Recruitment & Selection Policy The Governing Body of Blandford St Mary Primary School is committed to promoting equality and diversity. By recognising and appreciating individual needs and differences the school will be broadly representative of the communities it serves, and be a place where children and staff will thrive – physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. This will be achieved by implementing equal opportunities and diversity practice across the three dimensions of the School’s activity: as an employer; an educator; and a resource of the local community.
Blandford St Mary Primary school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. These posts will require a criminal record bureau check via the CRB.
Date Adopted: 16.01.13 Review Date: 16.01.14
Recruitment & Selection Toolkit Appendix 18
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Recruitment and Selection Policy The Policy This policy and procedure has been designed to provide detailed guidance to schools to develop and maintain high standards of professional and effective recruitment practice. The policy guides schools in planning, monitoring and carefully undertaking recruitment. Blandford St Mary Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in its recruitment practice and expects all school based employees and volunteers to share this commitment. Good practice and equality of opportunity are integral to Blandford St Mary Primary School recruitment and selection processes. Recruitment and selection in Blandford St Mary Primary School shall be approached in a fair, consistent, equitable, transparent and effective manner, with due regard for Equal Opportunities legislation. In cases of redundancy and redeployment, alternative recruitment practices will apply. Guiding principles Guiding principles, which reflect good employment practice and appropriate employment legislation, are the minimum principles established by the County Council, in consultation with Headteachers and the recognised Trade Unions and Professional Associations. These principles must be observed in recruitment and selection in schools. These principles are highlighted as key steps in the following procedure summary. These principles should be viewed as minimum 'must dos' designed to assist schools in making sound, informed employment decisions. The standards ensure measures to safeguard children. Schools may introduce further standards, providing they do not conflict with these essential requirements. Responsibilities The Headteacher and the Blandford St Mary Primary School Governing Body will be responsible for the management and implementation of this policy. They will ensure that managers involved in recruitment and selection in Blandford St Mary Primary School are aware of their responsibilities within this policy. The Local Authority will be responsible for ensuring that the policy continues to reflect the requirements of employment legislation and good practice. The Local Authority will advise schools accordingly.
Recruitment & Selection Procedure Summary STEP 1: ESTABLISH THE VACANCY NEED
• •
The Headteacher should establish whether the vacancy must be filled and if so the nature of the work that will be undertaken. (Appendix 1) & Selection Toolkit 18 budget will be a consideration as will any Page 2 of 47in TheRecruitment cost implications on theAppendix school’s changes workload that are foreseen or any plans for restructuring posts and or work allocation.
• •
A job description (Appendix 2) should be made available for each vacancy, outlining the job purpose and principal duties and responsibilities. The pay range for the post must be established at this stage ensuring that the pay range reflects the level and responsibility of the post. Every job description should make reference to the employee’s responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Job descriptions for non teaching employees can be accessed via the schools’ JE portfolio. If you cannot find a suitable job description within the portfolio and wish to create a new job description please discuss this with the ER team before advertising the position. A person specification (Appendix 3) should be drawn up for each vacancy, outlining the essential qualities (ie: skills, qualifications, experience and personal attributes) required in the post. The person specification should include specific reference to the suitability of the person to work with children and the degree of responsibility they will have for children in the particular role.
Every appointment should be carefully planned and a clear, realistic timetable produced covering each stage of the recruitment process. Ensure enough time is allowed for each stage, incorporating adequate time for potential candidates to serve notice in existing employment. • Within each stage of the timetable, the following should be included: q The methods to be used in the selection process (e.g. psychometric testing, group exercises, lesson observations etc) q Who will be involved at each stage of the process and what their responsibilities will be (book the necessary times, dates, room locations in their diary for shortlisting, interview planning, ensure at least one person on the interview panel has been on the safer recruitment training, testing and interviews etc) •
• • • q q q q q q q q q q q q •
Vacancies should be advertised in appropriate media allowing adequate time for its publication. Headteacher and deputy headteacher vacancies should be advertised in National Press unless there is a good reason that has been agreed with the LA as to why not The content of the advertisement should include:An appropriate headline (eg job title and location) A brief summary of the role and person specification The rewards (eg pay and other benefits e.g. TLR or SEN) Terms and conditions (eg teachers or non teaching pay and conditions, part time, status etc) If the post is fixed term, include reason and duration of the fixed term period The action necessary to respond The closing date for applications The County Council’s equal opportunities statement Safeguarding of Children statement The disability ‘two tick’ symbol The date the interviews will be held The school and (if appropriate) the County Council logo See appendix 5 & 6 in the toolkit (sample advertisement and advertising checklist)
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• •
On receipt of application requests, the school should issue a job information pack. (Appendix 7) The nature of the post to be filled will determine the precise information to be sent. As a minimum the following is recommended: - Application form (Appendix 8a or 8b) - Appropriate information about the school - Job description (Appendix 2) - Statement of the school’s child protection policy - Person specification (Appendix 3) - Statement of the terms & conditions relating to the post - Criminal Records Declaration Form (Appendix B CRC Policy) NB: if advertising on line please ensure you send attachments electronically so they can be linked to the advert.
• •
• •
Each applicant should be individually assessed against the criteria specified in the person specification Decisions should not be based on assumptions or generalisations about particular groups or categories of people. Care should be taken not to discriminate unfairly in any short listing decision. Shortlisting should be carried out by a minimum of 2 people (as nominated by the Chair of the interview panel who may themselves be involved), maintaining a gender balance where practicable. Generally, all candidates who meet the essential criteria should be shortlisted for interview. Where large numbers are involved, it may be necessary to shortlist against both essential and desirable criteria in order to produce a final shortlist. (Appendix 10) Once the shortlisting has been completed, those candidates selected for interview should be written to and invited to attend interview. (Appendix 11) Also included with the invite to interview letter should be the criminal records self declaration form (Appendix 9 or Appendix B CRB Policy), a request that the candidate brings appropriate identification with them to enable completion of the employee identity check (Appendix 16 or Appendix I CRB Policy) and any qualification certificates to be viewed and recorded, as these will be needed for the CRB and single central record. Those applicants who have not been shortlisted should be written to and advised that they have been unsuccessful on this occasion. Alternatively, the original advert for the post can state the date by which candidates can assume they haven’t been successful if they do not receive a response from the school. Records of all applicants (successful and unsuccessful) and the justification for the shortlisting decision must be maintained for up to a year in order to respond to any claims of unfair discrimination.
