Driving at work policy

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Autumn Term Headteacher Briefings – September 2009 Driving at Work Policy Background Driving a vehicle on work business is statistically one of the most hazardous tasks performed. The Health and Safety Executive are becoming increasingly concerned (and therefore more active) in relation to driving at work, following the realisation that 30% of all fatalities and serious injuries on Britain’s roads involve somebody who is at work. Infact, it is estimated that over one third of all fatal driving collisions involve someone who was at work at the time. This is over 1,000 deaths per annum. Schools, like most employers, will have occasions where staff or volunteers are driving on their behalf. This could be in relation to minibus use, or even individual staff using their own vehicle to attend a training course. The age-old argument that it is purely the employee’s responsibility to ensure that they maintain a valid driving licence, insurance cover and road-worthy vehicle no-longer holds good. Whilst the vehicle is being used on school business it is considered to be ‘work equipment’, and therefore the employer also has a responsibility to ensure that its drivers can both safely and legally drive the vehicle concerned. Management of these risks will help reduce the rate of collisions, minimising the cost of claims and protecting both individual drivers and the School against prosecution. With the recent implementation of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in addition to existing legislation such as the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations, it is vital that employers concentrate on managing their exposure to occupational road risk. There are already several ‘driving at work’ cases in the pipeline nationally where there are clear breaches and failings in duty under the Corporate Manslaughter legislation. It is held in areas of the legal profession that schools are likely to be the subject of the first local authority test cases. Driving at Work Policy The Council has developed a ‘Driving at Work’ policy framework to help management and drivers to understand their own roles and responsibilities. A ‘Driver Risk Assessment’ process has been established, to both identify training needs and verify that driving licences, motor vehicle insurance and MOTs are satisfactory. Briefing sessions held for Childrens Services during November 2008 prompted good attendance by Headteachers and other school staff, and included some lively yet informative debate. This highlighted that: •

A significant number of teaching staff and school admin support staff appear not to have appropriate business insurance cover for work related journeys. Anecdotal evidence at the sessions suggested that this could be as high as 50%;

An increasing number of teaching staff appear not to have the appropriate licence category to drive a minibus;

A number of schools do not appear to have the necessary permit to operate a minibus;

Limited arrangements currently exist for identifying whether parents carrying pupils on school arranged activities are legally entitled to drive.

Risk Assessment Process Whilst there was an appreciation and understanding for the need of a policy, a number of concerns were raised by Headteachers in relation to administering the risk assessment process that supports it. In particular, it was felt that the need for the Headteacher or their nominated person to carry out individual risk assessments on all drivers (whether using supplied or personal vehicles) would be administratively onerous, and a preference was expressed for self declaration for non regular drivers. This view was supported by the Dorset Teachers Council (DTC). The risk assessments have been reviewed following consultation, and the following suggested process agreed with the Dorset Teachers Council: Minibus drivers, and other staff for whom driving constitutes an integral part of their duties – Risk assessment to be completed by the Headteacher (or nominated staff) with the driver; Other non-regular employed drivers – Risk assessment to be completed by the employee on a self declaration basis, but subject to a process of sample checking (with 10% per annum suggested by the DTC); Non-employed drivers that may take pupils in their vehicles – Brief risk assessment for checking that the person is legally entitled to drive, to be completed by the Headteacher or their nominated staff. The risk assessments attached are those that have been approved via the Dorset Teachers Council. These can however be amended or adapted as deemed appropriate by the school in fulfilling the employer/manager responsibilities as specified within the policy. Driver Training To support the policy, a new Corporate Driver Training Co-ordinator, Martyn Lock, has been appointed to oversee driver development programmes across the authority. There is a mandatory assessment for drivers that : • Have 6 or more current points on their licence; • have had two or more blameworthy collisions whilst driving for work; or • are returning to driving duties following a period of disqualification. In most cases, it will be recommended that a practical one-to-one driving session is undertaken, delivered by Martyn. These 90 minute practical sessions are neither a test nor an assessment and take place on local roads at a mutually convenient time. Aside from approaching driver training on a reactive basis based on points on licences and adverse collision history, it is hoped that Schools will proactively encourage voluntary participation. Infact, the Council's Chief Executive, David Jenkins, was the first person to undertake a voluntary practical driver refresher session, and has given his full support to the policy rollout. If you have any queries or comments on the policy, please contact either: Martyn Lock, Driver Training Co-ordinator, 01305 221591 – m.lock@dorsetcc.gov.uk Marc Eyre, Corporate Risk Officer, 01305 224358 – m.eyre@dorsetcc.gov.uk Attachments –

