SSL Curriculum A guide to Year 7
Welcome to Year 7
Welcome to Year 7, the first year of the Senior School. The purpose of this booklet is to give students and parents an introduction to, and an overview of, the Year 7 curriculum. The move to the Senior School is exciting. Students are taught a range of subjects by a number of different teachers. This involves moving to specialist areas and being organised for each lesson. Students will receive plenty of help to settle into a positive routine, especially from their Form Tutors who will see students on a daily basis. What may initially seem a little confusing soon becomes familiar.
The school day
Monday to Friday 08:45–15:30.
6 x 50 minute lessons with a break and tutor time in the morning and a 1 hour lunch break.
The school operates a two-week timetable so lessons in Week A will be different to those in Week B.
Monday to Friday
08:45–08:50 Registration
08:50–09:40 Lesson 1
09:40–10:30 Lesson 2
10:30–10:50 Break
10:50–11:10 Tutor Time
11:10–12:00 Lesson 3
12:00–12:50 Lesson 4
12:50–13:50 Lunch
13:50–14:40 Lesson 5
14:40–15:30 Lesson 6
15:30 End of timetabled teaching day
Tutor time
Each form has a brief 5-minute meeting with their Form Tutor at the beginning of the day, followed by a 20 minute lesson later on in the morning. The Form Tutor is there to help with problems, encourage students to organise themselves for the day, check homework entries and to discuss matters of importance.
The Year 7 curriculum offers a broad and balanced education, building on the programme laid down in the Junior Schools. Many subjects follow on from courses already started in Year 6, the highest year of junior school, and are based on the National Curriculum in England framework. Our programmes of study take into account the rich diversity of nationalities in the student body.
• Art and Design (3 lessons per fortnight)
• Computing (3)
• Design and Technology (3)
• Dutch (4)
• Drama (2)
• English (7)
• French (2)
• Food Preparation and Nutrition (3)
• Geography (3)
• German (2)
• History (3)
• Mathematics (7)
• Music (3)
• Physical Education (4)
• PSHE (2)
• Science (7)
• Spanish (2)
We have provision, where necessary, to offer students support in English as an Additional language (EAL). Additional Educational Needs (AEN) staff give individual help to children with particular needs.
Homework is an important part of the learning process, consolidating or building on work done in class and helping students to develop good independent work habits. Homework is set by subject teachers according to a homework timetable which is shared with students to help them organise their time. In Year 7, students can expect one or two subject homework assignments per night which in total should take between one and two hours to complete.
Art and Design
Aims of the course
Year 7 aims to initiate the students into creating and developing their ideas. The students will learn how to analyse, record, and evaluate their own work, that of others, and that of artists from major movements. They will explore different materials and techniques such as drawing, photography and painting, to learn how to properly use line, light and shadow, texture, shape, composition, and colour. Year 7 will, therefore, be an introduction to the basic skills needed to develop ideas and improve their execution.
Details of what the course involves
The course is divided into 2 main projects:
1. Still Life – Drawing
• Creating an artist page
• Learning and practicing shading techniques
• Observational studies: graphite pencil
• Building texture in a drawing
• Understanding proportions, light, and shadow
• Experimenting with new shading techniques: ink and biro
• Theory: Still Life + Janet Rickus
• Setting up a Still Life observational drawing
• Final art piece: graphite pencil
2. J.M.W Turner – Watercolour
• Researching + artist page composition: J.M.W Turner
• Art Analysis
• Understanding colour theory and symbolism
• Learning about Romanticism
• Experimenting with watercolour techniques
• Learning the difference between figurative and abstract
• Expressing emotions in art
• Final art piece: Watercolour
How will the course be assessed?
The main source for assessing the students’ achievement and progress in this course will be the sketchbooks used throughout the year to carry out their theoretical and practical work, artist pages, and homework. Each project will end with a final art piece that will also be an important part of the assessment.
Suggested activities:
• Chamber of Wonders
• Kunstmuseum Den Haag
• Mauritshuis museum
• Museum Beelden aan Zee
• Escher Museum
• Museum Voorlinden
Aims of the course
The Year 7 Computing course is designed to enable students to gain skills required for successful living in the 21st century. Students will learn how to use many digital tools that will enable them to work more effectively and aid them in all subjects during their time at the BSN.