• • •
Obtain references from two sources for all shortlisted candidates including internal and external applicants one of which must be a previous employer (Appendix 12 & 12a) References must be in writing and should ask specifically about a candidate’s suitability to work with children as well as their suitability for the post. Offers of employment should not be made subject to references
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• • • •
Record details on Employee ID check and view original documents for CRB check View and record Work Permit information (if applicable) View and record Qualification certificates for the single central record Give candidate medical questionnaire and ask them to complete and return to Occupational Health asap if they are successful at interview.
• • • • • •
The interview panel should consist of at least 2 people, maintaining a gender balance where practicable. One member of the interview panel MUST have undertaken the safer recruitment training. The interview should be held in a suitable room where the interviews can take place uninterrupted Interview questions should be planned and structured in advance. Core questions should be applied consistently and asked of all candidates If a fixed term appointment explain reasons and duration during interview Notes of each interview should be recorded with due regard to equal opportunities legislation.(See appendix 13, 14 & 15) Following interviews, all candidates should be assessed against all aspects of the objective selection criteria
• • •
The decision taken should be based on determining who is the most suitable candidate as assessed against the person specification and job description. (Appendix 17) All candidates should be given equal consideration. Reasons for selection/non selection of candidates should be objective, relevant and clearly recorded.
Post offer, IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT all pre employment checks should be obtained as quickly as possible to include: Identity checks and confirmation of permission to work in the UK; Any outstanding references; CRB checks; Medical clearance (ONLY send for clearance once offer has been made and accepted); Verification of qualifications & membership of professional associations SCHOOLS SHOULD NOT START APPOINTEES IN POST, until the appropriate checks have been carried out, in order to ensure that children are safeguarded and that the individual is fit to undertake the role. (See guidance on pre-employment checks overleaf) Successful candidates should be advised not to resign from any existing employment prior to clearance being obtained. (See appendix 18)
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• •
A provisional verbal offer will normally be made in the first instance to the successful candidate. It must be explained this offer is subject to pending CRB checks (where appropriate), medical clearance, and references where not already obtained (and anything else, such as sight of original qualifications or work permit) When offering a fixed term appointment re-iterate the reason and duration of the appointment and follow this up in writing Be careful not to quote full time salary rates for part time work.
• •
A structured recruitment file should be maintained for at least 6 months for each vacancy, including copies of all documents relating to the recruitment process This should be stored for one year following the appointment to ensure any claims or requests for information made after the appointment can be appropriately responded to. (Appendix 22)
All new appointees must receive an appropriate induction programme regardless of previous experience. (Appendix 23) The purpose of the induction: - Provide training and information about the school’s policies and procedures - Confirm the conduct expected by the school - Provide opportunities for the new employee to discuss any issues or concerns about their role or responsibilities - Enable the Headteacher or line manager to identify and concerns or issues about the person’s ability or suitability at the outset and address them immediately
Any offer of employment should be conditional upon: • Receipt of 2 satisfactory references if not already received • Satisfactory identity checks, and confirmation of eligibility to work in the UK • Satisfactory enhanced CRB disclosure • Verification of candidate’s occupational health clearance to teach / operate in support staff capacity • Verification of qualifications • Verification of professional status (eg: GTC registration, QTS, NPQH, HLTA) • For teaching posts – verification of a statutory induction period for those who obtained QTS status after 7 May 1999 • For non teaching posts – satisfactory completion of a 6 month probationary period (no probationary period is required for existing employees changing jobs within local government. However an appropriately structured induction is recommended) In cases where it is essential, due to the needs of the pupils, to engage a new employee prior to the satisfactory completion of all pre employment checks a risk assessment MUST be undertaken and a check made of the ISA Children’s barred list. Recruitment & Selection Toolkit Appendix 18
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Further reference documents Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education, DfES Safer Recruitment training (CWDC website elearning course: ) Physical and Mental Mental Fitness to Teach of Teachers and Entrants Schools’ CRB Policy Equal Opportunities Policy
Other legal considerations School Standards and Framework Act 1998 & The Education Act 2002 School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 General Teachers Teachers Council – Standards and Regulations Equality Act 2010
Should further guidance be required, plese contact your Human Resources Officer
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Appendix 1 Guidance on establishing the vacancy need and the nature of the post
Establishing the need
When a post falls vacant there should be a critical review by the school to determine whether the vacancy should be filled and if so how the work is to be undertaken. Cost and budget considerations will have a bearing on this, in addition to any changes in workload that have occurred or are foreseen, and any plans for the future restructuring of posts and/or workloads. •
Establishing the nature of the post
Headteachers should assess the nature, purpose and contribution of the post in the context of the school staffing structure and the school improvement plan. A decision will need to be taken on whether the post is permanent, fixed term, or, to be offered on a voluntary / casual basis. (See paragraph below re: the use of volunteers). It may be helpful to consider the following questions:
Does the vacancy need to be filled/how does the purpose and function of the post contribute to the current needs of the school?
Has the post changed, and if so how (e.g. changing working patterns, work priorities, job duties, changes in the school organisation, or changes in technology or curriculum)?
Should the allocation of key responsibilities be changed to avoid overlaps with other employees or to enable fairer work allocation?
Are any future changes anticipated which will affect job requirements and involve additional or different skills?
Has the previous postholder's exit interview/feedback information been taken into account?
Does the necessary funding exist to make an appointment?
The use of fixed term contracts
If, following assessment of the above questions, you believe a fixed term contract would best suit the needs of the school and the work to be undertaken, please ensure that it meets one of the13 listed reasons for fixed term contracts. If you are unsure of which reason best meets your requirements, contact HR employee relations to discuss further. Fixed term contracts should only be used where there is a genuine requirement for a specific piece of work that will terminate on a specific date or on completion of a particular task. •
The use of volunteers
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Further information about the use of volunteers and the checks required can be found at staffnet/school zone http://staffnet/index.jsp?articleid=250429 .
Appendix 2
NB: This template is for teaching posts only. For support staff job descriptions, please refer to the Schools Job Evaluation Portfolio for template job descriptions.
JOB DESCRIPTION School: Location: Job Title: Job Ref: Salary / Range (If applicable): Reports to (designation): 1. Job Purpose (i) (ii) 2. Job Duties and Responsibilities (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
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The postholder will be responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people that they are responsible for / come into contact with, in accordance with the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s safeguarding and child protection policy.