Driving at Work policy Risk Assessments

Dorset County Council

“Driving at Work” Policy

Adopted by the School on………… Signed …………………………………. By the Headteacher

Foreword Why do we need a ‘Driving at Work’ policy? For many occupations driving is the most hazardous task performed. It is estimated that over one third of all fatal driving collisions involve someone who was at work at the time – over 1,000 deaths per annum. Many more are seriously injured, often resulting in long-term disability. The human costs associated with these events are impossible to calculate. Financial costs are more tangible with an estimated £2.7 billion lost per annum to UK employers from fatal road traffic collisions (Gallagher Bassett, 2006). A significant amount of this cost is deemed to be uninsured. For instance, there is no insurance protection in respect of staff absence, investigation time and paperwork, replacement vehicles, medical costs etc. In recent years the enforcement authorities have shown an increasing interest in occupational road risk and this is being reflected in the courts with a number of successful prosecutions under health and safety law. Employers have been fined and even received a custodial sentence following fatal collisions for which their drivers have been responsible. Corporate Manslaughter legislation (wef April 2008) brings this in to even sterner focus, with the new offence of corporate manslaughter applying to local authorities and other public sector bodies. Unlimited fines can be levied on companies “if the way in which any of its activities are managed or organised by its senior managers causes a person’s death and amounts to a gross breach of relevant duty of care owed by the organisation to the deceased” In September 2003 HSE published guidance on the management of occupational road risk, making it clear that employers have a responsibility to manage the hazards of driving for work in much the same way as they have for all other occupational hazards, including the need for formal risk assessments (Gallagher Bassett, 2006). Research by the Dept for Transport revealed that 476,500 people in the UK have driven while disqualified and 1,000,000 drivers have 9 points on their licence (Drivetech, 2006). These issues clearly emphasise the significance of ensuring that the risks involved with driving at work are actively managed. Case studies and research shows that having an effective Driving Policy can result in the following benefits:• • • • •

Fewer staff injured at work whilst driving; Fewer days lost due to injury; Reduce the risk of work related illhealth; Reduce stress and improve morale; Less need for investigation and paperwork;

• Less lost time due to work rescheduling; • Fewer vehicles off the road for repairs; • Reduced running costs through better driving standards; • Less chances of key employees being banned from driving, e.g. as a result of points on their licences.

The formation of this policy was approved by Dorset County Council County Management Team on 30th November 2007, in response to active work by the Council’s Risk Management Group and Vehicle Transport Users Group to improve the Council’s management of its occupational road risks.

Dorset County Council ”Driving at Work” Policy Introduction The Health and Safety Executive (H&SE) in collaboration with the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) have published guidance for employers on “Driving at Work – managing work-related road safety”. This guidance clearly states their view that the requirements of Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 apply to all work related activities, including “work-related driving”. The guidance also states that it is essential to have an effective policy which covers the issue of work-related driving, clearly defining responsibilities for both the employer and employee and the arrangements for implementation.


What is the scope of this policy?


This policy is intended to cover any persons who may drive or ride a motor vehicle on the business of Dorset County Council. This would include both (i)

those who are required to drive vehicles that are owned/leased or hired by the County Council as an integral part of their employment or duties; and


those who use their own vehicles in order to undertake their role within the County Council.


For avoidance of doubt, a driver may be an employee of the County Council, an elected member, a non-employed (agency) worker or a volunteer..


The aim of the policy is to clarify the responsibilities and obligations of the County Council (as the “Employer”), the Manager and Drivers. A number of assessment tools to assist implementation of the policy requirements are available.