Details of what the course involves
BSN Computing Driving Licence
This includes everything students need to know about Computing at the BSN, in order to work effectively. Students will learn to work in the cloud using Office 365, OneDrive and Canvas Familiarity with the online environment is essential to their work in this subject.
Crafty Coding
This topic is an introduction to coding using visualbased programming software called Blocky. Following this they will experience textbased coding using Small basic and Python. Students will become familiar with the concepts of sequence, selection and repetition.
Amazing Apps
Using AppLab, students will learn the fundamentals of app development, exploring their creativity whilst creating actual apps that will work on phones, tablets and PCs. They will experience how apps are interlinked and how the networking has enabled collaboration on many different levels.
Crafty Coding
Students will learn what is meant by Physical Computing. They will write their own programs that will run on BBC Microbits which they will receive later in the year. This will put the coding skills they have acquired to physical use. They will use the Microbits for many useful tasks such as reading the temperature, using a compass and, of course, playing simple games. During this topic they will learn how to code in JavaScript
How will the course be assessed?
Towards the end of each unit, students undertake an assessed piece of work that will provide an understanding of attainment on their most recent area of study. This will be completed in class and as an extended homework task. Students will create a reflective journal during every lesson, which will include any new learning from the lessons. This will be regularly read by the teacher who will use questioning and reflective comments to further extend students’ development. The reflective journal will give an overall picture of how much progress is being made over the year and provide an outlet for students to review previous learning and make any relevant connections.
Reading list and activities
Design and Technology
Aims of the course
Our aim is to equip students with the skills and qualifications to go on and become the next generation of creative practitioners in their chosen field. We also seek to build confidence and encourage students to take ownership of their work and to develop their thinking into creative ideas. We want our students to be able to problem solve, work collaboratively and take the design process from sketch to final product.
Details of what the course involves
Design & Technology will prepare students to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world. Students will gain awareness and learn from wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors. Students will get the opportunity to work creatively when designing and making, and apply technical and practical knowledge.
Students work with a range of materials, tools, equipment and design briefs. These units of work include:
• Workshop Health and safety – Learning includes workshop rules and regulations, safety devices, and safe use of equipment.
• CAD – Learning includes the use of 2D Design.
• Structures Project - Learning includes forces, structures and team collaboration.
• Notepad holder - Learning includes generation of design ideas, woods, and plastics.
• Pencil Holder- Learning includes, the use of pillar drill, planning for making, wood and manufactured boards and design evaluation.
How will the course be assessed?
Summative assessment will occur at the end of each unit, when a fuller body of written and practical work is in evidence. This will contribute to an overall grade at the end of the year. There will be plenty of opportunity for formative, self and peer assessment throughout each project.
Students are divided into four sets in Dutch in Year 7
Students with little or no experience of the language are taught as ‘beginners’, going on to intermediate level and those with more experience as advanced and proficient level. Advanced and proficient speaker will be working from a variety of materials ranging from websites to Dutch newspapers. The course aims to make the students aware of the Dutch culture around them and to give them the confidence that they require to function in everyday situations in the language. The advanced students should be able to use different tenses with a greater degree of accuracy and feel at ease with the written language. Proficient speakers should aim to be at approximately the same level as their counterparts in Dutch schools.
Details of what the course involves
Students work with the course book ‘plein 16’ and the website Additional resources which are used are ‘eenvoudige basisgrammatica NT2’, ‘geregeld spreken’ and ‘kidzweek’. The topics covered in ‘Plein 16’ are ‘getting acquainted’, ‘family-apperanceto live’ and ‘school- friendship’.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year. There will be formal tests assessing knowledge and understanding of the subject matter covered in the course.
Aims of the course
During Year 7, students develop drama skills through a range of fun and exciting projects focusing on storytelling. Our schemes of work are carefully selected to maximise student involvement and build on personal confidence, creativity and working productively in a team.