3. Teaching and Learning (TLR) responsibilities (i) (ii) (iii) 4. Knowledge and Skills (i) (ii) (iii)
5. Resources (job holderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s responsibility for physical and financial resources) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
6. Working Environment (i) (ii) Job Description Prepared by: Designation: Date:
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Appendix 3
• • • Desirable (Ranked in overall order of importance)
• • • Source of criteria evidence (e.g. applications, references, interview & other) • • •
KNOWLEDGE Essential • • • Desirable (ranked in overall order of importance) • • • Source of criteria evidence (e.g. applications, references, interview & other) •
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• •
Essential • • • Desirable (ranked in overall order of importance) • • • Source of criteria evidence (e.g. applications, references, interview & other) • • •
Essential • • • Desirable (ranked in overall order of importance) • • • Source of criteria evidence (e.g. applications, references, interview & other) • • •
OTHER FACTORS Essential • •
Ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships and personal boundaries with children in accordance with safeguarding practice Emotional resilience in working with challenging behaviours
Desirable (ranked in overall order of importance) • •
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• Source of criteria evidence (e.g. applications, references, interview & other) • • • Person Specification prepared by: Designation: Date:
Schools need to ensure that they follow these deadlines to make sure that adverts are received on time for publication. The following table shows the specific deadlines for different publications.
PUBLICATION Times Education Supplement (Proof Positive) Western Gazette (Northcliff) Blackmore Vale Dorset Evening Echo Bournemouth Daily Echo Bridport News Stour Valley News Salisbury Journal/Avon Advertiser Swanage & Wareham Advertiser Midweek Herald New Milton Advertiser Southampton Echo Catholic Gazette Wimborne Community Magazine The Lady
DEADLINE LINEAGE Thursday 4pm-week before
Monday 4pm
Monday 4pm
Monday 10am Monday 4pm Tuesday 10am Wednesday 10am Tuesday 10am Friday 10am
Monday 10am Monday 4pm Tuesday 10am Wednesday 10am Tuesday 10am Friday 10am
Friday Wednesday Thursday Friday Thursday Thursday
Monday 4pm
Friday 4pm
Monday 10am Tuesday 10am Tuesday 10am
Wednesday Friday Thursday Friday Friday
Tuesday 10am Tuesday 10am Tuesday 10am
Monday 10am Tuesday 5pm week before
Tuesday Appendix 4
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Appendix 5 A Village CE VA Primary School
School Lane School Village Dorset Tel/Fax: 01234 567890 E-mail: Website: NOR: 86
KEY STAGE 1 TEACHER Salary â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Qualified Teacher Scale Full time, permanent We are seeking to appoint a mixed foundation KS1 teacher who can help to create a positive attitude to learning, and join our Christian ethos, happy and successful village school in the heart of beautiful rural Dorset. Applications from NQTs will be considered. We can offer you:
A positive, supportive community of staff, governors and parents A financially stable school with plans for an exciting ICT facility Opportunities for professional development Excellent TA support throughout the school
This school is committed committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. commitment
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Please phone the School Secretary or send a SAE for an application pack. Please note that the successful candidate will need to undertake a criminal record bureau check via the CRB. Visits to the School are warmly welcomed and encouraged. Closing date for applications:
23 June 2006
Interviews to be held on:
5 July 2006
Appendix 6 Advertising checklist Every advertisement should include the following information:
School name and contact details Job title Salary â&#x20AC;&#x201C; (refer to pro rata salary if part time) Total hours (ie: full time or part time and how many) Whether the post is permanent or fixed term If fixed term show reason and duration of appointment A brief summary of the role Whether you wish to put a date in the advert by which candidates can expect they have not been successfully short-listed Safeguarding of children statement* Equal opportunities statement* Confirmation that the successful applicant will need to
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complete an enhanced CRB check Closing date for applications Proposed interview date(s) Who to contact for an application pack or to arrange a visit
* Refer to appendix 6a - In order to minimise advertising costs, schools may choose to use shortened versions of these statements. It is strongly recommended that these statements do feature in advertisements.
Appendix 6a
Safeguarding children statement
It is strongly recommended that the following statement is included in all recruitment material and in particular the job advertisement, as referred to in appendix 6. ‘<SCHOOL> is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of
children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment’
Equal opportunities statement
It is also recommended that schools use the following statement to make reference in their advertisements to equal opportunities as part of good employment practice.
‘<SCHOOL> values the diversity of our workforce and welcome applications from all sections of the community'
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Appendix 7 Job application pack checklist Every job application pack should include the following information:
Application form (CVs should not be accepted)
Criminal records declaration form (HR14)
Job description
Person specification
Any relevant information about the school, local authority and statements of relevant policies such as policy about equal opportunities *
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The school’s Child Protection Policy statement *
A statement of the terms and conditions relating to the post *
* These items may all be included in one covering letter, introducing the application pack.
APPENDIX B - Criminal Records Declaration Form – Schools (HR14I)
To be completed and returned by all applicants – Please refer to guidance notes on reverse School.:
Post: Please answer the following questions: 1.
Have you ever been convicted by the courts or cautioned, reprimanded or given a final warning by the police? Please give details of offences, penalties and dates below. (Note that the post you have applied for is exempted under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1974, which means that all convictions, cautions, reprimands and final warnings on your criminal record need to be disclosed).
Please as appropriate Yes
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Details of any cautions, reprimands, final warnings, offences, penalties and allegations with dates Date
Are you aware of any police enquiries undertaken following allegations made against you which may have a bearing on your suitability for this post?
Please as appropriate Yes
Please give details:
Please sign the following declaration and return this form to the Headteacher who will send a copy to HR
I confirm that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete and that any offer of employment made to me will be subject to a further check with the Criminal Records Bureau.
Name (Block Capitals):
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Disclosure of Criminal Background of those with access to Children or Vulnerable Adults (The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) (Exception) (Amendment) Orders 1975 and 2001
1. This post is exempt from the provision of Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) (Amendment) Orders 1975 and 2001. Owing to the nature of the work, you are advised that if offered the post for which you are now making an application, the offer will be subject to the School being satisfied as to your suitability following a check on any records of convictions, bindovers or cautions by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). A criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a position, but will be considered by the school in accordance with its policy on the employment of ex-offenders. 2. You have been asked to complete this form showing whether you have had any court convictions / bindovers / cautions. Your confirmation of attendance for interview will indicate acceptance that you will complete this form and, if necessary, will be willing to discuss any such offences at interview. Applicants should, therefore, be prepared to disclose all convictions, bindovers or cautions, no matter how long ago they happened. Convictions otherwise considered to be spent under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act must be declared. 3. You should also be aware that the letter addressed to referees named in your application form (or others) will ask for disclosure of any convictions/bindovers/cautions which they consider relevant to your suitability for employment. 4. Your application will not be further considered without completing this form. Failure to complete the form will constitute withdrawal prior to interview and remove any entitlement to expenses for attendance at interview. 5. You will also be asked for verification of your identity. Please note that it is your responsibility to provide this verification and no reimbursement of any expense will be made. Without such verification the form will not be processed (nor will you be cleared to work in the post for which you have applied). Please ensure that you complete the form in black ink.