The policy makes the assumption that having regard to the environmental impact of motor vehicles and having assessed the practicality of alternative means of achieving the required objectives, including the use of public transport, electronic communication including video conferencing etc., that for many employees the decision to undertake work-related driving is considered to be a ‘last resort’. This policy is not intended to cover those forms of non-motorised transport (such as bicycle) or motorised mobility aids such as powered wheelchairs and scooters.


Managers and Drivers should be aware of the content of the following associated Council policies and guidance:

Statement of General Policy for Health, Safety and Welfare at Work; Lone Working Policy; Accident Reporting; Working Time Regulations;


Risk Assessment Policy; Alcohol and Drugs Misuse Policy; Mobile phones and Driving; Smoke Free


Roles and Responsibilities of Dorset County Council (the Employer)


The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 (as amended) and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 impose a duty on all employers to ensure that anyone required to use any equipment for work are fully trained and competent in its use. It is easy to overlook the fact that a motor vehicle (even one that is personally owned but used on work business) falls into this category. As such, employers must ensure that any equipment used is safe and fit for purpose, and that all staff required to drive as part of their duties are trained and competent to do so. The holding of a current driving licence does not necessarily demonstrate the competence of a driver to drive a particular vehicle.


The Council recognises that the occupational risks associated with driving are related to a wide range of factors including :

Driver competence; Vehicle maintenance; Vehicle fitness for purpose; Journey planning (including shift working and total hours worked); Unaccompanied working; The nature of the goods being transported; Passenger behaviour; Eligibility to drive (in terms of authority and legal ability to drive); Medical fitness to drive;


The County Council will ensure that it operates systems to ensure the safety and roadworthiness of its motor fleet. It will ensure that any vehicles it supplies to its drivers are maintained by competent personnel and that drivers have access to technical and personal support in the case of breakdown or accident.


Employers who do not regularly check employee driving licences risk facing prosecution for “causing or permitting” an offence under Section 87(2) of The Road Traffic Act 1988 if an employee drives while disqualified and/or drives a class of vehicle for which they do not have entitlement to drive. Similarly, the law requires that all persons who drive on the public highway to be adequately and appropriately insured. This means that any person driving on Council business must be covered for “business use”. The Council will therefore ensure that an appropriate system of inspection is in operation to check that any persons required to drive hold current and valid driver documentation.


The Council will maintain a record of its motor vehicle accident history, which will be analysed to assist the identification of trends and to monitor the effectiveness of this policy.


Roles and Responsibilities of Managers


Driving on Council business (whether as part of regular duties or on an ad hoc basis), should be treated in the same way as any other job performance issues. Managers therefore have a duty to satisfy themselves that any drivers under their supervision can legally and safely drive the vehicle before giving authority to drive.


Driving is a foreseeable and significant risk and, to comply with current Health and Safety legislation, must be risk assessed. Managers must carry out a risk assessment for each driver they manage, whether they use a vehicle supplied by the Council or their own personal vehicle. This assessment should be reviewed each year, and amended accordingly. This may need to be reassessed throughout the year if any driving activity constitutes a greater hazard (i.e. longer journeys, weather conditions). Assessments should consider such issues as risk of fatigue, stress, working alone and suitability of the 4

vehicle for its intended purpose. The Council’s Risk Assessment Policy and Procedures are accessible from Staffnet. 3.3

Where risk assessment identifies a training need, Managers must ensure that appropriate action is taken for this need to be addressed. In particular, driver training, or attendance at a driving refresher course, is mandatory if the Driver has:

Had two or more blameworthy collisions whilst driving for work (or whilst using their Leased Vehicle at any time) within the last three years; and / or

Accumulated six or more current points on their driving licence; and / or

Returned to driving duties following a period of disqualification.

The Dorset County Council Road Safety Team can be consulted in this respect. 3.4

Managers must ensure that all drivers under their supervision hold and maintain current and valid driver documentation. Managers must therefore satisfy themselves, on appointment of any new drivers, and at least annually thereafter, that:

Anyone required to drive vehicles owned/leased/hired by the County Council (i) maintains a current, valid and appropriate driving licence for the type of vehicle concerned; and (ii) is medically fit to carry out the driving duties;

Anyone who uses their own vehicles in order to undertake their role within the County Council (i) holds a current valid driving licence for the type of vehicle concerned; (ii) holds a current valid MOT certificate (where required); (iii) maintains an appropriate policy of insurance cover for business use; and (iv) that they are medically fit to carry out the driving duties.


