Learning in English is Fun! An intensive, but fun, introductory programme for new EAL students joining the BSN in September 2015. This four-day programme will take place in the week before the new school year starts in September. The programme is specifically designed to welcome children and students to the BSN community and provide an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the BSN school system. Joining the “Learning in English is Fun!” Programme will help to reduce any potential feelings of anxiety about starting school and will provide an ideal opportunity to settle in and make friends with other new BSN students. The course combines language study with a variety of activities, including arts and crafts, sport and cookery.
Tailored to different levels of English EAL (English as an Additional Language) beginners will be introduced to essential words and phrases that will help them ease into their new school environment more comfortably. Higher level students will also be encouraged to develop their fluency and confidence in English. This should not be seen as a replacement for the EAL programme students will need to follow once they start school, but rather an initial boost to their English language skills.
Dates Monday 31 August to Thursday 3 September from 9:30 to 15:30.
Age groups For children aged 5 to 16. Groups will be based on age and level.
Location BSN Leidschenveen Campus, Vrouw Avenweg 640, 2493 WZ Den Haag The programme will be delivered within the JSL school building, the BSN Language Centre and the JSL Sports Hall – all of which are based on our Leidschenveen Campus.
Fees The programme fee is 560 euros per child, with a 10% sibling discount for additional children. The fee includes all teaching materials, however students will need to bring a packed lunch and snack each day.
Registration Those students viewed as benefiting from this programme will be identified during the normal school admissions process and offered a place on the programme. Attendance is voluntary, so if you’d like to register your child, please email languages@ britishschool.nl or call 070 315 4080. Deadline for application 17 July 2015.