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Dear <NAME> Re: Application for the post of <JOB TITLE> Thank you for your recent application for the above post. I am pleased to invite you to attend an interview on: <DATE> <TIME> at <SCHOOL DETAILS (enclose directions)> When you arrive for your interview, please come to reception and ask for <NAME>. The recruitment and selection process will involve the following: <INSERT DETAILS HERE - may include one to one interview, group exercises, psychometric tests, lesson observations, presentation, details of how the interview will be conducted and members of the interview panel> As well as the above, your suitability to work with children will also be discussed and the successful candidate will be required to complete an enhanced CRB check. In accordance with this, please can you bring to interview two forms of identification, one of which must contain your full address and, if applicable, proof of any change of name. These can be any of the following: • • •
Current driving licence, passport including photograph or full birth certificate Utility bill or financial statement Change of name documentation, i.e. deed poll or marriage certificate
Please also bring with you appropriate documentation, such as your passport, to prove that you are eligible to work in the UK. The attached document, entitled 'Employee Identity Checking - Guidance for Applicants' provides further information in respect of what documentation is appropriate. We also ask that you bring original documents confirming any educational and professional qualifications that are relevant to this post. Please note if you are unable to provide original documentation or certified copies then we will require written confirmation of your relevant qualifications from the awarding body. If you are the successful candidate then you will be asked to complete and return a pre-employment medical questionnaire and you should note that any offer of employment made will be subject to satisfactory medical clearance.
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If you have any special needs that you would like us to meet as part of the recruitment and selection process, or require any further information, please contact me on <TEL NO>
I would be grateful if you would confirm whether or not you will be able to attend the interview by contacting <NAME and TEL NO> Yours sincerely <NAME> Headteacher Enc:
Appointment to all posts will be subject to an identity check to satisfy asylum and immigration requirements. Appointments cannot proceed until this requirement has been properly satisfied. Therefore, please ensure that you bring with you to interview the original of one document from List 1 below. If you do not have any of the documents in List 1 please bring with you two documents from either List 2a or 2b including the compulsory document. The document(s) you provide will be copied and retained with your records. If you are not appointed the copies will be destroyed. If you are appointed they will be retained on your personal file. List 1 - if able to you should produce one of the documents listed below: • •
• •
A passport showing the holder is a British Citizen or has the right of abode in the United Kingdom. A document showing the holder is a national of a European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland. This must be a national passport or identity card *. A residence permit issued by the Home Office to a national from an EEA country or Switzerland. A passport of other document issued by the Home Office which has an endorsement stating that the holder has a current right of residence in the United Kingdom as the family member of a national from an EEA country or Switzerland who is resident in the United Kingdom. A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder can stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom or has not time limit on their stay.
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A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder can stay in the United Kingdom and that this endorsement allows the holder to do the type of work you are offering if they do not have a work permit. An application Registration Card issued by the Home Office to an asylum seeker stating that the holder is permitted to take up employment.
* candidates from Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia must also have a residence permit or alternatively a copy of an application or registration certificate obtained from the Home Office within 30 days of commencing employment. Candidates from Bulgaria or Romania require a registration certificate, or accession worker card prior to commencement of work. Candidates from these countries may also have a right to work if they have been working lawfully in the UK for a period of time or are the family member of an EEA national. If this applies, evidence of status should be brought to the interview. If status is not clear and you wish to pursue making an offer of employment please discuss the specific case with your Human Resources Employee Relations team. If you cannot produce a document from List 1 you need to provide two documents from either List 2a or List 2b including the compulsory document as detailed below.
List 2a (i) Compulsory document A document giving the person’s permanent national insurance number and name. This could be a P45, P60, national insurance card or a letter from a Government agency. (ii) (ii) Plus one of the following: • • • •
full birth certificate issued in the United Kingdom which includes the names of the holder’s parents; or a birth certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland; or a certificate of registration or naturalisation stating that the holder is a British citizen; or a letter issued by the Home Office to the holder which indicates that the person named in it can stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit to their stay; or an immigration status document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the person named in it can stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom or has no time limit to their stay.
OR List 2b
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(i) (i) Compulsory document A work permit or other approval to take employment that has been issued by the UK Border Agency. (ii) Plus one of the following: â&#x20AC;˘
A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder is able to stay in the United Kingdom and can take the work permit employment in question; or A letter issued by the Home Office to the holder confirming that the person named in it is able to stay in the United Kingdom and can take the work permit employment in question.
If you cannot produce the documents required, but you have the right to work work in the UK, you should bring evidence of this to the interview. The appointing officer will then discuss your situation with Human Resources to verify your eligibility to work in the UK prior to any offer of employment being made.
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Appendix 12 Guidance on obtaining references Obtaining references • The purpose of seeking references is to obtain objective and factual information to support appointment decisions. They must always be sought and obtained directly from the referee. Do not rely on open references or testimonials provided by the candidate. (There have been instances of candidates forging references, also open references may be the result of a ‘compromise agreement’ and are unlikely to include adverse comments). •
References should be sought on all shortlisted candidates, including internal ones and should be obtained before interview so that any issues of concern can be raised and explored further with the referee and taken up with the candidate at interview. In exceptional circumstances it might not be possible to obtain references prior to interview, but this should be the aim in all cases.
In cases where the most recent employment does not involve working with children, references must be sought from the employer where the applicant was working with children, even if this was several years ago.
In any case, where a reference has not been obtained on the preferred candidate before interview, the school must ensure that it is received and scrutinised and any concerns are resolved satisfactorily before the person’s appointment is confirmed.
All requests for references should seek objective verifiable information – the reference request profroma in appendix 12a provides a framework for this. A copy of the job description and person specification for the post for which the person is applying should be included with all requests. See reference request letter and reference proforma– appendix 12a.
