Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome back to the school! What a start Moscow Base have had – gettin g messy with art, making flags, creating patterns and writing and designing picture postcards! Fantastic! Well – what have Moscow Base got in store for them this term? Below is more information about what we will be learning across the curriculum as well as some useful information. Our topic this half term will be Pirates, which we will finish with a Pirate day and after the half term break we will be learning about Time. Literacy: We have already started by writing our own postcards and using our ICT skills to design the picture for the front. We will then move onto looking at stories with familiar settings. The children will be retelling and writing their own version of a story. We will then move onto developing our skills when writing captions and labels. Numeracy: We’ve had a great first week playing with numbers and exploring problems. We will continue by improving our counting skills, comparing and ordering numbers. Then, we move onto developing our learning about shapes as well as conducting our own survey! RE: Moscow Base will start by looking at the world we live in and asking what is special about it. We then move onto thinking about what Christians think about God through the story of Noah’s Ark. After half term, we will start to think about Christmas and the idea of gifts being given through the story of the Nativity. SEAL: As you will have seen from our celebration assembly, the children have already started this topic by thinking about their rights and responsibilities in the classroom. We then move onto thinking about dealing with feelings, especially when we are worried about a new beginning. After half term, we look at getting on and falling out, which looks at friendships. Topic: As I have already mentioned, our first topic will be Pirates and the children have thought up some really interesting questions already (have a look at our blog). Through our topic, the children will be learning and experiencing new art skills, developing their geography skills through designing pirate maps and will also develop their music skills by creating their very own pirate song!
PE: We have done brilliantly this week remembering to change into our trainers for active time. Our PE sessions are on a Monday and Friday and the children have done really well with changing into their PE kits. We are doing gym and playground games this term – looking at developing our skills in both and after half term; we turn to dance – which will link to our topic of time and ball skills. This will link well to our SEAL topic as well. Gosh – what a lot going on! The children have all been given a new reading record – unless they had lots of spare paper in their old one – and a new reading book. It is so important to hear your child read at home as it will help them to consolidate their skills as well as develop their confidence. Please, feel free to come in a change your child’s reading book when they have finished – they are in the same place as last year – and if you are not sure then just ask. We are in the process of sorting the children’s tricky words, which will be sent home in a slightl y different format to last year. Now they are in Year 1, the children do need to be able to read and spell their tricky words as this helps to develop their vocabulary and confidence when attempting new writing tasks. To help support your child, you could play games with the words such as pairs or snap or activities such as writing them in a steamy mirror or in the sand. Of course, there will also be links on our blog to interactive games and many of you will have access to Education City as well. Lastly and not by any means least, I would just like to mention show and tell. It was lovely to see all of the children’s special things af ter the holidays but show and tell will only be on a Friday afternoon. We would like the focus to be on something special to them, something they have been given, something they have bought on an outing etc as it will help the children have something to talk about. Please could they bring their items in on a Friday to the show and tell table. Make sure they write a label so we know who it belongs to. It just leaves me to say if you have any questions or queries then please do come and see me and many thanks for your help and support. Oh – and keep an eye on our blog. There will be photos, regular updates and links to all kinds of sites for the children and adults. Many thanks
Rachel King, Doreen Gibson and Denise Lacey