Details of what the course involves
Greek Mythology
This topic focuses on the origins of theatre and runs alongside the English Mythology unit. We introduce students to a range of skills including chorus work, still images and thought tracking.
An Introduction to Shakespeare
These drama lessons have been carefully designed to complement and support students’ learning in English lessons where they also study an introduction to Shakespeare. Students will work towards building confidence around Shakespeare’s famous characters, themes and words.
Play Study: FACE
This unit closely links to students’ social and emotional wellbeing and development through a gripping play which explores themes of identity and self-discovery.
Commedia dell’Arte
This new unit teaches students’ physical discipline, the ability to think on their feet and confidently use their imagination.
How will the course be assessed?
At the end of every lesson is a performance. Students either take the role of:
Performer Increasing confidence while putting their new learning into practice.
Audience Developing concentration skills while building a mutual appreciation and respect for each other’s work.
After each performance there is a class discussion which draws out areas of each other’s drama skills that either need developing or that can be used as a good example. Emphasis will be put on how the audience interpret drama and whether that was the intention of the performer. The development of individual students is carefully monitored by the teacher specifically focusing on Creating, Performing and Responding. Students are continuously encouraged and made aware of their strengths and shown how to develop areas that need improving. In addition to this, peer and self-assessment are used regularly to make progress collaboratively in the subject. The majority of feedback is verbal.
Aims of the course
English lessons at SSL aim to:
• Encourage greater independence.
• Develop student ability to express themselves in both writing and speaking.
• Promote enthusiasm for the subject by reading, writing, listening and discussing a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts.
• Challenge the students by studying texts from different cultures, time periods and genres.
Details of what the course involves
• Mythology: Students explore a variety of mythological stories from diverse cultures, including Greek, Chinese, and African traditions. The collection features tales like Icarus, Pangu, and Nuwa, among others.
• Introduction to Shakespeare: Students are introduced to Shakespeare, exploring his life, the Elizabethan period, and the Globe Theatre. They study extracts from various plays, including Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Henry V.
• Detective Fiction: Students explore detective fiction, focusing on Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story ‘The Speckled Band’, which features one of fiction’s most famous detectives, Sherlock Holmes. They examine the characteristics of detective fiction and archetypes, culminating in students writing the opening of their own detective fiction stories.
• Bone Sparrow: Students read and examine the novel ‘The Bone Sparrow’, which depicts life in detention centers and the persecution of immigrants, particularly the Rohingya Muslims. The novel addresses important themes such as friendship and family, grief and loss, hope, fear and freedom.
• Speeches: Students learn about rhetoric and use various techniques to write and deliver effective persuasive speeches on social issues they feel passionate about.
Within these topics, we will also work on improving the ability of students to express themselves both in writing and speech and consolidate their knowledge of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
How will the course be assessed?
Students will produce a number of pieces of formally assessed writing in Year 7 including:
• Comprehensions tests (short-answered questions and multiple-choice questions).
• Analysis of short extracts from a prose text.
• Descriptive and transaction writing.
• Speaking and Listening.
Many assessment techniques are used, including teacher formal assessment of classwork and homework against a mark scheme, whole-class feedback and live-marking.
Reading list and activities
The school library holds a large collection of contemporary fiction and non-fiction suitable for Year 7.
Food Preparation and Nutrition
Aims of the course
This is an exciting and creative course focusing on Food and Nutrition. Through the course students will develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food preparation and the working characteristics of ingredients. The main aims of the Year 7 Food Preparation & Nutrition course are:
• to make students aware of the importance of food hygiene and safety.
• to improve students’ knowledge and understanding of health, food and its function.
• to promote the development of a wide range of practical skills.
• to increase students’ understanding of sustainability and its importance when selecting foods.
Details of what the course involves
The course is organised into units of work, each unit lasting approximately a term. The course focuses on a range of student–centred activities based on the themes of Safety and Hygiene, Healthy Eating and Sustainable sources of food.
Students also complete practicaassessment activities throughout the course.
Topic 1: Introduction to Safety and Hygiene
• To introduce students to Food Technology and increase their awareness of health and safety issues.
• To assess and improve students’ basic practical skills including use of small equipment and the cooker.