Receipt of references • On receipt, references should be checked to ensure that they are on headed paper and that all specific questions have been answered satisfactorily. If all questions have not been answered, or the statements received are vague or unspecific, the referee should be telephoned and asked to provide written answers or more detail as appropriate. The information given should also be compared with the application form for consistency. Any discrepancies or anomalies in the information should be addressed at interview with the applicant. It is also important to get the candidates permission to write to the Headteacher of their current / previous school (If they have not already given the Headteacher’s name as a referee on their application form) as only the Headteacher will usually be aware of issues and concerns around the individual. •
Any information about past disciplinary action or allegations should be considered in the circumstances of the individual case. Cases in which an issue was satisfactorily resolved some time ago, or an allegation was determined to be unfounded or did not require formal sanction(s) are less likely to give cause for concern. A history of repeated issues or allegations
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over a period of time should give cause for concern and further detail may be required in some cases.
Appendix 13 Checklist on the conduct of interviews The following points should be considered prior to and after conducting interviews: Before the interviews Have references been taken up on all shortlisted candidates?
Have references been checked against the application and any discrepancies noted for discussion at interview
Have all shortlisted candidates been advised of the format of the recruitment and selection process? Has at least one panel member been on the safer recruitment training?
Have all panel members met and agreed roles prior to the recruitment and selection process?
Have interview questions been prepared?
Have adequate rooms been booked?
Is appropriate equipment available for presentations?
Have arrangements been made for a lesson observation if applicable?
Have refreshments been provided for?
Has a member of the panel / another member of staff at the school been nominated to conduct employee checks and record qualifications?
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On the day of the interviews Has the identity of each candidate been verified and copies of documentation been taken for the single central record/file:-Qualifications -Employee ID check -Pre employment medical questionnaire handed to candidate for completion if successful
Have candidates been advised of when the successful candidate will be notified?
After the interviews Has the successful applicant completed an enhanced CRB form?
Has the successful candidate been told to complete and return the pre employment medical questionnaire to the School?
Have all relevant appointment papers been sent to HR? Has a risk assessment been undertaken if it is necessary to start successful applicant prior to medical clearance?
Appendix 14 Guidance on interview questions
Core questions should be asked of all candidates and should be competence focussed where possible (i.e. specifically ask the candidate to provide demonstrable answers about their competence in their role). Be careful not to use closed questions which only enable to respond with Yes or No answers. Introduce questions using words such as ‘How did you….’, ‘What did you…..’, ‘Why would you….’ Care should be taken to ensure that questions asked should seek to provide the panel with objective information about each candidate.
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Questions asked must not be potentially discriminatory on the grounds of gender, race, religion or belief (except in the case of Headteachers of religious schools), age, disability or sexual orientation.
The nature of the post should be discussed with the applicant but the panel must not ask applicants anything about their fitness for the role or any disability. Candidates are likely to be aware of the support they may need to undertake the role they are applying for and may well mention this themselves, with reference to their health or disability. Managers should listen to the information provided but should not explore it in any further detail beyond that which is offered by the candidate. Managers should assure the candidate that the information will not be taken into account in making their decision and should explain that health issues will be explored in greater detail if they are offered the position. Should the candidate be successful, they will be required to get medical clearance and occupational health will advise about any adjustments to be made so that the individual can do the job. Therefore any offers made must be subject to medical clearance. Given the lack of medical information that will be available to schools it is more important than ever that people should not be allowed to start without medical clearance. . In addition to assessing and evaluating the applicant’s suitability for the particular post, the interview panel should also explore: The candidate’s attitude towards children and young people His/ her ability to support the school’s agenda for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children Any gaps in the candidate’s employment history Any discrepancies between the candidate’s references and application Whether the candidate wishes to declare anything in light of the requirement for a CRB check
Examples of safeguarding questions that the panel should use to address some of the issues highlighted above are as follows: What motivates you to work with young people? How do you define an appropriate teacher and pupil relationship? What professional challenges are teachers currently faced with? Young people can develop ‘crushes’. How would you deal with this situation? Please give a specific example of when and how you have dealt with an incident of bullying.
Notes of each interview must be recorded (Appendix 15 provides a template to do so). Notes of all interviews shall be retained for a period of 12 months to ensure any claims or requests for information made after the appointment can be appropriately responded to.
In all cases, pre employment checks must be completed. Where it is not possible to complete all pre employment checks prior to making an offer of employment to the
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candidate, the offer made should be conditional upon satisfactory completion and receipt of the pre employment checks listed below. It is a statutory requirement for all schools to maintain a single, central record detailing checks undertaken for all people working in or with the school with regular contact with children. The criminal records checking policy and procedure includes information on the required records to be maintained by schools plus example formats for storage of the information in spreadsheet format. Further information can be found at: n/mandatorycrbchecks/recordkeeping/faqs/ 2.
• • • •
Identity checks - name, address and date of birth (see appendix 16) Confirmation of a satisfactory pre employment medical questionnaire (N.B: Following the introduction of the Equalities Act this can only be undertaken once the successful candidate has been made an offer after the interview) A satisfactory Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check and number Receipt of satisfactory references Qualification checks - where a requirement of the job (e.g.QTS) Confirmation of eligibility to work in the UK
This information must be kept in the schools central record, recording when and by whom these checks were made. 3
Identity checks
Under the Asylum and Immigration Act 2006 (which repealed the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996), the School may be found be guilty of a criminal offence if it employs someone who does not have permission to be, or to work, in the United Kingdom. Schools should therefore ensure that certain basic checks are undertaken before taking on new employees in order to protect itself. These checks should be built into normal recruitment procedures for all staff to prevent any claims of racial discrimination which could happen if information was only requested from those who sound or look like they come from a different country. Before someone starts working for the School, it is important to see documentary evidence to prove that the person is permitted to work in the UK, this could be a passport or birth certificate or a visa. It is advisable to take a photocopy of the document(s) provided and to retain this with the personal file. It is important to check that the documents relate to the employee who produces them (ie check that they are current and consistent with the appearance and age of the employee) and whether they have any expiry dates. Documents can also be checked for the purpose of the CRB at the same time.
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An Employee Identity Check form should be completed for all candidates for any Employment – see Appendix 16 or Appendix I of the CRB policy. The Act specifies a list of documents which are acceptable as proof of permission to work – see Appendix J of the CRB policy. The Government has also introduced a ‘Workers Registration Scheme’ in respect of the following countries which includes different requirements: -
Czech Republic; Estonia; Hungary; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Slovakia; Slovenia.
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There are also separate arrangements in respect of nationals from Bulgaria and Romania. 3.2.