In terms of fleet and hired vehicles, Managers must ensure that there is a system in place to ensure that vehicles are regularly checked for safety and are roadworthy, and that their drivers are aware of their obligations to carry out and record these daily inspections. Managers must also ensure that a record is maintained of who is driving the vehicle at any time. This will help to identify drivers in terms of responsibility for any collisions, fines or complaints.


Managers will ensure that any persons that use their own personal vehicle on official business are aware of their obligations to carry out regular safety checks of these vehicles.


Where a Manager believes that any injury, illness or impairment declared by a driver may impact on that person’s ability to safely driver the vehicle, they must consult with the Council’s Occupational Health team.


Managers must ensure that all drivers under their supervision are aware of the availability of the County Council’s Corporate Drivers Handbook.


Roles and Responsibilities of all Drivers


All persons who drive on behalf of the County Council are personally responsible for ensuring that they are qualified to drive the relevant type of vehicle within the UK. They have a duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to take reasonable care of their own safety, and that of others that may be affected by their acts or omissions. Drivers are legally responsible for ensuring that any vehicle they intend to drive is in a safe and roadworthy condition. They must ensure that any concerns about the vehicle (any damage or faults, or lack of road fund licence or MOT etc) are reported to their Manager. 5


Drivers must be able to demonstrate to their Manager that they hold a valid driving licence that is appropriate for the use of the vehicle. Any person using their own personal vehicle on County Council business must be able to demonstrate that their motor vehicle insurance policy provides cover for use of that vehicle on the business of Dorset County Council, and that a current MOT is held where appropriate.


Drivers must comply with the Highway Code, safe driving practices and any other statutory provisions, for example:

Wearing of seat belts and car restraints;

Not operating a mobile phone whilst driving;

Not driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any medication that may adversely impact on the ability to drive.


Where Drivers are responsible for transporting passengers (whether in a County Council supplied or personal vehicle) they must report any crash or collision, driving offences and possible proceedings or convictions to their Manager as soon as possible (regardless of whether such offences, proceedings or convictions occurred during their working day). All other persons who may drive on Council business must notify their Manager promptly in the event of any possible crash or collision, driving offences, proceedings or convictions that may impact on their legal entitlement to drive.


Any injury, illness, impairment or other circumstance (such as a course of certain medication) that may affect their ability to drive must be reported. It is the driver’s responsibility to seek advice from their doctor and inform their Manager immediately. Any medical condition or impairment that has worsened, or new condition that may affect the ability to drive is experienced, must be reported by the driver to their Manager. The Driver Medical Unit, DVLA Swansea, SA99 1TU must also be notified. Failure to do so is a criminal offence punishable by a significant fine.


Any employed drivers who undertake additional employment outside of their employment with the County Council must seek permission from their Head of Service / Director, as noted within the Council’s Code of Conduct for Staff. Where this additional work involves driving, the number of hours would be cumulative with any hours spent driving on Council business in respect of the statutory limits contained within Drivers Hours Regulations. In such instances, the driver shall notify their Manager accordingly.


Smoking is not permitted in vehicles belonging to or hired by the County Council. It is also not permitted for drivers to smoke in their private vehicles (including lease cars) if used to carry members of staff or members of the public whilst carrying out their duties. The Dorset County Council Smoke Free guidance is accessible from Staffnet.


All disqualified drivers must obtain the authority of their Manager and be referred to the Dorset County Council Road Safety Team for a driving assessment before returning to driving duties.


Drivers must co-operate with the Council insofar as is necessary to enable it to comply with any duty or requirement placed upon it in respect of this policy.


Complaints, Disciplinary and Convictions


Where a complaint is made relating to the use of a vehicle on Council business (whether in respect of the vehicle itself, or how it is being driven), the Council’s Complaints Procedures must be adhered to. These are accessible from Staffnet. 6


A breach of this policy may give rise to a disciplinary action. This would be conducted in accordance with the Council’s Disciplinary Procedures which are accessible from Staffnet.