• To introduce students to sensory evaluation.
• To increase student awareness of industry and the preparation of safe food using HACCP.
Topic 2: Healthy Eating
• To introduce students to the healthy eating guidelines and focus upon using healthy option foods.
• To increase student knowledge of diet and health through the Eatwellguide and 5-day-campaign.
• To provide an opportunity for students to understand and prepare healthy versions of recipes.
• To promote the development of a wide range of practical skills within the context of healthy eating.
Topic 3: Sustainability
• To increase student awareness of the importance of sustainable foods.
• To cover key terms such as organic, Fairtrade and food miles.
• To apply findings to produce a sustainable food product.
How will the course be assessed?
The students are continually assessed throughout the course. Assessment takes a variety of forms including the assessment of both knowledge and practical skills.
Students are assessed during practical workshops, set homework tasks and end-of-topic tests and quizzes. In Year 7 students complete a practical examination.
Reading list and activities
The Food Preparation & Nutrition Canvas section has a range of extension materials to support the course. Useful information and recipes can be found on:
Aims of the course
The aim of this course is to encourage students to enjoy learning and using French, focusing particularly on gaining confidence in the skills of Listening and Speaking, but also developing their Reading and Writing skills, giving all students the opportunity to read authentic texts and write simple French for everyday situations.
Details of what the course involves
Students will work with the digital course book Dynamo 1, covering various topics including, Going Back to School, In the Classroom, Free Time and Leisure, Family Life and In Town. There will be one homework assignment every two weeks.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year.
Proficient speakers
Those students with an advanced level of language, either by virtue of their nationality or lengthy residence in a French-speaking country, will be tested at the beginning of the year and, if they have an appropriate level of the French language, will be offered an alternative Personal Language Programme with a proficient speaker assistant in Year 7.
Aims of the course
SSL Geography aims to develop
1. Contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places, including their defining physical and human characteristics. How these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes.
2. Understanding of the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world. How these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time.
3. Competence in the geographical skills needed to:
• collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data.
• interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, and statistical data.
• communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.
We use the printed textbook (geog.1) only in class. Students have access to an online version (which can be accessed from home on any device). Students are given log-in details. The link to access the online textbook is:
Details of what the course involves
• Introduction to Geography: It’s your planet!
• Glaciers
• Africa, with a specific regional study of the Horn of Africa
• Rivers Geographical skills, including mapping, graph interpretation and numeracy will be integrated within these topics.
How will the course be assessed?
Students will have classwork and homework (of up to one hour, set every two weeks) which will be regularly assessed. In addition, they will complete a more formal assessment exercise or group projects for each unit.
Reading list and activities
• Helen Abramson, Where on Earth? The Ultimate Atlas of What’s Where in the World.
• Prisoners of Geography: Our World Explained in 12 simple Maps by Tim Marshall.
• Any of the Horrible Geography books
• National Geographic Kids magazine
• BBC Bitesize: KS3 Geography at
• Geography news from National Geographic
Aims of the course
The aim of this course is to encourage students to enjoy learning and using German, focusing particularly on gaining confidence in the skills of Listening and Speaking, but also developing their Reading and Writing skills, giving all students the opportunity to read authentic texts and write simple German for everyday situations.
Details of what the course involves
Students will work with the digital course book Stimmt! 1, covering various topics including, My World, Family and Pets, Free Time and Leisure, School and Holidays. There will be one homework assignment every two weeks.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year.
Proficient speakers
Those students with an advanced level of language, either by virtue of their nationality or lengthy residence in a German-speaking country, will be tested at the beginning of the year and if they have an appropriate level of the German language will be offered an alternative Personal Language Programme with a proficient speaker assistant in Year 7.
History lessons at SSL aim to develop the historical knowledge and skills of all students, especially focusing on critical thinking and analytical skills. Lessons will also develop students’ understanding of historical concepts such as cause and consequence, change and continuity, and the significance of events. History lessons will encourage students to consider the impact of historical events on the present day.
Details of what the course involves
In Year 7, History lessons will focus on the Medieval World and the key themes of power, belief and society.
