Sex & relationships education policy 11 01 12

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Sex & Relationships Policy The Governing Body of Blandford St Mary Primary School is committed to promoting equality and diversity. By recognising and appreciating individual needs and differences the school will be broadly representative of the communities it serves, and be a place where children and staff will thrive – physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. This will be achieved by implementing equal opportunities and diversity practice across the three dimensions of the Schoolâ€&#x;s activity: as an employer; an educator; and a resource of the local community.

Blandford St Mary Primary school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. These posts will require a criminal record bureau check via the CRB. Date Adopted: Jan 14 Review Date: Jan 15


In Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole

Rationale Sex and Relationships Education is an integral part of the education of the child. School plays an important role in supporting the development and understanding of good relationships and in teaching children about human reproduction. We have based our school‟s Sex Education policy on the DfEE guidance document „Sex and Relationship Education Guidance‟ (ref DfEE 0116/2000). In this document, Sex Education is defined as “… lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the understanding of the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about leading children towards an understanding of sex, sexuality, and sexual health. It involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity.” At Blandford St Mary Primary School there is an atmosphere of trust and stability within a positive and supportive environment. Underpinning all work done in Sex and Relationships Education is the importance of raising children‟s self esteem and self awareness, along side nurturing consideration and understanding towards others; from this foundation children will be encouraged to make responsible, healthy and informed choices. The school‟s SRE policy and programmes of study are consistent with Local Authority guidance. Given this, SRE at Blandford St Mary Primary School is integral to the school‟s Rainbow programme. SRE learning is linked directly to the key themes within Rainbow. It is age appropriate, and is carefully and sensitively matched to the needs of the children in our school. The school will work in partnership with parents and carers. We acknowledge that the family plays a huge role in a child‟s development and understanding in this area.

Aims Through Sex and Relationships Education we teach children about:           

the physical development of their bodies as they grow into adults the way humans reproduce teach children skills to help them form and maintain positive relationships the importance of family life help children consider the many different types of relationships and families that exist between humans respect other people and their opinion respect for their own bodies and the importance of sexual activity as part of a committed, long-term, and loving relationship give children opportunities to express, share and question beliefs and prejudices respect other people and their opinion make children aware of influences such as family, peers, culture, the community and the media what they should do if they are worried about any sexual matters


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fulfil our statutory requirements to publish this policy and make it available keep parents informed through information evenings, „drop-in‟ workshops and publication of this policy on the website

Guidelines SRE is taught through several strands of the curriculum such as Science. However, the Rainbow programme is the chief tool for delivering SRE and, through this, we ensure that we are adhering to the current LA guidelines and advice. SRE links with key themes within the Rainbow resource, most notably „Good to be me‟, „Relationships‟ and „Changes‟. The core teaching about sex education is within the summer term Changes unit, linking directly with physical and emotional changes associated with the onset of puberty. Key resources are recommended within the Rainbow materials and these are used as important tools in the delivery of this element of our curriculum. A curriculum map (Appendix 1) identifies the all the elements of sex and relationships education delivered within each year group. This map ensures that children‟s understanding of SRE develops gradually and progressively through the course of Key Stage One and Two. Questions related to sex education will always be answered honestly and sensitively. The teacher will always bear in mind the ability and social development of the child asking the question and other children who may be listening to the answer. Answers to questions will also be given within the context of the planned unit of work, learning expectations and vocabulary for that year group. A child‟s particular query may be responded to confidentially if appropriate. Whilst the majority of SRE will be delivered in mixed groupings, there may be occasions where single sex opportunities are offered. The class teacher will be responsible for the delivery of Sex and Relationships Education. In Y5 and Y6 the school may engage the School Nurse in some aspects; however, the teacher would always be present in these lessons. As an inclusive school we would aim to include all children in Sex and Relationships lessons however there may be times when, for certain children, it is more appropriate to take another, more tailored or individual approach. In these situations we would discuss this with the parents. The school appreciates that this area of the curriculum must be handled with sensitivity and discretion, and that families will wish to be well informed about the timing and content of any sessions planned through the termly year group newsletter. Therefore, we will ensure that parents have the opportunity to view the SRE materials to be used with their children and to ask questions in advance of these sessions. It is hoped that by involving parents in this way children will be able to build upon what they learn in school by further discussion at home. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory elements of Sex and Relationships Education. We would urge parents to consider this very carefully and to talk to the Class Teacher, or Head Teacher before they make that decision.


This policy is the responsibility of the Governors and any amendments or updates must be agreed by them. Scheme of Work Sex and Relationships Education links to our Rainbow Scheme of Work from YR to Y6Spring (2) after February half term

„Good to Be Me‟

Summer (2) after May half term


The supporting DVD „Living and Growing‟ (Channel Four) will be made available for parents to see on request. Each year the previous year‟s work will be revisited and reviewed before further learning takes place.

