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CELTA Teacher Training

Internationally British

CambridgeEnglishCELTA(CertificateinEnglish Language Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages) is the practical English language teachingqualificationthatgivesyoutheessential knowledge,hands-onteachingexperienceand classroomconfidencetoqualify as a teacher of English as a Second Language (ESL). CELTAisgreatforrecentgraduates,thoseseeking aportablecareerorteacherswhowanttogaina formal qualification.

WithCELTA,youshowemployersthatyou: ● have gained essential knowledge of the principles of effective English teaching ● have developed a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners ● havedemonstratedyourabilitytoapplyyour learning in a real teaching context

• a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education

TEFL IntroductoryCourse This course is designed for those who are consideringacareerteachingEnglishasasecond languagebutisnotreadyforthecommitmentof aCELTAcourse.Itprovidesagentleintroduction to the knowledge and skills necessary to becomeanEnglishLanguageteacher.Whilethis course does not provide you with a recognised qualification,itistaughtbyafully-qualifiedand experienced CELTA tutor.

ReasonstochoosetheIntroductoryTEFL Course: ● a one-week course Monday to Friday from 10.00-16.00 ● preparelessonsandpractiseteachingonyour peers with guidance and feedback

● are ready to begin working in a variety of ESL teaching contexts around the world

● learn about teaching language and skills

Reasons to choose CELTA:

● learn classroom management skills and teaching techniques

● get expert training and feedback on your teachingfromhighly-qualified,experienced trainers ● the120-hourcoursebuildsastrongfoundation in English language teaching ● globallyrecognisedqualificationatLevel5on the Qualifications and Credit Framework ● Cambridge English Teacher professional membershipisincludedfreetosupportyour ongoing development

Entry requirements • over 18 • Minimum CEFR Level: C2

Readwhatoneofourstudentshassharedabout the BSN Language Centre.

‘I chose the CELTA certificate because it is one of the most respected EFL/ ESL teaching qualifications allowing me to teach anywhere. I selected the BSN Language Centre because the tutors have a wealth of experience. While studying here, I immediately recognised the collaborative atmosphere among the teachers.’ Karen


BSN Language Centre, Leidschenveen Campus, Vrouw Avenweg 640, 2493 WZ Den Haag Telephone: +31 (0)70 315 4080  |  Email: languages@britishschool.nl

CELTA Teacher Training

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