Key topics will include:
Medieval Europe
• The Battle of Hastings and the wider impact in England and Europe of the Norman Conquest.
• Everyday life in Medieval Europe for different groups in society.
• Power of the Church in Medieval Europe.
• Power of Kings in Medieval Europe.
• Impact of the Black Death.
• Wars between and within states.
• The Renaissance and Reformation
Medieval World
• Trade and travel in the Medieval world.
• Conflict: the Crusades.
• Islam in Medieval Africa.
How will the course be assessed?
An assessment of student achievement and progress will be made from a combination of formal assessments in class, homework and class work.
Formal assessments in class will occur once per term:
• Autumn term: Extended writing focused on utilising evidence and causation.
• Spring term: Shorter answer questions on source analysis.
• Summer term: Extended writing focused on utilising evidence and causation.
Reading list and activities
• Medieval.htm
• medieval- england/
• Reading suggestions: Horrible Histories (Measly Middle Ages, Stormin’ Normans, Smashing Saxons)
• Suggested activities: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden, Museum Meermanno in den Haag, Muiderslot Castle, Slot Loevestein Castle, De Haar Castle
PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
Aims of the course
Several important topics are considered through both informative and discussion based lessons, making use of worksheets, newspaper articles, role-play, games, card sorts, debate, and student presentations. The underlying aims of the course are to encourage students to:
• Develop a basic knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, cultural, economic, physical and mental development of themselves and others.
• Become self-confident and happy young people.
• Develop a healthy and safe lifestyle.
• Explore and understand the feelings, attitudes and values of themselves and others.
• Develop and practise skills of enquiry and communication.
• Become more responsible for their own learning and behaviour
• Develop the skills necessary to become informed and responsible citizens.
Details of what the course involves
The following themes form the framework of Year 7 PSHE and Citizenship course, which is delivered via one 50-minute lesson per fortnight:
• Personal management: ground rules for PSHE; developing potential; managing time and making priorities; enhancing memory skills; being resilient; thinking positively; handling feelings; rules and values; consequences of actions; listening and communicating; discussion skills.
• Health and safety: Healthy diet and lifestyle; personal hygiene; puberty and growing up; how to handle an emergency; safety online.
• Personal relationships and social awareness: belonging to groups; the need for rules and personal responsibilities; friendship; bullying and teasing; cyber bullying; assertiveness skills.
• Citizenship: care of the environment; charities.
Aims of the course
• Success for all - developing resilience and confidence.
• Problem solving - identifying, applying and connecting ideas.
• Mathematical communication - explaining and reasoning using words, symbols, diagrams and technology.
• Deeper understanding - depth rather than speed.
• Mathematical thinking - reflecting on learning, evaluating understanding.
• Multiple representations - moving from concrete apparatus to pictorial representation, to abstract concepts.
Details of what the course involves
• Number Work - Mental / Written Methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; Indices and order of operations; place value and rounding; negative numbers; fractions, decimals, percentages; using a calculator.
• Algebra - expressions; equations; sequences.
• Geometry - 2D and 3D shapes and properties; area, perimeter, circles; angles; transformations.
• Data Handling - collection of data; analysis of data using measures of centrality and measures of spread; frequency tables and bar charts; interpretation of data.
• Probability
How will the course be assessed?
Formative assessment takes place during lessons and through homework tasks. Summative assessment is through a written assessment task, towards the end of each half term, based on the topics covered during that half term. At the end of Year 7, there will be an assessment covering althe topics.
Reading list and activities
• Dr Frost Maths is used for homework, independent practice and revision:
• Nrich website is useful for problem solving and extension ideas:
• The Escher Museum in The Hague is a good place to visit
Physical Education
Aims of the course
• Instil a love for physical activity and sports, fostering a lifelong commitment to maintaining an active lifestyle.
• Promote health and positive lifestyles through physical activity. To enhance students’ overall physical and mental wellbeing by improving fitness levels, developing healthy habits, self-expression, and self-confidence.
• Promote social interaction, teamwork, and cooperation among students. We aim to foster a sense of fair play, respect for others, and good sportsmanship amongst our students, whilst provide opportunities for personal growth, selfdiscipline, resilience, and perseverance.