Pre employment medical questionnaire
Pre-employment medical checks are required for all external appointments. Where there are significant differences in job role it may be appropriate for internal candidates also to undergo a pre-employment medical check when offered a new job role within a school. In order to undergo a pre-employment medical check the successful candidate must complete the pre-employment medical questionnaire (See Appendix 19 of the R&S toolkit). This should be given to the successful candidate to complete once they have been made a verbal conditional job offer. At this stage they need to complete and return the form in the envelope provided to the nominated contact at the School as soon as possible. The designated contact at the school should forward the successful candidate's unopened questionnaire to the occupational health team based at County Hall immediately. The questionnaire will then be passed for urgent assessment by an occupational health nurse. The occupational health nurse will assess the information on the questionnaire to determine whether the individual can be declared:a) fit for appointment; b) unfit for appointment; c) temporarily unfit for appointment pending a GP/specialist report; d) fit with restrictions (any such restrictions will be explained). The school will be notified accordingly via HR Support Services. Acting on occupational health advice a) Where there is a recommendation of fit for employment, the school can confirm the offer of employment, and a start date can be arranged. b) Where there is a recommendation of unfit for appointment, the candidate should be notified of this decision verbally and in exceptional cases where an offer has been made, the offer of employment withdrawn. This should be confirmed in writing â&#x20AC;&#x201C; advice should be sought from Human Resources in these cases. If employment has already commenced, notice to terminate employment will need to be given but consideration must be given as to whether suitable redeployment can be found as an alternative to dismissal. In cases where decisions need to be made regarding termination of employment, advice should be sought from Human Resources. c) Where a candidate is found to be temporarily unfit for appointment pending GP report the candidate's GP will be written to and asked to provide a report. This can introduce significant delay into the clearance process. In these circumstances the school will be advised of the need for a GP report and it will be helpful to speak to the candidate so that they can encourage the candidate to ask their GP to respond speedily for requests for information. Once the GP report has been received, it may be necessary in some cases for candidate to be seen by an occupational health consultant prior to any final decision being taken about fitness for employment. d) When candidates are declared fit for appointment with restrictions, it will be for management to determine whether any such restrictions can be met, and whether any adjustments are required to accommodate any restrictions. Human Resources advice must be sought prior to any final decision being taken in cases where it is felt that restrictions
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cannot be met or adjustments cannot be made. Consideration of these issues will usually require a discussion with the candidate as part of assessment to inform any such decision. 3.3.
Criminal Records Bureau Check
The following is a brief overview of the checks required. Please refer to the Criminal Record checking policy for detailed advice and guidance.
The information relating to the requirement for CRB checks in schools is set out in Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education, issued by the DfES which came into effect from 1 January 2007. There is a statutory requirement for all direct employees in schools appointed on or after 12 May 2006 to have an enhanced CRB check regardless of the level of contact with children. CRB checks are required when a Teacher or other employee moves a local authority area but not if they move within the Dorset LA area or the school. Headteachers can allow employees to start work pending a satisfactory CRB check provided that there has been a satisfactory check of the ISA children’s barred list (formally List 99) and completion of other pre employment checks. In such cases Headteachers should implement arrangements to ensure that no risk to children arises and undertake a risk assessment. Headteachers should use the criminal records self declaration form (Appendix 9 of the R&S toolkit or Appendix B of the CRB policy) which all candidates should complete and bring to the selection interview. Any declared convictions on the form can then be discussed as part of the interview process. Any decision to allow employees to commence pending a satisfactory CRB check can then take into account the individual’s declared position. It should be made clear that any false or incomplete declaration may be grounds for dismissal. Relief or supply teachers employed directly should be subject to normal recruitment procedures including full pre employment checks. If supplied by an agency (e.g. E Teach) the Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that appropriate checks have been carried out by the agency (although they are not required to see original documents unless there is information recorded on the disclosure). The Local Authority’s advice is that Headteachers should ensure that they have a satisfactorily completed form from the supplying agency in respect of each individual (see Appendix C of the CRB policy). This form should be kept as part of the school’s single central record of checks undertaken on people working with children at the school. A satisfactorily completed form should be obtained before the person commences work with children. 3.4.
See Appendix 12 of the R&S toolkit– Obtaining references including a model reference request. 3.5.
Checking Qualifications
Schools should verify qualifications and membership of professional bodies by asking shortlisted candidates to bring the originals of their declared qualifications and memberships to interview. Photocopies of the originals should be taken for all candidates. Copies of the successful candidate's qualifications and memberships should be retained on the personal file, and a record made to confirm that these have been verified as part of the schools single central record, where a qualification is necessary to undertake the job .
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Care should be taken when verifying qualifications to ensure that the date on the certificates match those declared on the application form, and that the name and details of the qualification certificate also match fully the information given. The quality and finish of the certificate provided should be checked and any watermarks to verify the certificate's authenticity. If there are any concerns, it may be appropriate to contact the awarding body or college or university to confirm the details. Please see Appendix L of the CRB policy for further advice. 3.6
Permission to work in the UK
Schools will need to ensure before any job offer is made that a candidate has the right to work in the UK. This can be by reason of nationality or by visa. This is a complex area that is changing all the time and schools are advised to check the up to date advice on the Border Agency website which can be found at â&#x20AC;Ś Candidates requiring a work permit must not start working until the work permit has been granted. Please seek further advice from your HR Employee Relations team if required.
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Please complete the personal details section with the successful candidate to ensure that all relevant information is recorded. You will also need to inform your candidate of the necessary clearances and all other areas set out below. This form should be forwarded to Human Resources - Schools Support Team with the other appointment forms before the payroll deadline.
PERSONAL DETAILS School _________________________________ Post __________________________________ Teachers Service Number __________________________________________________________ Surname ___________________________
Forenames _______________________________
Previous Surnames _______________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Post code _______________ Date of Birth _____________________________ N.I Number _____________________________
CLEARANCES All school appointments will be subject to the following clearances prior to the start date. Candidates should be made aware that they will have no contractual rights of employment if either CRB or medical clearance is refused. ISA Childrens Barred list check (Previously known as List 99). Completion of this form will automatically generate this check. CRB (Criminal Records Bureau)*. Please complete & attach form. PEMQ (Pre-Employment Medical Questionnaire)* Please complete & attach form. PAY INTERVALS You will be paid monthly by credit transfer. Please complete & attach form.
SUPERANNUATION From 1st January 2007, entry to the Teachers' Pensions Scheme is automatic regardless of full or part-time status. Comprehensive guidance is available at or contact (0845) 6066166. Recruitment & Selection Toolkit Appendix 18
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Please complete the personal details section with the Supply Teacher to ensure that all relevant information is recorded. You will also need to inform your candidate of the necessary clearances and all other areas set out below. A copy of their most recent pay statement or proof of salary level is also required in order to make an accurate payment. This form should be forwarded to Human Resources - Schools Support Team with the other appointment forms including the Supply Claim form before the supply payroll deadline.