Drivers that have been disqualified from driving will be relieved of all driving duties with immediate effect. Advice will be sought from Human Resources to identify, in consultation with the individual and their line-manager, the most appropriate course of action. In some instances, this may result in termination of employment. Each case will be dealt with on its merits.


Any fines or convictions that result from a person’s use of a motor vehicle are the sole responsibility of that person, other than where the Council itself is deemed responsible for such fine or conviction.


Policy Review


The County Council will review this policy at least every three years, to ensure that the systems in operation to support this policy remain robust and fit for purpose. In determining the successful application of this policy, the County Council will regularly review claim and collision statistics relating to occupational road risks. Feedback will be co-ordinated via the Council’s Vehicle Transport Users Group, who have reporting responsibilities to the Corporate Risk Management Group.

Responsibility for update: Marc Eyre, Corporate Risk Officer Date Revised : 22nd August 2008


"Driving at Work" Policy - Driver Risk Assessment Form Drivers of Minibuses or other staff where driving constitutes an integral part of their duties (Note - this assessment must be carried out on commencement of employment and at least once annually, and only original documents should be accepted)

Driver's Name Please tick the type of vehicle driven:

School Minibus

Hired/Loaned Minibus

Personal Vehicle

Vehicle Registration Number School Post Title Please tick the type of assessment:



Annual Business Mileage (approx)

New Driver

Annual Assessment

Application for reinstatement of authority to drive

Section One - Inspection of Driving Documents To be completed by the Headteacher (or a member of staff nominated by them)

(i) Driving Licence

Tick below as appropriate

"Driver Number" on the Licence Yes

A) Is the Driver's name and current address on the driving licence? Yes


Valid until


Is the driving licence current? Yes




Is a full licence held for all relevant categories of vehicle being driven? (Guidance on licence requirements for minibus driving are accessible from Staffnet - http://staffnet/media/word/i/e/Minibus_Flow_Chart_Nov_27.doc



Is the Driver legally entitled to drive, based on any endorsements and/or convictions noted on the driving licence?


Number of Points that are "current" on the licence: Please enter below any offence codes recorded: Offence Code

Expiry Date

No. of Points

(ii) MOT (Drivers of Personal Vehicles only)

Tick below as appropriate N/A

Is there a current MOT for the vehicle detailed at the top of this checklist?



Valid until (If the vehicle

is less than 3 years old, and therefore not subject to an annual MOT, please tick the N/A box)

(iii) Motor Vehicle Insurance (Drivers of Personal Vehicles only) Name of Motor Insurer

Tick below as appropriate Ins. Cert No





A) Is the Driver name noted either as the policyholder, or as a person entitled to drive on the Certificate? B)

If the make of car and registration number is recorded on the certificate, does it match the vehicle details noted at the top of this checklist? Yes


Valid Until




Is the insurance certificate current?

Within the 'limitation as to use' section of the policy, is business use permitted? (Where the employee is not the policyholder, please check that business cover is not limited to the policyholder only. Also, please note that 'Home to Duty' cover is not sufficient. Full business use cover is legally required)

Headteacher's (or nominated persons) signature :y q y p g


Date Inspected:


Section Two - Assessment of Driver To be completed by the Driver

Tick below as appropriate


Have you held a driving licence for less than 2 years?


Do you regularly carry passengers (particularly minors) on work business?


Do you usually travel in excess of 5,000 business miles a year?








If you have answered "Yes" to either i), ii) or iii) above, you may benefit from attending a practical Driver Assessment training session. If you would like to be considered for this, please tick this box -








Have you been deemed to be blameworthy in two or more motor vehicle collisions whilst driving for work during the last 3 years? (If "Yes", a driving referral is mandatory under the Council's Driving at Work policy).


Have you six or more "current" points on your Driving Licence? (If "Yes", a driving referral is mandatory under the Council's Driving at Work policy).


Have you had an eye test within the last 24 months?


