to create gymnastic sequences working on balance, control and coordination. Please can you ensure that your child has the correct PE kit, including trainers, in school at all times, and that all items are named. Finally, thank you for the effort you have all put in at home to support our school projects. The home learning has been great and has enabled us to extend our topics in ways that are particularly interesting to the children. Your feedback is always welcome. Home learning will be given out on

Tuesdays and expected in on the following Monday. Please also check your child has learned their spellings and tables. Do keep up to date by checking our class blog which has information and pictures of what we have done but also has activities and links to web sites with opportunities for your child to extend their learning. If you have any questions or concerns please come and see us any evening after school.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Rees and Mrs Green.

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