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GCSE Art and Design

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Details of what the course involves

The GCSE course in Art and Design encourages students to:

● Actively engage in the process of art and design in order to develop as effective and independent learners, and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds.

● Develop creative and imaginative powers, and the practical skills for communicating and expressing ideas, feelings and meanings in art and design.

● Become confident in taking risks and learning from their mistakes when exploring ideas, materials, tools techniques and technology.

● Develop investigative, analytical, experimental and interpretative capabilities, aesthetic understanding and critical skills.

● Show understanding of codes and conventions of art and design, and awareness of contexts in which they operate.

● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of art and design in contemporary societies and in other times and cultures.

● Develop personal attributes including selfconfidence, resilience, perseverance, self-discipline and commitment.

We deliver a broad-based course where emphasis is placed on creativity and the development of the individual. Students are encouraged to become independent thinkers. As the course develops this provides them with opportunities to explore an extensive range of skills, both practical and academic. Problem solving and creative thinking underpins the philosophy of our teaching, actively encouraging and supporting students through a progressive frame of learning.

How will the course be examined?

The overall GCSE grade is based on the following:

Portfolio – 60% .

Externally Set Assignment – 40%.

All assessment is based on practical work produced over the period of the course. There is no written examination.

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