• Improve fundamental movement skills and sportspecific techniques by refining movement patterns and enhancing coordination, balance, and timing to execute movements effectively in a variety of sports and activities.
• Develop tactical understanding and game sense; developing the ability to make good decisions during gameplay, recognising opportunities, and making quick judgments to respond appropriately.
In Year 7 we introduce students to a wide range of activities to provide them with opportunities to succeed in and enjoy sport/activity. Through engagement in a range of activities we provide the opportunity for students to find a sport or activity that they enjoy.
Details of what the course involves
The areas of sport/activity that are covered in Key Stage 3 are:
• Invasion games: basketball, football, handball, netball, touch rugby, hockey, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, tchoukball, korfball, tagging games.
• Net games: volleyball, badminton, short tennis.
• Athletic and fitness activities.
• Striking and fielding games.
• Gymnastic, dance and movement activities.
How will the course be assessed?
To support our course aims, teachers use the BSN PE marking criteria to assess students’ development in three areas; cognitive skills, physical skills and social interaction.
• Physical skills in Physical Education refer to the abilities and competencies related to movement and physical performance. Students are assessed on the various fundamental movement patterns and techniques that have been covered in the sport or activity.
• Cognitive skills refer to the mental abilities and processes involved in understanding, analysing, and making decisions related to physical activities and sports. Students are assessed on their understanding and their ability to apply feedback that they are given to improve.
• Social interaction refers to interpersonal exchanges, collaboration, and communication that take place among students during physical activities and sports. Students are assessed on their sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation and the development of social skills in a sporting context.
A grade is recorded after each unit and used as a basis for discussions with students about their progress.
Aims of the course
During Year 7 students are exposed to an eclectic range of musical styles and genres. All learning takes place utilising a balanced mix of Performing, Composing and Listening.
Details of what the course involves
Just Play!
Year 7 start their Musical journey at SSL, students learn to play a range of different band instruments in the 1st half term. They will focus on one instrument every week in groups at the same time. The groups will then rotate so that all students will have experience of playing each instrument. By doing this, students will find that they can transfer their skills and knowledge with increasing confidence and accuracy. The skills gained in this unit will be valuable for every following unit from Year 7 and beyond.
Instruments of the Orchestra
This unit develops students’ understanding of orchestral instruments, families and sections of orchestral instruments. Students learn about the construction, sound production and different timbres of different instruments.
Students will experience actual orchestral instruments (where possible) and will join together to play a class orchestra piece.
Additionally, we will be introducing iMac-based work in this unit, and students will have the opportunity to create their own arrangement of Pachebel’s Canon using Logic Pro X.
Film Music
Students will get a taste of how music can relate to a scene or a character and will discover how to use variations on a theme when composing to change a mood or create suspense. They will explore leitmotif using well known film clips.
Form and Structure
This unit begins by establishing what is “Form and Structure” in music and why Form and Structure is important. Through performing, composing, improvising, listening and appraising, Year 7 then explore 3 different musical structures: Question and Answer Phrases, Binary Form and Ternary Form. Students begin with an exploration into Question and Answer phrases as one of the simplest types of musical structures. This will be explored through a composing activity on the iMacs. Binary and Ternary Forms are then explored through performing lessons with an emphasis on how musical contrast is achieved between “A” and “B” sections. Throughout the unit, students listen to examples of music based on Binary, Ternary and Rondo Forms and emphasis is placed on revising treble clef staff notation.
Folk Music
This project offers a hands-on experience with performing sea shanties, Irish jigs and reels, as well as looking at the evolution of modern folk music, allowing students to connect with the cultural roots and contemporary expressions of these genres. Through engaging performances and interactive lessons, students will continue to develop their band skills from projects earlier on this year. The project aims to foster a deep appreciation for folk music’s historical significance while encouraging creativity and collaboration.