PERSONAL DETAILS Teachers Service Number __________________ School________________________________ Surname ___________________________
Forenames _______________________________
Previous Surnames _______________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Post code _______________ Date of Birth _____________________________ N.I Number _____________________________ Salary point (state point on either Main scale or Threshold) _________________________________
CLEARANCES All Supply Teachers will be subject to the following clearances prior to the start date. Candidates should be made aware that they will not be eligible for supply work if either CRB or medical clearance is refused. If your candidate already has current checks in place through a supply agency, they will need to provide you with evidence. ISA Childrens Barred list check (Previously known as List 99). Completion of this form will automatically generate this check. CRB (Criminal Records Bureau)*. Please complete & attach form. PEMQ (Pre-Employment Medical Questionnaire)* Please complete & attach form. PAY INTERVALS You will be paid monthly by credit transfer usually around the 18th or 19th of the following month. If you have an existing part-time contract, your supply pay will be included in your regular monthly salary. Please complete & attach bank forms if necessary. SUPERANNUATION From 1st January 2007, entry to the Teachers' Pensions Scheme is automatic regardless of full or part-time status. Comprehensive guidance is available at or contact (0845) 6066166.
Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Headteacher Recruitment & Selection Toolkit Appendix 18
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Please complete the personal details section with the successful candidate to ensure that all relevant information is recorded. You will also need to inform your candidate of the necessary clearances and all other areas set out below. This form should be forwarded to Human Resources - Schools Support Team with the other appointment forms before the monthly payroll deadline.
PERSONAL DETAILS School ________________________________________ Post ___________________________ XS Reference __________________________________________________________________ Surname __________________________ Forenames _________________________________ Previous Surnames ______________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Post code _______________________ Date of Birth ___________________________ N.I Number ______________________________
CLEARANCES Any school appointment will be subject to the following clearances. Please be aware that you will have no contractual rights of employment if either CRB or medical clearance is refused. ISA Childrens Barred list check (Previously known as List 99). Completion of this form will automatically generate this check. CRB (Criminal Records Bureau)*. Please complete & attach form. PEMQ (Pre-Employment Medical Questionnaire)* Please complete & attach form. PAY INTERVALS You will be paid monthly by credit transfer. Please complete & attach form.
SUPERANNUATION Entry to the Local Government Pension Scheme is automatic. A LGPS guide is attached for information. Please ensure you complete any relevant forms and return as soon as possible. Recruitment & Selection Toolkit Appendix 18
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Please complete the personal details section for your casual member of staff to ensure that all relevant information is recorded. Medical, List 99 & CRB clearance is also necessary for casual positions. Casual appointments should ideally last no longer than 12 weeks. This form should be forwarded to Human Resources - Schools Support Team along with the completed timesheet before the monthly payroll deadline.
PERSONAL DETAILS Surname __________________________ Forenames _________________________________ Previous Surnames ______________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Post code _______________________ Date of Birth ___________________________ N.I Number ______________________________ PAY DETAILS School __________________________________ Date commenced ______________________ XS Reference ____________________________ Post _________________________________ Spinal Point _____________________________
Grade ________________________________
CLEARANCES Casual school appointments will be subject to the following clearances prior to the start date. Candidates should be made aware that they will have no contractual rights of employment if either CRB or medical clearance is refused. ISA Childrens Barred list check (Previously known as List 99). Completion of this form will automatically generate this check. CRB (Criminal Records Bureau)*. Please complete & attach form. PEMQ (Pre-Employment Medical Questionnaire)* Please complete & attach form. PAY INTERVALS You will be paid on receipt of your timesheet by credit transfer. Please complete & attach form.
SUPERANNUATION With effect from 1st April 2008, casual staff are no longer eligible for the superannuation scheme.
Date ___________________________
Signed _______________________________________ Headteacher Please forward to Human Resources – Schools Support Team
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HUMAN RESOURCES – SCHOOLS SUPPORT TEAM AOS1 APPOINTMENT OF TEACHING STAFF (NOT LEADERSHIP STAFF) Please complete all sections below. The attached checklist and forms will ensure that your candidate has received all relevant information. APPOINTMENT DETAILS School ____________________________________________________________________ Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms _____________________________________________________________ Start date __________________________ Post ___________________________________ Basis of appointment: Full-time
Part-time (state proportion) /1265
Permanent Fixed-term
End Date: _____________
Reason Code
Fixed Term Reason Codes 1 * To cover maternity leave 2 *
To cover sick leave
3 *
To cover adoption leave
4 *
To cover paternity leave
5 *
To cover paid leave of absence
6 *
To cover unpaid leave of absence
7 To cover a short term vacancy (max 2 terms) pending permanent recruitment 8 *
To cover the special needs of a statemented pupil
9 *
To cover a temporary reduction in hours of substantive postholder
10 *
To cover the secondment of the substantive postholder
To undertake a project
Graduate Teacher Scheme
PAY DETAILS Choose relevant salary scale from the options and indicate pay point & salary in boxes below:Mainscale
(M1 - M6)
(U1 - U3)
ETS (Excellent Teachers Scheme)
* Spot salary
Advanced Skills (AST1 - AST 18) Recruitment & Selection Toolkit Appendix 18
Fast Track
(M1 - M6)
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state 5 point range __ to __
ALLOWANCES Choose relevant allowance if applicable and state value and award details:SEN ALLOWANCE (1 or 2)
TEACHING & LEARNING RESPONSIBILITY £ Please enter value for TLR as set out _________________________ below: Award date _________________________ End date (if temporary) RTLR & R 1ALLOWANCE TLR 2 Award date _________________________ End date (temporary max 3 years ________________) Award date ____________________ £ Nature of TLR ____________________________________________________________________ All TLR's are permanently awarded unless they are covering sickness, maternity or leave of absence, if this is the case please complete the section below:From _______________________________ To ______________________________________ Name ___________________________ _____________________________________ TEACHING & Reason LEARNING RESPONSIBILITY Choose relevant TLR and state value:TLR 2
Award Date ________________ Nature of TLR ___________________________________________ All TLR's are permanently awarded unless they are covering sickness, maternity or leave of absence, if this is the case, please complete the section below:From ________________________________
To ______________________________________
Name _______________________________
Reason __________________________________
OTHER Please state if the candidate is currently under notice of redundancy from present employer? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please state if there are any other contractual commitments or variations:___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
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Please forward the following documents along with this form to your named contact in HR Schools Support Team at County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)
Application Form 2 original references Bank form Previous Pay Statement (including Threshold confirmation) Equal opportunities form GTC registration Candidate Checklist Pre-employment medical questionnaire CRB form