Health and Medical Declaration I understand that it is my responsibility to declare to my manager any medical conditions I have, or medication that I may or will be taking that may adversely affect my ability to drive on Council business. (Tick) Please tick here to confirm that you have read and accept this declaration : Yes


viii) Have you participated in any approved practical driver training within the last three years? To be signed by the Driver

Date signed

I agree that the declarations contained within Section Two of this Risk Assessment are correct and accurate. I agree to comply with my legal obligations whilst driving on the public highway. I agree that I will notify the Headteacher in the event of any material change to any information declared within this assessment, including to my Driving Licence, MOT, Insurance documentation or medical health.

Please print your name

Section Three - Further actions required To be agreed by both the Headteacher (or a member of staff nominated by them) and the Driver

Please note, if Section Two contains any highlighted boxes marked as "Yes", this form should be referred to the Driver Training Co-ordinator, Environment Directorate, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ No Required Action (for instance, recommendation for eye test, attendance at Driver Training Assessment) By Whom By When 1) 2) 3)

Section Four - Authority to Drive To be signed by the Headteacher (or a member of Staff nominated by them) I have reviewed the information above to the best of my ability, and grant this Driver authority to drive on the business of the School. Where the Driver notifies me of any change to the details declared above, I will review the content of this Risk Assessment and remove this Authority to Drive where necessary.

Date documents were inspected

Please print your name

Where the Authority to Drive is either not granted or is revoked, please detail the reasons below. A new Risk Assessment should be completed to the satisfaction of the Headteacher before the Driver's Authority to Drive is granted / reinstated.

Reason Authority to Drive is not granted / revoked Signed : Original to be retained by the School, with a copy provided to the Driver on request

Date :

Please print your name :

"Driving at Work" Policy - Driver Risk Assessment Form Self declaration to be completed by any school staff that may infrequently drive on School business (exluding Minibus drivers) (Note - this assessment must be completed on commencement of employment and at least once annually)

Driver's Name Vehicle Registration Number School Post Title Please tick the type of assessment:

New Driver


Annual Business Mileage (approx) Annual Assessment

Application for reinstatement of authority to drive

Section One - Driving Documentation (i) Driving Licence

Tick below as appropriate

"Driver Number" on the Licence Yes


A) Does your name and current address match those that are detailed on your driving licence? Yes


Valid until


Is your driving licence current?


Do you hold a full licence for all categories of vehicle that you may drive on School business?


Are you legally entitled to drive, based on any endorsements and/or convictions noted on your driving licence?





Number of Points that are "current" on the licence: Please enter below any offence codes recorded: Offence Code

Expiry Date

No. of Points

Tick below as appropriate

(ii) MOT N/A

Do you hold a current MOT for the vehicle detailed at the top of this checklist?



Valid until (If the

vehicle is less than 3 years old, and not subject to an annual MOT, please tick the N/A box)

(iii) Motor Vehicle Insurance Name of Motor Insurer

Tick below as appropriate Ins. Cert No





A) Are you noted either as the policyholder, or as a person entitled to drive on the Certificate? N/A


If the make of car and registration number is recorded on your certificate, does it match the vehicle details noted at the top of this checklist? Yes


Valid Until




Is your insurance certificate current?


Is "business use" permitted within the 'limitations as to use' section of your policy? (If you are not the policyholder, please check that business cover is not limited to the policyholder only. Also, please note that 'Home to Duty' cover is not sufficient. Full business use cover is legally required)

If you have answered "NO" to any question above, you must refer this form to the Headteacher prior to undertaking any further work related driving. Failure to do so, or any falsification of this information, is a disciplinary offence. The Headteacher reserves the right to periodically inspect original documentation, which must be presented on request.

Section Two - Assessment of Driving Tick below as appropriate


Have you held a driving licence for less than 2 years?


Do you carry passengers (particularly minors) on work business? If you have answered "Yes" to either i) or ii) above, you may benefit from attending a practical Driver Assessment training session. If you would like to be considered for this, please tick this box -





Yes Yes



Have you been deemed to be blameworthy in two or more motor vehicle collisions whilst driving for work during the last 3 years? (If "Yes", a driving referral is mandatory under the Driving at Work policy).


