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GCSE History
Aims of the course
GCSE History helps to establish lifelong skills – both oral and written – the ability to argue a case, to articulate and communicate what you know and understand, to sift through a wide range of evidence and come to a conclusion. Furthermore, the course will help students to understand the background to current affairs and to have a better understanding of the world we live in.
This course will appeal to students who:
● Want to study a dynamic subject that changes with the world around them.
● Want to understand the world they live in; so many of today’s conflicts have their roots in the past.
● Have an interest in developing their written communication and analytical thinking skills.
During your course you will learn:
● About the significance of events, individuals, issues and societies in history.
● How and why societies have changed over time – how people interact, their motives, factionalism, how people may unite under a common cause.
● To develop an understanding of how the past has been interpreted and represented.
● To express your own historical ideas confidently and effectively.
● To understand the nature of historical evidence and the methods used by historians to analyse and evaluate it.
● To develop your ability to analyse and evaluate evidence, reach supported judgements, and to argue a case effectively both orally and on paper.
How will the course be assessed?
There are two exam papers:
Paper 1: Understanding the modern world (2 hours, 50% of GCSE).
● Section 1A: Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship.
● Section 1B: Conflict and tension: The inter-war years, 1918–1939.
Paper 2: Shaping the nation (2 hours, 50% of GCSE).
● Section 2A: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day.
● Section 2B: Norman England, c1066–c1100.