This unit develops students’ understanding of polyrhythmic music and contemporary minimalist styles exploring how different Polyrhythmic textures and musical conventions are used by minimalist composers, including repetitive and changing rhythmic and melodic motifs in different styles of minimalist music. The main focus of this unit is rhythm: cyclic rhythm, polyrhythm and moving in/ out of phase and looks at structure including cyclic structure and motivic transformation. Students explore a range of minimalist music including “Clapping Music”, “Tubular Bells” and “Oxygene (Part IV)”. Finally, we will look at how influential Minimalism has been on Film and TV Music and other styles of Popular Music, which links into next year’s Y8 curriculum.
How will the course be assessed?
During each project, students will have opportunities to perform and be recorded. These recordings might capture a brief example of new learning or even a full class performance. Following these performances, feedback will be provided through a mix of peer assessments (verbal or written) and teacher-set targets.
Students will undergo interim assessments halfway through a project, with subsequent target setting. For certain projects, they may also maintain a reflective journal to track their progress. This practice enhances their evaluation skills, ensures comprehension of key terminology, and boosts confidence.
Additionally, continuous verbal feedback will be provided for all practical tasks throughout the year.
Aims of the course
The Year 7 Science course is designed to provide opportunities for students to develop a range of scientific skills necessary for future study through broad and varied content. The course is based around the British National Science Curriculum suite of resources. This allows Biology, Chemistry and Physics to be taught as a series of modules where content will build in complexity through Year 7 and beyond, preparing students for GCSE.
Details of what the course involves
Students will start the year with an Introduction to Science module aimed at providing initial exposure to the skills necessary to design and complete experimental work. The year will then be divided into several topics related to each of the science disciplines. The topics covered throughout the course will be:
• Biology – Ecosystems; Sexual Reproduction in Animals; Cells, Tissues Organs and Systems.
• Chemistry – Particles, Atoms and Elements; Acids and Alkalis; Mixtures and Separation.
• Physics – Forces; Energy; Current Electricity.
Lessons will be aimed toward developing analytical thinking to aid in problem solving and completing the scientific method. Students will therefore develop skills relating to the critical evaluation of text and numerical values, graph drawing, conducting practical work, laboratory safety, numerical skills and rearranging equations, and communication in a formal scientific setting.
How will the course be assessed?
Students will be assessed holistically with a combination of classwork, homework and in class examinations. For every two topics completed, students will sit a 30-minute written test and complete a common homework piece. As well as covering scientific theory, students will also be assessed on key practical and analysis skills.
Reading list and activities
• BBC Bitesize online Science resources (Key Stage 3 is the correct level but GCSE or Key stage 4 will be appropriate in some cases).
• The Time and Space of Uncle Albert is a book written to explain relativity to young people and deals with quite high level ideas in an original way.
• NEMO Science museum (Rotterdam and Amsterdam).
Aims of the course
The aim of this course is to encourage students to enjoy learning and using Spanish, focusing particularly on gaining confidence in the skills of Listening and Speaking, but also developing their Reading and Writing skills, giving all students the opportunity to read authentic texts and write simple Spanish for everyday situations.
Details of what the course involves
Students will work with the digital course book Viva 1, covering various topics including Personal Identification, Free Time and Leisure, School, Family and Festivals and Your Town. There will be one homework assignment every week.
How will the course be assessed?
Students are assessed in the four skills throughout the course and staff will also set homework tasks requiring students to practise and learn core vocabulary and structures. These assessments will then contribute to the attainment grade on grade cards, which are issued throughout the year.
Proficient speakers
Those students with an advanced level of language, either by virtue of their nationality or lengthy residence in a Spanish-speaking country, will be tested at the beginning of the year and if they have an appropriate level of the Spanish language will be offered an alternative Personal Language Programme with a proficient speaker assistant in Year 7.
Additional Educational Needs (AEN)
Some students have additional educational needs and have difficulty (temporary or longer term) accessing the curriculum, which requires additional educational provision to be made for them. The aim of the department is to ensure students who have additional educational needs are enabled to make the best possible progress at the BSN and to become independent, confident and successful learners. Students who require additional support in school usually have difficulties in one or more of the following areas:
• Make little or no progress despite targeted teaching approaches and a differentiated curriculum.
• Work at levels significantly below age expectations, particularly in literacy or numeracy.
• Present with persistent emotional and/or behavioural difficulties, which have not been managed by appropriate strategies.
