Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Headteacher: Mr Paul Lavis Deputy Headteacher (on secondment): Mrs Lauren Houlston
May 2012 Volume 4, Issue 20
Contents: Sky Dive
3 Bridges Run
School Nurse Drop In
Head Lice
Jacks Fundraising Appeal
Second hand uniform
Diary Dates
Dear Parents Hello all! A newsletter just in time to say: Enjoy your half-term! The sun finally arrived and I hope it stayed for sports day (I’m writing this on the evening before) but it looks a bit gloomy... I have just an update for you this month—which is very important so I will crack on. PST
Celebration Assembly Dates These will be confirmed in the next newsletter.
The PST is our schools Pastoral Support Team and it is a fairly new ‘invention’. The team consists of myself and a range of members of staff and governors and our aim is clear: To provide that little extra
support for our children and their families who may need it from time to time.
I am very proud to be able to say that I feel very confident that most of our parents and their families feel comfortable enough to approach any member of staff to share concerns or worries. It may be that you are seeking advice or that maybe something difficult has occurred away from school and you would like support. Over the past couple of years we have noticed as a school that we are being asked for more and more guidance on things such as
parenting, family issues, medical issues, psychological issues, relationships and so the list goes on. I cannot begin to emphasise enough just how flattered we are that you all feel so comfortable and confident in asking us, truly. However, as a staff, we have to be careful that we are able to manage any needs as well as ensure your children are taught effectively. To this end, we created the PST. You may well ask: so what? How does this affect us? Well, it may be that the first person you talk to about an issue is me. I may decide after some consideration that another member of the PST is better placed or have more experience or expertise at dealing with an issue and I may suggest to you that we involved that member of the PST. At that point—that member of the PST would liaise with you from then on and make sure that you had all the support we can provide. It is crucial that you understand that the usual school support is available as always. My door is always open to all of you and always will be. But in order to make sure that you all get the quality of support you deserve—the PST may be called to help! Have a look on the school website for a detailed look at our work. Enjoy the break.
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter
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Volume 4, Issue 20
Notice Board Sky Dive Rebecca French, who is a parent of one of our reception children, actively supports the Multiple Sclerosis Trust. As part of her many fundraising activities, Rebecca is going to be doing a tandem skydive on the 24th June 2012. Rebecca would like to raise as much money as she can on behalf of the trust and has a page set up, where you can donate money in aid of her sky dive. The details of the page are as follows: ~ Thank you
FOS ~ Three Bridges Run There has been a great response to the request made for runners to join Mr Lavis in the Three Bridges Run taking place on 24th June. We have 18 runners in total, comprising of Governors, Teaching Assistants, Office staff and parents. There is a team sponsorship form in the entrance to the school and we would be very grateful to get as many sponsors as possible, the funds raised will go towards projects such as the re vamping of the playground, purchasing of extra IT equipment and books.
School Nurse Drop-In
Head Lice
The next School Nurse drop in is on Friday 22nd June at 8.50am. Please let the office or one of the class teachers know if you would like to make an appointment to see Sarah. You can also just pop in on the day.
We have had several cases of head lice reported in school. This is a problem that keeps recurring, and is causing distress to both our children and their parents. We would be grateful if you could check your child's hair carefully and treat if necessary. We would also like to suggest that long hair is tied back which will help prevent the spread further. Thank you.
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 20
Page 3
Jack’s Fundraising Appeal
Dear Parents, My name is Jack Hancock and I am in year 5. Most of you might already know me. I have recently been diagnosed with a condition called Sagital Synosis . I am being treated at the “John Radcliffe” hospital in Oxford. The treatment that myself and my family have received since I have become a patient of the hospital has been very good. We have however noticed that some of the play equipment that the children are currently using is somewhat limited. As a family we would like to do something positive to give back to the hospital by helping to fundraise. My older sister Jess has already organised a cake sale at The Blandford School and I myself have come up with an idea. I would like to create a teddy alphabet frieze to be displayed in Robins ward at the hospital to give the children some much need of distraction during their time on the ward, myself included. To make this idea into a fundraiser we have added a twist… we would like to create a frieze whilst having a sponsored silence (which is going to be quite hard for lots of us, me included!!) The event is being held on Wednesday 13th June and I hope that you will be able to support me in this very important fund raising event by encouraging your child to take part and help us collecting as many sponsors as possible. Any help, big or small, will be much appreciated at the “John Radcliffe” hospital. Many thanks
Jack & Helen Hancock
Blandford St Mary Primary School Newsletter Blandford St Mary Primary School Birch Avenue Blandford St Mary, Dorset DT11 9QD Phone: 01258-453331 Fax: 01258-455865
Website :
Second Hand Uniform We would be very grateful of any donations of uniform you may have, at home, that your children no longer wear. We use this to raise funds for the school by asking parents to make a contribution for the item they would like to purchase. Thank you for your on going support!
School Diary Dates: Monday 4th June - Friday 8th June Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd June Friday 29th June - Monday 2nd July Monday 2nd July Wednesday 4th July Wednesday 4th July - Friday 6th July Thursday 12th July Friday 13th July - Sunday 15th July Tuesday 17th July Friday 20th July Monday 23rd July Tuesday 24th July - Monday 3rd September Tuesday 4th September Wednesday 5th September Thursday 6th September Monday 29th October - Friday 2nd November Friday 21st December
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Half term School Production (7pm) Year 6 Little Canada trip Staff training day Transition day Year 4 Leeson House trip Olympic torch Year 5 camp Beach trip Children break up for summer holidays Staff training day Summer Holidays Staff training day Staff training day Children return to school Half term Children break up for Christmas holiday