If applicable, please include P45 and N.I reduced rate or nil liability card Previous postholder __________________________________________________________________ Names of unsuccessful candidates ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE _____________________________________ _______ DATE
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HUMAN RESOURCES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SCHOOLS SUPPORT TEAM AOS1(Leadership) APPOINTMENT OF LEADERSHIP GROUP STAFF Please complete all sections below. The attached checklist and forms will ensure that your candidate has received all relevant information. APPOINTMENT DETAILS School ____________________________________________________________________ Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms _____________________________________________________________ Start date __________________________ Post ___________________________________ Basis of appointment: Full-time
Part-time (state proportion) /1265
Permanent Fixed-term
End Date: _____________
Reason Code
1 *
To cover maternity leave
2 *
To cover sick leave
3 *
To cover adoption leave
4 *
To cover paternity leave
5 *
To cover paid leave of absence
6 *
To cover unpaid leave of absence
7 To cover a short term vacancy (max 2 terms) pending permanent recruitment 8 *
To cover the special needs of a statemented pupil
9 *
To cover a temporary reduction in hours of substantive postholder
10 *
To cover the secondment of the substantive postholder
To undertake a project
Graduate Teacher Scheme
PAY DETAILS The I.S.R (Individual School Range) is determined by the group size of your school. There are a range of points available to each School Group from which to select the I.S.R. The School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document gives comprehensive guidance in setting Leadership Salaries. School Group (complete in all cases) : Headteacher Appointment:- *(7 point range within your particular group size) I.S.R* Point:
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Deputy/Assistant Headteacher Appointment:- * (5 point range within your particular group size)
Starting salary: ÂŁ
Starting point:
OTHER Please state if candidate is currently under notice of redundancy from present employer? _______________________________________________________________________________ Please state if there are any other contractual commitments or variations _______________________________________________________________________________
Please forward the following documents along with this form to your named contact in HR Schools Support Team at County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
Application Form 2 original references Bank form Previous Pay Statement Equal opportunities form GTC registration Candidate checklist Pre-employment Medical Questionnaire
If applicable, please include P45 and N.I reduced rate or nil liability card Previous postholder _____________________________________________________________ Names of unsuccessful candidates _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ (Headteacher or Chair of Governors) DATE
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NOTIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF SUPPORT STAFF Please complete all sections below. The attached checklist and forms will ensure that your candidate has received all relevant information. APPOINTMENT DETAILS School ____________________________________________________________________ Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms _____________________________________________________________ Start date __________________________ Post ___________________________________ Basis of appointment: Permanent Fixed-term
End Date: _____________
Reason Code
Fixed Term Reason Codes 1 * To cover maternity leave 2 *
To cover sick leave
3 *
To cover adoption leave
4 *
To cover paternity leave
5 *
To cover paid leave of absence
6 *
To cover unpaid leave of absence
7 To cover a short term vacancy (max 2 terms) pending permanent recruitment 8 *
To cover the special needs of a statemented pupil
9 *
To cover a temporary reduction in hours of substantive postholder
10 *
To cover the secondment of the substantive postholder
To undertake a project
Graduate Teacher Scheme
Linked to fixed term external funding
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PAY DETAILS XS Reference code (from JE Portfolio)
Salary Grade _____________________________________________________________________ Commencing spinal column point
Weekly hours _____________________________________________________________________ Weeks per year ___________________________________________________________________ Commencing Salary _______________________________________________________________
ALLOWANCES Please state if any additions are due, i.e First Aid Allowance, Sleeping-in Allowance, Shift Allowance or Night work:________________________________________________________________________________ Please state if any deductions are due, i.e Rent or Rates:_______________________________________________________________________________
OTHER Please state if candidate is currently under notice of redundancy from present employer? _______________________________________________________________________________ Please state if there are any other contractual commitments or variations _______________________________________________________________________________
Please forward the following documents along with this form to your named contact in HR Schools Support Team at County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Application Form 2 original references Bank form Equal opportunities form Candidate checklist Pre-employment Medical Questionnaire CRB form
If applicable, please include P45Appendix and N.I18reduced rate or nil liability card Recruitment & Selection Toolkit
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Previous postholder ________________________________________________________________
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Appendix 22 Guidance on handling complaints
Complaints from candidates about the recruitment and selection process should be made to the Headteacher of the school, stating their reason for the complaint.
Complainants should receive a full written response, from the Headteacher, within 10 working days. Where this does not prove possible the candidate shall be advised, within that time, of the reason why and when they can expect to receive a full response.
Should the candidate be unhappy with the response from the Headteacher and wishes to further appeal against how the recruitment process was applied, the candidate must be advised to write to the Chair of Governors specifying at what stage they believe the recruitment process disadvantaged them and why.
The Chair of Governors will investigate the matter further, and respond in writing within 10 working days. Where this does not prove possible the candidate shall be advised, within that time, of the reason why and when they can expect to receive a full response.
This complaints procedure emphasises the importance of maintaining proper records, documenting reasons for decisions, and maintaining recruitment files at all stages so that a clear response can be provided to complaints from aggrieved persons, which can be supported by evidence later if the matter goes to an employment tribunal.
There will be no right of appeal through Dorset County Council's Corporate Complaint's Procedure on any recruitment and selection matter.
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Appendix 23 Guidance on induction There should be an induction programme for all staff and volunteers newly appointed in a school, including teaching staff, regardless of previous experience. The purpose of the induction is to:
Provide training and information about the school’s policies and procedures, expected standards of conduct and behaviour, including safeguarding of children
Support individuals in a way which is appropriate for the role to which they have been appointed
Provide opportunities for a new member of staff to discuss any issues or concerns about their new role or responsibilities
Enable the person’s line manager to mentor or recognise any concerns about the person’s ability or suitability at the outset and address them immediately.
To whom and how to raise any issues / concerns regarding safeguarding.
Highlight HR procedures including discipline, grievance, capability, whistleblowing, code of conduct, managing allegations and safeguarding procedures.
The content and nature of the induction will vary according to the role and previous experience of the new member of staff or volunteer. Any concerns should be bought to the attention of the member of staff as soon as possible in order to be able to deal with issues in a timely way.
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