Have you six or more "current" points on your Driving Licence? (If "Yes", a driving referral is mandatory under the Driving at Work policy).


Have you had an eye test within the last 24 months?


Health and Medical Declaration I understand that it is my responsibility to declare to my manager any medical conditions I have, or medication that I may or will be taking that may adversely affect my ability to drive on Council business. (Tick)





Please tick here to confirm that you have read and accept this declaration : Yes vii)


Have you participated in any approved practical driver training within the last three years? To be signed by the Driver

Date signed

I agree that the declarations contained within both Sections One and Two of this Risk Assessment are correct and accurate. I agree to comply with my legal obligations whilst driving on the public highway. I agree that I will notify the Headteacher in the event of any material change to any information declared within this assessment..

Please print your name

Section Three - Further actions required To be agreed by both the Headteacher (or a member of staff nominated by them) and the Driver

Please note, if Section Two contains any highlighted boxes marked as "Yes", this form should be referred to the Driver Training Co-ordinator, Environment Directorate, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ No Required Action (for instance, recommendation for eye test, attendance at Driver Training Assessment) By Whom By When 1) 2) 3)

Section Four - Authority to Drive To be signed by the Headteacher (or a member of Staff nominated by them) I have reviewed the information above to the best of my ability, and grant this Driver authority to drive on the business of the School. Where the Driver notifies me of any change to the details declared above, I will review the content of this Risk Assessment and remove this Authority to Drive where necessary.

Date documents were inspected

Please print your name

Where the Authority to Drive is either not granted or is revoked, please detail the reasons below. A new Risk Assessment should be completed to the satisfaction of the Headteacher before the Driver's Authority to Drive is granted / reinstated.

Reason Authority to Drive is not granted / revoked Signed : Original to be retained by the School, with a copy provided to the Driver on request

Date :

Please print your name :

"Driving at Work" Policy - Driver Risk Assessment Form Non-employed drivers that may transport pupils in their own vehicles (Note - this assessment must be carried out at least once annually, and only original documents should be accepted)

Driver's Name Vehicle Registration Number School Please tick the type of assessment:

New Driver


Annual Assessment

Application for reinstatement of authority to drive

Inspection of Driving Documents To be completed by the Headteacher (or a member of Staff nominated by them)

(i) Driving Licence

Tick below as appropriate

"Driver Number" on the Licence Yes

A) Is the Driver's name and current address on the driving licence? Yes


Valid until

No No

Is the driving licence current?


Is a full licence held for all relevant categories of vehicle being driven?


Is the Driver legally entitled to drive, based on any endorsements and/or convictions noted on the driving licence? Number of Points that are "current" on the licence:





Please enter below any offence codes recorded: Offence Code

Expiry Date

No. of Points

Tick below as appropriate

(ii) MOT N/A

Is there a current MOT for the vehicle detailed at the top of this checklist?



Valid until

(If the vehicle

is less than 3 years old, and therefore not subject to an annual MOT, please tick the N/A box)

(iii) Motor Vehicle Insurance Name of Motor Insurer

Tick below as appropriate Ins. Cert No





A) Is the Driver name noted either as the policyholder, or as a person entitled to drive on the Certificate? B)

If the make of car and registration number is recorded on the certificate, does it match the vehicle details noted at the top of this checklist? Yes


Valid Until

Is the insurance certificate current?

To be signed by the Headteacher (or a member of Staff nominated by them) I have reviewed the information above to the best of my ability, and grant this Driver authority to drive on the business of the School. Where the Driver notifies me of any change to the details declared above, I will review the content of this Risk Assessment and remove this Authority to Drive where necessary.

To be signed by the Driver I agree to comply with my legal obligations whilst driving on the public highway. I can confirm that my Motor Insurers have been made aware that I may on occasion transport pupils of the School. I also understand that it is my responsibility to notify the School of any medical conditions that I have, or medication that I may or will be taking, that may affect my ability to drive. I agree that I will notify the School in the event of any change to the Licence, MOT or Insurance Cover that has been submitted for inspection. Original to be retained by the School, with a copy provided to the Driver on request

Date documents were inspected

Please print your name

Date signed

Please print your name


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