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PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

Aims of the course

Several important topics are considered through both informative and discussion based lessons, making use of worksheets, news articles, DVDs, interactive CDs, role play, games, debate and student presentations.

The underlying aims of the course are to encourage students to:

l Develop a basic knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, cultural, economic, physical and mental development of themselves and others.

l Become self-confident and happy young people.

l Develop a healthy and safe lifestyle.

l Explore and understand the feelings, attitudes and values of themselves and others.

l Develop and practise skills of enquiry and communication.

l Become more responsible for their own learning and behaviour.

l Develop the skills necessary to become informed and responsible citizens. The following themes form the framework of Year 9 PSHE and Citizenship course, which is delivered via one 60 minute lesson per fortnight.

l My future – Career and educational considerations leading into the GCSE options process; employability and presence.

l Respectful relationships – Families and parenting, healthy relationships, conflict resolution and relationship changes.

l Drugs and alcohol – Alcohol and drug misuse and pressures relating to drug use; substance misuse and gang exploitation.

l Intimate relationships – Relationships and sex education including consent, contraception, the risks of STIs and attitudes to pornography.

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