• Have sensory or physical impairments that result in little progress despite the provision of appropriate aids or equipment.
• Have medical needs, which require additional interventions or adaptations to the curriculum in order ensure progress is being made.
• Have poor communication or interaction skills, requiring specific interactions and adaptations to access learning.
The AEN department offers a wide variety of additional interventions, such as:
• Appropriate curriculum teaching groups or setting.
• Assessment by the AEN department – this may be triggered when a student fails to achieve adequate progress, despite having had access to a differentiated programme.
• A student passport, outlining a student’s learning needs, how these are presenting in class and what support is needed in curriculum lessons to ensure good progress.
• Small group support focusing on curriculum support.
• Targeted small group or 1-1 support, in order to improve or manage a student’s specific learning need(s).
• Assessment and/or intervention from specialist agencies when required (this comes at an additional cost to parents).
• In class and 1-1 directed study support from a Learning Support Assistant (this comes at an additional cost to parents).
Parents, students and staff will be informed should a student be identified with additional educational needs. Additional support in the school will always be discussed with the student, parents and teachers to ensure appropriate interventions are in place to meet the student’s individual needs. Interventions and their impact are regularly reviewed with everyone involved and are adjusted when required.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
English as an Additional Language (EAL) is available for those students whose Personal Language is not English. The EAL department supports the mainstream subjects with an integrated programme of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The backgrounds of the students vary greatly and we like to build on the richness of this cultural diversity. The aim of the teaching is to provide the students with a sufficient level of English to enable them, in due course, to undertake the full academic programme. This means that much of the work is based upon individual needs. Our teaching necessarily focuses on small groups and individuals.
A wide range of audio-visual and paper-based materials is used to facilitate language learning in meaningful and realistic contexts for the age of the students and in close collaboration with subject teachers. In addition to this withdrawal work, we provide support in subject classes to small groups and individuals who are having particular difficulty accessing the curriculum.
Years 7-9: Key Stage 3
The English system is divided into key stages. The section covering Years 7-9 is called Key Stage 3.
Years 10 and 11: Key Stage 4
Key Stage 4 covers Years 10 and 11 and is when students study for GCSE qualifications.
General Certificate of Secondary Education. GCSE Examinations are taken at 16 years of age usually in nine, or ten subjects after two years of study. These are graded from 9 (high) to 1 (low) with a grade 4 counting as a “Standard Pass” in England. To advance to the Sixth Form at the BSN, students are required to meet certain GCSE grade requirements, depending on their chosen courses. For an up to date list of grade requirements for A-Levels and IB courses, please refer to the BSN Sixth Form Curriculum Booklets.
Years 12 and 13: Sixth Form
The last two years of formal school education leading to examinations at the end of Year 13 that are used for entry to universities around the world. Students at the BSN study either IBDP, IBCP, A levels and/or BTEC qualifications.
IBDP – International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
The school is an IB World School and we offer the full IB Diploma alongside A level. Like A level, the IB Diploma is internationally-recognised as a university entrance qualification. Students study six subjects – three at higher and three at standard level – over two years along with a central core which includes CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service), TOK (Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay.
IBCP – International Baccalaureate Careers- related Programme
The IBCP is an internationally recognised university entrance qualification that has a specific vocational focus. All students will study a core BTEC programme, which has the broad equivalence of 2 ‘A’ levels, combined with two standard level Diploma subjects, chosen from a limited range. Students are also required to follow a “core programme” that includes language acquisition, personal and professional skills, service learning and a reflective project.
A Level
Advanced Level. These are examinations which are internationally-recognised as university entrance qualifications. Students usually take these examinations at the age of 18 in Year 13, in three or four subjects.
A vocational qualification that is focused on the world of work. The course is mainly coursework based with no formal examinations at the end of the course.
Here are some website addresses which you might find useful
The National Curriculum online:
Examination Boards: Pearson - AQA -
International Baccalaureate:
UCAS: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
EUNiCAS: European university Central Application Support Service
The Department for Education (UK government)
The UK Department for Education
The British Council guide for overseas students wishing to study in the UK: