Options -Enrichment for Years 10 and 11 2015-17

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Options for study (Years 10 and 11) 2015 | 2017 Internationally British

Contents Foreword 3 Enrichment Options Business & Finance Skills 4 Classical Studies 5 Dance Leadership & Workshops 6 Introduction to Psychology 7 Mother Tongue Language Programme 8 Sports Leadership 9 Textiles 10

Foreword Students’ journey on the pathway of learning should not be solely focussed on GCSE examinations. As such, part of their curriculum in Years 10 and 11 will be for these students to have the opportunity to study an enrichment option. These are non-GCSE course that aim to provide opportunities to extend and develop students as learner.

Although every effort is made to do so, it is not always possible to accommodate a student’s choice of enrichment subject because of timetabling constraints or numbers choosing the course. In some cases this may result in an enrichment option ceasing to be available - the final decision on such matters lies with the Headteacher.

Students will spend one lesson per week on their chosen enrichment option. This handbook contains the information regarding each course and will help you make your decision. Please feel free to speak to the appropriate member of staff if you want to ask any questions or clarify any points.

James Oxlade Deputy Head (Academic) Senior School Voorschoten

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Enrichment   2015 | 2017

Business & Finance Skills

Business and Finance Skills This course aims to introduce students to the ideas of entrepreneurship, finance, economics and business skills as part of their personal development. It is not intended as in introduction to sixth form courses in Business or Economics but for those who would like to learn more about these essential life skills.

Money: What exactly is money? How did it come about? What does it represent? Why can’t we just swap things? We’ll explore the role of the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the purpose behind a single European currency.

What does the course involve?

Topical Issues: Every day the news leads with stories about the economy. We’ll explain these in simple terms so that students have a grasp of the key issues of the day. This could be anything from a potential Grexit, the falling price of a barrel of oil, or the overnight surge in the Swiss Franc.

Entrepreneurship: What does it mean to be an entrepreneur and how can we actually start our own business? What skills are required, what practical problems need to be overcome and is it possible to design, develop and sell an idea at a profit?

Working in ‘the City’: The City refers to the City of London. The financial heart of the UK and a major global influence. Students will learn about shares, bonds and other financial instruments. What bankers actually do, why they are so highly paid, and what you might need to do to become one. The hugely popular student investor game, involving a virtual portfolio, helps offer real time practice in share trading.

Personal finance: How much do people actually get paid? How does this work? Why do we then pay tax and how much do we pay? Why is everyone in debt? Should I pay my student loan off with a credit card? There are many aspects of personal finance that 15-16 year olds need to know as an essential part of life.

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The course is not designed to prepare students for sixth form courses in Business or Economics. However it may be helpful to those who have an academic interest in these disciplines to clarify their own understanding of what studying Business or Economics might entail and this will be fully explained as we go through the course.

Contact: Mr T Hare

Enrichment   2015 | 2017

Classical Studies

Classical Studies Have you enjoyed watching series on television like ‘Atlantis’? Or have you been fascinated by films like ‘Troy’ or ‘Gladiator’?

What was daily life like in the ancient world?

The importance of ancient Greek and Latin.

• Well, these are taken from the field of Classical Studies, the study of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

What does the course involve? In this course we will look at some of the following questions and try to answer them: •

Did Alexander the Great really exist? Can we prove it?

How does archaeology work?

Famous stories from ancient history. For example, did the Trojan War really happen?

What does ‘carpe diem’ mean? Where does a word like ‘agenda’ come from? Was Julius Caesar a mass-murderer and all- round criminal?

We like to think of the ancient world as very similar to our own but when we peer into ancient history it is rather like visiting an alien world and surely Archaeology is a pursuit of sheer detective work …. you need to be a Sherlock Holmes!

Contact: Mr D Crawford

• How did the arch revolutionise building construction? •

What was the role of women in the ancient world?

What are the origins of democracy?

Do Plato and Aristotle still affect our ways of thinking today?

What is the meaning of classical architecture?

Enrichment | 5

Enrichment 2015 | 2017

Dance Leadership

Dance Leadership and Workshops This course is a great introduction for those students who are interested in dance. Not only does this course expand students’ knowledge of dance but also their confidence, whilst also improving their leadership skills. All learners need is a passion and interest in dance.

What does the course involve? Students will complete the Level 1 Award in Dance Leadership. This is a UK nationally recognised qualification that enables successful learners to lead small groups in simple dance activities, whilst under the direct supervision of their Tutor/Assessor or other suitably qualified adult. The qualification teaches generic leadership skills such as organisation, planning, communication and teamwork through the medium of dance. It is a fun and practical qualification with no entrance requirements or final examinations to sit. Assessment is through completion of the course and demonstration of practical skills. In addition, students will follow 4/5 hour units on various styles of dance. These styles are to be confirmed but may include: ballet, ballroom, jazz, hiphop, urban, Capoeira and contemporary.

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The course will culminate in an informal evening of dance where students perform their dances. Students will also be encouraged to create an extracurricular activity for younger students where they can put their learnt leadership skills into practice.

There will be a registration fee (+/- €45) associated with this Enrichment course.

Contact: Mr M Bennett

Enrichment 2015 | 2017

Mother Tongue Languages

Mother Tongue Language Programme The Mother Tongue Enrichment option is intended for any student who has already sat an early GCSE in their native language and wish to continue with the development of their language skills and knowledge.

What does the course involve? The course will be taken by a native speaker assistant who will help you to maintain and improve on your current skill levels, especially in speaking and writing. There will be weekly discussions based on current affairs, supplemented with exercises to help develop your grammar. The types of discussion and written tasks that you will undertake, will go beyond the daily routine and tourist topics areas covered at GCSE and will cover four broad topic areas : •

Youth Culture,

Lifestyle and Health,

Environmental Issues

The World of Work.

Please note that the course is not offered in Dutch as we already have provision for you to maintain your current level through the Life Skills programme. If you do decide to opt for this course, please select the appropriate language from the drop down menu when making your choice on Gateway.

Contact: Mrs C Rieutort Louis

This course is especially suited to those students who are considering continuing their studies of the language in the sixth form. We will offer the course in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian, numbers permitting.

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Enrichment 2015 | 2017

Sports Leadership

Sports Leadership This practical enrichment course offers students the opportunities and experiences they need to improve their life skills. It focuses on leading rather than technical ability and will increase students’ selfconfidence and develop their leadership skills through sport.

What does the course involve? Students will complete the Level 2 Award in Sports Leadership. This award will give learners the chance to develop their organisation, motivation and communication skills, whilst also focusing on positive role models in sport, how to mentor others, and how to use leadership skills in a variety of settings. Assessment is through completion of the course and 10 hours demonstration of voluntary leadership outside of lessons In addition to the Level 2 Sports Leaders award, students will study National Governing Body (NGB) specific sports coaching qualifications to improve their specific sports coaching. This will allow them to apply the skills learnt in their Level 2 award to sport specific activities.

Each sports qualification will cover 3 areas: •

Communication Skills- cross over to Sports Leaders Award.

Organisational skills- cross over to Sports Leaders Award.

Sports Specific skills - warm-up and cool downs, coaching of major skills, basic officiating.

The qualifications could be in the following activities (actual qualifications TBC): •



Table Tennis




Assessment is through observation of students leading a coaching session. There will be a registration fee (+/- €45) and cost per NGB qualification (+/- €20) associated with this Enrichment course.

Contact: Mr M Bennett

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Enrichment 2015 | 2017

Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology Taking the ‘Introduction to Psychology’ will allow students to enrich their experience of wider curriculum and develop the necessary skills in preparation for higher level study.

What does the course involve? Students studying this course will be introduced to the fascinating and exciting world of Psychology where they will have the opportunity to explore and discuss issues that are of direct relevance and interest to them whilst developing key skills in research, critical thinking and analysis.

Psychology is currently a popular A Level and IB subject within the Sixth Form. Although there is currently no prerequisite GCSE in this discipline, students who have chosen to study this enrichment subject may find it of benefit to them in deciding upon embarking on studying it at a higher academic level.

Contact: Ms J Davies

Students will have a choice from a series of topics to study that are of interest to them. Each term there will be a focus on a different subject matter and a different skills base. Topics that students have selected in recent years include Gender, Personality, Psychopathology, Criminal Psychology and Sleep and Dreaming to name a few. Students will be encouraged to develop a range of skills including independent and group research, presentation, debate, extended writing, project work and guided investigations. Students will be asked to research questions such as ‘Why do people become murderers?’ ‘Why do we dream?’ “What causes mental disorder?’‘How do gender roles develop?’ etc. Some of these questions will allow students to develop their research skills and provide knowledge of some of the main approaches in Psychology.

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Enrichment 2015 | 2017


Textiles The aim of the course is designed: • To give students the opportunity to develop their designing and making skills using fabric. • To give students the opportunity to experiment with technical and creative textiles processes when designing and making functional products. • To build students’ critical analysis and problem solving skills when making decisions within a design context to produce practical solutions to design problems and design opportunities.

What does the course involve? In Year 10, students will be introduced to a wide variety of technical and creative textiles process through a series of design and make activities: The Storage Pouch Project: introduces students to essential sewing machine skills and teaches them how to use the sewing machine safely and with confidence. They will learn a wide variety of technical skills e.g. sewing a zip in place and sewing a button hole in addition to creative embellishment techniques such as appliqué, block printing and patchwork. This functional storage pouch can be used for jewellery, stationery, toiletries or art materials. The Sustainability Project: teaches students basic fashion drawing skills so that they can learn to communicate their design ideas effectively. In this project, students focus on recycling and re-using existing textiles products to design and make a skirt, shorts or a pair of trousers. The simple construction of the garment allows students to focus on their creativity and build on decorative construction and creative skills learnt previously.

The Design Communication Project: teaches students a range of fashion drawing skills which allow them to communicate their ideas to others more easily. This will form the basis of their Year 11 project and by the end of the summer term they will have designed a range of garments and chosen one to make in Year 11. In Year 11, students have the opportunity to enhance their learning experience by building on technical and creative skills learnt in Year 10. Students will pursue an independent, practical project in which they will learn how to use a commercial clothing pattern and adapt this to their own design before making the garment. At the start of the summer term, there is an opportunity for Year 10 and 11 students to take part in the annual BSN Charity Fashion Show. This gives students the opportunity to participate in an event which further enhances their learning experience. The Textiles Technology Enrichment option will support students that wish to study Art and Design at AS and A2 level. This course will provide students with the practical and design skills necessary to enable them to work more independently, giving them the opportunity to explore their creativity in more depth within the textiles medium in A-Level Art and Design. Alternatively, creative and technical textiles skills learnt will also support students that already study GCSE Product Design and wish to study Product Design at A-level, providing them with an additional materials area to use as part of their A-level design portfolio.

Contact: Ms N Gulliver Options | 10

Enrichment 2015 | 2017

Senior School Voorschoten Jan van Hooflaan 3 2252 BG Voorschoten Telephone: +31 (0)71 560 2222 Fax: +31 (0)71 560 2200 Email: senior@britishschool.nl www.britishschool.nl

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