Reception Children will learn the importance of caring for a baby through role play. An area for feeding, bathing, dressing „babies‟ will be available and children will be guided to this area for role play sessions. When possible a parent with a new baby will be invited in to talk to the children and show them how to care for a baby. Children will learn how a baby develops from being born until the age of five – identifying changes in themselves and what they can do.

Year One The children will learn about personal hygiene and making choices which improve their health and well-being. Children learn difference and similarities between girls and boys, they will name body parts and learn about the life cycles of humans and other animals. They learn to recognise what they like and dislike through their sense of touch. Vocabulary Science links

Baby, boy, girl, man, woman, male, female, differences, similarities, life cycle, body parts, penis, vagina. Sc2 2a – to recognise and compare the main external parts of the bodies of humans and other animals


Year Two Children learn difference and similarities between girls and boys, they will name body parts and be able to talk about how special their bodies are. They will learn about „keeping safe‟ by thinking about physical contact they like and don‟t like, also by exploring and talking about secrets. Vocabulary Science links

Chest, nipples, vagina, navel, penis, testicles, bottom and other body parts, special, private, personal Sc2 2a – to recognise and compare the main external parts of the bodies of humans and other animals

Year Three Children will learn about living creatures which reproduce and give birth. The children will be able to explain how their bodies change as the get older. They will learn about „keeping safe‟ – who helps me to stay safe, places they need to keep safe from and strategies for keeping myself safe. The children will find about and respect the differences and similarities between people and begin to recognise some simple gender stereotyping.

Vocabulary Science links

animals, reproduce, survive, birth, care, love Sc2 2d – to learn about the main stages of the human life cycle

Year Four Children will begin to learn about human reproduction – they will learn that a baby develops inside a mother‟s womb. They will begin to look at puberty and how bodies develop through puberty. Reproductive parts will be taught using their correct names. They will work on „keeping safe - staying safe‟. The children will find about and respect the differences and similarities between people and recognise gender stereotyping. Vocabulary Science links

breast, fertilisation, foetus, penis, pregnant, testicles, vagina, womb, puberty, egg, ovaries, period, menstruation, vagina, penis, sperm, testicles. Sc2 2d – to learn about the main stages of the human life cycle

Year Five Children are taught about how puberty affects both boys and girls. After this general input there will be opportunities for the girls and boys to separate and learn, for example, how to manage periods and reflecting on the changes that happen to boys. The children will be taught the names of the genital and reproductive parts of the body. Children are taught about how babies are made – animation DVD. They will explore the idea of relationships including friendships, parent-child and family relationships, and adult sexual relationships. Their work on keeping safe develops into


having responsibilities for themselves. The children will find about and respect the differences and similarities between people and recognise gender / age stereotyping. Vocabulary

Science links

puberty, menstruation, menstrual cycle, periods, sanitary towels, sanitary pads, tampons, hormones, breasts, pubic hair, ova, ovum, ovary, ovulation, vagina, womb, uterus, uterine tube, clitoris, mood swings, wet dreams, urine, sperm, semen, testes, testicles, penis, erection, scrotum, larynx, caring, conception, egg, fertilisation, love, making love, trust, sexual attraction, sexual intercourse, masturbation Sc2 2d – to learn about the main stages of the human life cycle

Year Six Children learn about baby development and they see a baby being born. The children will be able to talk about the changes that occur during puberty for boys and girls. They will reflect on the roles and relationships in the family. They learn about „keeping safe – staying safe‟ in terms of making choices and being responsible. Children will learn about stereotyping. Vocabulary

Science links

puberty, menstruation, menstrual cycle, periods, sanitary towels, sanitary pads, tampons, hormones, breasts, pubic hair, ova, ovum, ovary, ovulation, vagina, womb, uterus, uterine tube, clitoris, mood swings, wet dreams, urine, sperm, semen, testes, testicles, penis, erection, scrotum, larynx, caring, conception, egg, fertilisation, love, making love, trust, sexual attraction, sexual intercourse, masturbation, fertilisation, foetus, labour, oxygen, pregnancy, ultrasound, umbilical cord Sc2 2d – to learn about the main stages of the human life cycle

Staffing The Headteacher takes overall responsibility for the policy and its implementation. The PSHCE coordinator is responsible for implementing the SRE programme and monitoring and supporting its effective delivery. Monitoring and review The Curriculum Committee of the governing body monitors our sex and relationships education policy on a regular basis. This committee reports its findings and recommendations to the full governing policy, as necessary, if the policy needs modification. The Curriculum Committee gives


serious consideration to any comments from parents about the sex and relationships education programme, and makes a record of all such comments. Safeguarding

Blandford St Mary Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting children‟s welfare. Whilst engaging with the SRE curriculum, should any question, comment or pupil‟s response give rise to concern, or if potential child protection issues are raised, the school‟s normal procedure will be initiated. The teacher will refer the matter to the school‟s Designated Senior Person who will respond according to the school‟s Child Protection Procedures.


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